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Chemosphere 253 (2020) 126721

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Effects of lead (Pb) in stormwater runoff on the microbial

characteristics and organics removal in bioretention systems
Cheng Liu a, b, *, Jie Lu b, Jiaqi Liu b, Tariq Mehmood b, Wei Chen a, b
Key Laboratory of Integrated Regulation and Resource Development on Shallow Lakes, Ministry of Education, Hohai University, Nanjing, 210098, China
College of Environment, Hohai University, Nanjing, 210098, China

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 The Pb accumulation reduced the

microbial biomass.
 The Pb accumulation produced
small-quantity Pb-tolerance
 The COD removal in the soil and filler
layer was promoted and inhibited by
Pb respectively.
 The Pb affected the ability of micro-
organisms to bind to organisms by
altering their structure.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Bioretention systems have been proved to be a natural approach for effectively reducing stormwater
Received 4 September 2019 runoff pollution loads. However, the effects of heavy metals in stormwater runoff on microbial charac-
Received in revised form teristics and organics removal in bioretention systems are unclear. In this study, two lab scale bio-
9 March 2020
retention columns including the control and lead (Pb) treatment with the soil and filler layer were
Accepted 5 April 2020
established. The changes of organic matter and lead in the effluent water and the soil (or fillers) were
Available online 7 April 2020
monitored during 121 operation days. The soil (or fillers) microbial characteristics were also analyzed.
Handling Editor: Chang-Ping Yu The results showed that most of Pb was intercepted by soil, while a small amount accumulated in fillers
after 121 days. The long-term Pb accumulation in the biorentention system negatively affected the mi-
Keywords: crobial biomass and microbial activity, while positively affected the community diversity. Pb accumu-
Bioretention lation killed some microorganisms, but simultaneously stimulated the growth of some Pb-tolerance
Stormwater runoff microorganisms. The abundance of bacteria with COD degradation function in soil layer decreased, while
Organic matters that in fillers increased, indicating the effect of Pb on the community structure of these two layers was
Heavy metals
different. The COD removal in the soil and filler layer was promoted and inhibited by Pb contamination
respectively. Moreover, Pb affected the removal of organic matter by chelating organic matters and
changing their composition. The results suggested that the long-term accumulation of heavy metals in
bioretention system would affect microbial degradation function and pollutants removal, causing our
concern for the long-term maintenance of the bioretention system.
© 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction
* Corresponding author. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Integrated
Regulation and Resource Development on Shallow Lakes, Hohai University, Xikang With the advancement of urbanization, the patterns of urban
Road, Nanjing, 210098, China.
E-mail address: 107489860@qq.com (C. Liu).
land use have changed, and the area of impervious surfaces has

0045-6535/© 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
2 C. Liu et al. / Chemosphere 253 (2020) 126721

increased enormously, leading to the increase of runoff volume and is very valuable for the field application of bioretention systems in
peak flow rates. Due to the scouring of stormwater runoff, many the mountainous cities. Zuo et al. (2019) analyzed the diversity of
pollutants such as heavy metals, suspended solids, nutrients and microorganisms in the used bioretention impacts of microbial
some organics become a part of water-bodies without specific metabolism on nutrient removal and concluded that the
treatment (Li and Davis, 2016; Park et al., 2019; Pumo et al., 2017). enhancement of dominant bacteria, such as Chloroflexi and Nitro-
The pollution in stormwater runoff can cause urban waterlogging spirae, could strengthen nitrogen removal.
and the deterioration of aquatic environment, which has attracted Concerning the heavy metals, many researchers mostly have
more and more attention in recent years. Li et al. (2014) reported focused on the accumulative characteristics of heavy metals from
that the EMC (Event Mean Concentration) values for TSS, TP and Pb the rainwater in the bioretention systems. Most heavy metals were
in road runoff were respectively 364.99e1208.07 mg L1 and intercepted on the surface of the soil, while a few heavy metals
0.23e1.13 mg L1, and 25.89e171.07 mg L1 by monitoring the were absorbed by plants (Zhao et al., 2007). Li found that 88%e97%
runoff quality from different surfaces in Shenyang. Leroy et al. of Cu, Zn and Cd in stormwater were intercepted by the fillers of the
(2016) collected runoff of a moderately busy road (<2500 veh bioretention filter columns and 0.5%e3.3% were absorbed by plants
d1) in a commercial area, and the two-year studies observed that (Li et al., 2018). The column sorption experiments by Gülbaz et al.
COD and BOD mean values were 120 and 8 mg L1, respectively. (2015) showed that the higher sorption capacity of Pb and Cu
Park et al. (2019) pointed out that the TN and TP concentrations in was attributed to their higher cation exchange capacity, potential
the stormwater runoff exceeded 4.0 and 0.3 mg L1, respectively. precipitation and filtration.
Hereby, such pollutants like heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic However, most of the studies have neglected the impact of
hydrocarbons (PAHs) in road runoff have received increasing heavy metals accumulation on the bioretention system. With the
concern. Heavy metals such as lead, copper, zinc can pose a serious passage of time, an excessive amount of heavy metals usually
threat to plants and aquatic animals because of their toxicity and accumulate in bioretention system. The heavy metals can cause
low biodegradability. Tyre wear and suspended soil dust contribute toxicity to microbes, affect the biodegradation of organic matter
to Pb and Zn contamination in the initial rain (Men et al., 2018). The and finally make bioretention system inefficient. Therefore, it is
Pb and Cr concentrations in road runoff were very high, exceeding necessary to study the effects of heavy metals on microbial char-
the class V surface water standard (100 mg L1), the recommended acteristics and organics removal in bioretention systems.
guideline for agricultural and general landscape water (CEPA, In this study, two bioretention columns including the control
2002). With the bioaccumulation of heavy metals in the food and the Pb treatment were established to compare the removal of
chain, there is a potential health risk to human beings. It is reported organics and investigate the effects of Pb accumulation on the
that at present, the anthropometric release of potentially toxic el- microbial communities and their biological activities. This study
ements has exceeded the heavy metal inputs in the global weath- aimed to observe the variations of microbial characteristics and
ering process (Touceda-Gonza lez et al., 2017). Therefore, it is organic matters under the Pb influence with the increasing of the
imperative and urgent to reduce the contamination in the storm- operation day. The specific objectives were (1) to quantify the
water runoff. accumulation of Pb in the soils and the fillers respectively of the Pb
In order to reduce the occurrence of urban flooding disasters treatment column; (2) to know the potential toxic risks of Pb
and alleviate the pollution of urban stormwater, some new urban accumulation from the bioavailability of Pb fractions in the bio-
stormwater management methods, such as USA’s low impact retention soil; (3) to explore the effects of Pb on the microorgan-
development (LID), Britain’s sustainable discharge systems (SUDs) isms; (4) to compare the organics removal by the Pb treatment
and China’s sponge city (Beza et al., 2019; Li et al., 2019), have been column with that by the control column; (5) to analyze the influ-
put forward in recent years. One of the most efficient and common ence mechanisms of the long-term Pb treatment on the organics
measures is bioretention. Bioretention can effectively purify water removal.
quality by taking advantage of the interaction in the matrix-
microbes-plant systems, which includes sorption, biodegradation, 2. Materials and methods
plant uptake (Wang et al., 2018). In recent years, there have been
many studies showing the removal efficiency of bioretention and 2.1. Materials
analyzing the microbial role and some parameters that affect effi-
ciency. Zhang et al. (2019) compared up-flow and mixed-flow The soil was obtained from the upper 0e20 cm layer of a garden
bioretention systems with the conventional bioretention methods in Hohai University, Nanjing, China. Before use, the soil was air-
for their pollutant removal. The results reflected that the TN dried, crushed and sieved through a 3 mm mesh to remove
removal efficiencies of both up-flow and mixed-flow bioretention stones or roots. Zeolite and ceramsite were used as the filler layer
improved when compared with the conventional bioretention, media of the bioretention columns because of their low-price, easy
increasing from 17% (conventional) to 41% (up-flow) and 31% availability and strong sorption capacity. The particle size of the
(mixed-flow), while only the mixed-flow bioretention increased zeolite and the ceramsite was 2e4 mm. The particle sizes of quartz
the COD removal efficiencies by 10%. Shrestha et al. (2018) sand and gravel used as drainage filters were respectively 2e4 mm
addressed that the nutrients from excessive compost in soil me- and 4e8 mm. All the above bioretention media were received from
dia, rainfall intensity and peak inflow rate negatively affected Wuxi city in Jiangsu province, China.
nutrient removal. Fan et al. (2019) adopted 15N isotope tracer All other chemicals employed in this research were at least of
method to continuously monitor the dynamic changes of nitrogen analytical grade and purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent
in the bioretention systems within 60 h after rainfall, which Co. (Shanghai, China).
established nitrogen balance model and improved the nitrogen
removal efficiency. Wang et al. (2017) constructed 18 stepped bio- 2.2. Device setup
retention systems to treat the urban stormwater runoff in the
mountainous cities. Results showed that the use of peat soil would Two plexiglass bioretention columns were designed and
result in heavy nitrogen release, and the high removal efficiencies established at an outdoor field in the campus of Hohai University,
of TN and NO3eN were achieved without additional carbon, which Nanjing, China. The columns were rectangular with size (15 cm
C. Liu et al. / Chemosphere 253 (2020) 126721 3

long by 15 cm wide by 50 cm height). Considering the convenience added to the water applied as the simulated influent to the bio-
of the operation, the total height of the bioretention columns were retention columns are shown in Table 1. Suspended solids (SS) were
50 cm referring to Ding et al. (2019). One port equipped with a valve not included in the experimental water, because between the inlet
was installed at the bottom to allow for water outflow and water and the bioretention tank is usually set up a pre-treatment tank
samples collection. Another port was placed at the top ends of each which can remove the majority of suspended solids. The bio-
column for water overflow. At one side of the bioretention column, retention columns were considered to be placed after the pre-
two ports were set up horizontally for collecting both the water treatment tank in this study. The experimental water was pum-
samples and the fillers samples of different depths. The locations of ped into the bioretention columns by a peristaltic pump.
the two ports were sequentially 15 cm and 50 cm from the top. The
structural configuration in each bioretention column was planting
2.4. Samples collection and analysis
layer (5 cm), soil layer (10 cm), filler layer (30 cm), filtration layer
(3 cm), drainage layer (2 cm) from top to bottom. A permeable
Water samples of two depths (15 cm and 50 cm) of each bio-
geotextile was set between the soil layer and the filler layer to
retention column were collected 1 h after the end of the inflow into
separate the two layers and prevent the soil erosion. Ryegrass,
150 mL acid-washed glass bottle, and then stored in a refrigerator at
which is common in the park or roadside green space and has
4  C until they were analyzed. The water samples were immedi-
excellent moisture resistance, was used as the bioretention plant in
ately analyzed for determination of chemical oxygen demand
this study. At the beginning of the experiment, the plant height of
(COD), UV254, total organic carbon (TOC), the concentration of Pb
ryegrass was 1e2 cm, and the top space was for the growth of
and some other physicochemical parameters including water
ryegrass. The soil layer consisted of a mixture of soil and sand (2:3).
temperature, pH value and dissolved oxygen (DO). A pH meter was
Zeolite and ceramsite were mixed in the ratio of 1:1 and then added
used to test the pH value, while potassium dichromate titration
to the filler layer. The filtration layer and the drainage layer were
standard method was used for COD analysis. The handy dissolved
composed of quartz sand and gravel, respectively. Outside of each
oxygen analyzer (Mettler Toledo, China) was used to measure the
column was attached to black shade paper to simulate the dark
DO and water temperature. For the measurement of UV254, a UV-
underground environment. The waterproof board was used to
VIS spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Japan) and a quartz cuvette
cover the bioretention columns in case of rain.
with a 1 cm path length (Orient, China) were used to measure
absorbance at the wavelength of 254 nm. TOC was measured by a
TOC analyzer (Shimadzu, Japan). The concentration of Pb was
2.3. Environmental design
measured by an inductively coupled plasma optical emission
spectrometer (ICP-OES) (PerkinElmer, USA). Also, a molecular
The experiment began on March 17, 2019. The temperature
fluorescence spectrophotometer (Hitachi, Japan) was utilized to
during the operation ranged from 5 to 35  C. Precipitation was
analyze the species of organic matters that existed in water
calculated based on the formula of rainfall intensity in Nanjing. The
64:300þ53:800lgP samples.
formula was i ¼ , where i denoted rainfall intensity For each bioretention column, soil samples were collected into
(mm min ), P meant recurrence interval of rainfall (a) and t meant plastic bags by hand using soil sampler from the surface (0e2 cm)
rainfall duration (min). The flow rate of the influent was calculated of the sandy loam soil layer. Soil samples were air-dried, sieved
as Q ¼ aiA, where a is a comprehensive runoff coefficient, i is through a 2 mm mesh to remove roots and significant organic
rainfall intensity (mm min1) and A is catchment area (mm2). residues, and then store at 4  C before analyses. It was found that
In this study, we hypothesized that P and t were 1 a and 10 min, after the experiment, the thickness of soil layer was reduced by
respectively. It was calculated that the rainfall intensity was about 0.8 cm, which could be considered to have little effect on the
1.438 mm min1. In general, the comprehensive runoff coefficient is experiment. The soil pH was measured with a ratio of 1:2.5 (soil:
between 0.6 and 0.9. We set a to 0.85 in this study and the catch- water) by using a pH meter. Soil organic matter content was
ment area was 0.0225 m2 (0.15 m  0.15 m). Ultimately, the flow determined with the potassium dichromate digestion - ammonium
rate of the influent was calculated to be 165.01 mL min1. The ferrous sulfate titration method. The concentrations of Pb in the
simulated rainfall experiment was conducted every four days for a soils were determined by an inductively coupled plasma optical
total of thirty times. The time of each influent process was 30 min emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) (PerkinElmer, USA) after micro-
and the experimental water for each column was 5 L. After the wave digestion with concentrated HNO3 and HF. The partitioning of
experimental water began to enter the column, the port next to the Pb in the soils was determined by Tessier’s five-step sequential
bottom of the column started to flow out with an interval of about extraction procedure (Tessier et al., 1979). The speciation of Pb was
2 min. The amount of effluent collected from the measuring glass divided into five different kinds of binding forms: exchangeable
was approximately 1.8 L. The duration of each simulated rainfall (F1), carbonate bound (F2), iron/manganese oxides bound (F3),
experiment lasted 40 min. organic and sulfide bound (F4) and residual (F5) fractions. As for the
The influent concentrations were mainly simulated according to assessment of the soil microorganisms, microbial biomass, micro-
actual stormwater runoff, which depended on the investigation and bial activity, and microbial community structure of soil samples are
monitoring of stormwater runoff quality in Nanjing. The chemicals three aspects considered. Soil microbial biomass C (SMBC) was

Table 1
Influent concentrations of simulated stormwater runoff and reagents.

Pollutant Influent concentration (mg L1) Reagent

pH 6.8e7.2 Hydrogen chloride (HCl) or Sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

COD 220 Glucose (C6H12O6)
NHþ4 -N 2 Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl)
NO3 -N 4 Potassium nitrate (KNO3)
TP 0.5 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4)
Pb 0.4 Lead nitrate (Pb(NO3)2)
4 C. Liu et al. / Chemosphere 253 (2020) 126721

determined by the chloroform fumigation extraction method system. The increasing soil organic matter due to the continuous
(Vance et al., 1987). Soil enzymes regarding urease, invertase and input of exogenous organic matter provided more binding sites for
dehydrogenase were measured to assist in the description of mi- lead. The Pb removal might increase shortly, however finally
crobial activity. Urease was determined by sodium phenate-sodium decreased caused by the weakening of the adsorption efficiency. As
hypochlorite colorimetry at 578 nm. Invertase was measured is shown in Fig. 1b, the increasing rate of Pb accumulation was
through colorimetry at 508 nm using 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid. The 0.35 mg kg1 d1 from 1st day to 81st day, but decreased to
measurement of dehydrogenase adopted was triphenyl tetrazolium 0.2 mg kg1 d1 from 81st day to 121th day. This might attributed
chloride (TTC) reduction method (Mersi and Schinner, 1991). The to the increased uptake of Pb by the grown-up plants.
structure of soil (fillers) microbial community was characterized by
high throughput sequencing after 120 operation days. Primers for 3.2. Bioavailability of Pb in the soil
16S RNA gene in the V3eV4 region were designed to amplify spe-
cific areas. The alpha diversity and taxonomy of the samples were Although the total amount of heavy metals in the soil has been
studied by bioinformatics analysis, and sequences were clustered widely concerned and used in many soil environmental quality
into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at 97% sequence identity. standards in various countries, more and more researchers realized
The community diversity was determined by Shannon and Simp- that the total amount of heavy metals could not accurately reflect
son diversity indexes. The community richness was determined by the pollution of heavy metals in the soil. It is the concentration of a
Ace and Chao indexes. The distribution bar plot and the heatmap metal in its available form that is important to understand the
graph of the community structure components were used to metal toxicity (Tu et al., 2011). Sometimes, the microbial effects of
evaluate the number of microbes sequences in the samples, that is, the soil environment with the same heavy metals contents differ
the relative abundance of each microorganism, which intuitively significantly. It is necessary to understand the impact of heavy
reveals the difference in the ratio of relative richness among metals on microorganisms by utilizing the bioavailability of heavy
different samples. The Venn diagram was used to count the number metals, which refers to the degrees of absorption, accumulation or
of common and unique OTUs in the samples, which can intuitively toxicity of heavy metals generated in the microbes or plants. The
show the similarity and overlap of the composition of the microbial extraction of different forms of heavy metals is an excellent way to
community in the samples at different classification levels. evaluate the bioavailability of heavy metals (Tessier et al., 1979).
With regard to the determination of the characteristics of the Speciation distribution of heavy metals in different soil samples of
mixed fillers, the measurement of the Pb concentration and the several periods was characterized, as presented in Fig. 1c.
microbial characteristics were referred to the detection methods of During the whole operation days, only the organic bound frac-
the soil samples above-mentioned. The determination of the mi- tion remained stable, which fluctuated between 0.58% and 2.04%,
crobial biomass of the fillers adopted the lipid-phosphorus method. while the proportion of other forms changed obviously. The
speciation distribution was as follows: F2 (43.15%) > F3
2.5. Data analyses (23.08%) > F1 (20.60%) > F5 (11.13%) > F4 (2.04%) on the first day.
The surface soil intercepted a large amount of water-soluble Pb2þ in
All experiments were conducted in three replicates. All data the form of PbCO3 after Pb2þ entered the system. 23.08% of iron/
were analyzed using Origin 9.0 (OriginLab, USA) and SPSS 20.0 manganese oxides bound fraction was considered to be that there
software (IBM Corporation, USA). The values are expressed as were a small amount of iron, manganese, silicon oxides or hydrates
mean ± standard deviation (SD) and all data were checked for in the soil, which were easy to cause the specific adsorption re-
normality. Comparisons between control and treated columns were actions. Nomeda et al. (2008) reported, exchangeable, carbonate
made by statistical analysis of variance. The value of p < 0.05 rep- bound and iron/manganese oxides bound fractions were labile
resents a significant difference. because they were easy to cause biological reactions, while organic
bound and residual fractions were stable because of their insolu-
3. Results and discussion bility and low bioavailability. Therefore, 86.83% labile fraction of Pb
was more likely to be used by microorganisms and had a potential
3.1. Accumulation of Pb in the bioretention media threat to the environment. However, low concentration of Pb,
which provided an inverse environment for the microorganisms, in
As is shown in Fig. 1a, the removal rates of Pb were above 78% in turn stimulated them growth instead of having a toxic effect. With
the Pb treatment column, and the discrepancy of the average the proceeding of the experiment, the proportion of labile fractions
removal rate between the 50 cm depth and the 15 cm depth was decreased significantly. The speciation distribution on the 81st day
1.72%. The accumulation of Pb in the soil was 37.234 mg kg1, while was F5 (69.00%) > F3 (13.52%) > F2 (9.97%) > F1 (6.60%) > F4
that in the filler layer was very little with the content of 1.4 mg kg1 (0.91%), which indicated that the bioavailability of Pb decreased
after 121 days (Fig. 1b). These make clear that most of Pb was during the first 80 days. Such phenomenon was also referred to as
intercepted in the upper 10 cm soil, which was similar to some natural attenuation of heavy metals (Tom-Petersen et al., 2004;
previous studies (Al-Ameri et al., 2018; Hatt et al., 2008). These Vazquez et al., 2011). With the prolongation of time, the greater the
studies reported that the heavy metals usually accumulated in the intensity of Pb binding in the soil, the more stable solid phase could
top 2e10 cm of the filter media followed by a rapid decrease in be formed by the water-soluble Pb. The carbonate bound Pb would
concentration with increasing depth. The exogenous Pb was nor- be labile under the release of the soil Hþ and came into the trans-
mally fixed on the surface soil layer after it entered the soil. Since formation to residual fractions. The mechanisms regarding the
most Pb salt minerals, such as Pb(OH)2, PbCO3, PbSO4, were insol- natural attenuation of heavy metals included particle diffusion,
uble in water, it was tough for Pb to move both horizontally and precipitation and cluster formation, eventually forming the inner or
vertically in the soil (Guanxing et al., 2011). With the advance of the outer-sphere complex (Sparks, 2006). Moreover, microorganisms
experimental process, the removal rates of Pb decreased slowly, could secrete SMP to chelate Pb2þ to relieve the toxic environ-
from 99.04% to 79.62%, but on the 85th day increased slightly. Buffle mental pressure of heavy metals, which affected the bioavailability
(1988) mentioned that the humic substances, a major component of Pb. During the last 40 days of the experiment, the labile fractions
of soil organic matter, which contain a large number of binding increased, while the residual fractions decreased slightly. This may
sites, hence they behave as a natural multiligand complexed be due to the reasons that (1) the attenuation rate slowed down
C. Liu et al. / Chemosphere 253 (2020) 126721 5

Fig. 1. (a) Removal rate of Pb of different depths, (b) Pb accumulation in soil and filler layer, (c) fractional percent of Pb in soil layer, and (d) organic carbon contents in soil layer with
the operation day.

with the prolongation of time; (2) the utilization of labile Pb by reactions (Shi and Ma, 2017). Microbial community structure can
microorganisms and plants came to a limit; (3) new water-soluble affect the ability of community to achieve different functions
Pb entered into the system. At the end stage of the experiment, the (Torsvik and Øvreås, 2002). None of them can be used as a separate
total amount of Pb was still increasing and the bioavailability of Pb microbiological indicator to diagnose media quality. In order to
was on the rise, which indicated that there were potential threats reflect soil or filler quality more accurately, it is best to include a
and risks to the bioretention system, and the microorganisms and complete set of biological indicators, i.e., microbial biomass, mi-
plants in the system were at risk of toxicity, so further long-term crobial activity, microbial community.
observation should be strengthened.

3.3.1. Microbial biomass

3.3. Effects of Pb on microorganisms When the operation day increased, the fillers biomass and the
soil microbial biomass carbon tended to increase gradually and
Numerous reports have demonstrated that microbial charac- then flattened, which was mainly due to the continuous entry of
teristics of soil or fillers change when exposed to heavy metal stress influent pollutants into the system and the constant increase of
(Rajkumar and Freitas, 2008; Tang et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2016). temperature in Nanjing from March to July, which provided an
The microbial biomass, microbial activity and microbial community opportunity for the growth of microorganisms. As is presented that
structure are major indicators of microbes for evaluating soil in Fig. 2a and b, the fillers biomass and the soil microbial biomass
quality (Khan et al., 2007; Renella et al., 2005). Microbial biomass carbon in the Pb treatment column were 95.54 nmol P g1 and
can reflect the actual quantity of microorganisms and nutrient cycle 185.14 mg kg1, which were 7.75% and 15.94% lower than those in
and transformation in the media, but does not reveal the changes of the control column, respectively. The reason was that when the
community structure (Hu et al., 2014). Microbial activity plays an pollution load of Pb was high, it produced toxicity and inhibited
important role in the occurrence and catalysis of many biochemical microbial biomass. Rajkumar and Freitas (2008) suggested that
6 C. Liu et al. / Chemosphere 253 (2020) 126721

Fig. 2. (a) Soil microbial biomass, (b) fillers microbial biomass, (c) COD removal of different depths, and (d) TOC removal of different depths in two bioretention columns with the
operation day.

copper and zinc had little effect on microbial biomass at low con- stabilized at 0.839 mg NH3 g1 d1, 2.842 mg TF g1 h1, 6.135 mg
centration, and once the level of copper and zinc was inclined to glucose g1 d1 respectively, 4.7, 3.9 and 5.2 times higher than that
high, the biomass could decrease by 40%. The microbial biomass in in the fillers. On the 21st and 81st day, enzyme activities in the Pb
the soil was much higher than that in the fillers, because the soil treatment were higher than those in the control. This was because
contained more nutrients and organic matters (Fig. 1d). The soil that low concentration of exogenous Pb2þ became the prosthetic
layer undertook higher metal pollution load, so the effect of Pb group of the protein, and also could promote the binding of the
pollution on the soil microbial biomass carbon was more severe. enzyme with the substrate in the media, thus changing the equi-
Although the amount of Pb accumulated in the fillers was only librium state of the reaction process and the charged state of the
1.4 mg kg1 which belonged to the low pollution load, the fillers enzyme. At the end stage of the experiment, the activity of the
biomass might also be restrained under the effect of the long-term enzymes, especially urease, was depressed by the Pb contamina-
increasing accumulation treatment. tion. Soil urease in the Pb treatment column was 19.41% lower than
that in the control column on the 81st day. There are two reasons
3.3.2. Microbial activity for the inhibition of enzyme activity by heavy metals. The first is
This study determined the activities of three enzymes including that the pollution of heavy metals has a direct inhibitory effect on
urease, dehydrogenase and invertase to investigate the microbial the enzymes, which makes the enzyme genes change; the second is
activity in the soil and fillers. Urease exists in most of bacteria, fungi the indirect inhibition, which affects the growth of microbes to
and plants. It reflects the transformation ability of organic nitrogen reduce the enzyme activity (Shi and Ma, 2017). Therefore, the
to available nitrogen and the supply capacity of inorganic nitrogen. inhibitory effect of Pb on urease may be due to (1) as the accu-
Dehydrogenase can be used as an index of microbial redox ability mulation of Pb in the media increased, Pb bound to urease activity
and has attracted considerable attention in the study of biokinetics. sites, competing with substrate, to form stable complexes; (2) Pb-
Invertase can hydrolyze sucrose to glucose and fructose which organics complexes inhibited the growth and reproduction of
plays an essential role in increasing soluble nutrients in soil. media microorganisms and reduced the synthesis and secretion of
As is shown in Fig. 3c, the urease, dehydrogenase and invertase endogenous enzymes, which led to the decrease of urease activity
activities in the soil showed a trend of slowly increasing and finally in the media.
C. Liu et al. / Chemosphere 253 (2020) 126721 7

Fig. 3. (a) Venn diagram, (b) distribution bar plot of the relative abundance of bacteria community in phylum, (c) enzyme activity (urease, dehydrogenase and invertase), and (d)
heatmap graph of community structure components in genus of soil and filler samples in two bioretention columns. The shift of the bacterial community compositions in heatmap
graph was depicted by the color intensity ranged from 0 to 3. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this

3.3.3. Microbial community structure and the Ace indexes. This meant that the toxicity of Pb on many
As shown in Table 2, the observed OTU number varied signifi- microorganisms did reduce the microbial biomass by killing some
cantly among the four media samples. There was little difference in microorganisms, such as Truepera and Soehngenia, meanwhile, it
the OTU number between the control and the Pb treatment, but a increased the abundance of some microorganisms, like Thauera,
big difference between the soil and fillers. Though Pb had the Shinella and Rhodobacter (Fig. 3b and d), which might be in a small
apparent effects on the microbial diversity and richness, it was very quantity but could tolerate Pb and survive.
slight compared with the impact of the media properties. It can also As shown in Fig. 3b, the most abundant phylum in soil was
be seen from Fig. 3a that high similarity only existed between the Preteobacteria, which constituted 29.01%e40.04% of the bacteria,
two soil samples. The Shannon and the Simpson indexes showed followed by Chloroflexi and Bacteroidetes. In fillers, three domi-
that long-term Pb accumulation could positively affect the com- nating bacteria phyla were Preteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacter-
munity diversity. The community richness in the Pb treatment oidetes. The structure and characteristics of bacterial communities
media increased compared with the control, seen from the Chao depend on media pH mainly. Chodak et al. (2013) reported that

Table 2
Microbial diversity and richness indexes of soil and filler samples.

Index control þ soil Pb treatment þ soil control þ fillers Pb treatment þ fillers

OTU 1356 1834 440 709

Shannon 5.36 ± 0.02 6.10 ± 0.02 4.66 ± 0.02 5.21 ± 0.02
Simpson 0.019 ± 0.001 0.007 ± 0.001 0.027 ± 0.001 0.017 ± 0.001
Ace 1695 ± 64 2161 ± 58 448 ± 5 718 ± 6
Chao 1708 ± 83 2151 ± 69 455 ± 9 718 ± 5

Notes: Indexes were calculated from OTU relative abundance of each replicate.
8 C. Liu et al. / Chemosphere 253 (2020) 126721

higher pH values favored Firmicutes and Verrucomicrobia, while matters led to a rapid increase in the COD removal rate, which
Chloroflexi and Gemmatimonadetes were more abundant in acidic increased significantly from 26.88% to 33.06% at the depth of
soils. The pH values of soil and filler samples after 121 operation 15 cm from day 21 to day 53. From day 53 to day 69, the COD
days were determined to be 6.89 (control þ soil), 6.85 (Pb removal rate experienced a short decline, which probably was that
treatment þ soil), 8.04 (control þ fillers) and 7.68 (Pb the drop of local temperature had affected the biological activity
treatment þ fillers), respectively. In addition to the influence of pH, during this time. The COD removal tended to be stable with an
the difference in dissolved oxygen between the soil and fillers also average removal rate of 59.91% and 53.72% in the control and Pb
caused the discrepancy of microbial community structure. Bacter- treatment column respectively from the 77th day. It indicated that
oidetes often exist in anoxic environment, which can explain why the microorganisms began to enter a stable growth period.
the abundance of Bacteroidetes in fillers was higher than that in soil. Compared with the control, the COD removal rate at 15 cm depth in
Proteobacteria showed slightly increase in tested soil samples in the Pb treatment was 6.79% higher from day 9 to day 25, but 10.99%
response to the Pb accumulation, but exhibited an adverse trend in lower from day 77 to day 117. Similar findings were also found in
fillers. This may be due to the fact that the accumulated concen- TOC removal. This was because that the amount of Pb accumulated
tration in the soil was much higher than that in the fillers (Fig. 1b). in the two periods determined the positive and negative effects on
The phylum Proteobacteria was found to be abundant in many high microorganisms. However, at 50 cm depth, the COD removal rate in
heavy metal content environments, such as heavy metal-polluted the Pb treatment was only 6.19% lower than that in the control,
river water (Serkebaeva et al., 2013) and sediments (Yin et al., which meant the filler layer (15e50 cm) of the Pb treatment
2015), whereas Proteobacteria had opposite trend reported and exhibited more COD removal than that of the control. In other
showed negative correlation with Pb concentration (Gillan et al., words, the effects of the soil and the filler layer on the COD removal
2005). The change in response of Proteobacteria to heavy metals under the stress of Pb environment were opposite. The reason will
might be attributed to the reason that the phylum had a diverse be explained in Section 3.5.
nature which helped them to get carbon, nitrogen and energy by
using various forms of organic matters (Bouskill et al., 2010). These 3.5. Influence mechanisms of Pb on organics removal
properties made it performed differently towards environmental
change, for example, the different concentrations of heavy metal As we all know, the removal mechanisms of organic matters by
environmental pressure. In Fig. 3d, the changes of microbial com- the bioretention system mainly include abiotic treatment (filtration
munity structure in genus level could be found more clearly and and adsorption) and biological treatment. It can be seen from Fig. 2c
concretely. These changes might be explained by the selection of that the adsorption of the media was limited, and the long-term
tolerant groups, while sensitive ones were clearly reduced (Singh removal of organic matters depended on microbial degradation.
et al., 2014). Pb contamination led to more variability and insta- Through the formation of biofilm on the matrix, the metabolism of
bility of microorganisms, therefore the microorganisms adapted to biofilm and the hydrolysis of extracellular enzymes are used to
Pb accumulation by changing microbial community structure. adsorb and degrade the organic matters; mineralizing them to form
Moreover, the variations in interactions between the microorgan- small molecular inorganic substances (LeFevre et al., 2012; Wang
isms in the bioretention systems may be a way for microorganisms et al., 2017).
to adapt to heavy metal pollution. With the increase of Pb accumulation in the bioretention col-
umn, different microorganisms made different responses to Pb
3.4. Organics removal by the bioretention columns contamination. Heavy metal pollution can inhibit the metal sensi-
tive species and meanwhile stimulate metal-resistant species (Liu
The changes of microbial characteristics caused by the Pb et al., 2018). Different concentrations of heavy metals may also
contamination affected the removal of organic matters. As shown in have different effects on the same microorganism. Liu et al. (2018)
Fig. 2c, the COD removal at different depths exhibited a trend of found that the abundance for Azoarcus decreased under low Pb
increasing and then stabilized gradually. Similar to the COD concentration but increased under high Pb concentration, which
removal, the TOC removal increased rapidly at first, and began to was similar to the result of this study. In this study, most of Pb was
rise slowly on the 17th day and stabilized gradually on the 61st day intercepted in the soil layer, and only a small amount existed in the
(Fig. 2d). The increasing rate of TOC removal was slower than that of filler layer. Therefore, Pb contamination might have different effects
COD. This was supposed to be due to the fact that some organic on the microorganisms in the soil and filler layer. The abundances
matters, which did not change in the short-term of the soil utili- for both Proteiniphilum and norank_o_SBR1031 in the soil decreased
zation, were oxidized in TOC determination but not completely to different degrees after 121 operation days, while that in the
oxidized in COD determination. The removal rates of COD at the fillers increased (Fig. 3d). The genera Proteiniphilum and nor-
beginning of operation were negative, because the dissolved ank_o_SBR1031 were famous for their capabilities in degradation of
organic matters contents of the soil layer were very high initially. At polysaccharide and proteins (Hahnke et al., 2016; Sekiguchi et al.,
the beginning, the concentrations of COD decreased considerably 2003), indicating they both contributed to the COD removal. Due
with the decreasing dissolution concentrations of organic matters. to the different accumulation of Pb, the abundances of bacteria with
Although the soil had certain physical adsorption capacity for COD, COD degradation function in soil and fillers were adversely affected.
the adsorption of COD by the soil could not offset the dissolution of The COD removal in the soil and filler layer was promoted and
organic matters, so the removal rate of COD at 15 cm depth was still inhibited by Pb respectively.
negative (12.63%) until the 13th day. From day 13 to day 21, the In addition, the water samples were also analyzed for organic
COD removal at 15 cm depth had a slight decline, which meant the matter identification. According to an analytical approach named
adsorption was close to the limit and the adsorption effect was fluorescence regional integration (FRI) proposed by Chen et al.
weakened. From day 29 to day 53, the period was just the time (2004), the two-dimensional fluorescence regions formed by
when the temperature in Nanjing rose rapidly (from 19  C to 32  C). excitation and emission wavelengths are divided into five parts,
The temperature increase provided a favorable environment for which represent five different types of organic compounds,
biological growth in the bioretention media. The mechanisms of including aromatic proteins I (Region I) (220e250/280-330), aro-
COD removal changed from sorption to biodegradation. The rapid matic proteins II (Region II) (220e250/330-380), fulvic acid-like
growth of microorganisms through the degradation of organic substances (Region III) (220e250/380-500), soluble microbial
C. Liu et al. / Chemosphere 253 (2020) 126721 9

products (SMP) (Region Ⅳ) (250e280/280-380) and humic acid- heavy metals in bacteria. The complexity of the interaction be-
like substances (Region Ⅴ) (250e400/380-500). The organic pol- tween the heavy metals and microorganism make it difficult to
lutants in the four samples mainly contained fulvic acid, humic acid better understand the basic mechanisms. Therefore, it needs
and aromatic proteins (Fig. 4 and Table 3), which mostly were the further research to explore the mechanisms.
decomposition and degradation products of plants or microor-
ganisms in soil or water. The fluorescence intensity of Region I 4. Conclusions
(aromatic proteins) and Region Ⅳ (SMP) in the Pb treatment was
obviously reduced than that in the control (Table 3), indicating that This study used outdoor bioretention columns with stormwater
the metabolism of microorganisms was affected by Pb. A large runoff simulation to study the effects of Pb accumulation on mi-
number of functional groups such as eOH, eCOOH, eSH containing crobial characteristics and organics removal, and obtained the
in SMP made them able to chelate the heavy metal ions (Kuo and following conclusions. Most of Pb was intercepted in the upper
Parkin, 1996), like Pb2þ. In addition to the adjustment of microbi- 10 cm soil. Pb accumulation in the soil was 37.234 mg kg1, while
al community structure, the change of organic composition would that in the filler layer was very little with the content of 1.4 mg kg1
also affect the utilization of organic matter by microorganisms. after 121 days. The long-term Pb accumulation in the biorentention
Therefore, Pb would affect the removal of organic matter by system not only reduced the microbial biomass by killing some
chelating organic matters and changing their composition. At microorganisms, but also increased the community diversity by
present, there is no suitable way to define the accumulation of stimulating the growth of some Pb-tolerance microorganisms. Due

Fig. 4. Fluorescence EEM Spectra diagrams of (a) controlþ15 cm, (b) Pb treatmentþ15 cm, (c) controlþ50 cm, and (d) Pb treatmentþ50 cm of organics in effluent.
10 C. Liu et al. / Chemosphere 253 (2020) 126721

Table 3
Fluorescence intensity and integral volume in five regions of the fluorescence EEM spectra of organics in effluent.

Sample Index Region I Region II Region III Region Ⅳ Region Ⅴ

controlþ15 cm FI (au) 1080 966.8 1470 2103 1413

F (106 au nm2) 10.71 15.02 19.40 6.51 29.36
Pb treatmentþ15 cm FI (au) 548.4 1020 1538 915 1480
F (106 au nm2) 8.15 16.17 20.55 5.54 29.89
controlþ50 cm FI (au) 752.1 1012 1468 1049 1453
F (106 au nm2) 8.42 15.51 19.91 5.10 29.49
Pb treatmentþ50 cm FI (au) 333 1025 1456 559.8 1436
F (106 au nm2) 4.45 16.47 20.03 4.12 28.55

Notes: FI denotes the maximum fluorescence intensity of peaks in each region of each fluorescence EEM spectra. F denotes the integral volume calculated by the FRI method
referring to the fluorescence intensity in each region of each fluorescence EEM spectra.

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