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Davie A .

BPED 2-5
activity bped 100
1. Share your experience of how you find your purpose

I discovered my purpose when I realized how drawn to

books I was. I had a dream of writing something that
would inspire others and help them learn through my
works, so I practiced writing stories in various genres to
challenge myself and give my readers satisfaction while
also teaching them something. This is what I had yearned
for since I began to write.

2. What are the things you enjoy?

Reading stories
Watching movies based on novels
Creating stories

3. Reflect on what have you learned?

Although reading is a hobby for some people, for me it is

a source of knowledge. I read a lot of books, and every
one of them has a turning point where the reader learns
something about themselves and about society. Some of
them are life lessons, while others are toxic. Even if I
don't physically experience them, I might have grown
aware of them from reading them without anyone or my
parents alerting me to them.

4. How can you share with your community?

Since I consider myself a writer, I may urge people to

follow in my footsteps by sharing my goals on numerous
platforms, such as social media. Writing serves as a
stress reliever since it allows the writer to express a
wide range of feelings in a single sentence.

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