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Introduction to vital conditions (Consensus, ideal speech, knowledge construct,

role of planner and flat power relations)

 What are the conditions?
o This are the conditions;
 What is every writer saying about this condition?
 Discuss similarities and differences
 Do this for each conditions separately
 Discussion about on general validity
In collaborative planning, the planner acts as a mediator (). Even some
 Interrelated nature
o Then discuss the relationships between these conditions
o Explain that is is all interrelated and not separate from each other h
Dispite every scholar wait

In dealing with uncertainty and complexity, consensus building menjadi praktik yang umum
digunakan dalam planning dan decision making in policy.

Introduction to vital conditions (Consensus, ideal speech, knowledge construct,

role of planner and flat power relations)
 What are the conditions?
o This are the conditions;
 What is every writer saying about this condition?
 Discuss similarities and differences
 Do this for each conditions separately
 Discussion about on general validity
In collaborative planning, the planner acts as a mediator (). Even some
 Interrelated nature
o Then discuss the relationships between these conditions
o Explain that is is all interrelated and not separate from each other h
Dispite every scholar wait

In dealing with uncertainty and complexity, consensus building menjadi praktik yang umum
digunakan dalam planning dan decision making in policy.

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