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Midterm Examination (Essay)

Date taken:

1. American and Western culture encompasses various social behaviors, institutions, and
norms that are manifesting in the different settings of workplaces today. Discuss a
compare-contrast description of both cultures with their advantages and disadvantages
and their major differences (20 points).
Write your answers here.

2. What attributes of American and Western culture are present in today’s Filipino
workplace? Based on your observation and reflections, what counts to be useful and
essential aspects of these foreign cultures that you believe work in our own context (20
Write your answers here.

3. State your preferred culture, between American and Western, which one you think works
for you as a form of point of view (20 points).
Write your answers here.

4. The Bedouin Culture or Arab nations have exhibited resonations with the Filipinos. What
are these attributes and how do you think these cultural DNA plays an important role in
the field of hospitality and tourism (20 points)?
Write your answers here.

5. Among all the leadership cultures across the globe that have been discussed in the
class, choose two (2) that you believe demonstrate effective leadership impacts and
explain why (20 points).
Write your answers here.

1. This examination entails objective and critical thinking ways to elicit rational answers in
your write-up. Subjective arguments may also be included however, make sure to have
them supported.
2. Your submitted file via Canvas will be fed into a plagiarism and similarity checker
software. Plagiarized answers in any of the questions and submissions proved to be
extracted from AI sources will automatically garner a failing mark of 0. Moreover, the
acceptable similarity index is 20%. It is suggested to paraphrase the content in case you
base your answers on certain references and cite them.
3. Type in your answers after each question. Color them in blue font.
4. Rubrics are provided hereunder to determine what appropriate style and approach in
writing must be used.
5. The required file submission must be in a Word (docs) file only.


5 4 3-2 1-0 Score

Relevance The essay is The essay is The essay is The essay poorly
focused, focused on the focused on topic addresses topic
purposeful, and topic and and includes few and includes
reflects clear includes relevant loosely related irrelevant ideas
insight and ideas ideas ideas
Organization organizes ideas organizes ideas some little or no
to build a logical, to build an organization of organization of
coherent argument ideas to build an ideas to build an
argument argument argument
Articulation very effective and effective and somehow effective not effective and
creative use of creative use of and creative use of
elements of style elements of style creative use of elements of style
to enhance to enhance elements of style to enhance
meaning meaning to enhance meaning
Support supports main supports main supports main provides little or
point with well- point with point with some no support for the
developed developed underdeveloped main point
reasons and/or reasons and/or reasons and/or
examples examples examples

Total Score

Prepared by:


Faculty, TM Department
College of Hospitality and Tourism Management

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