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Name: Angelyn E.

Year and Section: BSN-1A
Instructor: Ma. Harieth SA Daligdig, RM, RN, SCFHS-RN, MAN

1. What is the essence of wound care?

In accordance with I have learned from this lesson, the essence of wound care is
to achieve proper and natural wound healing without any presence of infections and
promote adequate

2. What are the equipments to be used in wound care?

* Bath blanket
* Gauze dressing and surgipads
* Moisture-proof bag
* Mask
* Sterile normal saline
* Container for the cleaning solutions
* 4x4 gauze
* Clean Gloves
* Sterile Gloves
* Plaster
* Straight forceps
* Dry cotton balls with betadine
* 50 CC/mL syringe with suction tip
* Culture swab

3. What is wound care?

Based on what I understand, wound care is the step by step process and
procedure of proper cleaning of our wound in order to achieve effective wound healing
and to prevent acquiring any further infections and any presence of microorganisms.
4. What are the 4 types of wounds?

1. Intentional/Unintentional
2. Open/close
3. Acute/Chronic
4. Partial thickness/Full thickness

5. What are the 6 types of wound on how they were acquired? and
differentiate each type.

* INCISION—this is acquired due to sharp objects such as scalpel and knife

therefore it is an open wound. In layman’s term it is known to be “hiwa”.
* CONTUSION— here in contusion it is acquired from a blow from a blunt object
that causes contusion therefore it is closed wound. We call it “pasa” in layman’s term.
* ABRASION— We can describe abrasions as a scrape or scratch on the surface
of our skin therefore it is open wound. It can be either intentional or unintentional and in
layman’s term we call it “gasgas”
* PUNCTURE— When we say puncture it is technically about a sharp and small
object penetrated on our skin or on our underlying tissues therefore it is an open wound
and causes by either intentional or unintentional wound. And in layman’s term we call it
* LACERATION-When we say laceration it is about our skin tissues being torn or
tear apart or also can be a multiple trauma on our skin due to some accidents (VA). It is
an open wound and in layman’s term we call it “punit”.
* PENETRATING WOUNDS— Last but not the least is the penetrating wound
where sharp objects like shrapnels or bullets penetrates our skin or our underlying
tissues therefore it is often unintentional. It is an open wound.

6. What are the 3 types of healing?

--Primary Intention healing
--Secondary intention healing
--Tertiary intention healing

7. What are the 3 phases of healing?

--Inflammatory phase
--Proliferative phase
--Maturation phase

8. What are the importance or irrigating the wounds?

From my own point of view, the significance of irrigating the wounds is to

eliminate or wash all the debris from the wounds and also clean the wound drainage or
its exudates and clean the wounds itself in order to prevent further infections and
prevent acquiring bacteria or any microorganisms that may cause harm to the healing
process of the patient’s wound. Therefore irrigating the wound is truly important as it will
let us clean the wound in order to achieve effective healing process.

9. What is/are the solution to used in irrigating the wound?

The solution to be used in irrigating the wound are the plain or Normal saline
(NSS solution) sterile normal saline, lactated ringers solution and antibiotic solution.

10. What is the importance of collecting the specimen/culture and

sensitivity procedure?
In accordance on what I perceived on this lesson, the significance of collecting
the specimens or culture and sensitivity procedure is for us to determine if the wound of
one patient has the presence bacteria that may cause infections and be able to know if
the wound has the susceptibility of acquiring different microorganisms that may cause
further harm to the healing process of the patients’ wound. Meanwhile, sensitivity
procedure is necessary because it will tell us what medication or medicine is
appropriate for the wound in order to achieve a more effective healing process and
know if the healing process of the wound is going well and proceeding on it’s healing
phase as it is supposed to.

11. What are the two ways of collecting the specimen? and differentiate it.
Levine technique— The Levine technique is used in sutured wounds and
involves rotating the wound swab over a 1‐cm2 area of the wound.

Z—technique— this way of collecting specimen is used for deep wounds and
compared to levine technique, Z technique involves rotating the swab between the
fingers in a zigzag fashion across the wound without touching the wound edge.

12. What are the purpose of dressing the wound?

Based on what I understand, the main principle or purpose of dressing the wound
is of course to stop or prevent our wounds harvesting further infections, protect our
wounds from the external environment, provide necessary moisture or wetness within
our wounds and lastly absorb the wound drainage or exudates present within our
wounds. Therefore dressing the wound plays a very vital role on the healing process of
our wounds.

13. What is the other term for Hospitals Acquired Infection?

NOSOCOMIAL INFECTION is the other term for Hospital Acquired Infection.

14. Can you give me at least 3 examples of bacteria that may grow in the

--Staphylococcus aureus
--Pseudomonas aeruginosa
--Escherichia coli
15. How can you contribute as a Health care provider in doing and
following the standard precautions?

For me, as a future health care provider I will contribute in doing and following
the standard precautions by acknowledging its significance and effects on our health,
disseminate reliable informations about various standard precautions and educate
people on my community the importance of following these standard precautions as it is
vital for our everyday life activities and create or organize activities or programs that
highlights the importance of the said matters. And as a health care provider, it is
important to follow this because it is part of our responsibility and be able to
acknowledge its significance as part of our role here in the medical fields and be a good
example to other people so that we can influence them on how to do proper standard
precautions in observing their health and well-being. And that’s how I can be able to
contribute on doing and following the standard precautions.

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