Rights of Persons With Mental Illness - 0

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By Special Messenger

F.No. V.15011/09/2017-PH-1
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi - 110108

Dated 29.05.2018
The Manager,
Govt. of India Press,
Mayapuri, New Delhi

Subject : Issue of Notification under sub-section (3) of section 1 of the Mental

Healthcare Act, 2017 (10 of 2017).


I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of notification of "The Mental

Healthcare (Rights of Persons with Mental Illness) Rules, 2018" to be issued under
powers conferred by the section 121 of the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017 (10 of 2017)
(in English and Hindi) for publication in the official gazette.

It is requested that the notification may be printed in the Gazette of India

Extraordinary and 50 (fifty) copies each of the same may please be made available to
this Ministry. Bill for the said expenditure may be raised against this Ministry.

Yours faithfully,

(Lav Agarwal)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
Tel: 011-23061195

Copy to:

1. Principal Secretaries (HFW) of all States/UTs

2. Principal Secretaries (Medical Education) of all States/UTs
3. Director, NIMHANS, Bangalore
4. Director, CIP, Ranchi
5. Director, LGBRIMH, Tezpur, Assam
6. Director, All MS, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi- 110029
7. Director, JIPMER, Dhanvantri Nagar, Gorimedu, Puducherry-605006
8. Director, AIIMS Virbhadra Road, Rishikesh-249201
9. Director, All MS, G.E. Road, Raipur, Chhattishagarh-492099.
10. Director, PGIMER, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,
Karion Block, Sector-12, Chandigarh
11. Director, North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical
Sciences (NEIGRIMS), Mawdingdiang, Shillong - 789018
12. Medical Superintendent, Safdarjung Hospital, Ring Road, Oppl AIIMS Hospital,
New Delhi -110029
13. Medical Superintendent, Dr. RML Hospital, Baba Kharak Sinigh Marg, New
Delhi- 110 001
14. Director, RIMS, Regional Institute of Mental Science, Dr. Colony, Lamthelpat,
Imphal, Manipur-795004
15. Director, Lady Hardinge Medical College and Associated Hospitals,C-604,
Saheed Bhagat Singh Road, DIZ Area, Connaught Place, New Delhi
16. Director, VPCI, Delhi University, North Campus, Vijay Nagar Marg, Delhi - 110
17. Director, All MS, Bhubaneswar, Sijua, near Bijupatnayak Police Academy,
Patrapada, Bhubaneswar-751019
18. Director, All MS, Bhopal, Saket Nagar, Bhopal- 562020
19. Director, All MS, Jodhpur, Basni Industrial, Phase-2, Jodhpur-342005
20. Director, All MS, Patna, Phuwari Sahraif, Patna, Bihar-801505
21. Dean, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sewagram Wardha -
442102, Maharashtra.
22. Director/Medical Superintendent of State Mental Health Institutions
23. State Nodal Officers (NMHP) of all States/UTs
[To be published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part 11, Section 3,Sub-section (i)]

Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
(Department of Health and Family Welfare)


New Delhi, the 29th May, 2018

G.S.R (E).- In exercise of the powers conferred under section 121 of the Mental
Healthcare Act, 2017 (10 of2017), the Central Government hereby makes the following
rules, namely:-


1. Short title, extent and commencement- (1) These rules may be called the Mental
Healthcare (Rights of Persons with Mental Illness) Rules, 2018.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official

2. Definitions. - (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, -

(a) "Act"means the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017(100f 2017);
(b) "Form" means a Form appended to these rules;
(c) "half way homes" means a transitional living facility for persons with mental
illness who are discharged as inpatient from a mental health establishment,
but are not fully ready to live independently on their own or with the family;
(d) "hospital and community based rehabilitation establishment" means an
establishment providing hospital and community based rehabilitation
(e) "hospital and community based rehabilitation service" means rehabilitation
services provided to a person with mental illness using existing community
resources with an aim to remote his reintegration in the community and to
make such person inde endent in all aspects of life including financial,
social; relationship buildi g and maintaining;
(f) "schedule" means the Sc edule annexed to these rules;
(g) "section" means section the Act.
(h) "sheltered accommodation" means a safe and secure accommodation
option for persons with mental illness, who want to live and manage their
affairs independently, but need occasional help and support;
(i) "supported accommodation" means a living arrangement whereby a
person, in need of support, who has a rented or ownership accommodation,
but. has no live-in caregiver, gets domiciliary care and a range of support
services from a caregiver of an agency to help him live independently and
safely in the privacy of his home.

(2) The words and expressions used herein and not defined, but defined in the Act
or, as the case maybe, in the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956) or in
the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 (48 of 1970), in so far as they are
not inconsistent with the provisions of. the Act, shall have the meanings as
assigned to them in the Ad or, as the case may be,in those enactments.


3. Provision. of half-way homes, sheltered accommodation and supported

accommodation.- (1) The Central Government or the State Government, as the case
may be, shall establish such number of half-way homes, sheltered accommodations and
supported accommodations, at such places, as it deems fit, for providing services
required by persons with mental illness, having regard to the following, namely:-

(a) the expected or actual workload of the facility to be established;

(b) the number of mental health establishments existing in the State;
(c) the . number of persons with mental
illness in the State;
(d) the geographical and climatic conditions of the place where such facility
is to be established ..

(2) The half-way homes, sheltered accommodations and supported accommodations

established by the Central Government, State Government, local authority, trust, whether
private .or public; corporation, co-operative society, organisation or any other entity or
person shall follow the minimum standards specified by the Authority under sub-section
(9) of section 180r sub-section (6) of section 65, as the case may be.

4. Hospital and community based rehabilitation establishment and services. - (1) The
Central Government or the State Government, as the case may be, shall establish such
number of hospital and community based rehabilitation establishments, as it deems fit,
for providing rehabilitation services required by persons with mental illness, having
regard to the following, namely:-' ' ,
(a) the expected or actual workload of the facility to be established;
(b) the number of mental health establishments existing in that State;
(c)the number of persons with mental illness in that Stat~;
(d) the geographical and climatic conditions of the place where such facility
is to be established.

(2) The hospital and community based rehabilitation establishments established by

the Central Government, State Government, local authority, trust, whether private or
public, corporation, co-operative society, organisation or any other entity or person shall
follow the minimum standards specified by the Authority under sub-section (9) of section
18 or sub-section (6) of section 65, as the case may be.

5. Reimbursement of the intermediary costs of treatment at mental health establishment.

- (1) Till such time as the services under sub-section' (5) of section 18 are made
available in a health establishment established or funded by the State Government, in
the district where a persons with mental, illness resides, such person may apply to a
Chief .Medical Officer of such District for reimbursement of costs of treatment at such
mental health establishment.

(2). The Chief Medical Officer, on receipt .of the application for reimbursement of the
costs of treatment from the person referred to in sub-rule (1), shall examine the
application and issue an order to reimburse such costs by the officer in-charge of the
Directorate of Health Services of that State Government:

Provide that the cost of reimbursement shall be limited to the rates' specified by
the Central Government from time to time:

6. Right to access basic medical records. .,...(1) A person with mental illness, shall be
entitled to receive documented medical information pertaining to his diagnosis,
investigation, assessment and treatment as per the medical records. ,

(2) A person with mental illness may apply for a copy of his basic inpatient medical
record by making a request in writing in Form-A, addressed to the medical officer or
mental health professional in charge of the concerned mental health establishment

(3) Within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the request under sub-rule (2), basic
inpatient medical records shall be provided to the applicant in Form-B.
(4) If a mental health professional or mental health establishment, as the case may be, is
unable to decide,· whether to disclose information or provide basic inpatient medical
records or any other records to the applicant for ethical, legal or other sensitive issues,
he or it may make an application to the Mental Health Review Board stating the issues
involved and his or its views in the matter with a request for directions in the form of a
written order.

(5) The Board shall, after hearing the 'concerned person with mental illness, by an order,
give such directions, as it deems fit, to the mental health professional or mental health
establishment, as the case may be.

7. Custodial institutions. -The person in charge of custodial institution, including prison,

police station, beggars homes, orphanages, women's protection homes, old age homes
and any other institution run by Government. local authority, trust, whether private or
public, corporation, co-operative society, organisation or any other entity or person,
where any individual. resident is in the custody of such person, and such individual
resident is not permitted to leave without the consent of such person, shall display
signage board in a prominent place in English, Hindi and local language, for the
information of such individual or any person with mental illness residing in such institution
or his nominated representative informing that such person is entitled to free legal
services under the. Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 or other relevant laws or under
any order of the court if so ordered and shall also provide the contact details of the
availability of services.


8. Form for admission and discharge. - A request for admission to, or discharge from, a
.mental health establishment shall be made by the person specified in column (2) of the
Table below, for the purpose specified in the corresponding entry in column (3), in the
Form specified in the corresponding entry in column (4), namely:-

S.No. Request to be made by· Purpose of Request Form
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(i) any person who is not a admission as an independent Form-C
minor and who considers patient
himself to have a mental
(ii) nominated representative .of admission of the minor Form-D
the minor
(iii) nominated representative of a admission of a person with Form-E
person mental illness, with high support
needs under section 89 of the
(iv) - nominated representative of a continuation of the admission of Form-F
person a person with mental illness,
with high support needs under
section 90 of the Act
(v) person admitted as an discharqe from a mental health Form -G
independent patient or a establishment
minor admitted under .section
87 of the Act who attained the
age of 18 years. during his
stay' in the mental health
(vi) nominated representative of discharge of the minor Form - H
the minor

9. Forms for leave of absence and request to the police officer. -.:..A request for leave
of absence from a mental health establishment and for taking into protection of a prisoner
with mental illness found to be absent from a mental health establishment without leave
or discharge
by a Police Officer shall. be
. made
. by the person specified in column (2) of
the Table below and for the purpose specified in corresponding entry in column (3), in the
Form specified in the corresponding entry· in column (4), namely:-:

S.No. Request to be made by Purpose of Request Form
(1 ) (2) (3) (4) .
.(i) nominated representative grant of leave to such person Form-I
of the person with mental
illness admitted in a
mental health
(ii) medical officer or mental request for taking into protection Form-J
health professional in- ·by a Police Officer of a prisoner
charge of such mental with mental illness found to be
health establishment absent from a mental health
establishment without leave or

10. Method, modalities and procedure for transfer of prisoners with mental illness. -
Transfer of a prisoner with mental illness to the psychiatric ward of the medical wing of
the prison or to a mental health establishment set up under sub-section (6) of section 103
or to any other mental health establishments within or outside the. State shall be in
accordance with the instructions issued by the Central Government or State
Government, as the case may be.

11. Standards and procedures of mental health services in prison. - The mental health
establishment referred to in sub-section (7) of section 103 shall conform to the minimum
standards and procedures as specifled in Schedule.


[See rule 6 (2)]

The Medical Officer in-charge


Subject: - Request for copy of my basic medical records /basic medical records of
....................... (If application is by nominated representative) Hospital Number (if
known) __ --,- _

I Mr. /Mrs. residing at ~ aged

___ son/daughter of Mr. /Mrs. _~ was treated at your
mental health estabtishment from -.,.-- to _

Kindly provide me a copy of the medical records of my treatment

Address Signature
Date Name

N.B.:- Please strike off those which are not required.


[See rule 6 (3)]

Basic Medical Records:

The mental health establishment shall maintain specific minimum records at their level
for various types of patients they 'are dealing with. The requirement of records to be
maintained for in-patients, out patients and community outreach may vary and is
accordingly specified below. A graded approach in minimum records to be maintained
may be followed:

Community outreach register shall consist ofinformatiori from (a) to (h) of the basic
medical record of outpatient specified in paragraph 1 below.

The mental health establishments shall maintain and provide on demand the following
basic medical record to the person with mental illness or his nominated representative.

1. Basic Medical. Record of all out-patients (at hospitals, nursing. homes, private
clinics, camps, mobile clinics, primary health care centers and other community
outreach programmes, and the like matters):

(In hard copy format)

a) Name of the mental health establishmentldoctor _

b) Date --'- __ --""-
c) Hospital registration number---:- _
d) Advance Directive YES/NO
e) Patient's Name _
n ,Age Sex ~
g) Father's/Mother's name _
Address .Mobile No-------:----
h) Chief complaints _
i) Provisional diagnosis _
j) Treatment advised and follow-up recommendations.--------:--
2. Basic Medical Record of In-Patient .

a) Name of the hospital/nursing home-----

b) Date _
c) Patient's name. _
d) Father's/Mother's name_-:-- .,-- _
e) Age Sex _
f) Address _
g) Patient accompanied by (Name, age and nature of relationship)

h) . Hospital registration number _

i) Identification marks -'--_
j) Nominated representative· _
k) Advanced Directive - Yes or No; If yes salient features of the content
I) Date of admission Date of discharge _
m) Mode of admission (section under Mental Healthcare Act, 2017): Independent!
n) Chief complaints
0) Summary of Medical Examination Laboratory investlqations
p) Provisional/differential/ final diagnosis
q) Course in the hospital (Treatment and Progress)
r) Condition at discharge or discharge at request or leave against medical advice or
person with mental illness absconding or others
s): Treatment advice at discharge·
t) Follow-up recommendations

3. Basic Psychological Assessment Report (facilities where persons with mental

illness undergoes psychological assessment):

. .
Clinic Record no. -------------------------------------
Name: Age: Gender:
Education: .. Occupation: . Date of testing:
Referred by: Language tested in:

Reason for referral:

c::=J Specific learning
assessment domain if the assessment
is domain specific)

PersonalityD Psychopathology
assessment assessment

Any other (Mention the specific domain such as interpersonal relationship)

Comments if any (may give brief detail of the referral purpose; e.g:, 'the individual
has mental illness and he has been referred for current psychopathology
assessment as well as to ascertain the level of disability)

Brief background information (e.g., the nature of the problem, when it started, any
previous assessments and like details):·

Informant: Self. [:=J

Others [:=J Specify
Salient behavioral observations (Comment on. alertness, attention, cooperativeness,
affect, comprehension and any other relevant information)

Testsl Scales administered (Standardized tests! scales): .

Salient scores (if applicable such as Intelligence Quotient, scores obtained on cognitive
function tests, severity rating on psychopathology scales, disability percentage and like


Further assessmc=J Specify .
Therapy [:=J Specify
Any other [:=J Specify

Assessed by . Verifiedl supervised by (if applicable)

Name: Name:
Date: Date:
Qualification: Qualification:

Signature: Signature:
4. Basic Minimum Standard Guidelines for Recording of Therapy Report (facilities
where persons with mental lllness are provided with therapy for any mental health

Minimum Basic Standard Guidelines for Recording of Therapy

(Name of the Institute/Hospital/Centre with address)

Clinic record no. _

Patient name:
Psychiatric diagnosis:

Session number Duration of session: Session Participants:

and date:

Therapy Objectives of the session:

method: 1.. ..
Individual 2.
Couple/Family 3.
Group 4.

Key issues/themes discussed: (Psychosocial· stressors/l terpersonal

problems/lntrapsychic conflicts/Crisis situations/Conduct difficuItie IBehavioral
difficultiesl Emotional difficultiesl Developmental difficultiesl Adjustment issu 51 Addictive

Therapy techniques used:

Therapist observations and reflections:

Plan for next session: Date for next session
Therapist Supervised by (if applicable
Name: Name:
Date: Date:
Qualification: .Qualification:

Signature: Signature:


. [See rule 8]

The Medical Officer in-charge


I, Mr. /Mrs. _. ---:-- _

age son/daughter of , residing at I have
mental illness with following symptoms since _

The following papers related to my illness as available with me are enclosed:


I wish to be admitted in your establishment for treatment and request you to please admit
me as an independent patient. A self- attested copy of my Identity Proof is enclosed

Address Signature
Date Name


. . .
N.B.:- Please strikeoff those which are not required.
Form - D


[See rule 8]
The Medical Officer in-charge


I, Mr. /Mrs: residing at _

who is the nominated representative .(being legal guardian) of Master/Miss
______ , request you to admit Master/Miss aged
son/daughter of , for treatment of mental illness:

He/she is having the following symptoms since _


The following papers related to my being the nominated representative and his/her
illness are enclosed:

Kindly admit him/her in your establishment as minor patient.


E-mail: Signature
Date: Name

N.B.:- Please strike off those which are not required.

Form - E


. [See rule 8]

The Medical Officer in-charge


I, Mr. /Mrs. residing at

nominated representative of Mr. /Mrs. ,aged son/daughter of
_____ request for his/her. admission in your establishment for treatment of mental

Mr. /Mrs. is having the following symptoms since _


The following papers regarding my appointment as nominated representative and related

to his/her illness are enclosed: .

Kindly admit him/her in your establishment as patientwith high support needs.

Mobile and E-mail

N.B.:- Please strike off those which are not required ...
Form - F


[See rule 8]

The Medical Officer in-charge


I, Mr. /Mrs. , . residing at

nominated representative of Mr. /Mrs. , who is/was an inpatient in your
establishment. under supported admission category, requests for his/her continued
admission beyond thirty days/readmission within seven days of discharge for the reasons
stated below: .

Kindly continue his/her admission/readmit hfm/her in your establishment as patient with

high support needs

Address . Signature
Date Name

N.B.:- Please strike off those which are not required.

Form.- G


[See rule 8)

The Medical Officer in-charge


Subject:- Request for discharge.

I, Mr./Mrs. .residing . at aged

son/daughter of , was admitted in your mental health establishment as an
Independent admission patient on' . I now feel better and wish to be
discharged. Kindly arrange to discharge me immediately.

Address Signature
E-mail Name

N.B.:- Please strike off those which are not required.

Form - H


[See rule B]

The Medical Officer in-charge


Subject: - Request for discharge.

I am the nominated representative of Mr. /Ms. . residing

at aged son/daughter of . who was admitted in your
mental health establishment· as a minor patient on Mr.lMs.
______ now feel better and wish to be discharged. Kindly arrange to discharge
him/her immediately.

Address Signature
E-mail Name

N.B.:- Please strike off those which are not required.

Form -I


(By Nominated Representative)

[See rule 9]


The Medical Officer in-charge


Subject: Request for leave of absence

Mr. / MS residing at aged

years was admitted on to your mental health establishment.

I, as nominated representativeofMr. /MS request that he/she be granted

leave of absence from to , for the reason stated below:

The proof of my appointment as nominated representative is enclosed.

I will be responsible for care and treatment of while he/she is on

leave of absence from the mental health establishment.

Mobile and E-mail

N.B.:- Please strikeoff those which are not required.

[See rule 9]

The Station in-charge·
____ Police Station


Subject: - Intimation about unauthorized absence (without leave or discharge) of a

prisoner with mental illness

This is to inform you that Mr./Mrs. ----

aged __ years, son/daughter of Mr. /Mrs. , with identification marks
was admitted at our establishment, as a prisoner with mental illness under Section 103
of Mental Health Care Act 2017 (10 of 2017), on (date).He/she has been missing from
his/her ward since (date). An internal enquiry report in this regard is enclosed.

Kindly register a missing case, take him in·to your protection when found and hand him
over to us.

Thanking you,

Date Name
. Seal
Enclosures: copy of the Aadhar Card, Recent Photograph and Internal Report

N.B.:- Please strike off those which are not required.



(See ru le 11)

Minimum standards and procedures for mental healthcare services in prisons

Minimum Standard for Mental Healthcare in Prison

1. Prompt and proper identification of persons with mental health problems should be done.

2. Screening of all inmates during the time of entry to prison including the following:
a. Mandatory physical and mental status examination
b. Questionnaire screening for substance use
c. Urine testing for common drugs of abuse
d. Periodic random urine drug testing

3. Identification of persons with serious mental illness and proper treatment and follow-up for
this group. .

4. Ensuring. the' availability of minimum psychiatric medication in the prison to facilitate

prompt treatment (Antipsychotic medication, antidepressant medication, anxiolytic
medication, mood stabilizers, anticonvulsant medication, etc).

5. Availability of psycho-social interventions for prisoners with a range of mental health

problems.' .

6. Protocols for dealing with prisoners with suicidal risk,' with behavioural problems and
crises related to mental illnesses as well as to prison life ..

7. Suitable rehabilitation services for prisoners with mental illness. Speciftc attention to the
aftercare needs of prisoners with mental illness including providing medication after
release,education of family members, steps to ensure treatment cornpliance and follow-
up, vocational arrangements, and for those without families, arrangements for shelter.

8. Implementing of National Mental Health Program inside the central prisons

9. Dealing with the psychological stress of prison life

a. Counselling for stress needs to be provided to all prisoners in both individual and
group settings. .
b. Prisoners must be encouraged to proactlvely seek help for any emotional
problems, substance use problems or physical health problems.
c. Training the prison staff in simple counselling skills. Empowering some of the
sensitive, motivated convicted prisoners to be effective peer counsellors.
d. One to one counsellinq upon entry, during periods of crises and upon need or

10. Addressing substance use problems

'--/ ,


a. Identification of substance use problems through questionnaires, behavioural

observation and urine drug screening.
b. Detoxification services and making suitable pharmacotherapy available for
c. For persons with dependence, making available long-term medication as well as
motivational and relapse prevention counselling.. .
d. Specific interventions to be made. available include the following:
. i. . Tobacco cessation services (behavioural counselling, nicotine replacement
therapy, other long-term tobacco cessation pharmacotherapy.
ii. Alcohol - benzodiazepines for detoxification, vitamin supplementation for
associated nutritional problems, counselling and long-term medication.
iii. For Opiates - buprenorphine or clonidine· detoxification, long-term
medication including opioid substitution (methadone/buprenorphine; opioid
antagonists like naltrexone). . .
iv. All drug users need to be evaluated for fnjecting use, for HIV/STI (including
Hepatitis Band C screening) and appropriately treated.
v. There is a need for urgent human resource enhancement.

11. Professional Human Resources in the Prison. [All central prisons must ensure the
. presence of at least]: . .
i. . 1 doctor for every 500 patients. In addition, every prison must have one
. each of the following specialists providing care - physician, psychiatrist,
dermatologist, gynecologist and surgeon.
ii.2 nurses for every 500 prisoners
iii. 4 counsellors for every 500 prisoners. These trained counsellors (with a
degree in any social sciences/any recognized degree with counselling
experience (medical counselling/legal counselling/ psychosocial
counselling/rehabilitation/education) can carry out the following tasks
a. Assessment
b. Counselling
c. Crisis intervention (family crisis, bail rejection, verdict
pronouncement, interpersonal difficulties, life events, serious
physical or psychiatric illness) .
d. Legal counselling, pre-discharqe counselling
e. Rehabilitation counselling
f. Substance use counselling
g. Training prison staff and peer counsellors

12. inpatient services

a. At least a 20-bedded psychiatric facility for every 500 prisoners

13. Prison aftercare services

a. All prisoners should have pre-discharge counselling on coping strategies, healthy
life style practices and support systems they can access
b. For persons with. mental illness they shall be referred to any mental health
establishment for after care in community . .

14. Documentation
a. Computerised data base and tracking system for all prisoners
b. Surveillance of health conditions on a regular basis with adequate emphasis on
confidentiality and proper information regarding 'these procedures to the
c. Health records for prisoners with basic health information, pre-existing health
problems, health problems that develop during imprisonment, details of evaluation
and treatment, hospitalization details, health status and advice at release
d. This information must be given to,the prisoner to facilitate continuing health care
after release. '

15. All central prisons shall have dedicated tele-medicine services to provide health care

16. Following medicines shall be made available

Risperidone, Olanzpine, clozaplne, Haloperidol, Chloropromazine,

Trihexyphendyl, Imipramine, Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine, Sertraline, Paroxetine,
Valproate, Carabamazapine, Lithium, Clonidine, Atomoxetine, Lorezpam,
Diazepam, Oxezepam Disulfiram, Naltrexone, Acamprosate, ,Nicotine Gums,

InjFluphenazine Inj Haloperidol, InjFluphenthixol, InjLorezpam, Inj Diazepam, Inj

Promethazine Inj Thiamine/Multivitamin
,~~ -
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~~ii Ml~~i
('ET) 3lI" ~ ~ 3ftd~QCfl 3tR
\J'I(>IcU~ ~ ~ ~ lht ~~ ~ ~ ~
(2) ~ mctiR', ~ mctiR', ~ ~, ~, ~ fat;fr ~ m 'Hla\J'lQCh, faiJm
'Hi$Chltl ;ffi'HI~t'l, ;AJloCi11 m ~ ~ ~. m ~ ~ ~ ~<r fctJ}JT11 ~,

~ <m1 mmrr
3tR ~ <m1. mmrr
~ llRT-18 cfi'r 3t1-llRT (9) m llRT-65 cfi'r

(4) ,jifqC"lI(>l ~ fI"j,~I~ 3fTt.lTft'C1" ~Ci1Ji'H ft1'T'4'if .3tR ~-. (1) ~. ~;rtJ~ ~ m
~ ~, Q<hi1Qffi1d Cfl)" t,<rrVT~ 00 ~
tHlCi1RiCfl {>JOIc11~ ~ c~fil:C"I<lll Cfl)" ~

~ ~ ~
3d'ifr mr ~ ,ji'fqC"lI(>l .3tR 'HtH~l~
3fTt.lTft'C1" qCi1Cl1'H~

~ Cfltafi, ~ cri$" ~ ~ 31tfra :- .

(Cfi")~ fcI;;1r. ~ qffi ~ ~ Cfi"T~ m CllfC"lfaCfl ~;

(~) ~ ~ fa~~tHlCi1 tHlO1rn'fl ~ ~ ~ ~;

(dT)~ ~ tHlO1rnCfl {>JOldl ~ ~ c~fil:('F4i ~ ~;

('ET) 3lI" ~ ~ 3i1J~QCfl .3tR \J'I(>IClI~~

~ ~ ~ Wc:ttrr
~ ~

(2) ~ ~, ~ ~, ~ ~,G=<T'Rl, ~ fat;fr ~ m 'Hla\J'lQ'fI faiJm, 'Hi$'fIltI

{1~'H1$R:<ll1,;AJloCi11 m ~ ~ ~ m ~ c;qm
- ~ ,jifq('il(>l
3tR 'HtH~l<ll 3TTUTftc1
~Ci1Cl''H ~, ~, llRT-18 ~ 3t1-llRT (9) m llRT-65 cfi'r 3t1-Qffi (6) t" .m.ft'Ci1"
~ ~ ~~RIS(! "'4-.,rkid1~ ~ 31jfl{OI ~I

5. tHlCi1rn'fl ~<r ~ ~ .~ ~ m<rcrcff' ~ ~ SIRi '!.rn - (1) :ffi ~ ('1'Cfl"

lht ~ ~ ~ ~ .
J'lI01rnCfl {>dOI('i1 ~
~ ~ ~ fa1cmr Cfl«1T 6, ~ ~ ~-
~ m fctm· ~ ~ ft1'T'4'if R llRT 18 cfi'r 3t1-llRT (5) t" mfra:r ~ ~ ~
arcfr ~, W
~ lht tHlCi'1rn'fl ~ ~ ~ ~ cfi'r ~ .
~ SlRiqf(f
~ t" ~ :ffi
~ c); ~ ruf41ctil· ~ Cfl)" ~ Cflt ~I
~~_'I ..I ~. It!l- -ll·~
11 I!.·· .!~.~
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~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. ~

I$ !ij. i; ~;
se;.- - <tt .~ ~

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. 1¥ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~

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§: ~ r..: ~ ~ ~
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fAlCi1HlCfi '6dOICiI ~ 'i!R=R ~ ~ ~ m ~. Ci1lfAPvlfalSt .~ ~ \:i1I01CfiI:ft cl;.~

~ ~ ~~ ~ "eR" ~ ~ iftt "eR" .3ft;tr-~ 3fR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ fcf; w~ ~ ~ ~~, ..
1987 m 3fii=4" 'H:Hd·lC1~
<ITcr4141t'14 cl; ~ ~T c\l 3ttfui, ~.-rnr ~T ~ ~ ~,fat~r¥ ~ mrr.m q;r
~ mm 3fR ~ mrr.m ~ ~ cl; ~ ~ 3ft" ~ ~ ~I

3lt-<:n<r -Ill
mff m,~ ~ 3fR ~ ~ $"II"ICi ~ ~

·8. 3ffif m 3tR ~ ~ ~ ~-:~ fAI01HlCfi·~ ~.~ mff mm~

~ t;q:~ .wrou
·Gfrtt~ ~ c\l ~(2)
~. mPvlglSt ~
~ (3) ~ ~ ~
S1m~ ~ mPvlfaiSCSl4)"I01 cl; ~ ~ (4) ~ ~. ~ S1m~ ~ m~ralSC ~ ~ fcf;m


iilJ If. fif1:;r ~ •. flRT ~ ~ ~ '1141"'01

) 'CiI'tI";f
(1) . (2). (3) (4)

(i) ~ ~.3ft" ~ ~ ~ 31q4t4l ~ ~ ~ Uafr cl; ~ ~ ~-dT

3fR ~ m q;)- fA101Hl Cfi '6301 Cil ~ 'i!R=R mvror ~~

(ii) . .3lq4~ Cfi1' Ci1lfAPvlfalSt t;r~~fU .3lq4~ ~ mff ~tr
(iii) ~ ~ cl; O1lfA~faIStSlfc:l~m·~ . ~~Wu 89 cl; ~s
3ftfi;; ~ tie; I'll Cil ~

~"4"Cfi(1T ~ CH I01ff1Cfi

'630ICiI ~ 'i!R=R. ~ ~

(iv) ~ &rfctc:r cl; O1lfA~ ralSt S1Q~fU ~ ~ ~ U'RT. 90 c\l ~ 'tT

3ttfui ~ tle;14CiI ~

~"4"Cfi(1T ~ CH 101Hl Cfi

'63 0ICiI ~ 'i!R=R c4flCi~

cii'r mff aRT ~
(v) ~M~~~~~dTQ"~~· CHIIriRlCfl ~ ~ ~ ~u;
m ~ cii'r um 87 ~ .3ftfIar Jrcft fcJ;tr dTQ"
~ 31q<Ojfijl ~ ~ CHIiJ1~q:; ~

~ ~ mff ~ ~ ~ 18 Cf't ~ 3mr

.., qtf"
~ c;?r ~I

(vi) 31 q ~ t<f1 ~iJ11 CHfo!Iffi~ ~ ~fo!I tU ~ 3iq~f<fl ~ ~.., ~~

9. ~ .., .:~. $\51I\51Ci ~ ..,..,

~ . .
~. ~ ~ .., ~ ~ - ~ CHIIri~Cfl ~<:r
~ ~ ~ .., cii'r $\51I\51Ci ~ 3fit ~
..,.., ~.~ ~ $\51I\51d m 3crCHhlCrl ~ GI7R
CHICrlRlCfl ~<:r ~ ~ ~ qJ'Q'. dTQ" CHIIi1RlCfl (lJ 01 Cil ~ 'dR{(l. 'ii<ft eN ~ ~ ~ ~
~ afrtt ~ ~ ~ ~ (2) ~ ra~ffi~ ~ ~ 3fit ~ (3) ~ ~ ~ra~

~ ra~ffi~ ~~~\51Crl ~ fc:ttr ~ (4) ~ ~ ~ ~ra~ .~ ra~ffi~ ~ ~ ~ ~,


~~. 1irHr ~-.., arnmr ~ ~ . .., ctrr \l4'ai1

3fiR)tr ~

(1) (2) (3) . (4)

(i) CHICrlRlqi ~ ~ ~ mff ~ ~ eN $\51I\51Ci ~ ~~
CHICrlRlCfl (lJUICiI ~~~~

CrlICH~ffi~ ~~~tU ~
(ii) ~ CHICrlRlCfl ~ ~ ~ $\511\51 a m 3crCHhlCrl ~ firvrr ~ -31"

~ ~fchc-'HI ~ m CHICrlRlCfl ~ ~ ~
CHICrlRlCfl ~ C[f&:iCfl ~. ~ .., qJ'Q' dTQ" . CHICrlRlCfl (lJUICiI

~ ~ 'ii<ft eN mmT ~ .

· 3ft..<mr-IV

<HliiRlCfl {iaOICiI~ ~ iiitT

10. <HICrlRlCh (iaOICiI· ~ 1.l'@ ~ q:;)- ~ICrli(1~(1 mcfrr ~. CflF~~ftr m~

<HICrlRlCfl {iaol(11 ~ ~ ~ taT CfiTCflI'tlall't ~ filFchRiI ~~ ~ cm- 6t m-
um roser 3'Q"-um (6) ~ .mfr;r ~ ~ <HliiRlCfl ~ ~ ~ <IT ~ ~ 3fuR
m ~ ~ ~ <HICrlRlCfl fcH'fUr ~6t .~ICrli(1'tol. ~. 4iQi{)4'~ m ~
~ c;qm
aRT .
~rr~ ~ ~~ fc!n<rr ~I .

11. ChI{ IClI't1 6t <H101RICfl ~ ~3IT ~.;:j'1'01"Cfl" m SI~41 c! - um 1 03 cfi'r 3'Q"

-trru (7)
6t Falgl\C <HICrlRlCfl ~ ~. ~
6t ~'tllfclFalgl\C ir4D1Ci<H ~
m ~3IT ~
~ - q:;

~ fil f4ldi I. ~ ~. ft>tq 3I@?:!r

~6(2) ~

~ RlPch(":t11 ~

ftt"lIJ<f - ~ ~~ RlfchR1"I<4 ~/.............................

. .
~ ~~ RlPchR1~ ~ (~
~. Ci1I<11FalRl\C ~mFalftt ~. ~.'
'll<IT ~/ ~ ~ ~
mr (~
~~) .

~, .I!f'r/~
; FalClI'tl~ : .
Jf1'<J~. ri,
~Jlffr .I!f'r/~ CfiT ~ .m% <I11Ci1\?!Cfl ~ ~ ~
~ •••••••••••.•••.•• ~ •••••.•.•.•••••.•.•••. (fCfi' ~ 1l<IT :qr I

'QFf - lI"
~6(3) ~

3113c::fI~ {R1fC{ ~ ~ ~.1fQ'" tm-1 ~ fcH~fabZ ~ ~ ~ <H(il"
~ Rlfctict"il
~ ~ ~~. (Cf1) ~ (~) (1cfl ~ ~{1<FtIFclbZ WfJ"1

<Ftlit ~ Cfl ~<r ~. .

<Ftlit ~ Cfl {ia 0 I(11 ~ 'd1f(1" C<ffcffi CfiT ~ th71 ~~ (1 <H(il"
RI fctiC-{11 ~
~ (11.IT .,....,<Ft -="CflUar
lr='it~R'I· ~ ~ C<ffcffi 311rcIT ~ ~ ~ SlRl~fU q;f ~ ~ tR
filfctict"il ~ ~ Cfl{IQafi r .

1. mft ~ ~ q;r ~ Ri fc\;C"Et I ~ (1I'fqdI6ll, ~ ~, ~ fct;(Ofr.tCfil,~,

mill, (Of fct;(Ofr.t Cfi~,~ ftI Ch 'fd 1'fW qf\ iFC~
~ (I1IT. ~ 'EtIlRt\lflCh 3113 e:fl iI Ch1:4ifiJi1 (I1IT ~
~ .


Cli) <FtlitHlCfl ~ ~/RlFchc-{1Cfl CfiT am:r _

~) ~-~----
11") 31 fq (1 I('I ~. (R1{{'1Cfl{ol ~ __ ~ _
~) .mmr ~r ~~ __
'S) Wfr CfiT crtT1f, '---_

"q) .3m! ---- n;m ---

~) ftt:rrmrc=rr CfiT crtT1f, trc1T, <Ft)GlI$('I vf _

~) ~ ~,-------'----"'--
~) ~ ~--------
31") ~ ~ 3fR ~ ~4iln~t, _
~) 3Ffq(1I(4~ ~ q;r vm:r, --'--

~) cmmr__ :..--~
tr) fit:rr11nOr~ an1t, _
~~ ~---~
"i:j") tffiT _

U;) ~ ~ m1T ~ cm>IT c~fctc1 (~, ~ ~. Wfr ~ ~

~) 3'FfQ('fI(ii ~ 'lRt ttJqi'l 0,1 mr. _
~) ~ ~-.~-----
31") ii11<Hfa"lR6C SlffiQiU_' _
c) ~ ~T ~ m ~,~ ~,(1)- ~~. ~~ __ ~~_~
0) mff" ~.~ ~ ~ ~ cmmr _
~) mff" q;r ~ (<HIii1ff1qi ~ ~-m- ~,2017 ~ 3ttfrir Qro): ~N1<H~('f

~) ~ ~-' ----'-------
UT) ftlf'Chc-tll trtT!ffi ~Jl"(iil ~ ~~. ~ ----.-~ _
(1") ~~/.~ ~ _

tr) 31fQ('fI(4 ~ (~3tR~).

~) ~ ~ ~ ~ m~ tR ~ ~ dT$" m filf'Chctil ~ ~ ~
~ dT$" ~ ~ <H1ii1ff1Cfl (id Ol('fl ~ 'd1f(1" ~ q;r tJRT{ ~ m~
aT) 3lircfctf
ffI Cfi I~ ~r

3. ~ ffift-~;,"~q; fit1ffiur ftq}t (~ k m Alitllq; '011 OldI t 3JEf 64ifld q;r

AifI~ ~Hfl<Q 1irtffi'vrh' ;;rrnrt) :

fl(it~q; ~ ~ .

~ ~R"G ~ mrr:

~R"G m q;r cmur:
~ <H011 ftl fchR1~~<H c>=lI iCflii1
(~.~ ~ anr Mvr D
~ ~ q;r ~ Cfit)
, ,

R:cqfUJ'lIi: ~ ~ ~ (triarsc vnc y;lfJ\7I1Tfq;r #fiftr::n &<tkT !;JrofF[ 'c4fifitffllJ"lfflq; ~tJ07rl7 #

?R=f{ t ?mT 3# Qc1tRJlTf~ Fa1tJftur ?mT rac4idJrnq;r~ ~ CfR"'it et; ff;W
marsc FcRrr df<lT #)/

m CJI .
~ eQd6F( ~ ~cq1Vl<Qi ('H(14=;(1I, t.<:J'Iif, 'Ht,;4kilCfi(1I, 1j['3ITq, ~ (=flIT '3ra=<r ~ ~
" ,




~:. ~:
4. ~~rtll ft'tftt ~ .~ ~ fitq ~ ,;f:t41cf1 "liteM ~ ~tif ftrm (~
~ 'l'IfIOldl ~ ~ c<Q~Cly ~ ~ 1ft" ¥llitftq; 'fCi1'fU( '8¥1'FQ1 cl;' firV fiI~NtI ~
_ \5IKft t)

fiI~AtI i5 ~ ~ fittr ~ ~ r<C(ita¥l ~ ~ ~tif ~ (;Q'ftIlit/3Ffqal(ij~

ifiT ;m:r, 'q(IT ~) .

fl(ijf:tq; ~ ~. _

;a-;r ~ ~ cnfuI": ;a-;r ~ arcrflt: ;a-;r '# Jlliln~lft

filPcfirtll ~: ;a-;r ifiT '11:ciI a it

c<Ol~C"IdIC"l 1.
~ 3.
~ 4. -

~.;) f.;r.r tit ~ ~ 'aTf:
(<HcrfI'tlI<HIQCfI ~ ~~/~ c<Ol~C"IJIC"I

'tl<Hf4lci/.3lo:<HICi1rnc:n ~I ~ ~/· 3mRUT c:nf3Ci1I$<OIi/C4C1t1F(JIC"I Cflf6Ci1I$lIil

'tl1<H\51f4 ~/·~ c<OlCltlHl~)

34'4)ill ~ 1Tf fiI~NlI aq;Jlcl;:

fiI~rtlq; ~ ~cqft1lCli ~ '!itfc§i1Ft:

31Pmft ;a-;r i5 fitq ~: .~;a-;r~~:
fiI~rttq; : .~~~mrr{~~~)
am:r: am:r:
~: ~
~: ~:

;f, ~/~~~ : , ~ .. .
{j;'1:;j~ . FvI
...................................c'll'fjl " ; '"
~I ""'*

rt ~ FvlCh1Qro1t"i ~ ~ <HiCi1RlCfi {>doit"ii ~I.

1 .

2; .

3 .

~ UaT *~ dl'fdlcl\iil r.t •..•.•~ffj(1 ~ t:

1 .

2 : .

3. . .

;f 3lMl ~ .~. 3trtTR" Cfi{qi~ ~ fc;ttr mff ~ CJlT~ ~ ~ 3fR 3fTtRl ~ ~ fcn ~
~ Uafr ~ ~ ~ mff ctltl ~ Q$i1ICi1 ~-tr-f cfIT'fCf-'fklllfCtt"i ~~I
(~ Cfif(::qCfi) I


~/~m~ ~
. . .
; :- i'I\. ~ ~m~ ~ ;- ~~.
~~ ~~
.•.........•....................... Cf1T CfiIIH~gISCSlkl~fU. (~ ~) (I .;f ~ ~R!~
- ~ _Fft](fr ~ IHICfirnCfi 'Qdul(11 c):;
~ ~ mff" m c); fc:rtr ~ ~ (I

~ ~ ~ ~Chf1R>1~(1 ~ ~I
1 .

2. . .; .
3 .

1 .
3 .

, $ (>I:
R;cqufl:- ~ ~- ~ ;:f ~. ~ Cfi1C ~I
lIfC1f!@i <tttu~dlc6t 3fm~ ~ mtt c6t mff tq 3JTClG;r
[fa=r<rn" 8 ~.

~I ·~/ ., fa!!ClHil
........................ ~/~ :....... .3n<.;;........... ~~ CIiT
fa!!Rtst 1'1Rl fa!!fq" 3M ~~ :.................
Tittp'r ~.................... CfiT
<H1Ci1ffiCfl~dOlcll ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ m ~~ ~ ~ ~I

1 .
3 .

3tt Ci11<Hfa!!Rtst I'IRlfa!!fU ~ ~ ~M fa!!:qRcl

~ 3fR ~ Wr ~ ~ fa!!1FCI1R>lffi1cl
. a@la\51
1 , .

2 .
3 .

<H~ill$~ 3fR ~-~: .

1f, ·'lfl"/~ ,falClHi~

............................................................................. .lJf\'/~ CfiT G1IJ"1falRISOC
SlRlfalfU 't ~ 'ti(\.llIC11 t;rrt:R" 31cff ~ ~ 3ftfr;:r ~ ~" ~,3ia=(1': ~. ~/~, ~ ~
7fQ' cmurr ~~. cfR1 ~ ~ ~~ 31cff ~ ~ I 31fQC1I(>1 ~ ~ if; mo ~ ~ ~
m CfiT .3fGffitr
CfitC1T ~
i~ I . . .

Cf!<IT 3"t ~ ~ ~ ~ 'ti(\llIC11 ~ ~<rcfl(1T ~ UaiT' ~ ~ ~ 31cff ~

~ft.r1: 31cff CIit,

EJCt;r Mt ~ ltfqalij It fit ~ 3m2ir
[fo1<m8 ~]'

• I I ••••••.•• , •••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••


................ ' ""

.............................. 3rr<];................. 'l1'j,:;Ij~ ,.~ .

q;)- ~ lHICI1~Cfi ~<r ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~l\'Cf ~ 3rcff: trr/~1 3fir 1f ~
~ ~ ~ WT~ im
~ ~
~ ~ ~~ il
~ ~~.
ct?fll(>l ~ ~~ ~ ~ q;tl

lHhll$(>I m $"-~:
!jlij Q fAce; III rn.r~tlt \SRI 41q "I £Ch *" 'fit ts}; 3JT9G;r

if, .~~~ , , \"VIClI.'ft) ........•.. , .

JIl<r.. ............... ~ttrcr:fr
.;).;) .;).;)
q;r Gi Idi \"VI fa ISC SIffi \"VI ftt
(. ~ 'CfTfmr .. ~ q;)- ~ IHICi1R1Ch ~<r ~ ~ 31C1<lf<fl Wfr ~ ~ ~ 'mff-
fcl;<rr 1T<IT en mr ~Itr~
.;) .
~ ~ ~ ~ ~Rtr ~ 3-tR31t=q(1l(>1 ~ ~.;) ~
~rtrr6cfr ~I ~ (1("CflI(>l ~ ~ cf:r ~ cRI

di)C5II$(>I 3fit ~-m>r:
Kfi- JI'.
at 1qR§ ID jlr $\71 1',1 (1 tc.J ammr
. (Ci1lfH~glSC I'IRI~fU~)

. .
••••••••..••••••.•••••••...•••••••.••..••••••.••• , ~ Cl 1't'1"1
.311<:r.., . . . . . . . . • ~ •...•••.•........ ~. . . . . q:;)- .3ntJC):;

1f, ~/~ ~ ~ ; ~ CF1lfH~glSC I'IRI~fU~ ~ ~ .wrou

CffiIT ( fcn :ffi ~................ ~ .,..C{ql ~ cfi't $\ilI\#kl .~ Cflt I ~
CfiRUT afm ~ 7r<rr ~:

1f .
~ fHlCi1R1Cfl ~ ~ ~ ~ .., ~ ~ ~
~ ~ 3fR Qn·i14'j ~ ft:tlr .f\;,..-A<iF( ~ I



IlIGtI$()I 3fR $"-m>r:
'qJ9'- '31'

IlIlitQq; Rim 'Alqij *~ 3!1q~ ~ i1H 3l1j.fim ~ ~ @r

(~9 a«).
d("CfiI(>t/~fiv Cfilhu~ ~

......~ ; ~~rvr

~ .
~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ fcf; ~/~cfr .
.m<r ,:)
~fcRT, ~/~
,:) ,:) .
,~ .
qi\i1lai Rre;r Fal<hl1R>1ffi)(1 ~:-
1. .
2 : .
.t- c=rTfmr q;)' <FtI01~Cfi ~ ~-~ ~, 2017 (2017 q;r 10)
. 103 t- .mfr;rr <Ft101~ Cfi {id 01(11 ~ m=c:r if<ft. t- ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ 31cff' Cfi{cH ~ 1 1T<IT
ml Cfi\'. ~ q@ ~ c=rrfrnr ~ dlT<fir ~ 1T<IT~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ lJili

~ ~TCJ ~ fitITt (RiR{cR, mt ~ 3ft Cfi\' ~, C1T ~ 3fq'Crfr ~ ~ ~


c=rrfrnr ~
:a 61"litq; : JTTtrR q;rg, ~ tr ~ q:;)c)- .c=Jtrr 31idnCfi fitITt ~ ~ I
. (fi!rm:f 11 ~)
Cfi I'llill I'll jf Alii ~ Cfi <fq 1'ft4 a& ~& tcmrr cl1. fitv r::IO(-"1clA iI1lifCfi' ~ Sl1li ;CW;!

1. IHIcrt~Cfl ~ 'HIH~ IlIT ~ CIJB &lI~(1;z(1 ~ (1(=tR"~ 3fttC1" q ~illcrt ~ ~


Cfi. ~1I;ft~Cfl ~ tHlcrt~Ct; ~ ~ 3t~al~ ~

~. ~ c)l'3q41JI f;q.:>.~crtla<>fl

ill. 'HItH14r4 tHTC;Cf)"

~ c;)~ 'Hcrt ~ ~ trfnHur
"ET.~ 3ftqq:; ~ tHTC;Cf)"
~. trfralor

3. ~ IHlcrt~ch~"IIHI;ft ~ ~ c~fcM41 ~ q~illcrt ~ ~ ~ ~ 3fttc1 3qilH .

~ ~ .:>
Cfll~al$ ~I

4. (1(=tR"3Yill{ (QtI'HI$Cfl~R:Cfl Rlfchrtil, ~ltHCfl{~lfr Rlfch,'HI, Q~'H4~(>II$R:c:h Rlfch,'HI, ~

'FtiSl(>I1$\51:A,Qt-\Cflcrq(>,;;;)cRlfchC"'HI, $,~IR .~ ~ 3q(>l&U ~ c); ~ CflI{IJII{ ~

.,..~crt(1tH~ .Rlfch,'H1 ~ ~ ~ ~I
~ . .:>

5. tHlcrt~Cfl ~ ~ 'HtH~llIT ~ ~ *R;z(I c); ~ 1H'iIT-'HltHlf:5)CflCflI~Cfl(>llq~~


6. 31kIHElIc1~\51)~IH, &lIa~l{ 'H1H~llIT'~ ~R41 crtIT IHlcrt~Cfl ~ ~ CflI{IJII{ ~

~ ~ 'H1H~llIT ~ ~qclcA c); ~ ~c.)CflI(>l1

7. tHlcrt~Cfl ~ ~ ~ *R41 c); ~. 'HtHRl(1

~I tHlcrt~Cfl ~ ~ ~
*R41 ~ 3qilH c); 3q{i(1, ~.:> ~ c); 3q{i(1 Rlfchrtil 3q(>l&lf ~, qRaR' c); ''HC\'F4~

~ fm:rr,
3qilR c~la'HIQlCfl ~ crtIT.,:>,:>..,:>
3qill{ ~ 3tcrtql(>lcrt ~. ~ crtIT ~
Cfll~al$ ~ t;q.:> ~ 3C5"raiT1
Cf;. ~ 3tR 'fiICH~cti
~ ~.m cJ;rr dl mfr
*R41 q;)' ~ .
*t 3tm~.m ~
fNQ' ~Taa=rr

~. *R41 q;)'.~ ~r 'fiCH~I, ~ ~ ~ iji)" 'fiCH~I3IT <IT ~nofl~cti ~

'fiCH~I3IT~ ~ 'fictiF<f{"iHcti ~ ~ 'fi$ I4("1I ~.~ ~ ';(k'fiI~("I fcf;<rr ~

dT. ctil{ldll{ ~ cti(j:hH~41 'Cfi)"
w.m-ur ~T ~R>f ~ ~ aa=rrl q:;u; 'fiClC\Cii~frc;r
3n"lQ("I C\Tlfr *ra41 q;)'~. ~ ·~lcJcrr ~I
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3tR ~~ .
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Cf;. ~Ci1Ic:llffi41, C4Cf$H ~dHlorfl

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~. fal'il${OI ~ 3tR fal'il${OI .~ ~ 3q1Cfd QlItH'ICfl~~~4~3q(>i&U Cf;'{'IiITI
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*t 'j01{1C[iA1 ~ ~ q;r ~T aa=rrl
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3Q(>i&U Cf;'{'IiIT:

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~~CfiI(>fJcrt ~ ~iHlfC<1 cnlCF{ICf1~~~(rll
~ .

ii. ~ .~- fal'il${OI ~ ~ ~\?1~514JlQI$cr'fi, ~ tftlSfUT 'fiCHf413IT ~ .~

faC:I~Cii ~ .mm tRlmT m~ q;r ~~ctilc>flCii ~
iii. fCfl4cti
~- Gt~ofIc:fq,Cii
m .Cf(>t~GlffiCi1fal'il${OI, 3-fNfU q;r ~~ctilc>flCii 3Q4~dl

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iv. mfr ~ \JImCfdl3IT q;r~ ..mt.cfr/W.tr ..mt. '(~~C:I$R:'fi at. 1Jcf ~. ~

~) 3-tR 3Q4Cfd ~
~ 3Q'tlI{ .~ ~ ~ $Jlf4:ol 3Qmdl ~
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. v. ~ ~ H d('Cf1l(>i~ ~ ~ iji)" 3tm<rcnc=IT tl

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fVlM~ffi1ct ~ ~ ~.,:) ~ ~:

i. ~ 500 ()\7I<i1 .c);- ~ 1 ~I ~ 31Rlf{Cf(1 ~ CflI\(laIH dl ~-m

~ ~ fVlM~ffi1ct "Qqi'~"Qqi' ~~ M mff;lr-fthQt~~,· ~,

("'q'tll{)al~m:nlcrl\ ~~ m:nlcrl~ 3fi{ ~

ii. ~ 500 ~R~1 c);- ft;ro- 2 ~
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N. ~T
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Cfi"{IT1T, ~ eiltS1011~,
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ElCIT1ISf1IH, ~II:fIf{CfI m ~-
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~-~ ~T aarr J-tR. ~ 'H~I'QCfI '1IolI~~1 qlf 3q;znal Cfi"{IT1T

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~ ~•.. 'q"\{' Q4)C("I GI(>f a-a
r.r fa!!4 fJ:I("I .,mtm" 'q"\{' ~ ~. ~ fa!!d I{ IcrfI q;{CI1T I
dT. ~R;ql tcI·
~•.. ~ ~•.. ~ tRJGfr
~ ~ '8CHf4IJIT, ~ ~ ~ ~ c;lua=r
raq:;~("I M cm4T '81Hf4lm, ~ ~
q;r ~ ~ ~
M 'q"\{' ~<l .

ftm ami
rr. ~R41 q;)- ~ m- ~. iIlC;" ~ ~-w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~<l eft arafr ~I

fi'fqfis1Ci1, \?"IIftiCi1, Cf(>(l\Ji1q I$Ci1, ~ (>l~Qfis1 (>1, Cf(>lh1~ il':'11Ci1,~1$~Cftt1 q,Ci1\5'1$(>1,

$ fJ:IS'IIfJ:Icr:t, ~,: •.•f4'Mecr:t, '8 eh>?! cr:t, q {1Cf.f'l R:cr:t, a I(>1"'~QC;, CflI41 CHI\?"IIq I$cr:t,
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cr:t~C;~Cf~cr:t,Q~""'~flc;, fG!iCh1R:Cri'd"I'RT, ~~fa!!Cfl(>1I$cr:t,

~. Cf<jq,cr:tf,?1cr:t~. ~(>l~qfis1(>1,~. Cf<j~~CRi~(>1, ~. (>lhI4lQCH, .~. sI4J1QICH,

~. ~, ~. ~CHI$ci1 I CH~t)rac;I1Acr:t

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[w.fi'. tfr-15011/09/2017-~-I]
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