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The graphs underneath follows the changes in number of shops that were shut

down and shops that were opened in the period of 2011 – 2018. Noticably, the
changes vary greatly and are what I would consider very inordinate.
In the first year 2011, the closures of store are calculated to be 6000 – 7000 and the
openings are calculated to be roughly 8500.
Like I’ve stated earlier, the changes vare greatly and the two prime example for this
situation is the period throughout 2011 to 2012 where the number of reeleasing
shops have a massive decline and drop from 9000 to barely 4000 as opposed to the
stable amount of closing shops. The second visible change is the span from 2014 to
2015, the seemingly stable quantity of discontinued shops now descend to even
lower than a thousand but were put back on the pace for the next year.
At the end year 2017, despite the large number that started in this time period that
we looked into, the openings shops finish with a lower amount than the closures by
around 2000

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