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Republika ng Pilipinas

Department of Justice

DEP„..„„„.,....„.,..o 36

NOV 0 2 2022

In the interest of justice, pursuant to the provisions of existing laws, and

considering that the continuous, efficient, and effective discharge of the core mandates
of the Department and its attached agencies are best served where all officials and
employees are available to attend to the day-to-day affairs of their respective offices and
posts, as well as other urgent matters that may require immediate attention, the following
Guidelines in the submission and processing of Travel Authorities and Travel Orders are
hereby implemented.

Section 1. Coverage. These Guidelines shall cover all officials and employees of the
Department of Justice, all Regional, Provincial, and City Prosecution Offices nationwide,
and all attached agencies of the Department.

Section 2. Definition of Terms. For purposes of this Circular, the following terms are
defined as follows:

a. Official Travel – refers to foreign or local travel authorized or permitted under this
Circular, regardless of the funding source.

b. Official Foreign Travel – refers to authorized travel outside the Philippines,

including the return trip to the Philippines, undertaken for the following purposes:

1. To attend conferences or seminars sponsored by foreign governments or

international government organizations to which the Philippine Government is
committed or invited to send representatives or participants;

2. To attend conferences or seminars sponsored by private organizations,

whether international or not, invitations to which have been sent through their
respective governments to the Philippine Government;

3. To conduct examinations or investigations of Philippine Government'agencies

or affairs; and

4. To undertake any other official mission which cannot be assigned to any other
Philippine government official or officials posted abroad.
In case of trips involving delegations, the number of participants shall be kept to
the barest minimum and the role of each member in the delegation is clearly
specified and justified in the travel application or proposal.

C. Official Local Travel - refers td-'authorized travel within the Philippines to and from
the Permanent Official Station for the official representation of the Department, any
of the attached agencies, or its concerned office/unit to any conference, meeting,
court proceeding, or event that: (1) is related to the duties and functions of the
concerned official or employee; and (2) will last for more than one (1 ) day, inclusive
of travel time.

d Official Business - refers to all authorized travel within the Philippines to and from
the Permanent Official Station during office hours, or not otherwise covered by
Official Local Travel as defined in the preceding paragraph, for purposes of
attending official assignment/business and/or official representation of the
Department, any of the attached agencies, or its concerned office/unit. For
purposes of this Circular, Official Business shall not include attendance to court
proceedings within the National Capital Region.

e. Personal Travel - refers to authorized travel outside the Philippines, including the
return trip to the Philippines, at the sole expense of the official or employee, that
are for purely personal or private purposes.

f. Travel Authority - refers to the Order issued by the Approving Authority or his/her
authorized representative authorizing an official or employee of the Department,
or any of its attached agencies, to undertake an Official Foreign Travel or Personal
Travel, as the case may be, within the specified period of time.

g. Travel Order - refers to the Order issued by the Approving Authority or his/her
authorized representative authorizing an official or employee of the Department,
or any of its attached agencies, to undertake an Official Local Travel or Official
Business, as the case may be, within the specified period of time.

h. Permanent Official Station – refers to the place where the office or regular place
of business/work of an official or employee is permanently located and/or where
the official or employee is expected to be at as required by the nature, duties, and
responsibilities of the position or by virtue of his/her designation, reassignment, or

1. Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) – refers to the cost to cover expenses for
Official Foreign Travel which includes costs for accommodation or lodging, meals,
and incidental expenses, if so entitled under this Circular.

j. Daily Travel Expense (DTE) – refers to the cost to cover expenses for Official
Local Travel which includes costs for accommodation or lodging, meals, and
incidental expenses, if so entitled under this Circular.

k. Post-Travel Report (formerly known as ”Post-Event Report”) – refers to the
written report indicating a summary of the activity or event attended, with pertinent
takeaways and recommendations, if any, to ensure application of learnings and
the transfer of knowledge to the Department.

Section 3. Conditions for Official Travel. No Official Travel under these Guidelines
shall be authorized unless it satisfies the following minimum criteria:

a. It is essential to the effective performance of an official or employee’s mandates

or functions;

b. It is required to meet the needs of the Department or its attached agencies, or

there is substantial benefit to be derived by the country;

c. The physical presence of the official or employee is critical to the outcome of the
meeting, conference, seminar, consultation or any official activity to be attended,
and cannot be satisfactorily substituted by attendance secured through virtual and
hybrid events platforms (e.g., videoconferencing, teleconferencing, etc.)

d. The travel expenses are not excessive, and oonsistent with applicable laws, rules
and regulations.

e. In case the invitation for Official Travel is addressed to two (2) or more
services/programs/offices in the Department, including its attached agencies, the
request for Official Travel shall be limited to no more than one (1) attendee per
office, except when otherwise authorized by the Approving Authority, in the
exigency of the service and for meritorious reasons.

f. All requests for Official Travel Authority or Travel Order, as the case may be, to
attend the same activity/event emanating from the same agency, service, office or
program shall be consolidated in one (1) request. Additional requests made
thereafter shall not be entertained.

Section 4. Unauthorized Travel. The following individuals shall not be issued authority
to travel and shall not be entitled to government funding for such trips:

a. Private individuals;

b. Consultants, and/or those engaged by way of contract of service, by government

agencies, except in highly meritorious circumstances (e.g., unavailability of
qualified employees in highly technical or specialized fields), and upon written
justification submitted to the authorizing approving officials; and

c. Spouses and/or children of government officials, except when diplomatic protocol

or established international practices provide otherwise.

Section 5. Impediments to Travel. The following are factors considered as impediments

to travel, including but not limited to:

a Considerable amount of work load requiring urgent attention;

b. Frequency of travel;
C. Pendency of administrative proceedings against the applicant;

d. Long overdue assignments yet to be submitted, e.g., pending cases for resolution,

e. Observed failure to submit a Post-Travel Report from previous Official Travel/s;


f Other circumstances prejudicial to the service, as may be determined by the

Approving Authority.

Section 6. Submission of Complete Documentary Requirements. It is understood

that requests for Official Travel submitted with incomplete documentary requirements, as
prescribed herein, shall not be processed, except for urgent or compelling reasons, as
may be determined by the Approving Authority.


Section 7. Approval of Official Foreign Travel. The Secretary of Justice, or his

authorized representative, shall act on all requests for Official Travel Authority (TA) of all
officials and employees covered by this Circular.

Section 8. Invitations for Official Foreign Travel. All endorsements or invitations for
Official Foreign Travel received by the services/programs/offices under the Department,
including its attached agencies shall, within forty-eight (48) hours from receipt of such
invitation, whether by email or hard copy, be uploaded by the head of office of the recipient
services/programs/offices for proper recording and documentation via the online link:, or the Online Portal for Official Foreign
Travel which may hereafter be designated by the Undersecretary-in-Charge of Personnel,
including the following details:

a. Service/office/program to whom the invitation was addressed;

b. The sponsor government agency or organization;

C. Title of activity where attendance is being requested;

d. Venue and inclusive dates of the event or activity;

e. Proposed funding source for the activity;

f. Number of participants invited; and

g. Date when the hard copy of the invitation or the email transmitting the invitation
was received by the service/office/program.

Section 9. Requirements for Requesting Official Travel Authority (TA). At least thirty
(30) days prior to the intended date of departure, the concerned official or employee shall
submit the following documentary requirements to the Technical Staff, this Department:

a. Memorandum for the Secretary proposing or justifying the Official Foreign

Travel from the head of the office/service/program nominating the representative/s
to said foreign travel. The Memorandum shall set forth justification for the necessity
of the Department’s intervention or participation, the identity and number of
representatives, the length of stay or travel abroad, and other relevant inputs. Such
Memorandum shall include statements to the following effect:

1. The proposed travel inures to the substantial and direct benefit of the
Department, or it is an unavoidable commitment pursuant to the discharge of
the Department’s primary mandate or to an international commitment of the
Philippines Government;

2. such benefit oulweighs the alternative of the person involved staying put and
attending to their daily duties;

3. There is no other way by which the Department can substantialIY achleve the
end of the proposed travel, such as through taking advantage of modern means
of communications;

4. The operations of their office and that of the Department, as a whole, shall noT
be prejudiced, or that arrangements have been made in order to ensure that
an; di;ruption that may be (.mused by the travel will be minimized: Provided,
th;t if the- person seeking Official TA is only partially detailed or assigned to ?
particular office or is otherwise under the supervision of more than one (1)
official, he or she shall obtain clearance from both;

5 All personnel with relevant qualifications under their supervisIon were glven
equal opportunity to apply or submit themselves for consideration. ;

6. The person ultimately chosen is not only qualified, but also deserving of the
opportunity for the new exposure, or has not been given such an opportunltY
bb+ore. In ihis regard1 the head of office/service/program shall likewise indicate
in the memoraidum1 the details the last Official Foreign Travel of the
nominated representative/s;

7 The person is not the subject of any administrative proceedings; or if he or she

is, an explanation why his or her travel is nonetheless being recommended;

8. There are no other impediments for said person to travel (see Section 5 hereof);

9. such person/s may be reached for urgent and official Department concernsl
during the course of their Official Foreign Travel, thFOUgh the means of
communication indicated therein.

b. Copy of the invitation and/or call for nomination, if any, including the transmittal
letter or e-mail. as received:

Certificate of No Pending Administrative Case issued by the appropriate

d. Certificate of No Backlog of Work Assignments issued by the immediate head

of Office;

e. Itinerary of Travel;
f Funds Availability Slip (FAS) and Computation of Travel Expenses issued by
the Financial Service, if the requested Official Foreign Travel would require budget
expenditure from the Department:

1 In order to request for a FAS for such travel, the concerned official or employee
shall accomplish two (2) copies of the accomplished Itinerary of Travel Form
(Annex A) signed by the immediate supervisor of the head of office of the
concerned official or employee, and submit the same to the Budget Division,
Financial Service, this Department.

2. If the office/service/program where the concerned official or employee belongs

to has sufficient funds to cover the projected travel expenses from the
requested travel, the FAS shall be issued by the Financial Service jointly signed
by the Chief Accountant and Chief Budget Officer, and duly approved by the
Undersecretary and/or Assistant Secretary-in-Charge of Financial Service.
Otherwise, realignment of funds of the concerned office/service/program shall
first be secured.

3. As far as practicable, the amount indicated in the FAS issued for purposes of
the requested travel should be able to account for the possible increase in the
prices of airline flight tickets.

g. Proof that the person intending to travel has submitted a Post-Travel Report
pertaining to his/her last Official Travel;

h Clearance Form, if the intended travel exceeds a period of thirty (30) days;

Notarized/Sworn Justification (for late application);

J. Proposed Travel Authority. Officials and employees requesting for Official TA are
enjoined to use the suggested template in Annex B; and

k. For officials and heads of office/service/program, proposed Action Document/s

(i.e., Department Order or Office Order) designating the alternate/s, or
official/s or personnel/s who shall take over the assignments or areas of
responsibilities of the nominated representative/s.

Non-compliance with the aforementioned thirty (30)-day rule shall be a cause for non-
action of the request, except in urgent and meritorious cases as determined by the
Approving Authority and established in a notarized/sworn justification as provided for in
Section 9 (i) above.

Section 10. Evaluation of Request for Travel Authority.

a. The Technical Staff shall evaluate the completeness and propriety of the submitted
documentary requirements. Requests for Official TA with incomplete supporting
documentary requirements shall be returned to the concerned official or employee
for the compliance on the submission of deficient requirements.

b. Upon ascertaining the completeness and propriety of the submitted documentary

requirements, the Technical Staff shall initial on the proposed TA and thereafter
submit its recommendation along with a certified checklist of documentary
requirements (Annex C) to the Office of the Secretary, through the
Undersecretary-in-Charge of Personnel, for final approval.

Section 11. Processing Times. - All recommendations for the issuance of Official TA
shall be submitted by the Technical Staff to the Office of the Secretary, through the
Undersecretary-in-Charge of Personnel, at least five (5) working days before the intended
date of departure, except in urgent and meritorious cases as determined by the
Undersecretary-in-Charge of Personnel. To ensure this, requesting officials and
employees, as well as the Technical Staff, must observe the following periods prescribed
for processing at each level:
Activi1 Entity In-Charge Realementary Period
Uploading of Invitations for Head of office Rr Within forty-eight (48) hours
Official Forejgn Travel received the invitation from receipt
Submission of documentary
Official/s or employee/s At least thirty (30) calendar
requirements for the request
for Official TA to the requesting for Official days from the intended date
TA of departure
Technical Staff
Review of the completeness
and propriety of the Technical Staff Maximum of five (5) working
submitted documentary days
Compliance of the official/s
Official/s or employee/s Maximum of five (5) working
or employee/s on the requesting for Official days
deficient documentary TA
requirements, if an'
Drafting of recommendation
and accomplishment of a Maximum of five (5) working
certified checklist of Technical Staff days
documentary requirements
Submission of the
recommendation to the
At least five (5) working days
Office of the Secretary, Technical Staff before the intended date of
through the Undersecretary- departure
in-Charge of Personnel, for
final approval

Section 12. Scholarships, Fellowships, and other Training Grants/Programs. - The
procedure for requesting Official TA, as well as the guidelines on the allowable expenses
related thereto, for scholarships, fellowships, trainings, and other studies abroad, whether
grant-funded or undertaken at minimal cost to the Department, shall continue to be
governed by Department Circular (D.C.) No. 025 dated 30 June 2022.


Section 13. Approval of Personal Travel Authority (TA).

a. The Secretary of Justice, or his designated representative, shall act on requests
for Personal TA of Undersecretaries, Assistant Secretaries, the Chief State
Counsel, the Prosecutor General, and the heads of attached agencies. The
Secretary, or his designated representative, shall likewise act on such requests
when the requested Personal Travel of any official or employee of the Department
or any of the attached agencies would exceed a period of thirty (30) days.

b All Undersecretaries are hereby authorized to approve/disapprove requests for

Personal TA not exceeding a period of thirty (30) days of officials and employees
belonging to the agencies, offices, and programs falling under their immediate
supervision and/or those within their delineated functions. The Undersecretary-in-
charge of the Prosecution Staff shall act on all requests for Personal TA of all
prosecutors and staff of the National Prosecution Service.

Section 14. Request for Personal Travel Authority (TA). At least thirty (30) days from
the date of intended departure, requests for Personal TA with the following documentary
requirements shall be submitted to the Personnel Division, Administrative Service, this

a. Letter-Request of the official or employee concerned with favourable

recommendation from the head of office/service/program to which the official or
employee belongs to;

b. Approved Application for Leave;

C. Certificate of No Pending Administrative Case;

d. Certificate of No Backlog of Work Assignments;

e. ITR (BIR Form 2316);

f. Certification of Service /DTFi;

g. Accomplished Clearance Form, if the intended travel exceeds a period of thirty

(30) days;

h Notarized/Sworn Justification (for late submission);

Proposed Travel Authority. Officials and employees requesting for Personal TA
are enjoined to use the suggested template in Annex D; and

j. For officials and heads of office/service/program, proposed action document/s

designating the alternate/s, or official/s or personnel/s who shall take over the
assignments or areas of responsibilities of the nominated representative/s.

Non-compliance with the thirty (30)-day rule shall be a cause for non-action of the request,
except in urgent and meritorious cases as determined by the Approving Authority and
established in a notarized/sworn justification as provided for in Section 14 (h).

Section 15. Evaluation of the Request for Personal Travel Authority.

a. The Personnel Division shall evaluate the completeness and propriety of the
submitted documentary requirements. Requests for Personal TA with incomplete
supporting documentary requirements shall be returned to the concerned official
or employee for the compliance on the submission of missing documents.

b. Upon ascertaining the completeness and propriety of the submitted documentary

requirements, the Personnel Division shall initial on the proposed TA then submit
its recommendation along with a certified checklist of documentary requirements
(Annex E) to the appropriate Approving Authority for approval and signature.

Section 16. Processing Times. - All recommendations for the issuance of Personal TA
shall be submitted by the Personnel Division to the appropriate Approving Authority
specified in Section 13 above at least five (5) working days before the intended date of
departure, except in urgent and meritorious cases as determined by the appropriate
Approving Authority. To ensure this, requesting officials and employees, as well as the
Personnel Division, must observe the following periods prescribed for processing at each

Activi1 Entjty In-Charge I Realementarv Period

Submission of documentary Official Fempl©eje Msmty (3Cc
requirements for the request requesting for Personal Edays from the intended date
for Personal TA to the TA 1of departure
Personnel Division
Review of the completeness Personnel Division Maximum of five (5) working
and propriety of the days
submitted documentary
Compliance of the official or c ng
employee on the deficient requesting for Personal 1days
documentary requirements, TA
if an
Drafting of recommendation Personnel Division Maximum of five (5) working
and accomplishment of a days
certified checklist of
documentary requirements

Submission of the 1 Personnel Division At least five (5) working days
recommendation to the before the intended date of
appropriate Approving departure


Section 17. Approval of Official Local Travel. The following officials shall be the
Approving Authority for Official Local Travel:

a. The Secretary of Justice, or his designated representative, shall act on all requests
for Official Local Travel. as defined herein, of Undersecretaries, Assistant
Secretaries, the Chief State Counsel, the Prosecutor General, and the heads of
attached agencies.

b. The Secretary of Justice, or his designated representative, shall likewise act on

such requests when the travel of any official or employee of the Department or any
of the attached agencies would exceed a period of thirty (30) days.

c. The Undersecretary-in-Charge of the Prosecution Staff is hereby designated to act

on requests for Official Local Travel of the prosecutors and staff of the Office of
the Secretary of Justice Prosecution Staff (OSJPS), prosecution offices in the
National Capital Region (NCR), as well as the Regional Prosecutors.

d The Regional Prosecutors are hereby authorized to act on requests for Official
Local Travel of the prosecutors and staff within their respective Regional
Prosecution Offices: Provided, that the venue thereof is also within their regional
jurisdiction and the travel is at no cost to the Department; otherwise, the
Undersecretary-in-Charge of the Prosecution Staff shall act on the same.

e. All Undersecretaries are hereby authorized to act on request for Official Local
Travel of officials and employees belonging to the offices and programs under their
immediate supervision and/or those within their delineated functions.

f. All heads of Bureaus, Commissions and Agencies attached to the Department

shall act on requests for Official Local Travel not exceeding a period of thirty (30)
days of the officials and employees in their respective offices.

Section 18. Requirements for Official Local Travel. At least fifteen (15) days from the
date of intended departure, requests for Official Local Travel with the following
documentary requirements shall be submitted to the appropriate Approving Authority
specified in the preceding Section:

a. Memorandum addressed to the appropriate Approving Authority proposing

or justifying the Official Local Travel from the head of the office/service/program
to which the official or employee belongs to;

b Copy of the invitation or letter of admission, as received, if any;

c. Itinerary of Travel;
d. Funds Availability SliP (FAS) and Computation of Travel Expenses issued by
the Financial Service, if the requested Official Local Travel would require budget
expenditure from the Department;

1. In order to request for a FAS for such travel, the concerned official or employee
shall accomplish two (2) copies of the accomplished Itinerary of Travel Form
(Annex A) signed by the immediate supervisor of the head of office of the
concerned official or employee, and submit the same to the Budget Division,
Financial Service, this Department.

2 If the office/service/program where the concerned official or employee belongs

to has sufficient funds to cover the projected travel expenses from the
requested travel, the FAS shall be issued by the Financial Service jointly signed
by the Chief Accountant and Chief Budget Officer, and duly approved by the
Undersecretary and/or Assistant Secretary-in-Charge of Financial Service.
Otherwise, realignment of funds of the concerned office/service/program shall
first be secured.

3. As far as practicable, the amount indicated in the FAS issued for purposes of
the requested travel should be able to account for the possible increase in the
prices of airline flight tickets.

e. Proof that the person intending to travel has submitted a Post-Travel Report
pertaining to his/her last Official Travel;

f. Clearance Form, if the intended travel exceeds a period of thirty (30) days;

g. Notarized/Sworn Justification (for late submission);

h. For officials and heads of office/service/program, proposed action document/s

designating the alternate/s, or official/s or personnel/s who shall take over the
assignments or areas of responsibilities of the nominated representative/s;

Proposed Travel Order. Officials and employees requesting for TO for Official
Local Travel are enjoined to use the suggested template in Annex F; and

j. Checklist of documentary requirements (Annex G) certified complete by the

concerned official/s or employee/s.

Non-compliance with the aforementioned fifteen (15)-day rule shall be a cause for non-
action of the request, except in urgent and meritorious cases as determined by the
Approving Authority and established in a notarized/sworn justification as provided for in
Section 18 (g).

Section 19. Availment of Department of Tourism (DOT)-Accredited

Accommodations. The Approving Authority and personnel concerned are encouraged
to patronize DOT-accredited accommodations to ensure availment of adequate but
reasonably-priced services and amenities.

Section 20. Trainings, Seminars and Workshops. The procedure for requesting
authority for Official Local Travel, as well as the guidelines on the allowable expenses
related thereto, for local trainings, seminars, workshops, or developmental courses,
whether grant-funded or undertaken at minimal cost to the Department, shall continue to
be governed by D.C. No. 025 dated 30 June 2022.


Section 21. Approval of Attendance to Official Business. All Undersecretaries,

Assistant Secretaries, the Chief State Counsel, the Prosecutor General, and the heads
of attached agencies of the Department are hereby further authorized to issue and
approve the Travel Order using the suggested template in Annex F for attendance to
local Official Business of officials and employees belonging to the offices and programs
under their immediate supervision and/or those within their delineated functions.

All Regional, Provincial and City Prosecutors shall have the authority to
approve/disapprove attendance to local Official Business of their respective prosecutors
and prosecution staff.


Section 22. Numbering of Issued Travel Authority (TA) and Travel Order (TO). The
appropriate Approving Authority shall issue the corresponding TA for Official Foreign
Travel (Annex B) and Personal Travel (Annex D), or TO for Official Local Travel and
Official Business (Annex F), as the case may be. To avoid duplication, all approved TAs
and TOs emanating from the Department Proper shall be submitted to the Records
Management Section, this Department, for recording and numbering prior its
release/transmittal .

All approved TOs for Official Local Travel and Official Business emanating from the
Regional, Provincial and City Prosecution Offices shall likewise be recorded and
numbered by the office of the Approving Authority before its release/transmittal.

The numbering protocol shall be as follows:

Official Foreign Travel

ADDrovina Author Numbering Protocol

Secretary of Justice TA No

Personal Travel

Approving Authori Numbering Protocol

Secretary of Justice TA No
UndersecMa .in-Charge TA No

Official Local Travel

Approving Authol Numbering Protocol

Secretary of JustM DTO No
Undersecre' in-Charge DTO No
Regional Prosem RTO No

Official Business

ADDrovina Authori' Numbering Protocol

Undersecreta .in-Charge DTO No
Assistant Secret, 'in-CRe DTO No
Chief State Counsel - Legal Staff DTO No
Prosecutor General - NPS– DTO No
Regjonal Prosecutor RTO No
Provincial Prosecutor PTO No
City Prosecutor CTO No

Section 23. Database of All Travels and Official Business. Upon its release of all
approved and numbered TAs and TOs emanating from the Department Proper, the
Records Management Section shall likewise copy furnish the Personnel Division of the
said TA or TO for the purpose of establishing a database of all travels and attendance to
official business undertaken by the officials and employees of the Department and its
attached agencies.

All approved TOs for Official Local Travel and Official Business emanating from the
Regional, Provincial and City Prosecution Offices shall likewise be copy furnished to their
respective local Human Resources (HR) offices, who shall then be required to submit on
or before the 5th day of the succeeding month, a matrix report to the Personnel Division,
this Department, of all authorized travels and attendance to official business of their
respective officials and employees for the preceding month, indicating therein the names
of the travellers, their destinations, the duration, the nature and purpose of the travel, and
the costs of travel. If the local prosecution office does not have a separate HR office, the
office of the Approving Authority shall be responsible for collating all approved TOs
emanating therein and submitting the aforementioned report to the Personnel Division.

Section 24. Alternative to Travel. All officials authorized to approve Official Travel are
required, as far as practicable, to minimize travel cost. Hence, all forms of
communications (e.g., teleconferencing, videoconferencing, or submission of briefs
and/or positions papers) must first be explored or considered as alternatives to travel,
provided these do not compromise national security and confidentiality of official

Section 25. Travel Prohibitions & Conditions.

C. All forms of travel junkets shall be strictly prohibited.

d The conduct of strategic planning workshops or team building activities abroad
shall not be allowed.

e. The taking of a personal leave immediately before or after the official activity is
highly discouraged.

f If travel circumstances, such as the nature of activity, purpose and itinerary,

indicate that the trip is mainly intended for personal purposes, no part thereof shall
be considered as official.

g. Official foreign trips partially or fully sponsored or funded by private corporations

or private individuals shall be fully disclosed. No Official or Personal Travel of
Department officials and employees shall be funded directly or indirectly, fully or
partially, by private individuals, including suppliers or contractors, with pending
request/s or application/s or future dealings with the Department. This prohibition
applies to invitations to travel purportedly to undertake study or assessment of the
proponents’ capabilities such as contractors or suppliers.

Section 26. Reportorial Requirements.

a. Post.Travel Report for Official Foreign and Local Travel. A Post-Travel Report,
in such form and substance as may be prescribed by the Undersecretary-In-
Charge of Personnel, shall be submitted to the appropriate Approving Authority of
such travel within fifteen (15) calendar days upon return to the Permanent Official

The concerned official or employee shall thereafter submit a copy of the Post-
Travel Report, with a stamp received by the office of the appropriate Approving
Authority of such travel, to the Planning and Management Service (PMS) and the
Department of Justice Library for recording purposes.

b Report of the Delegation for Official Foreign Trips. In case of participation in

an international conference or convention in which the Philippines is represented
by a delegation, a report of the delegation shall be submitted to the Office of the
President, through the Secretary, copy furnished the Secretary of the Department
of Foreign Affairs (DFA), not later than thirty (30) calendar days after the closing of
the conference or convention. Any member of the delegation may also submit a
supplementary report.

Section 27. Authorized Official Foreign Travel Allowances. Officials or employees

authorized to undertake Official Foreign Travel shall be granted a Daily Subsistence
Allowance (DSA) and such other travel entitlements permitted under existing orders,
circulars and guidelines.

Section 28. Authorized Official Local Travel and Official Business Travel
Allowances. Officials or employees authorized to undertake Official Local Travel or
local official business shall be granted a Daily Travel Expense (DTE) allowance and such
other travel entitlements permitted under existing orders, circulars and guidelines.

Section 29. Cash Advances for Authorized Travel Expenses and Period of
Liquidation of Travelling Expenses.

a. As far as practicable, cash advance for travel allowances shall be claimed before
any Official Travel is undertaken.

b. The official or personnel concerned shall liquidate his/her travel expenses in

accordance with the prescribed liquidation period:

Travel Period of Liquidation

Official Local Travel Within thirty (30) calendar days after completion of
the Official Local Travel
Official Foreign Within sixty (60) calendar days after completion of
Travel the Official Foreign Travel
The concerned official or employee shall submit a Liquidation Report strictly within
the prescribed period of liquidation, to be supported by the mandatory documents
as enumerated in Annex H for Official Foreign Travel and Annex I for Official
Local Travel.

d. Any refund of excess cash advance shall be made in Philippine currency computed
at the prevailing bank rate at the day of refund. The official or employee concerned
shall secure an Order of Payment from the Accounting Division for presentation to
the Cashier to return the unexpended amount of the cash advance. Subsequently,
the Cashier shall issue an Official Receipt (OR) as proof of the reverted amount
from the cash advance. The OR shall serve as supporting document to the
Liquidation Report.

e. In the event that the cash advances for travel expenses was not granted prior to
the actual travel, claims for reimbursement shall likewise be made within the
prescribed period of liquidation, to be supported by the mandatory documents as
enumerated in Annex J for Official Foreign Travel and Annex K for Official Local

f. All claims for travel allowances shall be processed only if: (a) the expenses from
the previous cash advance have been fully liquidated, as certified by the Chief
Accountant; and (b) the complete and proper documentary requirements have
been submitted .

g. To preclude double payment, the corresponding portion of the DTE for Official
Local Travel, or the DSA for Official Foreign Travel, shall not be allowed when the
expenses for transportation, meals, and/or accommodation are provided for by the
sponsoring government or party.

Section 30. Mode of Transportation.

a. Officials and employees of the Department and its attached agencies shall use the
most economical and efficient mode of transportation for all Official Travel.
Transportation expenses shall be limited to economy class, which for purposes of
this Circular, does not include premium economy class.

b. The use of chartered trips, special hires of public utilities, garage cars, water
vessel, and other extraordinary means of transportation for Official Local Travel

shall not be allowed unless justified by the prevailing circumstances, such as but
not limited to, (i) carrying large amounts of case, bulky equipment and important
documents, (ii) inclement weather, (iii) accompanying Department officials or
heads of attached agencies, or (iv) when time is of the essence.

Section 31. Prohibited Travel. Official Travel without an approved TA or TO issued by

the appropriate Approving Authority as specified herein is prohibited. Those who travel
without an approved TA or TO shall be considered on leave or absent, as the case may
be, and shall not be allowed to reimburse travel expenses

Section 32. Alignment of Processes. All offices under the Financial, Administration and
Personnel Services Cluster, and the Technical Staff, Office of the Secretary, this
Department, are hereby directed to align their processes, services, and documentation in
relation to the issuance of aTA or TO, as the case may be, with the Guidelines prescribed
in this Circular.

Section 33. Travel Authority from the Office of the President (OP). Notwithstanding
the foregoing, the OP is not precluded from requiring any official or employee to secure
authority for Official Travel from said Office or from another Approving Authority to be
designated by it.

This Circular amends previous Department Circulars insofar as they are

inconsistent herewith and takes effect for all requests submitted to the appropriate
Approving Authority starting 07 November 2022 until further orders. All other issuances,
rules and regulations, and provisions which are inconsistent herewith are also hereby
repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly.

For guidance, reference and strict compliance

,epartmeit of Jushce
CN: 0202211020
Copy furnished:
All concerned


Entitv Name :
Fund Cluster:

Name : IDate of Travel :

Position : IPurpose of Travel :
Official Station :

Date lg@xoall'hbNrlq.I mmm 1 nspoi{Her mejlotaI

(Destination: i Transportation 1 station I Diem Amount

Prepared by :

I certify that : (1) 1 have reviewed the foregoing

itinerary, (2) the travel is necessary to the service, Sionature over Printed Name
(3) the period covered is reasonable and (4) the
expenses claimed are proper.

Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name

TIIunediate Supervisor Agency Head/AuthorizedRepraentative

Republika ng Pilipinas
Department of Justice
f. ITlaT;JI

(To be fined out by Records Management Section)


(Name of Official or Employee)


You are hereby authorized to travel and attend, on Official Time, the
(Title of Activity/Event) to be held at (Venue/Destination of requested travel) on
(Period covered, inclusive of travel time).

The expenses in connection with this Travel Authority shall be chargeable

against (the funds of the Department, subject to the availability thereof, and the
pertinent accounting, auditing, procurement, and budgetary rules and
regulations, or the name of the Sponsoring Agency/Government/Organization.
Hence, this shall not, in any way, entail any expense on the part of the Philippine
Government, as the case may be).

(Note: For expenses chargeable against the funds of the Department, the Travel
Authority may likewise specify all the entitlements allowed under relevant executive
orders, circulars and guidelines.)

A Post-Travel Report shall be submitted to the undersigned within fifteen (15)

calendar days upon return to the Permanent Official Station, in compliance with
Department Circular No. 036 dated 02 November 2022. Thereafter, a copy of the Post-
Travel Report stamped received by the office of the undersigned shall be submitted to
the Planning and Management Service (PMS) and the Department of Justice Library
for recording purposes.





Documentary Requirements Certified by the

Technical Staff:
racial Foreign
Travel from the head of the office/servi m/program nominating the
representative/s to said foreign travel, including the justifications thereof as
required under this Circular
2, ldtng the
transmittat letter or e-mail, as received
Certificate of No Pending Administrative Case issued by the appropriate
4. r 1e immediate
head of office
5. Itinerary of Travel
6. Funds Availability Slip (FAS) and Computation of Travel Expenses issued
by the Financial Service covering the projected expenses chargeable
against government funds. if an
7- Proof that the person intenMg to travel has submitted a Post-Travel
Report pertaining to his or her last ofFicial travel
Clearance Form,
Notarized/SwornJustification (for late submission
Proposed Travel Authority using the prescribed form
For officials and heads of office/service/program, proposed action
document/s designating the alternate/s, or official/s or personnel/s who
shall take over the assignments or areas of responsibilities of the person/s
in whose favour the Travel Authority is recommended to be issued

I hereby certify, upon my honor, that the I hereby certify, upon my honor, that I have
documentary requirements indicated herein for the reviewed the completeness and propriety of the
purpose of requesting the Travel Authority (Ofncjal) submitted documents, and thus a Ind the
are completely submitted. approval of the requested Travel Authority

Signature over Printed Name of Evaluator Director IV, Technical Staff
from the Technical Staff

To be accomplished by the Office of the for Personnel:

Uploaded the endorsement or invitation for Official Foreign Travel ! in fo

48) hours 0 !ther b ail o Mc ( )YES ( ) NO
via the online link: t/www.t .c o
Portal for Official Fore ated by the Undersecretary-in-Chargeof
Name and Signature
Republika ng Pilipinas
Department of Justice


(To be filled out by Records Management Section)


Returned herewith to (NAME OF OFFICIAL OR EMPLOYEE) (Permanent

Official Station and Designation), his/her approved request to travel to (Country of
Destination) for the period of (Period covered inclusive of travel time) per attached
letter dated (Date of Request-Letter) .

It is understood that the absence from the office of (NAME OF OFFICIAL OR

EMPLOYEE) shall not adversely affect the service, is covered by a duly approved
application for leave of absence chargeable against his/her leave credits, and that no
expense shall be borne by the government in connection with the trip.

Name and Signature of Approving Authority




Documentary Requirements Certified by the

Personnef Division:
1. Letter-Request for the Personal Travel recommended by the head of
office/service/program where the concerned official or employee belongs
2 Approved Application for Leave
3 Certificate of No Pending Administrative Case issued by the appropriate
4. Certificate of No Backlog of Work Assignments issued by the immediate
head of office
ITR (BIR Form 2316'
Certification of Service /DTR
Clearance Form, if the intended travel exceeds a period of thirty (30} days
Notarized/Sworn Justification (for late submission
Proposed Travel Authoritv using the prescribed form
For officials and heads of office/service/program, proposed action
document/s designating the alternate/s, or official/s or personnel/s who
shall take over the assignments or areas of responsibilities of the person/s
in whose favour the Travel Authority is recommended to be issued

I hereby certify, upon my honor, that the I hereby ce, upon my honor, that I have
documentary requirements indicated herein for the reviewed the completeness and propriety of the
purpose of requesting the Travel Authority submitted documents, and thus recommend the
(Personal) are completely submitted. approval of the requested Travel Authority

Signature over Printed Name of Evaluator Acting Chief, Personnel Division
from the Personnel Division
Republika ng Pilipinas
Department of Justice




(Name of Official or Employee)


You are hereby authorized to (travel and attend for Official Local Travel
or attend for Official Business, as the case may be), on Official Time, the (Title of
Activity/Event) to be held at (Venue/Destination of requested travel) on (Period
covered, inclusive of travel time).

(Additional information and directives for the Travel Order for Official Local Travel; not
required to be included for the Travel Order for Official Business)

The expenses in connection with this Travel Order shall be chargeable against
(the funds of the Department, subject to the availability thereof, and the
pertinent accounting, auditing, procurement, and budgetary rules and
regulations, or the name of the Sponsoring Agency/Government/Organization.
Hence, this shall not, in any way, entail any expense on the part of the Philippine

(Note: For expenses chargeable against the funds of the Department, the Travel
Authority may likewise specify all the entitlements under relevant executive orders,
circulars and guidelines.)

A Post-Travel Report shall be submitted to the undersigned within fifteen (15)

calendar days upon return to the Permanent Official Station, in compliance with
Department Circular No. 036 dated 02 November 2022. Thereafter, a copy of the Post-
Travel Report stamped received by the office of the undersigned shall be submitted to
the Planning and Management Service (PMS) and the Department of Justice Library
for recording purposes.

Name and Signature of Approving Authority




Documentary Requirements Certified by the head

of the office/service/
rocI ram :

1. Memorandum for the appropriate Approving Authority proposing or

justifying the Official Local Travel from the head of the
office/service/oroqram nominating the representative/s to said local travel
2. Copy of the invitation and/or call for nomination, if any, including the
transmittal letter or e-mail, as received
Itinerary of Travel
Funds Availability Slip (FAS) and Computation of Travel Expenses issued
by the Financial Service covering the projected expenses chargeable
against government funds. if an
5 Proof that the person intending to travel has submitted a Post-Travel
Report pertaining to his or her last official travel
Clearance Form, if the intended travel exceeds a period of thirty (30) days
Notarized/SwornJustification (for late submission
Proposed Travel Order using the prescribed form
For officials and heads offices/services/programs, proposed action
document/s designating the alternate/s, or ofFicial/s or personnel/s who
shall take over the assignments or areas of responsibilities of the person/s
in whose favour the Travel Order is recommended to be issued

I hereby certify, upon my honor, that the documentary requirements indicated herein for the purpose of
requesting the Travel Order are completely submitted.

Signature over Printed Name of Head of the Office/Service/Program



Documentary Requirements a / Secured / Certified Verified

Provided by: by: by:
lend-use :FS
1. Duly filled up Liquidation Report Prepared by End User with
signatures in Boxes A-
claimant: B-supervisor
2. Copy of approved DV and ORS of the cash End User
advance issued
Certificate of Travel Completed
Certificate of Appearance/attendance or any
other proof of participation
Copy of the Approved Travel Authorit'
Copy of approved itinerary of travel
Amended Itinerary of Travel, c
Paper/electronic plane, boat or bus tickets,
boarding pass. terminal fee
9, Approved Leave Application Form, if trip is
10. Official Receipt issued by Cashier in case of Cashier Section
refund of excess cash advance
11. Authority from the Office of the President to End User
claim Representation Allowan w (if applicable
12. Copy of the United Nations Development
Program (UNDP) rate for the daily subsistence
allowance (DSA) for the country of destination
13. Copy of the document to show the dollar to peso
exchange rate at the date of grant of cash
14. Post-Travel Report/ Narrative report on the trip

Reminder to End User:

• it is understood that cash advan@ not liquidated within sixty (60) days after completion of travel will result to
the automatic withholding of salary, pursuant to E.O. No. 77, s. 2019.

I hereby mrtify, upon my honor, that the required I hereby certify, upon my honor, that I have reviewed
supporting documents are completely submitted and the completeness and propriety of the submitted
have been ex in amordanoe with documents, and thus recommend the approval of the
existing Accounting and Auditing rutes and requested expense


Head, Requesting Office / Authorized Representative Director IV. Financial Service


Documentary Requirements a d / Secured Certified Verified

/ Provided by: by by:
lend-use IFS:
1 Duly filled up Liquidation Report (with signature End User
in Boxes A-claimant: B-supervisor
2, )
advance issued/granted
Certificate of Travel Completed
Copy of the Approved Travel Order
Copy of previous approved Itinerary of Travel
Approved Amended Itinerary of Travel, if
7. Paper/electronic plane, boat or bus tickets,
official receipt for taxi (whichever is applicable
8. Boarding pass and terminal fee receipts, if
Certificate of Appearance/Attendance
Certificate of Expenses Not Requiring Receipts
(for expenses amounting to P300 or less exmpt
for payment of fares in public utility vehicles
issuing receipts such as bus, train, vessel/shi
11 Reimbursement Expenses Receipt (for
expenses above P300.00 but not ex@eding
P1,000.00 which cannot be supported by Offidal
12. Post-Travel Report/ Narrative report on the trip
13. Official Receipt (OR) in case of refund of excess Cashier Section
cash advance
14. Certification by the Head of Agency as to the
absolute necessity of expenses inalrred

Reminder to End User:

• it is understood that cash advance not liquidated within thirty (30) days after completion of travel will result to
the automatic withholding of salary, pursuant to E.O. No. 77, s. 2019,
• Please refer to D.C. 016, s. 2022 for the use of Reimbursement Expense Receipt (RER) and Certification of
Expenses not Requiring Receipts (CENRR)

I hereby certify, upon my honor, that the required I hereby certify, upon my honor, that I have reviewed
supporting documents are completely submitted and completeness and propriety of the submitted
have been \ued in accordance with documents. and thus CO
d the approval of the
existing Accounting and Auditing rules and requested expenu


Head, Requesting Office / Authorized Representative DIrector IV. Financial Service


Documentary Requirements > ed / Secured / Certified Verified

Provided by: by by:
lend-use IFS
1. Obligation Request and Status (ORS) Prepared by the end user and
signed by the Head of
Dulv filled up Disbursement Voucher (DV: Program/Service in Box A
Certificate of Travel Completed End user
Copy of Approved Travel Authori
Funds Availability (FA) sli
Copy of approved Itinerary of Travel
Paper/electronic plane, boat or bus tickets,
boarding pass, terminal fee
8 Official Receipt of Airfare or document showing
lavment of the airfare. if applicable
9 Copy of the United Nations Development
Program (UNDP) rate for the daily subsistence
allowance (DSA) for the country of destination
revailinq rate at the time of travel
10. Copy of the document to show the dollar to peso
exchange rate on the date of departure from the
11. Certificate of Appearance/Attendance or any
other proof of participation
12. Letter of Invitation of host/sponsoring
Print out of non-availability of flight in the PS
online ticketin,
15. Quotations frore
its equivalent, whichever is applicable
16. Post-Travel Report/ Narrative report on the trip
Approved Leave Application Form, if trip is
Authority from the Office of the President to claim
Representation Allowance (if applicable

Reminders to End User:

• Reimbursement of expenses for travel shall be allowed if there is no existing unliquidated cash advance for
• Only economy class booking is allowed pursuant to Section 12 of E.O. No. 77, s. 2019

I hereby certify, upon my honor, that the required I hereby certify, upon my honor, that I have reviewed
supporting documents are completely submitted and the completeness and propriety of the submitted
have been executed/issued in accordance with documents, and thus recommend the approval of the
existing Accounting and Auditing rules and requested expenw


Head, Requesting Office / Authorized Representative Director IV. Financial Service


Documentary Requirements To be Prepared / Secured / Certified Verified

Provided by: by' by:
lend-use :FS
1. Obligation Request and Status (ORS) Prepared by the end user and
signed by the Head of
Program/Service in Box A
2. Duly filled up Disbursement Voucher (DV)

Certificate of Travel Completed End User

Approved Travel Order with authority to
reimburse sjgned by authorized sjqnato
Copy of approved Itinerary of Travel
Paper/electronic plane, boat or bus tickets,
official receipt for taxi (whichever is applicable
Reimbursement Expenses Receipt (RER) for
expenses above P300.00 but not exceeding
P1 ,000.00 which cannot be supported by OfFicial
Boarding pass and terminal fee receipts if
Certificate of Appearance/Attendance
Certificate of Expenses Not Requiring Receipts
(for expenses amounting to P300 or less except
for payment of fares in public utility vehicles
issuing receipts such as bus, train, vessel/shi
12. Post-Travel Report/ Narrative report on the trip
13. Official Receipt (OR) in case of refund of excess Cashier Section
cash advance
14. Certification as to the absolute necessity of the End User
expenses, duly approved by the Secretary or his
authorized representative (for claims of actual
expenses in ex ass of per diem

Reminder to End User:

• Reimbursement of expenses for travel shall be allowed if there is no existing unliquidated cash advance for
travel and other purposes.
• Claim of actual expenses should not exceed 100% of allowed per diem, per E.O. 77, s. 2019.
• Department Officials with RATA are not allowed to claim transportation expenses if the place of destination is
within 50km from residence/hotel/officialstation to airport.

I hereby certify, upon my honor, that the requiredI hereby certify, upon my honor, that I have reviewed
supporting documents are completely submitted and the completeness and propriety of the submitted
have been executed/issued in accordance with documents, and thus a !nd the approval of the
existing Accounting and Auditing rules and requested expense,


Head, Requesting Office / Authorized Representative DIrector IV. Financial Service

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