Observation Notes Placement 1

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Know students and how Know the content and Plan for and implement Create and maintain Assess, provide Engage in professional Engage professionally
they learn how to teach it effective teaching and supportive and safe feedback and report on learning with colleagues,
learning learning environments student learning parents/carers and the

1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 6.1 7.1

Physical, social Content and teaching Establish challenging Support student Assess student learning Identify and plan Meet professional
and intellectual strategies of the learning goals participation Demonstrate professional learning ethics and
development and teaching area Set learning goals that Identify strategies to understanding of needs responsibilities
characteristics of Demonstrate knowledge provide achievable support inclusive assessment strategies, Demonstrate an Understand and apply
students and understanding of the challenges for students student participation including informal and understanding of the role the key principles
Demonstrate knowledge concepts, substance and of varying abilities and and engagement in formal, diagnostic, of the Australian described in codes of
and understanding of structure of the content characteristics. classroom activities. formative and summative Professional Standards ethics and conduct for
physical, social and and teaching strategies approaches to assess for Teachers in identifying the teaching profession.
intellectual development of the teaching area. student learning. professional learning
and characteristics of needs.
students and how these
may affect learning.

1.2 2.2 3.2 4.2 5.2 6.2 7.2

Understand how Content selection and Plan, structure and Manage classroom Provide feedback to Engage in professional Comply with legislative,
students learn organisation sequence learning activities students on their learning and improve administrative and
Demonstrate knowledge Organise content into an programs Demonstrate the learning practice organisational
and understanding effective learning and Plan lesson sequences capacity to organise Demonstrate an Understand the relevant requirements
of research into how teaching sequence. using knowledge of classroom activities and understanding of the and appropriate sources Understand the relevant
students learn and the student learning, content provide clear directions. purpose of providing of professional learning legislative, administrative
implications for teaching. and effective teaching timely and appropriate for teachers. and organisational
strategies. feedback to students policies and processes
about their learning. required for teachers
according to school

1.3 2.3 3.3 4.3 5.3 6.3 7.3

Students with Curriculum, assessment Use teaching strategies Manage challenging Make consistent and Engage with colleagues Engage with the
diverse linguistic, and reporting Include a range of behaviour comparable judgements and improve practice parents/carers
cultural, religious Use curriculum, teaching strategies. Demonstrate knowledge Demonstrate Seek and apply Understand strategies
and socioeconomic assessment and of practical approaches understanding of constructive feedback for working effectively,
backgrounds reporting knowledge to to manage challenging assessment moderation from supervisors and sensitively and
Demonstrate knowledge design learning behaviour. and its application to teachers to improve confidentially with
of teaching strategies sequences and lesson support consistent and teaching practices. parents/carers.
that are responsive to plans. comparable judgements
the learning strengths of student learning.
and needs of students
from diverse linguistic,
cultural, religious
and socioeconomic

1.4 2.4 3.4 4.4 5.4 6.4 7.4

Strategies for teaching Understand and respect Select and use Maintain student safety Interpret student data Apply professional Engage with
Aboriginal and Torres Aboriginal and Torres resources Describe strategies that Demonstrate the capacity learning and improve professional teaching
Strait Islander students Strait Islander people to Demonstrate support students’ to interpret student student learning networks and broader
Demonstrate broad promote reconciliation knowledge of a range wellbeing and safety assessment data to Demonstrate an communities
knowledge and between Indigenous of resources, including working within school evaluate student learning understanding of the Understand the role of
understanding of the and non-Indigenous ICT, that engage and/or system, and modify teaching rationale for continued external professionals
impact of culture, cultural Australians students in their curriculum and legislative practice. professional learning and community
identity and linguistic Demonstrate broad learning. requirements. and the implications representatives in
background on the knowledge of, for improved student broadening teachers’
education of students understanding of and learning. professional knowledge
from Aboriginal and respect for Aboriginal and practice.
Torres Strait Islander and Torres Strait
backgrounds. Islander histories,
cultures and

1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5

Differentiate teaching Literacy and numeracy Use effective classroom Use ICT safely, Report on student
to meet the specific strategies communication responsibly and achievement
learning needs of Know and understand Demonstrate a range of ethically Demonstrate
students across the literacy and numeracy verbal and non-verbal Demonstrate an understanding of a range
full range of abilities teaching strategies communication strategies understanding of the of strategies for reporting
Demonstrate knowledge and their application in to support student relevant issues and to students and parents/
and understanding teaching areas. engagement. the strategies available to carers and the purpose of
of strategies for support the safe, keeping accurate
differentiating teaching to responsible and ethical and reliable records of
meet the specific learning use of ICT in learning and student achievement.
needs of students across teaching.
the full range of abilities.

1.6 2.6 3.6

Strategies to support Information and Evaluate and improve
full participation of Communication teaching programs
students with Technology (ICT) Demonstrate broad
disability Implement teaching knowledge of strategies
Demonstrate broad strategies for using ICT that can be used to
knowledge and to expand curriculum evaluate teaching
understanding of learning opportunities for programs to improve
legislative students. student learning.
requirements and
teaching strategies
that support
participation and
learning of students
with disability.

Engage parents/carers
in the educative process
Describe a broad range of
strategies for involving
parents/carers in the
educative process.

Madeline Demiris

Pastural Care: N/A
Period 1: grade 9 English
Begin class with 5 – 10 minutes of silent reading, move in to mix and match activity for poetic devices, then an
activity where students provide definitions or examples for different poetic devices. Spent the lesson assisting in
class management and helping students with understanding of different poetic devices.
Period 2: N/A
Break 1: N/A
Period 3: Business and economics
Significantly smaller classroom, large handout given, classroom discussion on different career options and
students preferred career paths, as well as different types and forms of income that the students are learning of.
Period 4: Grade 7 English
Much larger classroom, 30 odd students, behavioral issues evident, spent majority of the lesson reading through
a novel that the class is required to read as a part of their curriculum, students read for 3 pages, teacher read for
5, then audiobook read the final chapter.
Break 2: Duty
On duty on the undercover basketball/netball courts, keeping students with food off of the courts, students with
footballs off of the court, and loaning students balls (students required to trade in their student ID to borrow a ball
in order to ensure that the balls are returned.)
Period 5: Grade 9 History
Larger classroom again, poor behavior evident, multiple disruptive students, teacher aide present. Began by
discussing and looking over a map of Europe in 1789, talking about and asking questions about why differences
exist between this map and present borders.


Pastural Care: year 9 meeting

Year 9 cohort met in purple area to discuss camp next week.
Period 1: N/A
Period 2: Grade 7 English
Same classroom as period 4 Monday, students noisy, assisted in managing classroom, 10 minutes of silent
reading, recap of chapters 4-6, then individual answering of recap questions before class discussion of these
Break 1: N/A
Period 3: Grade 11 exam feedback and External Assessment prep
2 classrooms worth of grade 11 students, desks arranged to allow for all students to see the front of the room,
Heather Grundy and other lady going through general feedback before
Period 4: Grade 9 English
Begin class with 5 – 10 minutes of silent reading, move in to mix and match activity for poetic devices, then an
activity where students provide definitions or examples for different poetic devices. Spent the lesson assisting in
class management and helping students with understanding of different poetic devices.
Break 2: N/A
Period 5: Grade 9 English
students were introduced to the first frost poem, and they were prompted to search the poem for meaning, most
of the information gathered was highly surface level, however after prompting students to look deeper into the
meaning of the poem, some students reached more in-depth conclusions on the meaning of the poem.


Pastural Care: N/A

Period 1: Grade 9 Science
This class was with another teacher, where we were introduced to the science room, which as teachers only,
with numerous different instruments and tools for students to carry out multiple experiments. The grade 9’s were
given plastic tubs to fill with water to experiment with water patterns when waves and droplets were made.
Significant examples of safety precautions were seen here, with the experiment chosen to ensure that no
potential danger could happen to students, and plastic tubs were used in place of glass to ensure that no
breakages could occur.
Period 2: Grade 9 English
Students were introduced to the first frost poem similarly to the last grade 9 English class, however more
students reached in depth conclusions on the meaning of the poem initially, and when asked how they reached
these conclusions, these students used examples from the text to support their ideas.
Break 1: Crafts workshop in Chinese room
Mostly grade 2 students with one older student. Students were knitting, Madeleine Demiris spent this time
assisting in the younger students knitting and ensuring that they were acting safely with the knitting needles.
Period 3: Grade 7 English
Students were introduced to their spelling words for their spelling test on Tuesday, then another chapter of their
novel was read to them, before recap questions were given to them to practice and understand.
Period 4: Grade 9 English
Students further analyzed the meaning of the first frost poem, with a video that explains the meanings behind the
different poetic devices and potential meanings, students then wrote down and highlighted the features of the
poem as well as their meanings within their own poem.
Break 2: N/A
Period 5: Grade 9 Religion
A student initiated the class with prayer, before information about different monotheistic religions was given to
the students, and questions and prompts were given to them to check knowledge and understanding.

Pastural Care: N/A

Period 1: Grade 9 English
Students further analyzed the meaning of the first frost poem, with a video that explains the meanings behind the
different poetic devices and potential meanings, students then wrote down and highlighted the features of the
poem as well as their meanings within their own poem.
Period 2: Grade 7 English
I took the grade 7 class for their spelling test and then an activity that took the majority of the lesson. The spelling
test was fairly simple, however anything that involved the students moving around the classroom, such as giving
their test results to Madeleine Demiris would result in some chaos, students tend to be quite load when moving
around the classroom, the second activity took the majority of the lesson, and saw me reading out an excerpt
from the students textbook, and the students following along in their own notebooks. Students were fairly quiet
whilst I was reading but became quite a bit more talkative when they moved on to their individual question
answering. The activity took significantly longer than expected, due to the year 7’s being inefficient when it
comes to moving between activities, but by the end, students were able to give answers that contributed to class
discussion. Answers for all of the questions were given by the students by the end of the class, and there was
enough time by the end for any students who answered all of the spelling questions correctly to receive a lolly
form Madeleine Demiris. Overall – improve voice projection and whiteboard writing.
Break 1: N/A (tuck-shop is nice :))
Period 3: Grade 9 History
Further looking into the industrial revolution, began with an activity where students guessed when a time period
was based off of statements that describe features of ancient Egypt. Following this, a brief discussion of industry
before the industrial revolution before a video was played explaining the details and progression of the industrial
revolution. After this, students were introduced to CURA, a school software comparable to STILE, where
students could engage in and complete class lessons for history. Students completed this lesson via their iPad’s
and use of their iPad’s was monitored by the teacher to ensure they completed their work and did not misuse
their technology.1
Period 4: Grade 9 Religion
A student initiated the class with prayer, before information about different monotheistic religions was given to
the students, and questions and prompts were given to them to check knowledge and understanding. Students
were walked through a powerpoint presentation that follows various religious rituals and traditions from Islam,
Judaism, and Christianity.
Break 2: Duty
On duty on the undercover basketball/netball courts, keeping students with food off of the courts, students with
footballs off of the court, and loaning students balls (students required to trade in their student ID to borrow a ball
in order to ensure that the balls are returned.) On top of this I received some feedback on my teaching of the
Year 7 English class. Areas to improve: Voice projection and Board writing (mostly just needs to be larger)
Period 5: Grade 10 History
Ideologies  Nazism and Fascism class began with students being prompted to think about and answer what
ideologies are and why they are important. This allowed students to begin considering different peoples and
groups ideologies and what they mean/influence, while allowing for any late students to arrive to class. The class
spent this lesson studying and recalling political ideologies such as socialism, communism, and Nazism. Began
with a recap on what different political ideologies mean. Then covered the concept of shifting ideologies, with a
fucus on Germany’s shifting ideologies (change from monarchy to democracy to raging dictator) engaged in
class discussion about nationalism and engaged the class in note-taking to establish ideas and concepts for
students to reflect upon later. Use of the I-do, we-do you-do framework, giving the students an example, then
working together to come up with an example, before the students attempt it individually. Many smaller activities
are given, which works well when compared to grade 7’s and 9’s, as the year 10’s are much more self-driven.
Use of activities that involve student writing on the whiteboard was carried out effectively.
Friday (unfortunately quite ill from some food on Thursday night) 1

Pastural Care: N/A

Period 1: Extended Pastural Care
This time was spent covering feedback and asking questions in regard to Thursday period 2.
Period 2: Grade 9 History
Began with an activity to prompt students to think about prominent inventions from the industrial revolution,
before beginning to further introduce CURA and engage in teacher led conversation about different stages to the
industrial revolution, before student led learning through CURA and videos began. Throughout this class
significant behavioral issues were evident, so Madeleine Demiris oriented herself with the boys who
demonstrated these behavioral issues most prominently, leading the them receiving more direction from her to
stay on-task.
Break 1: Duty
Period 3:
Period 4:
Break 2: N/A
Period 5:
Non class specific observations.

Madeleine Demiris Professional Engagement:

6.1 7.1 7.1
Identify and plan 6.1 Meet professional During all of her classes, she behaves
professional learning Went through and explained any learning needs of ethics and
needs responsibilities responsibly and professionally, ensuring
students and explained any changes that had been
Demonstrate an understanding Understand and apply that ethics and conduction are
of the role of the Australian implemented for them. the key principles
Professional Standards described in codes of
appropriately followed. Furthermore,
for Teachers in identifying ethics and conduct for Madeleine Demiris has demonstrated this
professional learning needs. 6.2 the teaching profession. through the GSCC code of ethics is read
Numerous sources that could be used to study and
and agreed to by all teachers commencing
improve upon things such as classroom
teaching at GSCC
management and content teaching were evident.
BCE and QCAA provide some of these sources for
teachers, which have been shared with me briefly. 7.2
Engage in professional Comply with legislative, In each class she teaches she complies
learning and improve administrative and with legislative, administrative and
practice 6.3 organisational
Understand the relevant and requirements Understand organisational requirements. This has
Communication was highly evident with
appropriate sources of the relevant legislative, further been demonstrated through the
professional learning for colleagues, with things such as sharing of resources administrative and use of Personalised Learning Plans,
teachers. and organising covering of each other’s duties. organisational policies and
processes required for which outline any adjustments that are
(resources such as TeachMeet) Madeleine Demiris teachers according to made for students that require it for
has demonstrated this more thoroughly during the
K grade 9 English meeting between her and two other
school stage.
whatever reason.
teachers, where they discussed the level of the grade
6.3 7.3 7.3
Engage with colleagues and 9 cohort, and went through adjustments that they Engage with the When issues arrive with students
improve practice Seek and needed to make to ensure that the assessment fits parents/carers
apply constructive feedback Understand strategies regarding things such as arriving late to
the students learning needs.
from supervisors and teachers for working effectively, class or not maintaining their equipment,
to improve teaching practices. sensitively and
emails to students parents are made.
6.4 confidentially with
parents/carers. Madeleine Demiris has demonstrated this
Knowledge of the framework for class work and
on multiple occasions, communicating
organization was evident, student support and
with students parents trhough the use of
differentiations prevalent in class activity
GSCC behavioural management and
scaffolding and organization. Madeleine Demiris
student information software ENGAGE,
has demonstrated this more thoroughly during the
and emailing them through her outlook
grade 9 English meeting between her and two other
6.4 teachers, where they discussed the level of the grade 7.4
Apply professional 9 cohort, and went through adjustments that they Engage with
learning and improve 7.4
needed to make to ensure that the assessment fits professional teaching
student learning networks and broader Different resources such as teachmeet are
Demonstrate an the students learning needs. communities used by her, and she has forwarded many
understanding of the Understand the role of
rationale for continued external professionals of these useful sources to me via email.
professional learning and the and community Madeleine Demiris has demonstrated a
implications for improved representatives in
student learning.
use of a wide variety of different
broadening teachers’
professional knowledge programs such as this, such as TeachMeet
and practice. for class resources, and QHTA
(Queensland History Teachers
Association) facebook page, where
Australian history teachers share
knowledge, ideas and resources.
Madeleine Demiris Professional Engagement:

1.1 2.1
Physical, social 1.1 Content and teaching
and intellectual She has demonstrated frequently strategies of the An immense amount of evidence has been shared
development and
characteristics of
understanding of this through teaching area and provided to me by Madeleine Demiris,
Demonstrate knowledge
students her use of pacing of classwork and understanding of the including BCE and QCAA structured teaching
Demonstrate knowledge for different students as well as concepts, substance and strategies and curriculum outlines, as well as
and understanding of structure of the content
physical, social and through her use of catholic connections for specific content for
and teaching strategies
intellectual development accommodating learning of the teaching area. catholic school education.
and characteristics of materials for students of
students and how these
may affect learning. different levels. 2.2
Classes are usually structured to present students
1.2 2.2
Understand how 1.2 with key information, before individual tasks are
Content selection and
students learn She has demonstrated this by organisation given to the students that utilises the information
Demonstrate knowledge seating students in arrangement Organise content into an given from the key information, before it is
and understanding effective learning and
of research into how that prevent distractions and teaching sequence.
assessed and feedback is provided.
students learn and the behavioural issues, allowing for
implications for teaching. them to learn the material 2.3
properly. Lessons taught by Madeleine Demiris are
structured to and sequenced based off of the work
assessed and completed previously by students
1.3 1.3 – 1.6 2.3 within a class. This is seen prominently between
Students with Students that fit this description Curriculum, assessment her two grade 9 English class, where one class has
diverse linguistic, and reporting
cultural, religious are present in many of her Use curriculum,
demonstrated to have behavioural issues, as well as
and socioeconomic classes, Personalised learning assessment and a lack of effort from students, further prompting is
backgrounds reporting knowledge to
Demonstrate knowledge plans have been implemented used to get them to reach the same conclusions that
design learning
of teaching strategies that go into great depth on the sequences and lesson her other grade 9 class comes to, allowing them to
that are responsive to learning requirements, plans. maintain similar level of curriculum completion
the learning strengths
and needs of students disabilities and differentiations between the two classes, although one class
from diverse linguistic, that have been implemented to requires more prompting by the teacher.
cultural, religious
and socioeconomic
accommodate for these students.
backgrounds. These cover any issues that arise 2.4
for different learning disabilities, Within planning for history curriculum towards the
1.4 2.4
Strategies for teaching
any differentiations made for end of term 3, Madeleine Demiris has expressed
Understand and respect
Aboriginal and Torres Aboriginal and Torres Strait Aboriginal and Torres the significance of the first nation people of
Strait Islander students islander students, and any Strait Islander people to Australia when deciding what content to cover
Demonstrate broad promote reconciliation
knowledge and students with abilities that are during specific weeks. Although there isn’t a
between Indigenous
understanding of the different to those of the majority and non-Indigenous significant number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
impact of culture, cultural of the students that the Australians islander students within her classes, an
identity and linguistic Demonstrate broad
background on the curriculum has been structured knowledge of, understanding, appreciation and respect for first
education of students for. These accommodations are understanding of and nation peoples has been shown by her.
from Aboriginal and respect for Aboriginal
Torres Strait Islander made for any students with
and Torres Strait
backgrounds. documented extra support needs, Islander histories, 2.5
and allows for full participation cultures and Within her grade 7 and 9 English classes, literacy
1.5 for all students within her and numeracy strategies have been taught
Differentiate teaching classes regardless of level of extensively. I have taken the grade 7 class for half
to meet the specific ability or disability. 2.5 of the lesson to run the spelling test as well as an
learning needs of Literacy and numeracy
students across the strategies
activity with a focus on different types of nouns
full range of abilities Know and understand and understanding of literacy. On top of this,
Demonstrate knowledge
and understanding
literacy and numeracy within her grade 9 English class, poetic devices
teaching strategies
of strategies for and their application in and in-depth understanding of literature has been
differentiating teaching to teaching areas. taught and its importance has been expressed to
meet the specific learning
needs of students across students.
the full range of abilities.

Strategies to support Madeleine Demiris has implemented ICT for a
full participation of 2.6 student with cerebral palsy in order to allow for
students with Information and
disability them to maintain completion within the curriculum
Demonstrate broad Technology (ICT) at the same level of the rest of the class.
knowledge and Implement teaching
understanding of strategies for using ICT
legislative to expand curriculum
requirements and learning opportunities for
teaching strategies students.
that support
participation and
learning of students
with disability.
Madeleine Demiris Professional Practice:
3.1 3.1 4.1 4.1 5.1 5.1
Establish Support Assess
challenging Within all classes, learning student Madeleine Demiris has student This has been observed
learning goals and success criteria are participation demonstrated this in a plethora learning thoroughly within the year
goals established on the white board Demonstrate
Set learning Identify
of ways. One of which being understanding
11’s assessment feedback,
goals that prior to the commencement of strategies to the use of pair or group of assessment where they were given
provide learning. This demonstrates to support activities, which encourages strategies, thorough feedback on areas
achievable inclusive including
students the expectations of the student students to push for their peers informal and that required improvement
for students lessons she teaches. participation to contribute to the class formal, when it came to their
of varying and discussion of whatever is being diagnostic, assessment. Things such as
abilities and engagement formative and
characteristic 3.2 in classroom taught. summative text structure, IOPCAM source
s. Within Madeleine Demiris’ activities. approaches to analysis and general
3.2 grade 7 English class, the assess student
4.2 4.2 learning. grammatical issues.
structure of the lesson is Manage All activities that were 5.2
and written up on the board for m undergone by students within Provide 5.2
sequenc students to see and understand activities Madeleine Demiris’ classes feedback to This has been seen thoroughly
e Demonstrate students on
learning the expectations of what is to were thoroughly planned out their learning within Madeleine Demiris’
the capacity to
program completed throughout the organise beforehand, with clear Demonstrate classroom, as well as the year
s lesson. an
Plan lesson
classroom directions for students to understanding 11 assessment feedback, where
activities and
sequences provide clear ensure that these activities of the purpose students are given generalised
using 3.3 directions. were carried out properly. of providing feedback on a large scale of
knowledge of timely and
A plethora of highly detailed appropriate common issues and mistakes
learning, teaching strategies have been 4.3 feedback to that were made on the
content and 4.3 students about
implemented and shared with Manage Within all of Madeleine assessment.
effective their learning.
teaching me by Madeleine Demiris, challengin Demiris’ classes, behaviour 5.3
strategies. teaching strategies from both g management was carried out to Make 5.3
3.3 Brisbane Christian Education Demonstrate some degree. Many examples consistent and When feedback is given on an
Use teaching comparable
(BCE) and QCAA have been knowledge of of this has been observed, but judgements individual level by Madeleine
shown to me by Madeleine practical
Include a
approaches to
one of the key examples is the Demonstrate Demiris, students feedback
range of Demiris. understanding
teaching manage implementation of seating of assessment
varies depending on their level
strategies. challenging plans to make managing moderation and of knowledge. For example, a
3.4 challenging behaviour more its application to student at a lower level than
Within Good Samaritan manageable, through things consistent and another student will receive
Catholic College (GSCC) staff such as seating students that comparable feedback that could be used to
frequently share resources with frequently display more judgements of be at a moderate level, whilst a
each other (considering they challenging behaviour towards learning. more advanced student may
are within the same 4.4
the front of the classroom. receive feedback that could be
department), allowing for student safety Interpret used to be at an excelling level.
3.4 teachers to have access to a
Describe 4.4 student data
plethora of different resources strategies that Demonstrate
t and support
Student safety is maintained on 5.4
the capacity to
use for in class. students’ a school-wide basis mostly interpret Student data is a significant
reso wellbeing and
urces within GSCC, through the use student part of all classroom
safety working assessment
Demonstrate 3.5 within school of things such as evacuation environments. Madeleine
data to evaluate
knowledge This has been demonstrated and/or system, plans, and various school Demiris has demonstrated this
student learning
of a range of curriculum and
resources, continuously by Madeleine alarm systems, however it is and modify multiple times through the
legislative teaching
including Demiris, through things such requirements. carried out on an individual practice. modification of English classes
ICT, that as raising her voice to regain
engage level within Madeleine between her two grade 9
students in attention from students who Demiris’ class through things English classes. For example,
their are off-topic, as well as using such as risk assessment for any when one class did not
learning. 4.5
body language to display to classes that require it. On top 5.5 complete all of the activities
3.5 Use ICT safely, Report on
Use effective students when she is pleased or responsibly of this, some students with student given to them, the class plan
classroom displeased with their and ethically various different needs have achievement was altered for the following
communicatio behaviour. Demonstrate an Demonstrate
n Demonstrate understanding student safety guidelines built class that covers the same
a range of of the relevant in to their personalised of a range of criteria, but in less time.
verbal and non- 3.6 issues and learning programs. strategies for (Prioritising learning)
verbal the strategies reporting to
Teaching programs are used available to students and
strategies to and improved upon by support the 4.5 parents/ carers 5.5
support student Madeleine Demiris by safe, and the
responsible and
ICT devices such as the Madeleine Demiris has
engagement. purpose of
reflecting upon the use of ethical students Ipads are managed keeping demonstrated her ability to
teaching programs such as use of ICT in thoroughly by Madeleine accurate report on student achievement,
learning and and reliable
3.6 CURA and receiving student teaching. Demiris, through the use of seen weekly within her year 7
Evaluate and records of
feedback on the usability of programs such as google student English class, where following
teaching this new program that the classrooms that allow her to achievement. their weekly spelling test, any
programs school has implemented for access and monitor students students that have
broad teaching students. screens and devices remotely, demonstrated improvements
knowledge of ensuring that their use of these receive a lolly as a reward for
strategies that
can be used
3.7 devices follow the GSCC their efforts.
to evaluate Madeleine Demiris has appropriate technology usage
teaching demonstrated this numerous guidelines. *Many of these APST
programs to
improve times through emailing examples were observed
student students’ parents and within the grade 11 External
learning. informing them of their child’s Assessment feedback class
needs and expectations within (See Tuesday P3)
parents/carers learning environments
in the conducted by her.
Describe a
broad range of
strategies for
in the educative

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