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Patient: Ahmed Mansour Bakhit Alshamsi( Justification Of Required Item With Diagnosis)

Diagnosis With Assessment:Patient Ahmed is suffering from Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy ,Erabs
palsy due to birth injury ,spina bifida oculta .Presenting crouch gait Ambulation.
Justification of Items Need For Patient Ambulation.
Kind Of KAFO:
1. Patient needs Plastic Molded KAFO night splint for over night correction of posterior knee soft
tissue contracture and Achilles tendon contracture .
2. KAFO Carbon Laminated with limited motion Neuro swing system knee joints :Ahmed Also
need Carbon Laminated KAFO with bilateral limited motionNeuro swing knee joints to improve
his crouch gait abnormality.
3. Purpose of Using KAFO:To Prevent development of posterior knee soft tissue contracture and
Achilles tendon contracture and will also prevent crouch gait abnormality which is now not
controlling in his old AFOs
Kindly Approve the above items for patient better ambulation in ADLS .

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