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Determination of AR density range in Education

Sandeep Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor

School of Design III-Multimedia,
Lovely Professional University, Punjab

In future, Augmented Reality will be playing a vital role in learning in education system. It
provides overlayed interaction between the learner and the physical learning material like book
through handheld digital device like glass, tablet or mobile phone. For implementation of this,
there are few technological challenges like lack of high speed bandwidth, software integration,
oversized device etc. But as the technology is maturing, it will disrupt the learning system.
There are multiple applications of augmented Reality technology in various areas like gaming,
geo-tagging, manufacturing, e-commerce, medical services, real estate, automobile, etc.
Since it is relevant to education also, there are various stakeholders involved like parents,
students, professional etc. Indian consumers are price sensitive, so high cost is also one of the
hurdle in implementation.

Augmented Reality or AR is one of the biggest technological innovation which is fascinating to
everyone nowadays. In Augmented Reality technology computer graphic content is augmented
or overlapped on the real video to create meaningful interactions. It is being used for a variety of
applications like marketing to advertising to medical to Social media. One of the recent and
famous examples of AR tech is mobile game Pokemon Go. I am sure most of us must have heard
or played this game. In this game, one has to search, locate and catch the animal characters by
going out on road.

Another example where Augmented Reality (we will call it AR) tech is used in sports. In soccer
and IPL matches, AR CGI content is imposed over the live view with information like player
position, ball trajectory. This overlaps tracking data of players over the spider cam view to create
appealing graphics with statics for viewers. So sports have also evolved a lot with increasing use
of AR tech. Google Glass is another example of the use of AR technology.
Objective of the paper is to understand the AR technology in brief and how it is implemented in
education domain. We shall also outline the challenges in implementing meaningful use case and
role of digital literacy and awareness.

Science of AR Tech:
In general, AR tech can be categorized into two types. Marker Based and Marker-Less.
In the market-based system, the technology uses image recognition to understand the variety of
objects already fed into a mobile app. Then software assigns virtual markers on the field of view
of the camera to understand the depth in the path of view. Then the app determines the position
of markers and creates a virtual camera inside it which is identical to the mobile camera. And
then CGI content like 3D models, effects, etc. are superimposed on the live view of the camera
screen. So what the user sees is CGI content put over the CGI environment resembling to live
camera view.

Marker-Less or Location-Based AR tech is tough to implement. Since no markers are available

there to help the app algorithm to create a virtual camera. The program relies entirely on the
content displayed on the live screen and tries to create depth and position cameras. Content can
be anything from pattern to color to different sized objects. Marker-less app algorithm has to do
the calculations on the fly. So there is very little time available to error and corrections. Pokemon
Go is an example of marker-less AR tech. This game app uses GPS data and the time-zone of the
mobile device to determine when and what creature to put. In the day time we would spot day
time creature and at night time, a fairy or magical character might appear.

Even though, the list of AR applications is endless. Some of the more frequent uses of
Augmented Reality technology are summarized below.

Augmented Reality is helping people in the understanding of the method for the operation of
products. Many AR tech app-based user manuals are created to help the individual in case of an
emergency. For example, if you are confused about how to change the car battery, just open the
repair app of the car company, point the camera toward the battery area inside the bonnet. The
app will superimpose the location of the screw and other elements on the battery area. It will give
directions on how to open the screws and take out the battery. Or if you want to do maintenance
of mixer grinder and mechanic is not accessible, just open manufacturer app and point the
camera toward mixer. It will read the model number and instruct you about how to open it.

AR is paying a pivotal role in the education industry. Many AR tech-based app for books are
coming up. For example, if your kid wants to associate a bird name with an alphabet. AR app
will show the bird flapping when he/she points the mobile camera towards the alphabet in the
book. Or if you want to know how a certain chemistry formula will work; just open the app,
point the camera and you will see the animation video of reaction of the elements in that
As we discussed the possibilities of AR tech application, we are still abiding by some factors as
challenges. Some of the challenges are:

Software Limitation (Mobile Application):

Since this technology is pretty new and the apps take a lot of time to develop and run a high cost.
So every client cannot afford it. Plus there is no set standard for the content so sometimes
substandard content is also passed off. Some old configuration mobile cannot run the resource-
heavy AR apps.

Hardware Limitations:
Since AR tech requires an LCD display and quality camera hardware unit. So low-cost feature
phones cannot be used for AR Apps. And the sophisticated quality of RAM and processor is also
required which limits the use of AR. Wearable computers like Google Glass which was created
especially for AR tech is very costly and have some location and signal restrictions. In short
Augmented Reality based technology implementation has a long way to go before it becomes
more affordable and accurate.


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