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Look at the photos. Complete the words. ru,,ii'.,',:,;ii',':,',ri,iij.i;,i, ffiW L i st e n an d co m p l e te th e s en te n ce s.

American Crocodiles
Where do they live? They live in
1 How many? There are crocodi les.
2 How big? They can grow to metres long.
3 How heavyT They can be kilogra ms.
4 How fast? They can at sixteen kilometres
an hour and they can rdt,.thirrtv
kiiometres an hour.
5 Food? Thev eat or small

& ffi$',#$}l Listen again. Then complete the


sentences with the words.

(- are are aren't can can't is isn't

4 )___ The national park is big.
1 There many interesting animals
in the national park.
2 American crocodiles survive in
cold places.
3 The water cold in the park.
4 The crocodiles fast in the water.
6r 7k 5 The crocodiles dangerous to peopl.
6 The crocodiles jump out of

"A wo
tt'..,'::,:.1,i;,::,ti;,,,, C o m p le te th e d ia lo g u e s w it h the r d s.
the water.
flv 9row
swim Choose one of the animals on this page.

Write sentences with some of the verbs.

'How often do giraffes dri**
'Usually every two or three days.' I climb communicate drink fly grow
1 'How high can some birds ?, I hear jump kill move run see survive
'Up to around 10,000 metres in the sky!'
Smak** s*rtr*f[$*as ki{{ smaf $ fuirds"
'How do blue whales ?'

'They sing songs.'

'How fast can some snakes ?'
'At around twenty-two kilometres an hour.'
4 'How big can a spider
'Some spiders are thirty centimetres across.'
'How fast can a whale ?'

'At around sixty-five kilometres an hour.'

'How long can a scorpion
without food?''For twelve monthsl'

30 Wild life

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