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1. Scientific theories that explained how the

universe, the galaxies, solar system and other
celestial bodies evolved.
2. Evolution of the planets.
3. The Earth.
4. Other celestial bodies of the solar system.
1. Scientific Theories
1. Theories that explained how the universe, the
galaxies, solar system and other celestial bodies

A. Big Bang Theory

➢ accepted as the theory of the universe and galaxies

B. Nebular Theory
➢ accepted theory on the possible origin of the solar system

C. Collision Theory
➢ accepted theory on the possible formation of planets
a. Big Bang Theory

- There was a black hole or a black body that kept on

spinning and spreading, this composed of gases and
dusts of hydrogen and helium

- Even now astronomers believed that it kept on


- Is accepted as the theory of the universe and galaxies

The Big Bang Theory: How the universe

 Widely held theory of the evolution of the universe.

 The theory that represents cosmologists’ best
attempts to reconstruct the origin of the universe.
 Proposed by Russian mathematician Aleksandr
Friedmann and Belgian astronomer Georges Aleksandr Friedmann Georges Lemaitre
Lemaitre in the 1920s.
 Modern version was developed Russian-born
American physicist George Gamow and
colleagues in the 1940s.
 According to this theory, all of the current and
past matter in the universe came into existence at
the same time around 13.8 billion years ago. At
this time, the universe emerged from a single
point/singularity – a point of infinite density and
heat. Also known as the Planck Era.
George Gamow
Formation of the

- Singularity (Planck

- Inflation Epoch
(Cosmic inflation)

- Cooling Epoch

- Structure Epoch

A graphic illustration of the timeline of the universe based

on the Big Bang Theory and Inflation models. Supplementary video:
B. Nebular Theory

- Stated that the Solar system started out as a cloud of hot

gases and dust called nebulae, this cloud of gases are
made up of hydrogen and helium and dust. It kept on
slowly rotating and became condensed and formed the
sun and some of the gases condensed into small bodies
such as planets.

- Accepted theory on the possible origin of the solar

Supplementary video:
C. Collision Theory

- Stated that a passing star

collided by chance with a
bigger star that caused the
breaking of one face of the
bigger star and the fragments
may have formed the planets.

- accepted theory on the possible

formation of planets Supplementary video:

 Chemical differentiation / Planetary Differentiation

 *Chemical Differentiation --- the process of the sinking of dense

metals ( iron & nickel) towards the planets' center and migration of
lighter substances ( silicate minerals, oxygen, hydrogen) toward the
planets' surfaces.
 *How it happened?---- gases erupted from the planets'
interiors and it continuously went on for a long period of time until
the planets “cooled off”. Supplementary video:
General Characteristics of Planets:
A. Terrestrial / Earth-like ( Mercury,
Venus, Earth, Mars)
 location: inner part of the solar system
( inner planets)
 size: small planets compared to the
outer planets
 Density: 5.5 times than the density of
water, they are very dense
 Composition: mostly made up of rocks
and mineral, small amount of gases (
thin atmosphere)
General Characteristics of Planets:
B. Jovian / Jupiter-like ( Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus,
 location: outer part of the solar system ( outer
 size: larger planets ( called “giants” )
 Density: 1.5 times than the density of water, less
 Compositon: Large amount of gases ( Hydrogen &
Helium)-- thick atmosphere

* PLUTO - was not included in any group because of

inadequate facts due to its great distance.
*** Terrestrial & Jovian planets are simultaneously
formed & developed.

1. Mercury – hottest, 2nd smallest planet, unable to retain even its heaviest
gases, very weak surface gravity

2. Mars- 40% larger than earth , much coller than Mercury, has stronger
surface gravity, retain a thin layer of Co2 and some water in ice form.

3. Venus/ Earth – largest terrestrial planets, have surface gravities strong

enough to retain a substantial amount of heavier gases ( like nitrogen,
oxygen, CO2 which are essential to life)
1. Jupiter / Saturn - very strong surface gravities which attract even the lightest of
gases ( Hydrogen and Helium); much of their size is due to the large envelope of
thick gases around them; gases exist as a dense liquid; contain a core of ices and
rocks and an atmosphere mostly hydrogen and Helium
2. Uranus/ Neptune - smaller Jovian planet, they do not have large envelope of
hydrogen and helium like the Jupiter/Saturn; have small rocky iron cores with
large mantle of water, ammonia and methane surrounded by liquid hydrogen.

 Outer planets have satellites which are composed principally of ice with lesser
amounts of rocks, small masses can not retain substantial amounts of hydrogen
and helium
Supplementary video:
>> Only known living planet in the
solar system.

 3.a. Movement of the Earth:

1. Rotation
2. Revolution
3. Precession
1. Rotation--- earth rotates on its own axis, once a day
and produced the periods of daytime and night time, it tilts
on its axis at 23 ½ degrees.

Supplementary video:

2. Revolution--- earth's another motion at its orbit around the

sun once every 365 days, an orbit is elliptical and counter-
clockwise, this motion and the tilt causes the occurrence of the
seasons on earth.

3. Precession--- the 3rd and very slow motion,

change the earth's angle of tilt, turned for a
period of 26,000 years, it was described similar Supplementary video:
to a spinning top; the cause of this: gravity of
moon, sun, and other celestial bodies in the solar tch?v=0qHjtp4cdCA
system and earth's rotation caused the earth to
precess and to tilt.
Effects of Earth’s Rotation:

 Moving air, the wind. Wind blows from high pressure areas to low
pressure areas. Due to earth’s rotation, the wind seems to be
turned or deflected. This apparent deflection is caused by
Coriolis effect. This Coriolis effect alters the path of objects
moving over rotating body.

 In the Northern Hemisphere, winds are deflected to their right.

 In the Southern Hemisphere, winds are deflected to the left.

 The length of the day is also set by the earth’s rotation on its axis,
which is 24 hours.
Effects of Earth’s Revolution:

 Thehemisphere that leans toward the sun has longer

daylight time compared to the one that leans away.

 The
hemisphere that leans towards the sun also has
warmer temperature.

 Changes in daylight and temperature caused by

revolution and tilt lead to the yearly change of
seasons at middle latitudes.
 3.b. The Earth's Moon

 diameter of the moon: 3,475 km ( ¼ of earth's 12,751 km

 moon's density: 3.3 times that of water ( water's density= 1.0
g/ cubic meter)
 Surface gravity of the moon: 1/6 that of the earth that is why
we weigh lighter on the moon than we weigh on earth.

 Earth-Moon Relationship:
 moon is the only known satellite of the earth
 travels with the earth around the sun, at the same time
circling the earth once every month
 direction of the moon's motion: counter clockwise ( when
view from above)
 motions of earth and the moon and the relative position of
the sun will result to two significant events: PHASES OF THE
 Phases of the Moon:

 Phases of moon represents the fractions of

the moon that are illumined or lighted by the

a. new moon- “ no moon”

b. crescent - thin “slice” of the moon is
illumined or lighted ( after 2 days)
c. first quarter- shows bigger portion
lighted, half-circle
(seen after or the following week, noontime
to midnight)
d. Full moon- full disk, rising from the east
as the sun sets at the west ( seen next
e. Third quarter- size decreases and finally “
Sun-Moon Eclipse
 Eclipse is an effects of the shadows of the
moon and the earth

Two types of Eclipse:

 Solar eclipse produced when moon directly
between earth and the sun and its position
exactly on the same plane of sun and moon,
moon casts its shadow on earth
 Lunar eclipse produced when earth is
between the sun and the moon and the
earth's shadow falls on the moon.

Sun-Earth-Moon Relationships and
 Tides are results of the movement of ocean waves on the surface which can be seen along
the seashore as the rising and falling of seawater level
 Cause: gravitational forces coming from the moon or the joint forces of the moon and sun
on the earth's ocean, the water which faces the moon can bulge because of attraction
forces from moon, the bulge is greater at the side facing the moon and it is lesser at the
side away from it.
 Oceans produce two opposing bulges (at 24 hours rotation): 2 high tides and 2 low tides
 Sun and moon are aligned its joint gravitational forces that will produced bigger bulges
during new and full moon---SPRING TIDES – a very high tide
 Sun and moon pull at right angles on the earth's oceans will produced very low tides or
period of moderate tides called NEAP TIDES.
 Asteroids- small bodies in space look like “flying mountains”,
50,000 ( 1 km in diameter), known asteriods are found between
the orbits of Mars and Jupiter (majority of asteroids)

 Comets- made up of frozen gases ( water, ammonia,

methane, CO, carbon dioxide), contains small pieces of rocks
and metallic materials and has “tail” which extends for million
kilo meters ( solar energy pushes the gases and dust particles
away from the comet head and so appear as a long tail)

 Meteors-known as shooting stars, “lighted objects” falling

towards the earth produced friction which produces light due
to gases and dust.
 Is just one of the 200 billion stars found in the milky way galaxy and it is our major
source of energy ( 99%) and its hotness is 20,000 degrees Farenheit, 99 % of
biological and physical processes comes from the sun
 Powered by the sun's energy: formation of fossil fuels, growth of plants, cycling of
nutrients and minerals
 It is a medium-size star closest to Earth and it releases intense radiation and
 3 Parts of the Sun:
 Solar Interior
THE SUN  Photosphere
 Atmosphere ( has 2 layers: Chromosphere, the corona)

 Other parts are: Sunspots (dark marks on the sun's atmosphere), Prominences
(giant structure at the edges of sun), solar flames( short explosions that cause a
sudden brightening of a sunspot)
 The sun's energy is generated through a reaction called NUCLEAR FUSION or
Assignment #1
1. Watch the National Geographic film entitled “Earth: Making of a Planet” in

2. Make a reaction/reflection paper about the film.

3. Limit only to 3 paragraphs and at most 5 sentences per paragraph.

4. It can be handwritten or encoded (as long as you follow instruction #3)

5. A rubric for grading will be provided.

 Direct link for the film -

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