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What is the gospel? the Gospel is a biblical narrative covering the life and death of Jesus
Christ. The Gospels are not merely historical chronicles but are also narrative announcements
that make the significant claim that Jesus is the Messiah of Israel and the true Lord of the world.
The Gospel stories claim to both recount history and aim to persuade the reader to acknowledge
Jesus as Lord and become his disciple. The Gospel portrays the connection of faith, divine
intervention and the deeds of Jesus Christ during His era. The accuracy of his life and works
were recorded through the Gospel; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John we can find the similarities of
each which we can conclude their relation as the Apostles of Jesus Christ.

Throughout the time, many have been skeptic about the contexts in the gospel and it has
been thoroughly debated whether it’s a work of fiction or nonfiction. Our group believed that the
gospel is not a work of fiction. It presents historical accounts of the life, teachings, death, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, as documented by eyewitnesses and early followers. While
interpretations may vary, its portrayal of events and characters is intended to convey actual
occurrences and beliefs from that time. Therefore, those written evidence from the Gospel the
life and works of Jesus Christ after all in the modern era professional archaeologist discovered
different evidences which proves the legitimacy of the Gospel and the existence of our Lord
Jesus Christ. Some of the places in the book has enough proof by the experts to be considered
true. Some of the things of Jesus has been discovered by the people, meaning, he really lived in
earth before.

The gospels can be classified as nonfiction because it retells and documents moral
teachings and values recorded and dated back to historical times. New Testament scholar
Graham Stanton states that "the gospels are now widely considered to be a sub-set of the broad
ancient literary genre of biographies." Given this, we can assume that the writings written in the
gospels are historical biographies containing teachings taught in ancient times, and were passed
down orally before being officially documented in the form of writing. Craig Keener, a professor
of biblical studies at Asbury Theological Seminary, sets out to demonstrate that the gospels are
ancient historical biographies, comparable to biographies written by contemporary Greek and
Roman historians. As a result, they should be treated as serious historical sources rather than
works of fiction. The gospel is non-fiction in view of the fact that there are reliable resources
outside and inside the bible, that also proves the existence of God. Using this argument by one of
the greatest philosophers ever existing, we’d like to prove that the stories in the Gospel are
factual. According to Thomas Aquinas's Philosophy of Religion, there are five arguments that
proves the existence of God. The Argument from Motion, The Argument from Efficient Cause,
The Argument to Necessary Being, The Argument from Gradation, and The Argument from
Design. The first argument asserts that everything that moves has a mover, since everything that
moves is influenced by another, there must be an unmoved mover. The second argument claims
that everything in this universe exists because of a cause, a first cause. The third argument state
that all existing object in this earth depend on something, for that reason there must be one thing
that does not depend on anything. The fourth argument is reasons that there should at least be an
absolutely good being. And then we have the fifth argument, it insists that everything is created
by design, some existent things and natural processes, on account of this, this argument
insinuates that there's a Great Designer.
As a reference from the film “The Case of Christ”, the protagonist Lee Strobel goes on a
journey of deep investigation into the historical and scientific evidence surrounding the life and
resurrection of Jesus Christ. We were also introduced to various proof of the gospel that
highlights the historical reliability, eyewitness testimonies, and the transformational impact that
Jesus had on different individuals and societies, making a strong point that the gospel accounts
are more than just fictional stories but rather a significant historical account of a real person and
his teachings.

On the other hand, we all agree that the events in the life of Christ are all true and are
described in the gospel. These are all related to real life events or known as non-fiction.
Numerous people have seen how Christ lived. The Seamless Robe of Jesus, the cloth that Christ
once wore, is one indication that he has existed. Furthermore, considering that the world operates
in ways we wouldn’t know, it is safe to say the world was created by something or someone
more powerful, knowledgeable than a mere human being, a God perhaps? Can you really say
that anything that is so precise and has been unbroken for a very long time is "just a coincidence"
when if something in the time-space continuum were to be even slightly altered everything may
potentially collapse? In conclusion, we all truly believe that some of the gospel we have in the
bible are based on real life events.


BATICAN, Red Chirin A. AGUILAR, Remymike S.

CAS, John Andrei S.A ARCILLA, Ashley May Nicole M.
EDAUGAL, Mar Joshua DUQUE, Lourdes Therese L.
IBARLIN, R-Jay H. SAN ANTONIO, Maria Sophia E.
LACOSTE, Phil Edtherson C. SERAFICO, Nakishia Mae D.V
BUERA, John Michael M. TEMPLONUEVO, Frances Salve R.

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