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Cyper Cabagbag

Purok 2 Brgy. Fundado

Labo, Camarines Norte 4604
October 22, 2023
Dr. Zamuel A. Zacate
Director General
FDA - Food and Drug Administration
Alabang, Muntinlupa

Dear FDA(Food and Drug Administration)

I am writing this letter to express my deep disappointment and frustration regarding the recent
experience I had with "Sizzlingan sa kanto". I believe it is important to bring this matter to your attention
in the hope that it can be resolved promptly and to prevent similar issues from recurring in the future.
On July 23, 2023 .we ate at the said restaurant, the place was neat and beautiful and the other staff
treated us well. But when it was time to serve our food, I noticed something moving in my food, in my
curiosity I immediately investigated it and found out that there was a worm in my food. I immediately
informed my companions so that they could not eat the food. I immediately called the person in charge
to report what I saw. They immediately took action because they were probably embarrassed, and said
that they would just change the food, but I just said to return our payment and leave because we lost
our appetite. Despite my initial expectations and previous positive experiences with your company, this
Incident has left me extremely dissatisfied with the level of service and quality provided.
The the food they serve is not fresh and clean, but the surroundings of the restaurant are clean but we
don't know what is inside the kitchen. I encountered has had a significant impact on . I would just like to
have their restaurant checked to see if it is approved by your qualifications so that if not, a solution can
be made immediately, because there are many people who eat here and also so that this kind of thing
never happens again.I believe that as a valued customer, I deserve to receive better treatment and a
swift resolution to this matter.
I have attempted to address this issue by I hope you can do it properly so that it doesn't happen again to
other customers because it can ruin their business, I'm not writing to slander them but so they can
correct what they did wrong. Maybe it's because they have so many customers that they don't have
time to check if the meat they cook is still fresh, it's also not possible that every time someone
complains, they just change the food and that's it. However, the response I received was unsatisfactory,
and I feel that my concerns were not adequately addressed.
Thank you for your prompt action and cooperation. I look forward to a timely resolution and a renewed
positive experience with Sizzlingan sa Kanto.

Cyper Cabagbag

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