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West Lodge Primary School

West End Lane, Pinner HA5 1AF

Tel: 020 8866 9836
Fax: 020 8866 3109

Twitter: @WestLodgeSchool
Headteacher: Mr Jim Dees

19th January, 2022

Dear Parents / Carers,

Permission for walking home alone

Following a review of our safeguarding procedures last year, we had introduced a new system for
Year 5 & 6 pupils who walk home unaccompanied by an adult. When you feel your child is ready,
children in Year 5 and 6 can walk to and from school independently. Should you, as parents, feel
your child is mature enough to cope with this responsibility would you please complete and return
the slip below, giving permission for your child to do so. This will enable us to update our records.

No child will be allowed to walk home without prior consent from a parent or carer. If your child is
given permission to walk home alone, they need to leave the premises at the end of the school day
and are not allowed to play on the school grounds without adult supervision. Children will not be
allowed to walk home without the form being completed and returned to school. If you decide at a
later date that you wish your child to start walking home alone, please ask for another copy of this
letter from your child’s teacher.

Yours sincerely
Mr Jim Dees

Reply Slip - Permission for walking home alone

I give permission for my child Name ________________________________________

Class: ___________________________ to walk home alone at the end of the school day. I
understand that it is the responsibility of parents, and not the school, once my child has left the
school premises.

Signature _________________________________ Date _________________

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