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Nama : Shara Sintiawati

NPM : 0120101138

Kelas : B // S1 Akuntansi

TUGAS Unit 1 Dialogs

Mini Exercise #1 – Anticipating the Dialog

1. B, How does the man feel?

2. F, What will the woman do next?
3. A, What will tomorrow”s weather probably be like?
4. E, What does john say about the key?
5. C, What are these people doing?
6. D, What had the woman assumed about the man?
7. A, What did the woman think about the movie?
8. E, What information does the man want?, harusnya F
9. C, What does the man suggest Ann do?
10. B, What is the man”s problem?

Mini Exercise #2 – Sound Confusion

1. B, Stand in another line

2. B, Play on the slade
3. A. Put them in a file
4. A. He can’t shut his suitcase
5. A, She made bread from whole wheat
6. B. Brenda is typing it (A, Its being audio)
7. B, Emily recently moved
8. B. Its taste has improved
9. B. What Ellen might win
10. A. It’s been chipped
11. B. He slipped in some oil
12. B. For its natural resources, (A, For its fast horses)
13. A. Thinking about the decision (B, Arguing about the issue)
14. A. The color is too bright (B, It doesn’t fit around the neck)
15. A. Wrote his name on the paper (B, Told his students to write a paper)

Mini Exercise #3.1 – Sound Homonym

1. Presents 7. Board (Bored)

2. Overdo 8. Breaks
3. Pane 9. Sale
4. Where 10. Site
5. Find 11. Rows
6. Right 12. Allowed

Mini Exercise #3.2 – Sound Homonym

1. A, Minor illness 6. B, Warm Clothing (A, Layer)

2. A, Type (B, Considerate) 7. A, Outside of the classroom
3. A. Not Heavy 8. B, Appearing
4. B, Part of building 9. A, Celebration (B, Group)
5. A, Charts 10. B, Class Time

Mini Exercise #4 – Sound Homonym

1. B. She took a warm bath (A, She was in trouble)

2. A. He met Caroline unexpectedly at the coffee shop
3. B. He and Chuck quickly became friends
4. A. The exam was simple
5. B. He’s ready to leave
6. A. He walks back and forth when he’s nervous
7. A. She didn’t want to practice because of the bad weather (B, She wasn’t there because
she felt a little sick)
8. A. He looks like his grandfather
9. A. He doesn’t want the professor to quit teaching permanently
10. B. Help her carry the box
11. B. He lives close to the park
12. A. She didn’t consider it (B, She didn’t like it)

Mini Exercise #5 – Sound Homonym

1. B. He doesn’t believe Larry won the contest (C, He’s not a very good dancer)
2. B. The man dresses as if he were very wealthy (A, The suit costs a lot of money)
3. A. there is just enough food (C. The woman has prepared too much food)
4. B. Dave’s apartment has been recently painted
5. A. He changed his major often
6. A. His lectures put his students to sleep (C, He lectures about history)
7. C. Before he saw the dentist, he had a long wait
8. C. It depends on their co-operation (B, They have different opinions about it)
9. C. Louis should get a better job (B, Louis and his old boss argued)
10. A. There’s not enough snow to cause a cancellation yet.

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