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Benny the Hero

Written by: Basak Serin



Benny the cat is a hero. He rescues those who are in

danger. He is a smart, short-tempered, alert, and
brave cat. He is a gray tabby cat with green eyes. He
is medium-sized. He wears a blue collar.

Benny is a superhero during the day and a part-time

math tutor during the evening hours.

He wears an electric blue cape with the letter “B”

written on it in yellow font. The letter also has a
yellow lightning bolt on it.

He can’t stand those who are selfish and mean. He

doesn’t have many friends. Benny resides in a small
apartment by himself.

The cool part about Benny’s hero job is that when he

wears his superhero cape, he gains superhero
powers. For example, he can shoot lasers from his
eyes and paws. He gains super-strength. He can
blow cold air from his mouth if needed. Benny can
also strike lightning.

Night vision is one of his powers. He has super

speed, which helps him run faster than a cheetah. He
can also fly.

“I am Benny. I am a hero! I save animals who are in

trouble. Most calls are serious, and some are not so
serious. But who cares anyway? I rescue any day! I
usually get a help call from my special blue phone.
Then I go off and save the city, like the brave hero I
am. Who’s ready to meet Benny?”. Benny said.
Rescue Mission 1

Benny gets a phone call from a civilian. He

answered it.

Benny: Hello?

Kai the bunny expresses his worries to Benny.

Kai: Help! Benny, the evil dog stole all of my

carrots! He has done this twice already! This is the
last straw! You have to stop him!

Benny: On my way!

Benny ran off to the location of the situation.

He got there and found Kai and the dog running off
with his carrots.
Kai: I’m so glad you made it! I keep running after
him, but he seems to be fast!

Benny: Don’t worry, I can fly! I also have super


So Benny flew in the direction of the crook. He

spots the dog.

Benny: Hey! Give the bunny back his carrots!

A dog named Diesel looked up and gulped when he

saw Benny.

Diesel: Why should I? These carrots are mine!

Benny: I am giving you one more chance!

Diesel: No way!

Benny used his ice breath to freeze the crook as he

tried to run away.

Benny now grabs the bag of carrots and gives it back

to Kai.

Kai: Thank you, Benny!

Benny: Anytime!
Rescue Mission 2

Benny is startled by the loud phone ring.

Benny: Hello?

Victor: Help! It’s urgent!

Benny is on his way to Victor’s dwelling. Victor is a

blue-gray cat with blue eyes.

Benny: What’s the issue?!

Victor: I-I-I-

Benny: Well? Spit it out!

Victor: I need help with all this math stuff! You see,
I am an accountant—well, not a very good one —

Benny: Get on with it.

Victor: Here’s the page full of math work that needs

to be filled out!

Benny: Fine!

So, Benny helped Victor with his mathematical

tasks. After 30 minutes, the tiresome work is

Benny: There!

Victor: You are a math genius! Thanks!

Benny left and headed home.

Rescue Mission 3

Benny: Hi? What’s the problem?

Arthur: I need help with my car!

Benny: Be right there!

Benny believes that this is a serious issue, but

there’s a surprise!

Arthur is an orange male tabby cat with orange eyes.

He is a large cat. He is an older kitty.
Benny: I am here! At the gas station. What’s the

Arthur: Hi, I don’t know how to pump gas into my


Benny: Are you serious?

Arthur: Yes.

The audience applauds.

Arthur: Uh, why does the audience cheer after every

time I speak?

Benny gives a big smile to the audience.

Benny: How should I know? (Laughs). I’ll help you

pump gas into your car!
Arthur: Well, thanks.

Benny taught Arthur how to pump gas into his car,

and Arthur thanked him.

Rescue Mission 4

Blair the buck is in the woods, running away from

danger. He is a large, light brown-colored male deer
with brown eyes. His antlers are huge. He is an

Blair is getting attacked by the hunter, who is trying

to harm the deer.

Blair screams as he runs away.

The hunter is a male human, and he is absent-
minded and mean.

Blair: What the heck? Why isn’t he stopping?

He had to think of a plan. Blair called Benny, and

after a few seconds, Benny came to his rescue.
Benny is furious about this issue, as he respects
animal welfare.

Benny: I am here! Who does he think he is? I’ll put

that hunter in his place.

Blair is running, and he spots Benny in the sky.

Blair: Benny! Benny! Benny! Is that you?! Help!

The hunter’s crazy!
Benny: I second that!

Benny electrocuted the hunter, and that stopped him.

The hunter: Ouch!

Benny came by the hunter and said something.

Benny: It hurts, doesn’t it? Who do you think you

are, you greedy idiot? You better have learned your
lesson. Disgusting.

Blair: Hey, thanks for saving me!

Benny: Yep. Your welcome. If you need me, I’m

your hero!

Benny went home, and Blair is now safe.

Rescue Mission 5

Benny is eating lunch with his friend and neighbor,

Emerald. They are in Benny’s apartment unit.
Emerald is a light brown and white male hamster
with light brown eyes. He is nice, timid, caring, and

Benny: (Signs). I am so busy, saving the world and

all. I just don’t know how to take a break.

Emerald: Don’t worry. I see that you are stressed and

holding on to your sadness and anger. You have to
let them out before it explodes, and then you

Benny: I can’t do that; I’m a hero.

Emerald: Well, my advice was very helpful.

Benny: Okay? I haven’t gotten a help call all
morning! Something must be up!

Benny’s phone rings.

Emerald: You got a call!

Benny took a deep breath.

Benny: Hello?

Daphne: There’s a cat named Darkwave bullying

others and throwing trash in the park! You have to
stop him!

Daphne is a small, orange tabby female cat with

orange eyes. She wears a pink necklace.
Darkwave is a dark brown tabby male cat with black
eyes. He wears a dark purple cape and purple gloves.
He is a villain.

Benny: I’ll be right there! (Growls).

Emerald: Best of luck to you.

Benny left home and arrived at the situation.

Benny: What’s going on?!

Darkwave: Ugh! What are you doing here?! Stay


Benny: No, I am here to save the animals and nature.

Darkwave: I thought I told you to stay away!

Darkwave said this as he threw trash at Benny.

Benny: Stop! Stop the trouble! I have had enough!

Darkwave: What are you going to do about it, you

worm?! (Laughs evilly).

Benny thought of a plan. He is trying to maintain his

calmness and assertiveness.

Benny: (Grunts). B is for brave. E is for eco-friendly.

Darkwave laughs.

Darkwave: Are you trying to prove yourself?!

Benny: N is for neat. Another N is for not nice.

Benny’s eyes turned red.

Benny burned Darkwave’s cape with his laser eyes
as he said the meaning of the last letter of his name.

Benny: …and Y is for your nightmare!

Darkwave: My cape! What’d you do that for?!

Benny: Ugh! Ahhhhh! Quit being dumb, clean up

the park, and apologize to these animals! Don’t you
see you are hurting everyone’s feelings and making
the environment a mess?!

Darkwave got very angry and did what Benny told

him to do.

Daphne: Thanks!

Benny: You are welcome!

The park is now clean, and Darkwave learned his
lesson. Benny and everyone else went home.

Benny’s Cape Story

Benny and his friend and next-door neighbor,

Emerald, are eating snacks together.

Emerald: Benny, your fighting and defending skills

are professional-like! Your cape offers you powers
that nothing else would! How does your cool cape
work? Who made your hero cape for you?

Benny: Well, now that you have asked, a scientist

named Moonlight made me my superhero cape! She
is also my friend. She made this cape for me so that I
could use its powers to fight danger and whatnot. I
have known her since I decided to become a
superhero. I wear the cape, and it gives me powers!

Moonlight the cat is a scientist. She is a small, black

cat with green eyes. She designed and made Benny’s
cape specifically for him.

Emerald: Good! But how was the cape made?

Benny: Well, Element…

Benny chuckled.

Emerald: Emerald.

Benny: It’s made of fabric, cotton, and a special

potion! I am not sure what it is, though.
Emerald: Interesting. I have a superhero cape as
well. It’s bright yellow. But it doesn’t have any

Benny: Still cool, though.

What’s next for Benny?



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