Abp-3-Paige Begody

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Applied Business Project 3 – Website Development

Name: Begody, Paige (paigebegody@email.arizona.edu)

Project: ABP-3 Website Development

Task 1: Website hosting and Design Methodology

1.1. The website development tool used to develop your website

Adobe DreamWeaver

1.2. What computing platform you used to develop your website

Apple Laptop Computer

1.3. A screenshot image of the ABP3 project folder

Task 2: Web-based Marketing Strategy

2.1. Product and adword (word or phrase)

ResMed Inc. Medical Instruments and Supplies

2.2. AdWord selection criteria discussion

I am choosing this phrase because it allows for a general and open perception of ResMed, which
is exactly how consumers start their search. The organic and paid result will then be able to give
a general understanding so the consumers will have a solid foundation of the company and the
product. These results will be informative descriptions and will need to go to a website like the
one I have created to understand the beneficial and successful structure for consumers to be
officially sold on the material.

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Applied Business Project 3 – Website Development

2.3. Assessment of the effectiveness of your proposed AdWord

The top two results represented my theory perfectly because they are websites, which will ensure
consumers will have a solid foundation of the material without laying down the specific
statistics. The results are there to draw in consumers to the company and the product at hand and
after the consumers feel comfortable with it, they will seek more information about the statistics,
which will lead the to my website. I used my companies name because I think it is important to
have the honest integrity the company’s main website provides to be one of the top results.

2.4. Screenshot of the top organic search result reported by Google for your AdWord

Task 3: Universal Design and Accessibility

3.1. “Language Missing” Analysis

3.1(a) – The attribute needed to be added to the <html> tag is the language in which the website
is using and in this case that is English so the attribute is: lang=”en”. The new tag which will
make the website valid in the case is this: <html lang=”en”.

3.1(b) – Using POUR, Understandable addresses the issue of language. This usage is to allow
consumers or individuals who look on the website to be able to easily be able to interpret the
purpose of the website and learn about.

3.2. “Contrast Error” Analysis

3.2(a) - <a href="#">

3.2(b) - The POUR pertaining to contrast and visual acuity is Perceivable. This is because it
allows for the full utilization of visuals to be used to depict what is being presented in the

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Applied Business Project 3 – Website Development

3.3. “Missing Alternate Text” Analysis

3.3(a) - <img id="logo" src="images/au123456789.gif" width="441" height="90">

3.3(b) – The POUR pertaining to “alt text” is Operable. This is for the users to be able to find
sources and other helpful information, which alt text falls under as well. Alt text are brief
descriptions of the images and are helpful insiders for the users.

Task 4: Insert images of each major section of your Website

4.1 Image for Header (Row 1)

4.2 Image for Corporate Governance (rows 2 - 4)

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Applied Business Project 3 – Website Development

4.3 Image for Corporate ESG Analysis (rows 5 – 7)

4.4 Image for Copyright Statement (row 8)

Task 5: HTML source code of your “index.html” website

<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

<title>Walmart Inc</title>

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="SampleWebsite-F21/favicon.ico">

<style type="text/css">

.center {



<body> <tb></tb>

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Applied Business Project 3 – Website Development

<table border="12" style="width: 1254px; height: 1500px;">



<td width="629" height="493" style="background-color: #ff6600;">


<h1><span style="color: white;"><strong>ResMed Inc.</strong></span> <span

style="color: white;"> </span> </h1>

<h2><span style="color: white;">Market: NYSE&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></h2>

<h2><span style="color: white">Ticker: RMD</span> </h2>



<td width="587" style="height: 200px;">



<p><a href="https://mms.businesswire.com/media/20180831005473/en/649042/23/
ResMed_logo_digital_1024x1024.jpg"><img src="ResMed Logo.jpg" alt="RedMed Inc." width="600"

<p>Source: <a href="https://mms.businesswire.com/media/20180831005473/en/649042/23/

042/23/ ResMed_logo_digital_1024x1024.jpg</a></p>





<td height="50" colspan="2" style="background-color: #3366ff;">


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Applied Business Project 3 – Website Development

<center style="background-color: #3366ff;"> <span style="color: white;">Corporate

Governance </span>






<td height="250" style="text-align: center;">


<h2>&nbsp;ResMed Inc. - Authority Website</h2>

ResMed Inc. has a Authority Website due to this website not having any indepth descriptions of
the product the company offers. Therefore there must be prior understanding of this company before
following up with this website. This website depicts the status and quality of the company through
statistics and comparisons of other companies to ResMed. This websire will be a crucial selling point for
ResMed and other companies in their Industry because it allows for an honest, open description of the
company and will be used to further sell individuals.</div></td>


<h3><a href="https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/RMD/profile?p=RMD"><img src="Task 1.1 ABP

1.png" width="608" height="217" alt="ResMed Inc. - RMD - NYSE - This Corporate Governance table is a
profile about ResMed as a foundation and understanding of the company."/></a></h3>




<td height="50" style="text-align: center;">Source:<a href="https://thrive.design/there-are-4-



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Applied Business Project 3 – Website Development

<td>Source: <a
/profile?p=RMD</a> Referenced 09/09/21</td>



<td height="50" colspan="2" style="background-color: #3366ff;">



<span style="color: white;">Corporate ESG Strategy Analysis</span>






<td height="250" style="text-align: center"><div>

<h2>&nbsp;ResMed Inc. - Written Analysis</h2>

<p>Within the diagram, ResMed has balanced ratings distributed within the three categories. This
represents their financial sustainability, which is stead, but could be better. By allowing visualization of a
comparison between other companies, shows individuals their honesty and athentisty within how they
are wanting to represent ResMed. </p>


<td><center><h3><img src="Task 3.2 ABP 2.png" width="600" height="282"





<td height="50"><blockquote>

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Applied Business Project 3 – Website Development

<p>Source: <a href="https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/environmental-social-and-

governance-esg- criteria.asp">https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/environmental-social-and-
governance-esg- criteria.asp</a></p>


<td class="center"><blockquote>

<p>Source: <a
href="https://finance.yahoo.com">https://finance.yahoo.com&nbsp;</a>Referenced 10/04/21</p>




<td height="25" colspan="2" style="background-color: #ff6600;">


<div data-canvas-width="425.1503999999999"><em><strong>&quot;This website is the original

work of and copyright 2021 by website designer. All registered trademarks are property of their
respective owners.&quot;</strong></em></div>









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