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Digital Fundamental Computer Organization

Mini Project abstract

Project Title: Digital Clock

Team :
Harish kummar.KGS
Tharun Sri .P
Vijay Karthick .S
The aim of the project is to design a twelve-hour Digital Clock that
displays the time digitally, in contrast to an analogue clock, where
the time is indicated by the positions of rotating hands. With the
help of counters and decoders, a digital clock to display time in
hours, minutes and seconds can be constructed.

Required Components:
1. CD4060 x 2
2. CD4026 x 6
3. 74ls00 x1
Resistors: 10 K Ohm, 330 Ohm, 330 K Ohm
Capacitor: 30 pF
Zener Diode: 1N 4148
Crystal oscillator 32.768 kHz

This clock has four stages
1. Clock pulse generation
2. MOD 60, this is for seconds hand display
3. MOD 60, this is for minutes hand display
4. MOD 12, this is for hours hand display
Pin configuration :
IC CD4060 :

IC CD4026

IC 74LS00 : Truth Table :

Block Diagram :

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