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It all started when my first day at my college.

It was really embarassing because I enter

the wrong class. Before I started my story I just want to tell that I’m taking Diploma. So back
to the story, I enter the wrong class and all the student taking degree. The whole first week, I
enter degree’s class. And it was so fun and interesting until i realise its not the actual subject
I’m taking. After the class, I’m asking a student there about my schedule. And she laughed at
me. She says “ why didn’t you ask me at the first time we met”. I was speechless and don’t
know what to say.

The next week, I join my actual class. It a little bit hard for me but I’m trying to catch up
and learn. The next day, we have an orentation for the new intake on our college. That day is
so fun and have many fun activities such as team building and another more activity. There
have around 100 students who join the orentation. Before that, we must register our name
and we given our name tag to use. After we are done register, we sit and listen to the
lecturer talk about our college. After that, I and some student was punish by the Majlis
Program Pelajar or we called MPP because our nametag was taken by them. I introduce
myself and we must to dance infront of all the student. And then, the MPP give us a ballon
each groups, and we must to take care of the ballon because the MPP will take the ballon
from us and give a punishment. After all of the activity done, we all ready to go home and we
have many activities at the next day.

On the first day orentation, we must sit with our groups members. And I was at group
number 4. We have 10 stundent in our group including me. We all are given a task which is
we have to make a logo and a yell. Any groups who are very creative they will get extra
marks. We named our group is Fourten. Me and my friends are discussing about our logo
and our yell. After that, we must present about our logo and what is our logo mean. After
present the logo we all shout our yell. At 12 pm we all go rest and eat our lunch. After lunch, I
sit with my friend and are talking each other. Suddenly, a student from group MPP taken my
logo and I was shocked until a guy come and say “I will take care of it”. And he give the logo
to the MPP. I was so mad and I sat quietly and I sad cause I was cheated. So after the
situation, I quietly cry on my friend’s lap. They persuaded me and that make me calm after
that. At night, we are given our punishment because our logo are taken and we go to UA 1
and we must make a tiktok video.

The next day, we all gather and follow the rules of the game they give. All groups are
given a map. The map is used to search the section and we have to complete a task from
each section. Ater that, we have to get a sign from them, it proven that a group is complete
the task. Each section have different task and must have teamwork. After the activity, all
groups must pick a paper and it is a task. And i was like ‘Again?’. And we must to acting
Pramlee priody. So we have choose a title we have to act it is ‘Madu Tiga’. And we are divide
the character from that movie

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