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Elias was a strong and loyal man. His loyalty was to both Crisostomo and the motherland.

He devoted
the last moments of his life to save the life of the person whom he believed was the only hope for the
Filipinos to liberate themselves from their poor condition, and that is Crisostomo Ibarra. The
character and personality of Elias is probably the most unique personality in Noli Me Tangere, much
more than Ibarra. He personifies all the virtues of the villager --- gratitude, abnegation, sacrifice and
devotion to country. He was created with the love and devotion of Rizal.

Elias is one of the characters in Noli Me Tangere who represents the average Filipino. He knows that
his countrymen have been treated unfairly and wants to free them from their oppressors.
This is one of the reasons why Elias is such an important character in the novel. It has been suggested
that he is comparable to the well-known Andres Bonifacio.

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