Chapter 3 Grafcet

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Graphical representation describes the sequential operation of an automated system
unambiguous and understandable by all categories of personnel: from the engineer to the
Technical Sales. Among the possible methods are the organization chart and the GRAFCET
which is the object of study of this chapter.
The word GRAFCET is a french acronym ( graphe fonctionel de commande Etape
Transition). It has been standardized internationally since 1988 under the name of "Sequential
Function Chart (SFC) "(IEC 848 standard).
The GRAFCET consists of a set:
 Steps which actions are associated;
 transitions which receptivity are associated ;
 Oriented links linking steps to transitions and transitions to steps.

A step corresponds to a stable behavior of the system.

Graphical representation: square (with double border if starting step)

A step is represented by a square while the initial steps are represented by double squares. It
can be active or inactive. The steps are numbered in the ascending order.

5 .
Initial Inactive Active

Actions associated with the step:

For each step, within a rectangle, the actions to be performed when the step is active are

2 motorA 2 VA VO 2 Motor7
2. Transition

A transition indicates the possibility of evolution from one step to the next step. At each
transition, we associate one or more logical conditions that reflect the concept of receptivity.

At each transition is associated a logical condition called receptivity or condition of crossing

a step. Responsiveness is a combinatorial function of information Booleans such as the state:
 Of sensor;
 of button
 of time delay;
 of a step, etc.
To take a step, you must:
 the transition is validated;
 AND receptivity is true.

2 2 2

a.g S
3 3 3

3. Directed links

A GRAFCET is resd from top to buttom, in another direction its necessary to indicaye the the
direction with an arrow. Moreover to avoid any ambiguity, it is advice to avoid the
continuous crossing line

Directed link Directed link To avooid Desirable

top to bottom Bottom to top
Rule 1: (Initial situation) the initial situation characterizes the initial behaviour of the control
part towards the operative part and corresponds to the active steps at the beginning of the

Rule 2: (Passing a Transition) A transition is validated when all the previous steps are active.
The crossing cannot produce: That when this transition is validated And that the associated
receptivity is true

Rule 3: (Evolution of Active Steps) Crossing a transition simultaneously causes: Activation

of all immediately following steps related to this transition. Disabling all the immediately
preceding steps related to this transition.

Rule 4: (Simultaneous Evolution) Several simultaneously crossing transitions are

simultaneously crossed. This crossing rule makes it possible in particular to break down a
GRAFCET into several independent diagrams while rigorously ensuring their
Rule 5: (Simultaneous activation and deactivation) If during the operation of the automation
the same step must be simultaneously activated and deactivated, it remains active.
1. The linear sequence:
A linear sequence is composed of set successive stages where each step is followed by a
single transition and each transition is only validated by an only step.

2. Simultaneous sequences:
When crossing a transition leads to simultaneously activate several sequences of steps, we
obtain simultaneous sequences that will run in parallel but independently.
That is, the evolution of each step sequence will depend on the evolution conditions of the
automated system.
To represent the structure of the simultaneous sequences, two parallel lines are used to
indicate the beginning and the end of the sequences.
Consider the example of Figure 13:
 The transition 'h', which has 2 exit stages, represents the parallel execution of several
sequences. This divergent structure is called AND:
If step 1 is active and responsiveness h = 1, steps 2 and 12 are activated
 The transition 'm.d', which has several stages of entry, represents the synchronization
of several sequences. We calls this convergent structure AND:
If the 2 steps 3 and 13 are active and the receptivity m.d =1, step 14 is activated.
Selection of sequences:
An alternative structure makes it possible to make a single choice of evolution between
several stages in downstream from a single step upstream. To represent the alternative
structure, we use a simple horizontal line to indicate the beginning and the end of the
sequences. Consider the example of Figure below:
 From step 1:
 Step 2 is activated if the receptivity b = 1 and a = 1;
 Or activate step 12 if the receptivity b = 1 but a = 0.
This structure is called "divergence in OR". He is at note that the branches of an OR
divergence must have exclusive receptivity, that is, cannot be true simultaneously.
 The activation of step 14 can come from:
 from step 3 if it is active and e = 1;
 OR step 13 if it is active and m = 1.
This structure is called "convergence in OR".
3. The step jump:
The step jump represents a conditional jump allowing to skip multiple steps to activate a
downstream step in the sequence.
In the example of Figure below, there is a jump from step 1 to
Step 4 but conditioned by receptivity b.

4. Repetitive structure:
A repetitive structure also called a recovery of sequence, is a conditional jump allowing the
resumption of a sequence several times (loop) as long as a logical condition fixed is not
Steps 1, 2 and 3 are repeated as long as receptivity is not obtained. It is also said that it is a
step jump 3 to 1 by receptivity a.b.
V. Setting in equation of a GRAFCET
The rules of evolution of the gracet are the starting points of the logical equation setting in

1. Equation of a step

The translation of the 2nd rule grafcet gives the condition of activation of a step grafcet

A X n =X n−1 .T n−1

The translation of the 3nd rule grafcet gives the condition of deactivation of a step grafcet

D X n= X n .T n= X n+1

if the condition of activation and the condition of deactivation of stage N are false, step n
remains in its state it is what one call memory effect e.g that the state of stage N at one
moment T+δT depends on the preceding state of stage N at the moment T

According to these three points one can write: X n=f (A X n , X n , D X n)

Hence the true table can be written

¶The step remains inactive (memory effect)

The step remains inactive
¶Activation of the step ¶
The step remains active (memory effect)
de¶activation of the step ¶
The step remains active
Activation and deactivation= activation

Karnaugh map

Equation of the step is

X n=A X n + D X n . X n Or X n=X n−1 .T n−1 + X n +1 . X n

2. sequences selection

OR Divergence
OR Convergence

Step AXn DXn Step AXn DXn

7 X6.a X10 +X20 31 X30 .b X6
10 X7 .x X11 48 X47 .c X6
20 X7 .z X21 6 X31 .d +X48 .e X7

3. Simultaneous sequences:
Convergent structure AND
Divergent structure AND

Step AXn DXn

Step AXn DXn
31 X30 .b X6
7 X6.a X10 .X20
48 X47 .c X6
10 X7 .X X11
6 X31 .X48 .d X7
20 X7 .x X21

VI. Implementation of a GRAFCET by wiring RS flip-flop

The basic element in this logic is the RS latch. The Reset action have priority (S=R=1 then
Q=0), the output equation Q is expressed as Q=(Q+ S) R

To materialize a GRAFCET, an SR flip-flop is associated with each step. In a GRAFCET, a


 Is activated (Set action) by the condition (previous Step AND true receptivity);

 Remains activated even if the condition (previous Step AND true receptivity)

becomes false;

 Is disabled (Reset action) if the next step is activated.

 The action condition of a step is wired on the SET pin of the flip-flop
 The deactivion condition of a step is wired on the RESET pin of the flip-flop

1. Wiring the initial step

AC X i= X i−1 T i−1+ Init

DC X i= X i+1 . Init

2. Non initial step

AC X i= X i−1 T i−1 . Init

DC X i= X i+1 + Init


Table of activation and deactivation condition

GRAFCET wiring using RS flip-flop

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