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About the country

Singapore is a small island city-state, and is a city in Southeast Asia, located between Malaysia and Indonesia. Singapore has a total land area of 692.7 km² and 193

km² the coastline. Separated from Indonesia by the Singapore Strait and from Malaysia by the Johor Strait.

Singapore's territorial boundaries are divided into several parts, namely:

• North: borders Malaysia in the Johor Strait

• West: borders Malaysia in the Karimata Strait

• East: borders the islands of Bintan and Batam (Indonesia)

• South: borders the islands of Bintan and Batam (Indonesia)

Culture singapore
1. Vesak Ritual
The Vesak holiday in Singapore is celebrated by releasing many doves into the wild.
Because, this holiday symbolizes a new day for Buddhists
2. Thaipusam Festival
This festival is a Hindu religious event to honor God Subramaniam. you can see the
canopy decorated with wooden sticks called kavadi and there will be some people who
damage the body with iron rods.
3. Chingay Parade
4. This parade or festival is celebrated on Chinese New Year not only for ethnic Chinese,
this parade can be enjoyed by the whole community.

Should n shouldn’t

1. Dont smoke in public areas
2. Don’t Sell and Chew Gum
3. No Jaywalking
4. do not carelessly connect wireless networks
5. Don't carelessly feed wild animals and pigeons because you will be fined

1. Do stand on the correct side
2. Do join the queue
3. Do mind your manners
4. Know how the locals commonly reserve their tables
5. Have cash readily available

Singapore Business Ethics

Business in Singapore is greatly influenced by the habits of Chinese society, which

Dominant in this country. Some things to pay attention to:
• If meeting a client, let him introduce himself before you.
• Exchanging business cards is something that should not be forgotten before ending
• ‘To the point’ is the hallmark of business meetings. Avoid small talk sentences that discuss
Singapore politics.
• The meeting chair is usually placed in the center of the negotiation table.
• -Language that must be mastered: English, and influenced by the Chinese dialect (famous for
Singlish designation-ed).

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