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Name:___________________ Date___________ Period #_____

Why Britain?: Gallery Walk Activity

Essential Question (EQ): Why was Britain the first country to industrialize?

Part I: Analyzing the “Exhibits”

● Working as a team in your table groups, analyze “Exhibits A-F”.
● Together, your job is to study/analyze each “exhibit” AND answer the Guiding Questions.

Exhibit A: Ag Revolution Leads to Industrial Revolution

Just before the Industrial Revolution, a period of changes in farming and agriculture occurred.,called the “Agricultural Revolution”.
It paved the way for the rapid industrial changes that happened during the 1750s to 1850s.

1. According to the article excerpt, how did the Agricultural Revolution impact the development of the
Industrial Revolution in Britain? (Be specific; there are 2 reasons!)

2. Define “surplus”. If farmers were producing extra food during the Agricultural Revolution, was it
required for everyone to be farmers? Explain.

Exhibit B: The Importance of Britain’s Geography

Britain, also known as the country of England, is located on an island off of the coast of mainland Europe. This unique
location–with mild weather year round– allowed Britain to prosper in the Industrial Revolution.

3. Why would having a temperate (or mild) climate be helpful for an industrializing society?
(Hint: Think about what weather food grows best in, food supply, working conditions for workers, etc.)

4. Britain had easy access to ocean waters. How could this have led to increased industrialization in
England? (Hint: What does a business/country do with a product after they make it?)
Name:___________________ Date___________ Period #_____

Exhibit C: Water Access & Waterways

Britain had access to oceans, as well as many natural rivers and man-made canals. Consider the impact that easy access to
oceans AND this network of natural and man-made waterways could have on an industrializing society.

5. Examine the maps of England’s rivers and canals, as well as the article excerpt.
What are the “PRO’s” of having many rivers that are easy to access and travel on?

6. Examine the maps. Where are most of Britain’s major cities located? Why do you think this is so?

Exhibit D: Natural Resources & Raw Materials

Britain had many natural resources. Some of these naturally occurring resources were sourced to power the new machines in the
factories, while others were harvested to turn into products during the manufacturing process.

7. Examine the maps of natural resources and raw materials. What kind of resources did Britain have?

8. Read the article excerpt. Why was coal so important? Explain.

Exhibit E: Political Stability & ‘Laissez-Faire’ Economics

Britain not only had the right type of resources to power industrialization- complete with a large and ready workforce- they also
had political stability and a government that supported entrepreneurs and new businesses.

9. How did the policy of “laissez-faire capitalism” or less interference with businesses/markets help British
business owners, traders, and industry? (Paragraph 1 white article; paragraph 2 gray article.)

10. Britain had all the ‘factors of production’ or resources needed to successfully produce goods and
services. What were these 3 factors? (Paragraph 2 of white article.)
Name:___________________ Date___________ Period #_____

Exhibit F: Population & Growth of Cities

The British population practically skyrocketed. More people were born, there was a surplus of available food, and Britain was
becoming ‘urban’ as more and more people migrated to the cities to work in the factories for wages.

11. Examine the map and graphs. What is the trend that you see happening with England’s population?
(Hint: Why would BOTH production and population of cities grow during the Industrial Revolution?)

12. Look at London’s population growth and compare it to the rest of the world’s major cities. What is
similar or different? (Hint: When did London’s population growth begin, and why is it larger?)
Name:___________________ Date___________ Period #_____

Why Britain?: Gallery Walk Activity

Part 2: Response to the Essential Question (EQ)

Using the knowledge from your Gallery Walk activity, please answer the Essential Question (EQ).

Essential Question (EQ): Why was Britain the first country to industrialize?

Your answer MUST:

● Be 5+ sentences long. (Minimum 5 sentences.)
● Include a topic sentence that ANSWERS the question.
● Include 2 examples (each from a DIFFERENT ‘Exhibit’) that support your position
● These examples must be specific citations; ex: quote, description of a map/picture

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