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Executive Summary

PepsiCo is a global food and beverage company that produces a wide range of products,
including Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Lay's, Doritos, and Quaker Oats. The company has a long
history of success, and it is currently the second-largest food and beverage company in the
world. PepsiCo's target market is young adults aged 18-34. The company's marketing
campaigns are designed to appeal to this demographic by using humor, excitement, and
energy. Pepsi's marketing mix includes advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and
direct marketing. The company's advertising campaigns are typically high-profile and
feature popular celebrities. Pepsi has also been known to sponsor major sporting events,
such as the Super Bowl and the World Cup. PepsiCo's public relations efforts focus on
building relationships with the media and generating positive publicity for the company.
The company also engages in social responsibility initiatives, such as its support for the
World Wildlife Fund. PepsiCo's sales promotion activities include coupons, discounts, and
sampling. The company also offers loyalty programs, such as Pepsi Rewards, which allow
customers to earn points for purchases. PepsiCo's direct marketing efforts include direct
mail, email, and telemarketing. The company also uses its website to sell products and
collect customer information. PepsiCo's IMC plan is designed to reach its target market
with a consistent message across all channels. The company's marketing mix is used to
create a seamless experience for customers, from the moment they first see an ad to the
moment they purchase a product.

Situation Analysis-Environmental Analysis

Competitive Analysis

PepsiCo's main competitor is Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola is the largest food and beverage
company in the world, and it has a long history of success. Coca-Cola's marketing
campaigns are also very effective, and they have helped the company to maintain its
market dominance.

Economic Analysis
The global economy is currently experiencing a period of growth. This is good news for
PepsiCo, as it means that consumers have more money to spend on food and beverages.
However, the company will need to be careful to avoid raising prices too high, as this could
lead to a decrease in demand.

Political Analysis

The political landscape in many countries is becoming increasingly unstable. This could
pose a challenge for PepsiCo, as it could lead to government regulations that make it more
difficult for the company to operate.

Regulatory Analysis

Government regulations are becoming more stringent in many countries. This could pose a
challenge for PepsiCo, as it could make it more difficult for the company to market its

Technological Analysis

Technology is changing the way that people consume food and beverages. PepsiCo will
need to keep up with these changes in order to remain competitive. For example, the
company is investing in new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, to help it to
improve its marketing campaigns.

Social Analysis

Consumers are becoming more health-conscious. This could pose a challenge for PepsiCo,
as it means that the company will need to offer healthier products in order to appeal to this
growing segment of the market.

Implications of the Situation Analysis

The information obtained through the situation analysis has a number of implications for
PepsiCo's marketing strategies and action plans. The company will need to:

 Continue to invest in marketing campaigns that appeal to its target market.

 Monitor the global economy and make adjustments to its marketing strategies as
 Stay up-to-date on government regulations and make sure that the company is in
 Invest in new technologies that can help the company to improve its marketing
 Offer healthier products in order to appeal to health-conscious consumers.

SWOT Analysis


 Strong brand recognition: PepsiCo has a strong brand recognition around the world.
Its brands, such as Pepsi, Mountain Dew, and Lay's, are some of the most
recognizable brands in the world. This strong brand recognition gives PepsiCo a
competitive advantage over its competitors.
 Global reach: PepsiCo has a global reach. It operates in over 200 countries and
territories around the world. This global reach allows PepsiCo to reach a large
number of potential customers.
 Diversified product portfolio: PepsiCo has a diversified product portfolio. It
produces a wide range of food and beverage products, including carbonated soft
drinks, snacks, and juices. This diversified product portfolio allows PepsiCo to
appeal to a wide range of consumers.
 Strong financial performance: PepsiCo has a strong financial performance. It has a
history of profitability and growth. This strong financial performance allows
PepsiCo to invest in new products and marketing campaigns.
 Experienced management team: PepsiCo has an experienced management team. Its
management team has a deep understanding of the food and beverage industry. This
experienced management team is able to make sound decisions that will help
PepsiCo to grow and succeed.

 Reliance on a few key brands: PepsiCo relies on a few key brands for the majority of
its sales. These brands, such as Pepsi and Mountain Dew, are vulnerable to changes
in consumer preferences. If consumer preferences change, PepsiCo's sales could
 Competition from Coca-Cola: PepsiCo's main competitor is Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola is
the largest food and beverage company in the world. It has a strong brand
recognition and a global reach. This competition from Coca-Cola makes it difficult
for PepsiCo to grow its market share.
 Health concerns about sugary drinks: There is growing concern about the health
effects of sugary drinks. Some consumers are choosing to drink healthier beverages,
such as water and juice. This concern about sugary drinks could lead to a decline in
sales of PepsiCo's products.
 Environmental impact of packaging: PepsiCo's packaging has a negative impact on
the environment. Its products are packaged in plastic bottles and cans, which
contribute to pollution. This environmental impact could lead to negative publicity
for PepsiCo and could hurt its sales.


 Growing demand for healthier beverages: There is a growing demand for healthier
beverages. Consumers are looking for beverages that are lower in sugar and
calories. This demand for healthier beverages could create an opportunity for
PepsiCo to introduce new products that meet this demand.
 Expansion into new markets: PepsiCo has the opportunity to expand into new
markets. It could expand into emerging markets, such as China and India. These
markets have a large and growing population, which could provide PepsiCo with
new customers.
 Acquisitions of other food and beverage companies: PepsiCo could acquire other
food and beverage companies. This would allow PepsiCo to expand its product
portfolio and reach new markets.
 Development of new technologies: PepsiCo could develop new technologies. This
could allow PepsiCo to create new products and improve its marketing campaigns.

 Economic downturn: An economic downturn could lead to a decline in sales of

PepsiCo's products. Consumers may have less money to spend on non-essential
items, such as soft drinks and snacks.
 Changes in consumer preferences: Consumer preferences can change over time. If
consumer preferences change, PepsiCo may need to change its products or
marketing campaigns.
 New government regulations: New government regulations could make it more
difficult for PepsiCo to operate. For example, new regulations could restrict the use
of sugar in soft drinks.
 Increased competition from smaller companies: There is an increasing number of
smaller food and beverage companies. These smaller companies are often nimbler
and more innovative than larger companies, such as PepsiCo. This increased
competition could make it difficult for PepsiCo to grow its market share.

Communication goals and objectives:

Goal: Brand communication and increase sales volume through upcoming Eid Campaign.
i. To provide information about products
ii. To differentiate their products than its competitors
iii. To market demand of their products
iv. To accelerate sales volume
v. To accentuate product’s value
vi. To make sure that consumers get the same message when they interact company’s brand
in various ways
vii. To unify same message to make it consistent across all the media to reach it’s target
viii. To increase the brand identity

Target audience& persons:

Soft drinks are preferable by most of the people from age, gender, race ethnicity, income,
profession, religion. So, it is obvious that it has larger target audience. But demand of a particular
soft drink product basically depends on it’s brand value, quality, price, product category etc.
Products of PepsiCo beverage Ltd. have different appeal. Variation, taste and size. So it selects
it’s target audience based on few things which are described below-

Primary target audience:

1. Demographic segmentation: Pepsi Bangladesh Co demographics covers the age range
of 15 to 45, both male and female. The broad age group of Pepsi Bangladesh Co
consumer demographics tends to exclude young children and elderly individuals, who are
less likely to enjoy the caffeine-laden beverage. However, it includes singles, new
marrieds without children, and couples with younger children and teens.
2. Geographic segmentation: Pepsi Bangladesh Co product is sold in over Bangladesh.,
appealing to consumers in urban, semi-urban and rural settings.
3. Behavioral segmentation: Pepsi Bangladesh Co consumer demographics comprise
average to high income earners, including students, employees and professionals. The
target audience are regular and loyal users of the product who choose it for its
refreshment value and to enjoy the good taste, as well as Pepsi Bangladesh Co
consumption being part of their lifestyle habits
4. Psychographic segmentation: The Pepsi Bangladesh Co target audience includes
members of the working, middle and upper classes, with easygoing, determined and
ambitious personalities. Pepsi Bangladesh Co continues to market to a solid and growing
base of consumers who want sugar free cola options.

Secondary target audience:

1. Non-PepsiCo product user

IMC strategies:
Messaging works like a magic. Choosing write word for message is important thing to convince
your target audience. Selecting right channels to convey your message to your target audience is
another important task. According to Heinz Marketing, Companies who use multichannel to
reach their message to their target audience are more effective. ATL (TVC, digital marketing,
social media advertisement) and BTL (Billboard, banner, dangler, bunting, bus branding, on
campus event program) marketing strategies are more fruitful to draw attention to your target

Message recommendation:

At first PepsiCo selects the message based on their target audience. They create their message in
such a way that consumers of their competitor’s will be attracted.

Messaging to urban, semi-urban and rural people:

PepsiCo conducts it’s messaging based on two strategies like ATL (Above the line) and BTL
(Below the line).

ATL strategies:

PepsiCo conducts both TVC and digital media advertisements. They give various types of
advertisement like thematic TVC, trade offer related TVC and TVC on special occasion. They
give the similar types of messages on social media.

Thematic TVC Trade offer related TVC

0.8M reach

Digital platform
1.3M reach

PepsiCo basically conduct ATL and BTL strategies by using some competitive advantages.
Which helps PepsiCo to build their brand equity, brand awareness, trustworthiness, acceptability
among people and market share.

i. Leverage Celebrity Endorsements

PepsiCo has leveraged the power and popularity of celebrity endorsements to
increase its reach and visibility to its target audience. PepsiCo has used celebrities
like Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, and Beyonce to promote its products. Pepsi
continues to reach out to different groups and has been a major sponsor of the
NBA since 2015. In 2017, PepsiCo signed on to sponsor the UEFA Champions
League. As a franchisee of PepsiCo, Transcom beverage Ltd. uses celebrities for
its campaign.

Shakib Al Hasan was brand ambassador of Pepsi now he is brand ambassador of 7up.
Bangladesh football captain Jamal Bhuyan is the current brand ambassador of Pepsi cola.

ii. Use Innovative Campaigns

PepsiCo use innovative campaigns to reach its target audience. The brand has
already used campaigns like ‘Pepsi Challenge’, ‘Refresh Everything’, and ‘Live
for Now’ to increase its visibility
iii. Invest in Powerful Advertising
iv. Focus on Distribution Channels
v. Utilize Social Media Platforms
vi. Create Brand Partnerships
vii. Reinvent the Brand Logo
viii. Brand Positioning
ix. Multiple Pricing Structures

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