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I,_________________aged,_______S(or)D/O ______________________________Resident
of ___________________, do hereby acknowledge that I was involved in using unfair means
(Copying/ Plagiarism) during the sessions or tests conducted by 10x Academy. I understand
that such actions are completely unethical and violative of the Income Share Agreement
signed by me with 10x Academy causes irreparable harm to the interests of 10x Academy.

I hereby provide assurance that I shall consider this as the final reprimand and never be
involved in any such unfair means in future or in any act or acts which could will be violative
of the Income Sharing Agreement signed by me. I will be 100% committed towards the
program, based on the next steps decided by 10x Academy, failing which 10x Academy will
have the full authority to initiate the necessary steps as mentioned in the Income Sharing
Agreement signed by me.

I therefore kindly request you to consider this as my apology. I, again assure you that I shall
never involve in any unfair means in future and give my 100% effort and commitment
towards the program.

Name of the Candidate




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