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easoasx MMIII 16 06 D@) Wete you name here ‘Centre Number ‘andidate Number Pearson Edexcel f f International GCSE Chemistry Unit: 4CHO Science (Double Award) 4SCO Paper: 1CR Thursday 19 May 2016 - Morning od Time: 2 hours ae ‘You must have: Ta ane Ruler Calculator Instructions Use black ink or ballpoint pen «© Fllin the boxes 3 the top of tis page with your nam, centre number and candidate number. ‘© Answerall questions. «© Answer the questions in the spaces provided ~ there maybe more space than you need. {Show alte steps inary calculations and state the unis. 1 Some questions must be answered with across ina b>x BL. Ifyou change {your mind about an answer, put aline through the bax BB and then mark your new answer wit across. Information (©The total mark fr this paper is 120. (©The marks for each question are shown in brackets tse this 2 guide a tohow much ime to spendon each question. Advice Read each question carefuly before you stat to answer '© Write your answers neatly and in good English (© ryt answer every question, 1 Check your answers you have time atthe end, Tum over | EARSON ‘THE PERIODIC TABLE [Answer ALL questions. 11 The Periodic Table is shown on page 2. (2) Inthe PerioicTable, which number increases from 3to 10 in Period 2? relodive atomic moss Mie bis (i) The particles with the smallest mass are. Cledirons pets Nels a 7 eee These isotopes have different numbers of AEUMOAS oe in gg eS Ay 2. Inchemistry, the state symbols (9 (0g) and aq) are often used {a) The table shows some changes of stat, Complete the table to shaw the state symibo before and after the change, State symbol before State symbol after Change of state pees Water boils in a kettle l $ Ethene converted to polylethene) 3 s Crystals of iodine sublime on heating s 3 [b) Some marbe chips ae added toa solution of hydrochloric acid ‘Complete the equation forthe reaction that occurs by wing the appropriate state symbol ater each form, CaCOK. SY MCKAY. CACY 9.9 FOL # Ong [Which state symbol is usee most often forthe elements of the Periodic Table at room temperature? (Tota for Question 2= 6 marks) ing (BO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA DO NOT WRITEIN THIS AREA 8 NOT WRITE IN THS/AREA 3 Techniques used inthe separation of mixtures include AA crystallisation B fitration fractional cstilaion ° simple dstilaion Foreach separation, select the mos suitable technique, A,B, Ct, used to obtain the fist named substance fram the mixture Each letter may be used once, more than once or not atl (3) Pure water fom sea water 0 2 (©) Ethanol from a mixture of ethanol and water 0 c {) Calcium carbonate from a mixture of calcium carbonate and water 6 (@) CuSO, 5H,0%8) from CuS0,q) A {Total for Question 3= 4 marks) 8 & 2.06 4 The table gives information about some ofthe elements in Group 7 of the Periodic Table, emt | cine [magpie [ a mn | fuocne yelow =188 | chlorine 101 35 bromine redbrown 7 2 iodine sey m4 (2) What ithe colour of crine at room temperature? DA bck OB bie Re geen 1D orange (8) The wend inthe boing points for these elements silat the trend in their rmeking points Predict value forthe boling point of ladine 80 (120 -2S0) (€) Astatneis another element in Group Predict ts colour and physical sate at oom temperature : Black physical stave Solve \vauy SiMANI atIuM JON Oa \vauy SIMA NI LIM 40N 0a vay SiH NI atium 40N 00 (¢) The elements in Group 7 have similar chemical reactions because they have the same number of TIA electrons 118 electron shes LC outerelectrons 1D protons (6) Astudent wrote these statements about the reactions ofthe Group 7 elements 4 Theresctvty of the elements decreases down the group +The elements frm ions with a single postive charge The formula of an astatine molecule At, ‘+The equation forthe reaction between chlorine and potassium bromide solution fsCl, + 2NaBr > 2NaCl + Br, ‘+ Inthe rection between bromine and potassium iodide bromine acts as a reducing agent. Tivee of the statements contain ane incorrect word, Complete the table to show each incorrect word and the conect word that should be used to replace it 2.08 2% Incorrect word Correct word Posi hve Negokve Potassine Sodiun Reducing OnidiSing (otal for Question 4= 8 marks) UN Ta over > MO 5. student investigates the pigments found in some vegetables an fut, ‘She obtains some coloured vegetable and rut extract from carots, tomatoes and sweet potatoes ‘he places a spat of each extract on chromatography paper, slong with spots of the ‘three pigments beta-carotene chlorophyll and lycopene. Her teacher provides a solvent containing volatile, flammable organic compounds for ‘the experiment. The diagram shows the apparatus the start athe experiment. 1a tank starting tine [000000 _sotvent vow POOR Key to vegetable and frit extracts and pigments Vi=carots Va=tomatoes VB = sweet potatoes Pr=beracarotene P2=chlorophyl PB Iyopene 10 @ (0 Explain why i isimportant for the slvent level tobe below the spots. Prevent theo dissolving Jim ting Ui) State to potential problems that are prevented by fiting the tank witha lid, wey 2 Wot + Evaporation 2 Rik ot fee » Fumes troly bee tone, (6) The diagram shows the chromatogram atthe end ofthe experiment . ° wow spl 2 OP Key to vegetable and fruit extracts and pigments Vi=cartots Va=tomatoes _V3-= sweet petatoes Pi=beta-carotene P= chlorophyll P3=Iycopene \Whien thre ofthe statements A,B,C, D and E are supportedby the chromatogram? Place across in three boxes to indicate your choice. CChiorophyilis not present in carrots, sweet potatoes or tomatoes. Beta-carotene is present in carols bu not present in torr ators A 8 Both beta-carotene and lycopene are present in sweet petators. Lycopene is present in tomatoes but not presentin caro E Both carts and tomatoes contain a pigment ether than beta-carotene, chlorophyil and lycopene solvent front Turn over {4 One ofthe pigments present inthe vegetable extracts is notshown in the chromatogram, It appears 35 avery faint spot 13cm above the stating line Calculate its Fy valve using the expression _ distance traveled by pigment " = “Gistance travelled by solvent ma = 2 ha Pee = 6.22 pont (8 Suggest areson wy thre spoton the arn nein trecromatogram or sweet poe, lio Does not aUssolve /iS insoluble in the. Solvent (Total for Question 5=9 marks) = 0 000 0 BLANK PAGE 0000 a pus Voy 16 Hydragen chlocde is formed inthe reaction between hydrogen and chlorine. ‘The equation forthe actions H, +, + 2Ha. (a) Each molecule in this equation contains the same type of bonding. Name this type of bonding covalent (b) The bonding in a hydrogen molecules strong, Explain why the boling point of hydrogen is low. sr Nesk yntermole culer foras labile heyy reanived fo overcome. forces [c)Bxplain how the two atoms ina chlorine molecule are held together Aticathvn behren shed poser od electrons ork nucti od both aroms (6) Draw a dot and cross diagram to show the bonding in a hydrogen chloride molecule Show only the outer electronsin each atom. (6) Hydrogen chloride gas dissolves in water to form solution A Hydrogen chore gas dissolves in methylbenzene to form salution 8 teacher ads apiece of magnesium ribbon to each solution. Explain why she observes affervescence with solution A but not with solution 23 s EAfevescens due to_hyclregen + Solukon AL contains Ht + Solubon does not contra AY (Total for Question 6 = 10 marks) i gg atae 7 The table shows the displayed formulae of some organic compound. eee ee eee i i Vl rep | a i (2) Explain why all ofthese compounds are descrlved a hydrocarbons, tool Contr _hyslragen ancl carbon only (6) Why are B and E described as unsaturated? Oovble —_boncl (© Which eter represents the fst member of the homologous series of alkanes? A (d) Which letters represent compounds that have the empiialormula CH,? BE ,F (6) Compound F has the same general formula as an alkene. Why does F not decolourise bromine water? 4s Hos AO double. bork (f) One ofthe compounds in te table reacts with bromine to farm G,a compound ‘with the composition by mass C= 22.2%, H= 3.7%, Br= 74.05, (0. Show, by calculation, thatthe empirical formula of GisC,4,8r ic ci ae 22.2 33 z TT fe Ss e ¥ 2 3 Oe | { \ OB ° 2 « ' (id The relative formula mass of Gis 216 Deduce the molecular formula of. ee wee (241) + (on) + (Sori) = 108 cy hg Be ‘molecular formula... "8 Bea (Total for Question 7 = 12 marks) Tumover las 18 Neodymium isa metal used in powerful magnets. {2 One stage in the extraction of neodymium from its oes to heat neodymium fluoride with calcium, ‘The table shows the melting points ofthe substances in thisstage ofthe extraction Melting point in°C ‘alum calcium Muoride neodymium neodymium fluoride aso 8 1024 1410 (9 alace the equation forth recon Zac, + 0h Be Nd ¢ cae, G_Atone point in thisexrocton the temperature ofthe ection mitre is 1100°C ‘Wich two substances ar sods a this temperatre? colewm fluende ang neodymium Haonle An Suggest the mos kel typeof bonding preset in naodymis ride, Tonic () Neodymium reacts with oxygen to form neodymium oxide. Suggert the formula of neodymium oxide Nd20, (b) The-ciagram shows the particles in neodymium Key ‘neodymium ion + electron Explain, with reference tothe diagram, why neodymium ls ralleable and a good conductor of elect Tons Bun Iqyers Side ever each other + Belocased — elechrs cor mover (Total for Question 6 = 8 marks) {Neg ae 9 Astudent investigates the reactions between acids and alkalis. He uses this ‘pparatus to measure the temperature change in the reaction between dite hydrchiovic acid (HCl) and aqueous sodium hydroxide (NaOH). polystyrene cup Thisis his method, + add 25 cm’ of dilute hydrochloric acd to the polystyrene cup and record the Steady temperature ‘add some aqueous sodium hydroxide and strthe mixture + record the maximum temperature of the mixture ‘The student repeats the experiment using diferent volumes of aqueous sodlum hydroxide (a) What s the advantage of using a polystyrene cup rather than aglss beaker? ae TrSuletor | reduws beet loss = HOE () These are the thermometer readings from one experiment <| [20 sc] [20 6 5 before adding after adding aqueous sodium hydroxide ‘aqueous sadium hydroxide Use these readings to complete the table, temperature in°C after adding aqueous sodium hydrowile |. UO. temperature in°C before adding aquecussodiumbydrexide [5 40 temperature change in’C 3.50 mg 8 ae (6) The table shows the results of some experiments The intial temperature of oth solutions inal the experimarts is 176°C Volume of aqueous “odiumhydronide Temperature of added nem oo v6 so 97 100 ns 150 236 200 ne 250 230 200 m2 (0. Plt these results on the grid. Orawa straight ine of best ft through the fst four points, and another straight ine of best it through te as three points, Extend both lines so that they cross each othe. aa Temperature 200 ° 160 wa 20 380 Volume of aqueous sodium hydroxde in cm? Tn (W For the point where the lines cross, write down (t01) the temperature of he mixture = 24-3 c eens tinea OY ME Be (¢) ina similar experiment using afferent acid and ala the student records these results volume of eilut sulfuric acid = 25.0 em? volume of aqueous potassium hyroxide = 227 em? initia temperature ofeach solution = 189°C final temperature of mixture = 247°C Calculate the heat eneray change during this eaction using this equation. heat energy change = mass x 42 temperature change Assume that 1.0 ca ofeach solution hasa mas of 1.99 Qs UP (49-164) B= M005 heat energy charge=_...|200. J (Total for Question 9=13 marks] wi = 10 Sodium thiosulfate solution and dilate hydrochloric acid react together siowlyt0 ferraa precipitate of sulfur. This precipitate eventualy makes the mixture go cloudy. A student uses this method. place 20 ct of sodium thiosulfate solution and 20 cm of water in a conical flask {add 10cm? of elute hydrochloric acid to the flask place the Mask on apiece of paper marked with a black x i trong th ic eg sn Ot conical ak sodium thiosulfate solution paper with x ASF ited on it (a) The equation forthe reaction is Nia,O,laq] + 2HGaq) -> 2NaCliaq) + H,00) + $6) + 50,0) Before starting her experiments the student considers the rk to her af sulfur dioxide escaping from the lak. She uses this information concentration of sodium thiosulfate solution = 0300 nol/dn? jane volume of sodium thiosulfate solution = 20 cm* volume of water = 20 em! ‘volume of hydrochloric acd = 10 em? {0 Calculate the mass of sulfur dioxide formed inthis experment, The hydrochloric acids in exces. a tmorsigy= o.3cen22 (se) blexo-006 = 0.006 = 0.385 hr (50, = 32+ (tsi) =e ‘mass of sulfur dlowie formed = 2:38 (The solubity of sufur dioxide at room ternperature is 109 g/dr¥. Use this adattonal information to explain whether any sulfur dioxide gas escapes from the fas MeSS. SO, jn Ide= 0.384zI00 __s volume ak Solvet is S0em? eek | an 3o . OR Gosld isso =F ice 2.654100 Was, O.stees No 5% enscopes No Sey escapes (b) At what point in the experiment should the student have stated a timer? AS HCC added ‘pox 3.08 (© She repeats the experiment sing these voles and concentrations of ‘Duane but earn tempertures The gap show heres % « Time qi aft of ow % % & © 7% Temperature inc (Theres at (14 42}iaomaous, {pan one mista the student may have made to case ths anomalous est Fe o-et “Timer shecech ton (ese pp st Themomeser | hmer read incorrect, J) Use the graph ond he tie taken forthe X tobe ne lowe seen 09 Use hes taken forthe X oben lower sen at35°G leno 14-5 (ta-20), eae Tum over (@) The student repeats the experiments using nitric acid in place of hydrachorie acl She records the times forthe x to no longer be seen, then uses the times to Calculate the rate of reaction at each temperature The graph shows the results she pts 020 Temperature in (0. Suggest two reasons why the results ae least accurate at higher temperatures. sTimeS are Short 2 Hest, 10S. greater 0 00 0 0 (id The student wrote this explanation for the shape ofthe graph, As the temperature increases, the rate of reaction increases. This is because there are more frequent collisions between particles of reactants, Use the particle collsion theory to explain anather mare mportant reason for the inereae in eaction rate any + More collision eI thon. achvahor co Sg a ergy, J, More Suceessdul eplicsons per Second. (e) Another student uses the same reaction to investigate the efec of changing the concentration of te sodium thiosulfate olution onthe rate reaction 340 ‘iv thse vaiables that he student must conralin this investigation to obtain val resus ANY 1 + _concenteobor of acick + Volume of acich dot YOURE Of Sodium thioSulf ee + Tempore a (otal for Question 10 = 15 marks) Turn over 11. The low diagram shows how a fertilisers manufactured from caw materials, 7 carbon donde natural gas fy hyogen ammonia nitic acid poner ma joxygen The hydrogen needed i formed in two reactions. (a) Reaction 1 occurs between steam and methane in natural gs. Balance the equation for this reaction. las +o 4 0+ 3, (0) The equation for reaction 2is COQ) + 1,019) = C09) + HQ) aH 81 Farmol (Assuming that this reaction reaches equilbium, explain what happens tothe yield of hydrogen ithe reaction is caried out ata higher pressure but a the 312q Same temperature + Eyal Pumbers ah molecules on enth Side foe NO edtect (i) Assuming that tis reaction reaches equlbrium, explain what happens tothe yield of hydrogen ifthe reaction i caried out ata higher temperature but at the same pressure 3ne + Forwerd rewchen exotberic , eguclisawen ShHS fe ledt GS mp inveetes Viel decease s (0 Reaction 2 can be represented on an energy profile iy (0. Complete the profile by showing the products ofthe reaction and the enthalpy change forthe reaction. (i) Reaction 2s cared out using an iron oxide catalyst. State the effect, if any, of using a catalyst onthe enthalpy change forthe reaction. a2 No_eddect {ud Explain how a catalyst increases the rate ofa reaction. 3.13 Provides. alterntive. pola s Lover achyehon eer wy TO) fae () The equations fox some other reactions used in the manufacture of ammanium nitrate reaction 3 N, + 3H, = 2NH, reaction NH, + 50, = 4NO + 6H,0 °, reaction5 —2NO, = NO, reaction NH, + HNO, > NHNO, Explain which to ofthese are redox reactions. 120 Suh fDi, guise eager, 1H gain oF ofygen {e) The manufacturer produces a batch of 34g of ammonia ‘alulate the maximum mass of ammonium nitrate that canbe made from his mas of ammonia, sing eacton In pa ( ae Give a unit for you answer wie soups Mass [Witynsog) = BOX 2000 Te = [400005 /I60K, = 2000001 hr twyWoyy = 80 maximum mass of ammonium nitrate=.... (0°. une 53). (Tota for Question 11 = 15 marks) BLANK PAGE Tum over yo uto 12 The production of polymers from crude oi ivolves several processes, including “© fractional stilton cracking © purfiation + poiymetsation {0} Three ofthe fractions obtained from fractional distilation ae fuel o, gasoline and kerosene (anti which of these fractions has the darkest colour duet oil (i Kdentiy which ofthese fractions has the highest boiling point fuel oi (i) Hen which of these fractions contains molecules withthe fewest erbon atoms gasoline (6) Cracking involves heating some ofthe factions to about 650°C. (Name catalyst used in industry for cracking alminn. [Sil co () One reaction that occurs in cracking involves the corverson of one molecule ‘of hexadecane inta ane molecule af octane and two molecules of an alkene, Complete the equation for this reaction. Ce > Oat 2 Ea i i) Give three reasons why cracking I cared out 2 Over Supply ob longzchain _bydeecorhoas 2 High demand dor Alicene Short~chesn — budocarhoas ted to make pelyrers (2 Oneofthe compounds sometimes present in crude oll has the formula GH, S Explain why itis important to remove this compound from a vel a Forms sulfur donde tGonses. problems, ©. acid rein, tonic, (4) One compound abstained from crude ols used asa monomer in polymerisation. Ithas the displayed formula Tee oe ‘i Hy Hy Oh pa eres TOTAL FOR PAPER = 120 MARKS BLANK PAGE ver fort hasbeen made a contact copyight hoes obtain th persion forthe us of copy mata sion auton wh tes Dopey etsy ear ome ue amy ah tes

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