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Physics 20

Learning Goal Two:

Kinematics in Two-Dimensions

Lesson Three:

L3 D1 → Vector Voyage Learning Activity Reflections

1. What accounted for the difference between the ships final location in Part 1
versus Part 2?
The effect of the wind
2. Does the order we draw the ship’s vector and the wind vector matter (ie. Does
the order change the resultant vector)?
Yes it does
3. Which course do you think is a better example of a ship’s actual journey?
Course 2 where we include the wind effects
4. What other factors might need to be considered when determining a ship’s
Waves, the direction the ship is face when moving forward because it can’t always be in a
perfectly straight line

L3 D2 → Vectors – the Graphical Approach

1. During a tough drill on a field of length 100 yards, player run to each 10-yard
line and back to the starting position until they reach the other end of the field.

a. Draw a vector diagram that represents all the legs of the run.

PH20-Lesson 3-SelfCheck © NorthStar Academy 2020 1

b. What is the players’ final displacement?
100 yards, East
c. How far did they run?
1000 yards
2. Blading through Fish Creek Park in Calgary takes you 5.0 km [W], 3.0 km [N],
2.0 km [E], and 1.5 km [S]. Using the graphical approach determine
a. the distance travelled and
b. the displacement.

i. Distance

ii. Displacement

L2 D3 → Vectors – The Analytical Approach

1. A student has created a short computer program that calculates components
of vectors drawn with a computer mouse. To demonstrate his program, he
drags the mouse to create a vector at 55 cm [30 W of S]. What are the
components of the vector?

PH20-Lesson 3-SelfCheck © NorthStar Academy 2020 2

2. Given that a baseball diamond is a square, assume that the first base line is the
horizontal axis. On second base, a baseball player’s displacement from home
plate is 38m [45].

a. What are the components of the player’s displacement from home plate?

b. Has the runner standing on second base travelled a distance of 38m? Why
or why not?
No, 38m is the displacement, the distance travelled would be x+y
(27m+27m) which equals 54m
3. A swimmer travels in a northerly direction across a 500m-wide lake. Once
across, the swimmer notices that she is 150m east of her original starting
position. Using the analytical method, what is her displacement?

4. Determine the resultant displacement of a skateboarder who rolls 45.0 m

[310] and 35.0 m [135]

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Lesson Three Self-Check Reflection
Considering question 3 and question 4 from the Day 3 work looking at using the Analytical
Approach to solving vector problems,
a. How were the vectors needing to be added together different?
In question 3 there was only 1 set that needed to be considered and in question 4 there were
2 sets
b. What impact did this have on how you needed to solve for the displacement?
There was an extra step in question 4 where you add the x’s and y’s separately and then
c. What do you think is the most important step for solving vector problems correctly?
Drawing it out, it helps to visualize it and keep track of what is what

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