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1.What is thermodynamics?
2.What do you mean by thermodynamics variables/co-ordinates?

3.State and explain the first law of thermodynamics.

4.Apply the first law of thermodynamics in isothermal and adiabatic processes.
5.Show that the slope of the adiabatic curve is steeper than the isothermal one.
6.Prove the generalization expression for the difference in the two specific heats (C p-Cv = R).

7.Deduction of the adiabatic equation for a perfect gas.

1.A quantity of air at 27°C and atmospheric pressure suddenly compressed to half of its
original volume. Find the pressure and temperature.
8.Defination of reversible and irreversible processes.

9.Distinguish between reversible and irreversible processes.

10.Explain phenomenon of carnot cycle/engine. Efficiency of carnot engine.
11.Mathematical problem on carnot cycle:
1.A carnot engine whose temperature of the source is 400K takes 200 calories of heat and
rejects 150 calories of heat to the sink. Determine the temperature of the sink and the efficiency
of the engine.
2.a carnot engine, low temperature 280K has an efficiency of 50%. It is desired to increase
the efficiency to 70%. By how many degrees should the high temperature be changed?
12.State and explain the second law of thermodynamics.

13.Efficiency of a refrigerator and coefficient of performance.

1.A carnot refrigerator takes heat from water at 0°C discards it to a room at 27°C. 1 kg of
water at 0° is to be changed into ice at 0°. How many calories of heat are discarded in the room?
Determine the work done in every cycle and coefficient of performance.

14.Describe carnot’s theoram.

1.Defination of entropy.
Math: Calculate the increase in entropy when 1 gm of ice at -10°C is converted into steam
at 100°C.Specific heat of ice = 0.5, latent heat of ice =80 Cal/gm, latent heat of steam=540 Cal/gm.
2.What do you mean by entropy in terms of unavailability of energy?

3.Show that the entropy remains constant in reversable process and increases in irreversible
process. /State second law of thermodynamics in terms of entropy.
4.Entropy in a perfect gas.
5.First order latent heat equation/Clausius-Clapeyron equation.

6.Maxwell’s thermodynamic Relations.

7.Thermodynamic functions from maxwell’s relation.

Kinetic theory of gases:

Assignment topics:

• Heat and temperature

• Different types of thermometers with math problems
• Adiabatic and Isothermal processes
• Newton’s law of cooling

Problem:250 grams of water and an equal volume of liquid of mass 200 grams are placed
successfully in the same calorimeter and cool’s from 60°C to 55°C in 130 seconds and 60 seconds
respectively. Find the specific heat of liquid. The water equivalent of the calorimeter is 10 grams.

• Postulates of kinetic theory of gases

• Mean free path + problem
• Derivation and Math problems on PV=mnc 2 /3
• Derivation of P=2E/3

1.Degrees of freedom
2.Equipartion energy

3.Vander Waal’s Equation

• Pressure correction
• Volume correction

4.Lequification of gases (Andrew’s experiment)

5.Critical constants (Pc , Vc , TC )

Modern physics:
1.Photo-electric effect + math
2.Compton effect + math
3.Special theory of relativity postulates

4.Lorentz transformation (Math)

5.Blackbody radiation
6.Emmisive power, absorptive power
7.Kirchoff’s law, Stefan-Boltzmann's law

8.Newton’s law of cooling from Stefan-Boltzmann's law

9.De-broglie wavelength

-Samia Nowrin (AE-48)


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