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Debating System

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan: World Debating System

Grade Level: 7th and 8th Grade Subject: Debate


Students will understand the World Debating System and its key
Students will be able to effectively participate in debates using the World
Debating System.
Students will develop critical thinking, teamwork, and public speaking


Chart paper and markers

Debate topics related to current events or social issues
Timer or stopwatch
Laptops or tablets with internet access
Rubrics for assessing debates


I. Introduction to World Debating System (10 minutes)

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Engage students by asking them if they know what debating is and why it
is important.
Explain that in this lesson, they will learn about the World Debating
System, a widely used format for debates.
Provide a clear learning objective by stating that by the end of the lesson,
students will understand the key components of the World Debating

II. Understanding the Key Components of World Debating System (15


Divide the students into small groups and provide each group with a
chart paper and markers.
Assign each group a key component of the World Debating System, such
as "motions," "roles," "rebuttals," or "criteria for evaluation."
Instruct the groups to brainstorm and write down everything they know
or can infer about their assigned component.
After 10 minutes, have each group present their findings and compile a
class list on the board.
Facilitate a class discussion to clarify any misconceptions and elaborate
on the components, making clear connections to the learning objective.

III. Analyzing and Evaluating Debates (20 minutes)

Provide students with a list of debate topics related to current events or

social issues.
Divide students into pairs and assign each pair a topic to research.
Instruct students to use their laptops or tablets to find credible sources
supporting both sides of the argument.
Once research is complete, instruct each pair to create a short
presentation summarizing their findings.
Each pair will then present their findings to the class, highlighting the
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arguments made by both sides.
Encourage the class to ask questions and engage in respectful debates
on the topics discussed.

IV. Hands-on Activity: Mini-Debate (30 minutes)

Divide the class into two teams, Team A and Team B.

Provide each team with a debate topic from the previous activity.
Assign roles to students on each team, such as "team captain,"
"openers," "rebuttalists," and "closers."
Give students 10 minutes to prepare their arguments and counter-
Conduct the mini-debate following the World Debating System format,
with each team presenting their opening statements, followed by rebuttals
and closing arguments.
Use a timer or stopwatch to ensure equal speaking time for each team
After the debate, facilitate a class discussion on the strengths and
weaknesses of each team's arguments, emphasizing the importance of
evidence and logical reasoning.

V. Reflection and Assessment (10 minutes)

Ask students to individually reflect on their experience during the mini-

debate and write a short paragraph on what they learned about the World
Debating System.
Collect the reflections for assessment purposes.
Provide feedback to students based on their performance during the
mini-debate, assessing their understanding of the World Debating System
and their ability to effectively present arguments.


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For students who excel in the lesson, encourage them to participate in
inter-school debates or organize a debate tournament within the school.
Provide additional resources, such as articles or videos, for students to
further explore and practice the World Debating System.


For students with special needs, provide extra support by pairing them
with a partner or modifying their roles in the mini-debate.
Provide additional time or resources for research and preparation as

By implementing this detailed and unique lesson plan, students will not
only gain a thorough understanding of the World Debating System but also
develop critical thinking, teamwork, and public speaking skills. The
engaging activities, such as analyzing debates and participating in a mini-
debate, will actively involve students, making the learning experience
enjoyable and hands-on.

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