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Bandol, Christian L.

BSED Social Studies 3-A

World History 2

Short reflection about Central European Monarch Clash

The theme of central Europe as an abandoned west or a place where

east and west collide characterizes not only the first issue of cross
currents but other issues as well. It provided a framework for
including not only Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary but also
Romania with its Romano-Slavic culture mixture, Lithuania with its
Lithuanian, polish, and Jewish symbiosis, the Balto-Slavic Latvia
profoundly affected by the Teutonic knights, Ukraine culturally
marked by its ancient struggle between the Eastern and Western
churches, and the distinct cultural zones of Yugoslavia, where both
Byzantine and Roman Christianity are clashing with Islam and with
each other. Like our beloved country, Philippines is diverse in mixed
cultures and religion resulted by war and colonization of other foreign

Absolute Rulers of Russia

Absolute rulers in Russia, including figures like Ivan the Terrible,

Peter the Great, And Catherine the Great, wielded immense power and
shaped the nation’s density. their reign brought about sweeping
changes, from modernization to expansion, but often at the cost of
individual freedoms. Their legacy remains a complex mix of progress
and authoritarianism reflecting the intricate history of Russia’s

The parliament limits the power of the English monarch

The establishment of parliamentary limits on English monarchs,

notably through events like the Magna Carta and the Glorious
Revolution, marked a pivotal shift in governance. These
developments fostered a constitutional monarchy, wherein the
monarch’s power became subject to the rule of law and the will of
elected representatives. This balance between the monarchy and
parliament laid the foundation for modern democratic systems and
Bandol, Christian L. BSED Social Studies 3-A
World History 2

individual liberties, exemplifying the evolution of political power of


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