Respostas Do Workbook Unit 11

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Respostas do Workbook - Unit 11 (Basic 2)

Lesson 1
Question 2
2. Were. Yes, I was.
3. Was. It was ______ (ex:rainy, sunny, cloudy).
4. Was. No, it wasn’t.
5. Was. It was ______ (
6. Was. It was in ________ (ex:September 29th).
7. Were. I was ______ (ex:7 yeas old).
8. Was. (ex: Princess Diana) _________ was.

Question 3

There was an afternoon concert on Monday

There was movie on Friday
There were a movie in the afternoon and a dance in the evening, on Saturday
There were exercise classes on Sunday
There was a teacher’s dinner on Tuesday

Question 4

Came, saw, went, got, took, drove, put, ate, didn’t exercise, didn’t read, was, bought.

Question 5
She got up early in the morning
She watched the news
She brushed her teeth
She ate breakfast 7:30 a.m.
He combed his hair

Question 6
1. Why did you go home late?
2. When was your birthday?
3. Why did you work all weekend?
4. What did you eat?
5. What books did you buy?

Questions 7 and 8 (Both personal)

Question 9

1. How was your weekend?

2. What did you do?
3. How was the weather?
4. Who did you go with?
5. What did you do there?

Question 10

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. E
5. D

Question 11 (Personal)

Just for fun

Riddle: Dictionary

Verbs: think (thought), cut (cut), get (got), take (took), eat (ate), see (saw), come
(came), say (said), like (liked), have (had), drive (drove), study (studied), drink (drank),
write (wrote), make (made), clean (cleaned), exercise (exercised), buy (bought), watch
(watched), read (read), play (played).

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