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VGB Guidelines and Instruction Sheets

Number English

R 101e Guideline for Ordering High-Capacity Steam Boilers - 2006

R 102 Ordering of ventilators for thermal power stations – 1993

R 103e Guideline for monitoring, limiting and protection devices on steam turbine plants - 2006

R 104 O Online guideline in order to implement the regulations for industrial safety

R 105e Thermal Behavior of Steam Turbines - 1990

R 106e Tubes of Condensers and Other Heat Exchangers (Part A Copper Alloys) – 1988

R107e Ordering and designing of fittings in thermal power plants - 2006

R 108 Fire protection in power plants – 2009

R109e Material specification for components in fossil-fired power plants - 2008

R 110 Guideline for heat exchanger and feed water tank in water-steam cycles of power plants - 1998

R 111 Recommendation for operation of feed pumps – 1992

R 113e Tubes for Condensers and Other Heat Exchangers – Stainless Steels

R 114e Tubes for Condensers and Other Heat Exchangers (Part C “Titanium”) – 1190 – reprint 1998

R 115 Recommendation for the revision of steam turbines – 1993

R 116e Preservation of Power Plant Systems - 2009

R 117 Mechanical block protection for thermal power stations - 1984

R 118 Recommendation “Guidance for controlling steam turbines by measuring of the internal efficiency” - 1982

R 121 Supervision-, Limiting and Protection Devices on Gas Turbine Systems - 1998

Collection of VGB guidelines and VGB recommendations for routing technology, Volume I.1 measurement
technology 1985, ring binder

1.1 justify, calibrate, gauge; 1.2 Selection of measuring and sampling lines for the water and steam area in
R 123 C/1.1 thermal power plants; 1.5 tapping point for procedural measurements on water and steam-leading systems; 1.6
temperature measuring with thermal elements and resistor thermometers; operational criteria and experimental
error detection; 1.8 note on measuring devices in flue gas cleaning systems; 1.9 measuring arrangement and
measuring devices of process measurement variables

Volume I.2 acceptance and control examination: 2.1 acceptance tests on feed pumps; 2.2 list of measuring
points for acceptance examination with data processing system; 2.3 selection of measuring points for
thermotechnical acceptance and control examination on steam generators; 2.4 practical notes for the design,
testing and installation of flow measuring sections with restrictors; 2.5 interception testing on conventional
R 123 C/1.2 power plant blocks; metrological planning and implementation, 2.6 acceptance and control testing on flue gas
cleaning systems, part 1: flue gas desulphurisation; 2.7 acceptance and control examination on flue gas cleaning
systems, part 2: flue gas denitrification; 2.8 preparation and implementation of thermotechnical acceptance and
control examinations on combined gas-steam turbine plants; 2.9 coal dust measuring with the zero pendular
probe; 2.10 losses caused by starting and stopping on block designs

R 123 C/1.9 Volume I.1, 1.9 section 6 – temperature

R 123 C/2.1 Volume I.2, 2.1 acceptance measuring on feed pumps - 2003

Preparation and Performance of Thermal Acceptance and Monitoring Tests on Gas- and Steam Combined-Cycle
R 123 C/2.8e
Turbine Plants - 1999

R 123 C/2.9e Coal Dust Measurements by means of the Zero-Pressure Pendulum Probe – 2000

R 123 C/2.10 Starting and stopping losses with block design – 2004

R 126 Recommendation for Design and Operation of Vacuum Pumps at Steam Turbine Condensers – 1986

R 127 Guidelines for turbine operation – edition 1985

R 129 Recommendation for winter operation of power plant wet cooling towers – 1988

Acceptance Test Measurements and Operational Monitoring of Water-Cooled Surface Condensers (with CD-
R 130e
Rom) - 1994
R 131e Acceptance Test Measurements and Operation Monitoring of Air-Cooled Condensers under Vacuum - 1997

R 135e Planning of Cooling Towers - 1997

R 140 Analysis of non-availability of thermal power stations – instruction for implementation - 1999

R 145e Guide for the Procurement of Steam Turbine Plants, Part A, B and C - 2008

R 150 Guideline for the introduction of quality management systems in EVU - 1995

ZLM Supplementary Agreement for the Supply of High-Voltage Electric Motors for Use in Power Plants – 1995,
R 160e
reprint 1999

R 161 On-site-power and on-site-power protection in power plants – 2002

R 165e Recommendation for the Improvement of H2 Safety in Hydrogen-cooled Generators

R 167 Recommendation for the revision of turbo generators - 2010

R 170 A1e Measures for the avoidance and handling of instrumentation and control equipment failures - 2005

R 170 B0 – B6e Design standards for instrumentation and control equipment, Parts B0e to B6e - 2006

Function-related documentation of power plant instrumentation and control in line with operating requirements –
R 170 Ce

Provision of Technical Documentation (Technical Plant Data, Documents) for Power Plants, 2nd, completely
R 171e
revised edition, with CD-Rom – 2010

R 175e IT Security for Power Plants - 2006

R 200 Interpretation and operation of Power Plants - 2007

R 201e Guideline for the Construction and Operation of Ash Handling Plants - 1192

R 202 Construction and operation of reprocessing plants for REA-products - 1997

R 210 Characterization of Power plant fuel coal - 2003

R 211e Prallmahlindex (PMI), Lignite Grindability Index PMI - 2009

R 301 Planning and ordering of facilities to reduce dust emission - 1992

R 302e Guideline for the Testing of DENOX Catalysts - 1998

R 304 Noise reduction in thermal power plants - 1998

R 305 Guideline for planning and ordering of facilities to reduce nitrogen emission (DENOX-facilities) - 1987

R 401 Guideline for water in nuclear power stations with LWR - 2006

R 450e Guidelines for Feed Water, Boiler Water and Steam Quality for Power Plants/Industrial Plants - 2004

R 455e Cooling Water Guideline - 2000

R 501 Production and construction and building monitoring of steam boiler systems - 2002

R 502 Production and construction as well as construction and building monitoring of flue gas cleaning plants - 1999

R 503e Guideline for the Internal Pipework of Turbo-Generator Sets - 2002

Guideline for the Inspection and Testing of Large Forgings and Castings for Steam and Gas Turbine Generators
R 504e
Sets - 2004

R 505e Guideline for the Use of High-Temperature Bolting - 2004

Condition monitoring and inspection of components of steam boiler installations and water or steam bearing
R 506e
highpressure pipes - 2009

R 507 Ordering of piping installations in thermal power stations – 2010 (partly replaces R 502 L)

R 508 Production and building monitoring of piping installations in thermal power stations - 1999

R 509 Recurring inspections on piping installations in fossil fuel thermal power stations - 2002

R 510 Pipe mountings - 1996

Guidelines for building and commissioning of fossil fuel power stations – 1986 – including revised site
R 511
regulations - 1995

R 511a Guideline for building and commissioning of fossil fuel power stations – 2. Edition 1995
Guideline for the Inspection and Evaluation of In-Service Rotors and Casings of Steam and Gas Turbine
R 512e
Generator Sets - 2003

R 513e Internal Cleaning of Water-Tube Steam Generating Plants and Associated Pipework (with CD-Rom) - 2006

R 515 Analysis of measurement results of mechanized ultrasonic testing – 2001

R 516 Method for procedure of qualification of non-destructive Testing – 2010 (VGB-ENIQ-Guideline)

Steam cooling in thermal power stations – 2004 (with corrigendum of section 6.4.2 and 6.5 (15) as of January
R 540

R 602e Indication and Application of Actions on Buildings in Power Plants - 2010

R 603e Guideline for Design and Purchase of Spring Elements for Machine Foundations – 1995 – reprint 1997

R 604 Usage and implementation of anchor bodies in concrete foundations - 1999

Application, design and quality-assurance criteria for the use of fibre-reinforced plastics in power plant
R 609e
construction – 2005

R 610e Structural Design of Cooling Towers - 2010

R 611 Guideline for the application of wood in cooling tower construction - 1196

Protection Measures on Reinforced Concrete Cooling Towers and Chimneys against Operational and
R 612e
Environmental Impacts - 2010

R 613e Code of Practice for Lifecycle Management of Reinforced Concrete Cooling Towers in Power Plants

R 631 Guideline for testing of power stations – surveying building support, certification and control - 2005

R 701 Building and operation of large storage facilities for power plant byproducts - 1997

RV 800 Waste disposal manual for power supply companies – 2007

Terms of public utilities – part B: electricity and district heating, booklet 3, basics and systematic of availability
RV 808 research for thermal power systems, pdf-file (*for participation in the VGB power system information system
KISSY, free of charge) - 2008

RV 809 Terms of public utilities, pdf-file – 2011

RS 001 List of recommended measurements for the power system sector - 1999

M VGB Instruction Sheets

M 101 Recommendations to avoid damages on steam turbines (inner soiling) – 2. edition

Cleaning Methods for the Bladings of Compressors and Turbines on Gas Turbines in the Open Process – 1991,
M 106e
reprint 1998

M 108 Alignment control on turbo sets - 1992

Recommendation for Control and Lubrication Systems of Steam and Gas Turbines Installations – 1993, reprint
M 109e

M 110e Fast Cooling-down of Steam Turbines – 1987

M 111 Measures for extending lifetime and strengthening of steam turbine plants - 1988

M 113 Lifetime extension of conventional power plant units - 1989

M 114 Efficiency change on steam turbines – causes and countermeasures - 1991

Consequences for repatriation of extinguishing water of VAwS and LöRüRL with storage of water-polluting
M 115
substances - 1997

M 116 Fire and explosion protection with drying and burning of sludge - 1998

M 117 Asbestos-free static and quasi-static seals - 2000

M 120 Avoidance of contamination by foreign bodies in open systems/components of power plants - 1997

M 121 Recommendation for qualification of supervising personnel in KKW - 1998

M 122 Concept for the evaluation of human errors in technical systems – 12/2009

M 123 Guideline for “Pre-Job-Briefing” – 2007

M130e Recommendation for the Introduction of Risk Based Maintenance - 2004

M 131e Considering the needs of maintenance when constructing new power plant units - 2007
M 132 Recommendation for subcontracting of maintaining services - 2007

M 160e Monitoring concept for oil-cooled transformers in nuclear power plants – 2010

Measures for prevention of soot, quick coke and smut emission on oil firing – 1. Edition (leaflet number 15) –
M 202

M 204 Near-stoichiometric operation of oil firings – 1. Edition (leaflet number 19) – 1970

M 205 Measures to reduce heating surface emaciation in waste-fired steam generators – 1999

M 206e Coal Bunkers – Planning, Design, Equipment and Operation – 1988, reprint 1993

M 211e Coal Handling in Power Plants – 1980, reprint 1995

M 213 Coal grinding facilities - 2007

M 214 Flue gas cleaning and conservation of oil fired steam generators - 1980

M 215 Fireproof systems in plants for thermal waste recycling - 1999

M 216 Leaflet recommendations for design and condition of waste-fired steam generators – 2009

M 217 Characteristics of fire protection in waste incineration plants – 1998

M 218e Gas Distributor Plates in Fluidized Bed Systems – 1994

M 219e Refractory Linings in Fluidized Bed Combustion Systems – 1995 – reprint 1997

M 220 Handling of hot combustion residues in slag tab furnaces/cyclones – 1997

M 221 Heating surface cleaning – procedural influences and deployment optimization – 1999

M 222e Invitation to Tender Criteria for Heat Recovery Steam Generators Downstream of Gas Turbines - 2008

M 223 Regenerative heat exchanger – ordering, operation and maintenance experience - 2008

M 224 SiC – slag tap boiler coating - 2006

Dust concentration measurement in flue gases, avoiding the influence of sulphuric acid aerosols on the
M 301e
measured value to a large extent - 2008

M 305 Handling of water-polluting materials in power plants - 2002

M 306 Notes on the Waste Water Levy Act - 1999

M 307 Type, operation and maintenance of dedusting systems – 1989 (R 301 H+M 302 H)

M 308 Detrimental changes in soil and inherited waste – examine, evaluate, renovate - 2004

M 309 Guideline for handling of realties and premises - 2007

M 402 Wearout, contamination and corrosion of flue gas swept components in steam generators – 2002

Preparation of process water and cooling tower make-up water by decarbonisation or flocculation and
M 403
decarbonisation - 1992

M 404 Water demineralization via membrane processes - 2010

M 405e Water Demineralization by Ion Exchangers – 1990, reprint 1998

M 406 Automation of demineralization plants by Ion Exchangers - 1992

M 407e Conception, Specifications and Performance Verification for Demineralization Plants - 2004

M 410e Quality Requirements for District Heating Water – 1994 – reprint 1997

M 412 Tasks and methods of condensate polishing – 1989

M 413e Damage from Ingress of Impurities into Water-Steam Circuits and its Avoidance - 1994

M 414 Quality assurance with chemical operating and auxiliary material in nuclear power plants - 1994

M 415 Preparation of REA-waste water – 1999

Part A: In-service monitoring of Turbine oils for Steam and Gas Turbines
M 416e
Part B: In-service monitoring of Fire resistant fluids for Steam and Gas Turbines - 2010

M 417e Soft Rubber Linings in Flue Gas Desulphurization – Test Procedures to Determine Suitability – testing Criteria
and Standard Values for the Assessment for Service Life - 2000
M 418e Organic Matter and Dissolved Carbon Dioxide in the Steam Water Circuit of Power Plant - 2002

M 419 Leaflet for design, operation and maintenance of flue gas desulfurization plants (REA) - 2009

M 501 Requirements for cast REA fan blades made of G-NiCr 21Mo 16 material - 2000

Notes for the manufacturing, materials and test engineering of castings for REA suspension pumps made of
M 502
Duplex materials - 2000

M 503 Guidelines for interior pipelines of the turbine controller

M 520 Notes for order processing - 2005

M 620e Protective Measures Against Vehicle Impact – 1996, reprint 1998

M 621 Fields of application of synthetic materials in cooling towers - 2009

Test measurements on pipelines in industrial plants with geodetic methods (with complementary remarks 2007)
M 632
- 1998

M 637 3D geometry determination in industrial plants – as-built plant documentation - 2008

M 642e Industrial Chimneys, Evaluation of Designs Notes on Construction and Commissioning - 2003

M 643e Chimneys for Operation without Flue Gas Reheating after FGD - 2007

M 701 Analysis of REA gypsum - 2008

M 702 Analytics of REA waste water - 1993

M 703 Analytics of SpAV products – 1994. with appendix 1995 and 1996

Number English

R 101e Guideline for Ordering High-Capacity Steam Boilers - 2006

R 102 Ordering of ventilators for thermal power stations – 1993

R 103e Guideline for monitoring, limiting and protection devices on steam turbine plants - 2006

R 104 O Online guideline in order to implement the regulations for industrial safety

R 105e Thermal Behavior of Steam Turbines - 1990

R 106e Tubes of Condensers and Other Heat Exchangers (Part A Copper Alloys) – 1988

R107e Ordering and designing of fittings in thermal power plants - 2006

R 108 Fire protection in power plants – 2009

R109e Material specification for components in fossil-fired power plants - 2008

R 110 Guideline for heat exchanger and feed water tank in water-steam cycles of power plants - 1998

R 111 Recommendation for operation of feed pumps – 1992

R 113e Tubes for Condensers and Other Heat Exchangers – Stainless Steels

R 114e Tubes for Condensers and Other Heat Exchangers (Part C “Titanium”) – 1190 – reprint 1998

R 115 Recommendation for the revision of steam turbines – 1993

R 116e Preservation of Power Plant Systems - 2009

R 117 Mechanical block protection for thermal power stations - 1984

R 118 Recommendation “Guidance for controlling steam turbines by measuring of the internal efficiency” - 1982

R 121 Supervision-, Limiting and Protection Devices on Gas Turbine Systems - 1998

Collection of VGB guidelines and VGB recommendations for routing technology, Volume I.1 measurement
technology 1985, ring binder

1.1 justify, calibrate, gauge; 1.2 Selection of measuring and sampling lines for the water and steam area in
R 123 C/1.1 thermal power plants; 1.5 tapping point for procedural measurements on water and steam-leading systems; 1.6
temperature measuring with thermal elements and resistor thermometers; operational criteria and experimental
error detection; 1.8 note on measuring devices in flue gas cleaning systems; 1.9 measuring arrangement and
measuring devices of process measurement variables

R 123 C/1.2 Volume I.2 acceptance and control examination: 2.1 acceptance tests on feed pumps; 2.2 list of measuring
points for acceptance examination with data processing system; 2.3 selection of measuring points for
thermotechnical acceptance and control examination on steam generators; 2.4 practical notes for the design,
testing and installation of flow measuring sections with restrictors; 2.5 interception testing on conventional
power plant blocks; metrological planning and implementation, 2.6 acceptance and control testing on flue gas
cleaning systems, part 1: flue gas desulphurisation; 2.7 acceptance and control examination on flue gas cleaning
systems, part 2: flue gas denitrification; 2.8 preparation and implementation of thermotechnical acceptance and
control examinations on combined gas-steam turbine plants; 2.9 coal dust measuring with the zero pendular
probe; 2.10 losses caused by starting and stopping on block designs

R 123 C/1.9 Volume I.1, 1.9 section 6 – temperature

R 123 C/2.1 Volume I.2, 2.1 acceptance measuring on feed pumps - 2003

Preparation and Performance of Thermal Acceptance and Monitoring Tests on Gas- and Steam Combined-Cycle
R 123 C/2.8e
Turbine Plants - 1999

R 123 C/2.9e Coal Dust Measurements by means of the Zero-Pressure Pendulum Probe – 2000

R 123 C/2.10 Starting and stopping losses with block design – 2004

R 126 Recommendation for Design and Operation of Vacuum Pumps at Steam Turbine Condensers – 1986

R 127 Guidelines for turbine operation – edition 1985

R 129 Recommendation for winter operation of power plant wet cooling towers – 1988

Acceptance Test Measurements and Operational Monitoring of Water-Cooled Surface Condensers (with CD-
R 130e
Rom) - 1994

R 131e Acceptance Test Measurements and Operation Monitoring of Air-Cooled Condensers under Vacuum - 1997

R 135e Planning of Cooling Towers - 1997

R 140 Analysis of non-availability of thermal power stations – instruction for implementation - 1999

R 145e Guide for the Procurement of Steam Turbine Plants, Part A, B and C - 2008

R 150 Guideline for the introduction of quality management systems in EVU - 1995

ZLM Supplementary Agreement for the Supply of High-Voltage Electric Motors for Use in Power Plants – 1995,
R 160e
reprint 1999

R 161 On-site-power and on-site-power protection in power plants – 2002

R 165e Recommendation for the Improvement of H2 Safety in Hydrogen-cooled Generators

R 167 Recommendation for the revision of turbo generators - 2010

R 170 A1e Measures for the avoidance and handling of instrumentation and control equipment failures - 2005

R 170 B0 – B6e Design standards for instrumentation and control equipment, Parts B0e to B6e - 2006

Function-related documentation of power plant instrumentation and control in line with operating requirements –
R 170 Ce

Provision of Technical Documentation (Technical Plant Data, Documents) for Power Plants, 2nd, completely
R 171e
revised edition, with CD-Rom – 2010

R 175e IT Security for Power Plants - 2006

R 200 Interpretation and operation of Power Plants - 2007

R 201e Guideline for the Construction and Operation of Ash Handling Plants - 1192

R 202 Construction and operation of reprocessing plants for REA-products - 1997

R 210 Characterization of Power plant fuel coal - 2003

R 211e Prallmahlindex (PMI), Lignite Grindability Index PMI - 2009

R 301 Planning and ordering of facilities to reduce dust emission - 1992

R 302e Guideline for the Testing of DENOX Catalysts - 1998

R 304 Noise reduction in thermal power plants - 1998

R 305 Guideline for planning and ordering of facilities to reduce nitrogen emission (DENOX-facilities) - 1987

R 401 Guideline for water in nuclear power stations with LWR - 2006

R 450e Guidelines for Feed Water, Boiler Water and Steam Quality for Power Plants/Industrial Plants - 2004

R 455e Cooling Water Guideline - 2000

R 501 Production and construction and building monitoring of steam boiler systems - 2002

R 502 Production and construction as well as construction and building monitoring of flue gas cleaning plants - 1999

R 503e Guideline for the Internal Pipework of Turbo-Generator Sets - 2002

Guideline for the Inspection and Testing of Large Forgings and Castings for Steam and Gas Turbine Generators
R 504e
Sets - 2004

R 505e Guideline for the Use of High-Temperature Bolting - 2004

Condition monitoring and inspection of components of steam boiler installations and water or steam bearing
R 506e
highpressure pipes - 2009

R 507 Ordering of piping installations in thermal power stations – 2010 (partly replaces R 502 L)

R 508 Production and building monitoring of piping installations in thermal power stations - 1999

R 509 Recurring inspections on piping installations in fossil fuel thermal power stations - 2002

R 510 Pipe mountings - 1996

Guidelines for building and commissioning of fossil fuel power stations – 1986 – including revised site
R 511
regulations - 1995

R 511a Guideline for building and commissioning of fossil fuel power stations – 2. Edition 1995

Guideline for the Inspection and Evaluation of In-Service Rotors and Casings of Steam and Gas Turbine
R 512e
Generator Sets - 2003

R 513e Internal Cleaning of Water-Tube Steam Generating Plants and Associated Pipework (with CD-Rom) - 2006

R 515 Analysis of measurement results of mechanized ultrasonic testing – 2001

R 516 Method for procedure of qualification of non-destructive Testing – 2010 (VGB-ENIQ-Guideline)

Steam cooling in thermal power stations – 2004 (with corrigendum of section 6.4.2 and 6.5 (15) as of January
R 540

R 602e Indication and Application of Actions on Buildings in Power Plants - 2010

R 603e Guideline for Design and Purchase of Spring Elements for Machine Foundations – 1995 – reprint 1997

R 604 Usage and implementation of anchor bodies in concrete foundations - 1999

Application, design and quality-assurance criteria for the use of fibre-reinforced plastics in power plant
R 609e
construction – 2005

R 610e Structural Design of Cooling Towers - 2010

R 611 Guideline for the application of wood in cooling tower construction - 1196

Protection Measures on Reinforced Concrete Cooling Towers and Chimneys against Operational and
R 612e
Environmental Impacts - 2010

R 613e Code of Practice for Lifecycle Management of Reinforced Concrete Cooling Towers in Power Plants

R 631 Guideline for testing of power stations – surveying building support, certification and control - 2005

R 701 Building and operation of large storage facilities for power plant byproducts - 1997

RV 800 Waste disposal manual for power supply companies – 2007

Terms of public utilities – part B: electricity and district heating, booklet 3, basics and systematic of availability
RV 808 research for thermal power systems, pdf-file (*for participation in the VGB power system information system
KISSY, free of charge) - 2008

RV 809 Terms of public utilities, pdf-file – 2011

RS 001 List of recommended measurements for the power system sector - 1999

M VGB Instruction Sheets

M 101 Recommendations to avoid damages on steam turbines (inner soiling) – 2. edition

Cleaning Methods for the Bladings of Compressors and Turbines on Gas Turbines in the Open Process – 1991,
M 106e
reprint 1998

M 108 Alignment control on turbo sets - 1992

Recommendation for Control and Lubrication Systems of Steam and Gas Turbines Installations – 1993, reprint
M 109e
M 110e Fast Cooling-down of Steam Turbines – 1987

M 111 Measures for extending lifetime and strengthening of steam turbine plants - 1988

M 113 Lifetime extension of conventional power plant units - 1989

M 114 Efficiency change on steam turbines – causes and countermeasures - 1991

Consequences for repatriation of extinguishing water of VAwS and LöRüRL with storage of water-polluting
M 115
substances - 1997

M 116 Fire and explosion protection with drying and burning of sludge - 1998

M 117 Asbestos-free static and quasi-static seals - 2000

M 120 Avoidance of contamination by foreign bodies in open systems/components of power plants - 1997

M 121 Recommendation for qualification of supervising personnel in KKW - 1998

M 122 Concept for the evaluation of human errors in technical systems – 12/2009

M 123 Guideline for “Pre-Job-Briefing” – 2007

M130e Recommendation for the Introduction of Risk Based Maintenance - 2004

M 131e Considering the needs of maintenance when constructing new power plant units - 2007

M 132 Recommendation for subcontracting of maintaining services - 2007

M 160e Monitoring concept for oil-cooled transformers in nuclear power plants – 2010

Measures for prevention of soot, quick coke and smut emission on oil firing – 1. Edition (leaflet number 15) –
M 202

M 204 Near-stoichiometric operation of oil firings – 1. Edition (leaflet number 19) – 1970

M 205 Measures to reduce heating surface emaciation in waste-fired steam generators – 1999

M 206e Coal Bunkers – Planning, Design, Equipment and Operation – 1988, reprint 1993
M 211e Coal Handling in Power Plants – 1980, reprint 1995

M 213 Coal grinding facilities - 2007

M 214 Flue gas cleaning and conservation of oil fired steam generators - 1980

M 215 Fireproof systems in plants for thermal waste recycling - 1999

M 216 Leaflet recommendations for design and condition of waste-fired steam generators – 2009

M 217 Characteristics of fire protection in waste incineration plants – 1998

M 218e Gas Distributor Plates in Fluidized Bed Systems – 1994

M 219e Refractory Linings in Fluidized Bed Combustion Systems – 1995 – reprint 1997

M 220 Handling of hot combustion residues in slag tab furnaces/cyclones – 1997

M 221 Heating surface cleaning – procedural influences and deployment optimization – 1999

M 222e Invitation to Tender Criteria for Heat Recovery Steam Generators Downstream of Gas Turbines - 2008

M 223 Regenerative heat exchanger – ordering, operation and maintenance experience - 2008

M 224 SiC – slag tap boiler coating - 2006

Dust concentration measurement in flue gases, avoiding the influence of sulphuric acid aerosols on the
M 301e
measured value to a large extent - 2008

M 305 Handling of water-polluting materials in power plants - 2002

M 306 Notes on the Waste Water Levy Act - 1999

M 307 Type, operation and maintenance of dedusting systems – 1989 (R 301 H+M 302 H)

M 308 Detrimental changes in soil and inherited waste – examine, evaluate, renovate - 2004

M 309 Guideline for handling of realties and premises - 2007

M 402 Wearout, contamination and corrosion of flue gas swept components in steam generators – 2002
Preparation of process water and cooling tower make-up water by decarbonisation or flocculation and
M 403
decarbonisation - 1992

M 404 Water demineralization via membrane processes - 2010

M 405e Water Demineralization by Ion Exchangers – 1990, reprint 1998

M 406 Automation of demineralization plants by Ion Exchangers - 1992

M 407e Conception, Specifications and Performance Verification for Demineralization Plants - 2004

M 410e Quality Requirements for District Heating Water – 1994 – reprint 1997

M 412 Tasks and methods of condensate polishing – 1989

M 413e Damage from Ingress of Impurities into Water-Steam Circuits and its Avoidance - 1994

M 414 Quality assurance with chemical operating and auxiliary material in nuclear power plants - 1994

M 415 Preparation of REA-waste water – 1999

Part A: In-service monitoring of Turbine oils for Steam and Gas Turbines
M 416e
Part B: In-service monitoring of Fire resistant fluids for Steam and Gas Turbines - 2010

Soft Rubber Linings in Flue Gas Desulphurization – Test Procedures to Determine Suitability – testing Criteria
M 417e
and Standard Values for the Assessment for Service Life - 2000

M 418e Organic Matter and Dissolved Carbon Dioxide in the Steam Water Circuit of Power Plant - 2002

M 419 Leaflet for design, operation and maintenance of flue gas desulfurization plants (REA) - 2009

M 501 Requirements for cast REA fan blades made of G-NiCr 21Mo 16 material - 2000

Notes for the manufacturing, materials and test engineering of castings for REA suspension pumps made of
M 502
Duplex materials - 2000

M 503 Guidelines for interior pipelines of the turbine controller

M 520 Notes for order processing - 2005

M 620e Protective Measures Against Vehicle Impact – 1996, reprint 1998

M 621 Fields of application of synthetic materials in cooling towers - 2009

Test measurements on pipelines in industrial plants with geodetic methods (with complementary remarks 2007)
M 632
- 1998

M 637 3D geometry determination in industrial plants – as-built plant documentation - 2008

M 642e Industrial Chimneys, Evaluation of Designs Notes on Construction and Commissioning - 2003

M 643e Chimneys for Operation without Flue Gas Reheating after FGD - 2007

M 701 Analysis of REA gypsum - 2008

M 702 Analytics of REA waste water - 1993

M 703 Analytics of SpAV products – 1994. with appendix 1995 and 1996

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