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Mata Kuliah : Textual Reading Hari/Tgl :

Semester :1 Waktu : 90 Menit
Fakultas /Prodi : Sastra/Sastra Inggris Sifat Ujian : Tutup Buku
Dosen : Bambang Irawan, S.S., M.Pd. Shift : Reguler C


Instructions: Look at the Karina furniture suite information text to answer the questions.

1. The text is aimed at:

a) People who are selling furniture
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Kampus 2, Jl. Raya Puspitek No. 46, Serpong, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15316
Kampus 3, Jl. Witana Harja No. 18b, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
🕾.021 74709855 🖶. 021 7412566,
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b) People who want to buy furniture
c) Karina
2. The suite is made of:
a) 50% polyester, 50% cotton.
b) 49% polyester, 51% cotton.
c) 54% polyester, 46% cotton.
d) 46% polyester, 54% cotton
3. Does the catalogue company offer a home delivery service?
a) Yes. It costs £100.00.
b) Yes. Delivery is free.
c) There is no delivery service offered.
d) Yes, but the cost of the service is unknown.
4. The large armchair costs £232.99.
a) True
b) False
5. How much does the 3 seater sofa cost?
a) £479.95
b) £409.95
c) £359.95
d) £232.99
6. For what type of use is the Karina range designed / made?
a) heavy domestic use
b) general domestic use
c) light domestic use
d) commercial use
7. The futon costs more that the armchair.
a) True
b) False
8. How much does the smallest piece of furniture cost?
a) £59.95
b) £69.99
c) £79.99
d) £189.95
9. The metal-action sofa-bed is wider than the 2 seater sofa.
a) True
b) False
10. How many pieces of furniture cost more than £350?
a) 1
b) 2
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Kampus 2, Jl. Raya Puspitek No. 46, Serpong, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15316
Kampus 3, Jl. Witana Harja No. 18b, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
🕾.021 74709855 🖶. 021 7412566,
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c) 3
d) 4

Instructions: Read the following passages. Determine what event is likely to occur next.
Explain your answer using textual evidence.
Text 1
As Frank marched through the desert, the high winds blew sand at speeds that stung his exposed
skin. He looked back and could see his footprints for hundreds of feet, beyond that the winds
had blown them away. He had no idea how long or how far he had walked. He turned his back
to the wind and opened his canteen. He attempted to pour it into his mouth, but there was not
a drop. He rolled his tongue around the nozzle of the canteen, but it was bone dry. Frank
dropped the canteen in the sand and continued walking. His steps slowed. He was getting dizzy.
The sun's rays seemed to only increase in intensity throughout the day. It hung high overhead
and punished all that resided in the desert beneath it. Frank was lightheaded. He felt his knees
get wobbly.......
1. What event is most likely to occur next?
2. What evidence from the text supports your prediction?

Text 2
Valarie pulled into her mother's driveway on a lovely morning in the month of May. She got
the kids out of the car and walked them up to the door. Grandma smiled brightly and welcomed
them, "So nice to see you children. You too, Valarie, I hope that you have a wonderful vacation.
We will see you in a couple weeks." The kids kissed their mother goodbye and went outside to
play in the warm sun. They were wearing shorts and t-shirts and had sunblock on their noses.
As mom pulled out of the driveway, a storm cloud rolled across the sky. The temperature
suddenly dropped. Grandma looked at the weather report and saw a bunch of snowflake icons
across the next few days. Then Grandma looked at the shivering children in their summer
clothes. "Do you have anything warmer in your bags, kids?" The children shook their heads.
Grandma replied, "Ok, well, hop in the car. We've got to go to the store." Tiny snowflakes
began to fall.......
3. What event is most likely to occur next?
4. What evidence from the text supports your prediction?

Kampus 1, Jl. Surya Kencana No.1, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
Kampus 2, Jl. Raya Puspitek No. 46, Serpong, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15316
Kampus 3, Jl. Witana Harja No. 18b, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
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Text 3
"Don't forget to lock the barn behind you, so the animals don't get out." Farmer Green told his
new farmhand, Danny. Danny nodded and went to work. He fed all of the animals, and then he
cleaned the stables. It was hard work, but Danny was happy to have a job. At first Farmer Green
watched him carefully, but gradually he gave Danny some distance, showing him his trust.
Danny was exhausted from a hard day's work. He wiped the sweat from his brow and proceeded
to exit the barn. He left the lock in a pile of hay by the shovels and shut the door behind himself,
walking away from the unlocked door. Danny was off to see Farmer Green to find out his next
5. What event is most likely to occur next?
6. What evidence from the text supports your prediction?

Text 4
Kenya was pumped about the dance competition. She was driving there in her mama's car and
taking her teammates Dana and Jenna. It was a four-hour car ride. They were listening to the
new Mountain Boys' album and the girls were singing along to all of choruses, replaying the
songs that they liked multiple times. They were having so much fun cruising down the highway
and singing that Kenya didn't even notice the needle on her fuel gauge drop below the E line.
Dana pressed the back button to replay their favorite song, My Heart Takes off Its Cowboy Hat
for You. As the song began playing, the car's engine began sputtering......
7. What event is most likely to occur next?
8. What evidence from the text supports your prediction?

Text 5
"Yeah, I go horseback riding all of the time. My uncle has a horse," Brian told Shannon. Brian's
uncle did not have a horse and he had never gone horseback riding in his life. Shannon stared
deeply into his eyes and said, "I like you, Brian. Will you come horseback riding with me
tomorrow?" Brian agreed without hesitation. He was so excited to spend more time with
Shannon that he had forgotten his lie entirely. He showed up at Shannon's house and she asked
him why he didn't wear his riding gear. He lied again, telling her that his gear was at the
cleaners. Shannon lent him some of her brother's gear and they went to the stables. "This one's
called Black Scarlet. He's my brother's horse and he's by far the fastest. Since you're an
experienced rider, I'm going to let you take him out." Brian gulped. He figured that horseback

Kampus 1, Jl. Surya Kencana No.1, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
Kampus 2, Jl. Raya Puspitek No. 46, Serpong, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15316
Kampus 3, Jl. Witana Harja No. 18b, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
🕾.021 74709855 🖶. 021 7412566,
E., |
riding looked pretty easy in the movies. "Ok," he replied, and then he attempted to mount Black
9. What event is most likely to occur next?
10. What evidence from the text supports your prediction?

Instructions: Read each text below and determine the topic.
1. Although Benedict Arnold, an American Major General during the Revolutionary War,
served his country heroically in several early battles, he is now known as a villain whose
name is a synonym for "traitor." Why did an outstanding officer who fought bravely
for independence turn his back on America in 1780 and plot to sell the fort at West
Point to the British? Several factors led Arnold to commit treason. First of all, the
ambitious Arnold became bitter about several setbacks to his career. He was passed
over for important promotions, and he alienated several of his superiors with his jealous
rivalry. He had a huge ego and craved recognition and public admiration, and he
believed the Continental Congress had betrayed him by denying him the official honors
he had earned. Arnold was also devoted to his own financial self-interest. He tried to
increase his income through legal and illegal means, including inappropriate use of his
position to engage in trade. Therefore, when the British promised him $20,000 along
with rewards of rank and honor in exchange for West Point, which was under his
command, he managed to convince himself that America would be better off under
English rule and switched his loyalty in exchange for his own personal gain.
TOPIC: ___________________________________________________________

2. Increasingly prevalent food allergies in children are beginning to create tension in

schools. The number of allergies to foods such as peanuts, dairy products, soy, wheat,
corn, fish, and shellfish have been increasing over the last decade. Up to about 3 percent
of children are now experiencing life-threatening reactions to such foods; some must
be rushed to the hospital if they so much as touch an allergen. As a result, their parents
are doing everything they can to prevent exposure of these children to the problem
foods. They carefully check labels on food packages, they pack special lunches for their
kids to take to school, and they try to keep them away from places that serve foods that
cause allergic reactions. But some parents want to go even further: they want their
children’s classmates to be prohibited from exposing their allergic child to problem
foods. They have consequently persuaded some schools to impose limitations on what
kids can bring in their lunchboxes. Any food or snack that is not acceptable is

Kampus 1, Jl. Surya Kencana No.1, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
Kampus 2, Jl. Raya Puspitek No. 46, Serpong, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15316
Kampus 3, Jl. Witana Harja No. 18b, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
🕾.021 74709855 🖶. 021 7412566,
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confiscated. Many parents of non-allergic children, however, are objecting to what they
believe are ridiculously unfair precautions.
TOPIC: ___________________________________________________________

3. For thirty years, scientists have been researching the four mysterious moons in orbit
around the planet Jupiter. The data they’ve collected suggests some fascinating
possibilities about these bodies. Of the four moons, Io is the hottest, containing about
eight active volcanoes that erupt constantly. Because its conditions resemble those on
Earth before the continents formed, scientists hope that it can offer insights into the
origin of our own planet. In comparison to Io, Europa, which is a little smaller than
Earth’s Moon, is icy and drab. However, there is evidence that Europa may contain wet,
watery slush, a condition that may support life. Ganymede, the third moon, seems to
contain water, too, and it may even have a thin atmosphere of oxygen due to the
breakdown of water vapor by sunlight. Therefore, it, too, may be capable of supporting
life. One final moon, Callisto, is the least active of the four. It has been geologically
dead since its birth, but, unlike other bodies where volcanoes, erosion and shifting land
masses constantly change the surface, Callisto has not erased the craters caused by the
impacts of space "junk." Because it has preserved an ancient record of bombardment
by meteors, scientists believe it may reveal secrets of the solar system’s 4 billion-year
TOPIC: ___________________________________________________________

4. Frances Wright was a brilliant and determined woman who believed that she could have
changed an unjust world. Inspired by her belief, Wright founded, in 1826, an
experimental community called Nashoba. It was to be a place where black men and
women could work together until they were able to purchase their freedom from
slavery. But for all its good intentions, the community was a failure. Plagued by bad
weather and illness, Nashoba produced nothing but debts. By 1830, it was only a
memory, forgotten by everyone but the people who helped start it.
TOPIC: ___________________________________________________________

5. One of the big programming surprises of the 2002 summer TV series was a show on
the Fox Network called American Idol, a talent search that highlighted several aspiring
performers. The final episode of the show garnered the biggest audience share among
18- to 49-year olds that the network has ever had. Based on a British series called Pop
Idol, American Idol is another in a long list of shows that the United States has
imported. In fact, many popular U.S. TV shows originated overseas. These include the
quiz shows Who Wants to Be A Millionaire and The Weakest Link, both also from
Kampus 1, Jl. Surya Kencana No.1, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
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Kampus 3, Jl. Witana Harja No. 18b, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
🕾.021 74709855 🖶. 021 7412566,
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Britain. Other examples include Survivor, imported from Sweden; Big Brother, based
on a Dutch series of the same name; and TLC's Trading Spaces, based on the British
series, Changing Rooms.
TOPIC: ___________________________________________________________



Basketball was invented in 1891 by a physical education instructor in Springfield,

Massachusetts, by the name of James Naismith. Because of the terrible weather in winter, his
physical education students were indoors rather than outdoors. They really did not like the idea
of boring, repetitive exercises and preferred the excitement and challenge of a game. Naismith
figure out a team sport that could be played indoors on a gymnasium floor, that involved a lot
of running, that kept all team members involved, and did not allow the tackling and physical
contact of American-style football.

1. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. The life of James Naismith
B. Physical education and exercise
C. The history of sports
D. The origin of basketball


Early maps of the North American continent showed a massive river that began in the
Rocky Mountains, flowed into the Great Salt Lake, and from there continued westward into
the Pacific Ocean. This river, named the Buenaventura River, on some maps rivaled the great
Mississippi River.

This mythical river of course does not exist. Perhaps an early mapmaker hypothesized
that such a river probably existed; perhaps a smaller river was seen and its path from the
Rockies to the Pacific was assumed. As late as the middle of the nineteenth century, this river
was still on maps and explorers were still searching for it.

2. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A. Early Maps of North America
B. A Non-Existent River on Maps
C. A Comparison of the Buenaventura and the Mississippi Rivers
D. Rivers in Mythology
Kampus 1, Jl. Surya Kencana No.1, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
Kampus 2, Jl. Raya Puspitek No. 46, Serpong, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15316
Kampus 3, Jl. Witana Harja No. 18b, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
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Most of the ice on the Earth, close to 90 percent of it, is covering the surface of the
continent Antarctica. It does not snow very much in Antarctica, but whatever snow does fall
remains and grows deeper and deeper. In some areas of Antarctica, the ice has perhaps been
around for as much a million years and now is more than two miles deep.

3. The main idea of the passage is that

A. The Earth is a cold planet
B. Most of the Earth’s ice is found in Antarctica
C. It snows more in Antarctica than in any other place on Earth
D. Antarctica is only two miles wide but is 90 percent ice

4. The best title for the passage is

A. Snowfall in Antarctica
B. The Icy Earth
C. The Cold, Cold Snow
D. The Causes of Antarctica’s Ice Pack


The extremely hot and humid weather that occurs in the United States in July and
August is commonly called the “Dog Days” of summer. This name comes from the star Sirius,
which is known as the Dog Star. Sirius is the brightest visible star, and in the hot summer
months it rises in the east approximately the same time as the Sun. As ancient people saw this
star rising with the Sun when the weather was at its hottest, they believed that Sirius was the
cause of the additional heat; they believed that bright star added its heat to the heat of the Sun,
and these two together made summer weather so umbearably hot.

5. The topic of the passage is

A. How dogs like to play during the summer
B. The causes of hot and humid weather
C. Why the hot summer days are known as the “Dog Days”
D. The day that dogs prefer

6. The main idea of this passage is that

A. The name for the summer days come from Sirius, the Dog Star
B. Dogs generally prefer hot summer days

Kampus 1, Jl. Surya Kencana No.1, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
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Kampus 3, Jl. Witana Harja No. 18b, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
🕾.021 74709855 🖶. 021 7412566,
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C. The hottest days occur in the summer because of the movements of the Sun and
the star
D. Sirius rises almost the same time as the Sun during the summer months


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) was perhaps the best-known American

poet of the nineteenth century. His clear writing style and emphasis on the prevalent values of
the period made him popular with the general public, if not always with the critics. He was
particularly recognized for his longer narrative poems Evangeline, The Song of Hiawatha, and
The Courtship of Miles Standish, in which he told stories from American history in terms of
the values of the time.
Evangeline was set during the French and Indian War (1754-1763), when the British
forced French settlers from Nova Scotia; two lovers, Gabriel and Evangeline, were separated
by the British, and Evangeline devoted her lifetime to the search for Gabriel. With its emphasis
on sentimental, undying love, Evangeline was immensely popular with the public.
In The Song of Hiawatha, Longfellow depicted the noble life of the American Indian
through the story of the brave Hiawatha and his beloved wife Minehaha. The tear-inspiring
poem follows Hiawatha through the tragedies and triumphs of life, ending with the death of
Minehaha and Hiawatha's departure into the sunset in his canoe.
The Courtship of Miles Standish takes place during the early period of the settlement
of New England, a period which was viewed as a time of honour and romance. In this poem
centred around a love triangle, Miles Standish asks his friend John Alden to propose to Priscilla
Mullins for him; John Alden ends up marrying Priscilla Mullins himself, and it takes time for
his friendship with Miles Standish to recover. As with Longfellow's other narrative poems, the
emphasis on high ideals and romance made the poem extremely popular.

7. Which of the following best describes the main idea of the passage?

A. American history is often depicted in poetry.

B. Longfellow described American history even though people really did not enjoy it.
C. The popularity of Longfellow's poems results from his stress on the values of the
D. Longfellow wrote long narrative poems that were not always popular with the

8. The best title of the passage is

A. Longfellow's Popular Appeal
B. Historical Narrative Poems
Kampus 1, Jl. Surya Kencana No.1, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
Kampus 2, Jl. Raya Puspitek No. 46, Serpong, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15316
Kampus 3, Jl. Witana Harja No. 18b, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
🕾.021 74709855 🖶. 021 7412566,
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C. The Lyric, Dramatic, and Narrative Poems of Longfellow
D. Longfellow and the Critics

9. The subject of the fourth paragraph is

A. nobility and honor in the poems of Longfellow
B. the love triangle involving Miles Standish
C. the popular appeal of The Courtship of Miles Standish
D. the period of the early settlement of New England

In the philosophy of John Dewey, a sharp distinction is made between intelligence and
reasoning. According to Dewey, intelligence is the only absolute way to achieve a balance
between realism and idealism, between practicality and wisdom of life. Intelligence involves
“interacting with other things and knowing them,” while reasoning is merely the act of an
observer, “....a mind that beholds or grasps objects outside the world of things...” With
reasoning, a level of mental certainly can be achieved, but it is through intelligence that control
is taken of events that shape one’s life.
10. What is the topic of this passage?
A. The intelligence of John Dewey
B. Distinctions made by John Dewey
C. Dewey’s ideas on the ability of reason
D. How intelligence differs from reasoning in Dewey’s work.

Kampus 1, Jl. Surya Kencana No.1, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
Kampus 2, Jl. Raya Puspitek No. 46, Serpong, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15316
Kampus 3, Jl. Witana Harja No. 18b, Pamulang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15417
🕾.021 74709855 🖶. 021 7412566,
E., |

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