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GHS Timeline

1992 The Globally Harmonized System (GHS) was mandated

at the United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development (UNCED) to internationally standardize
classi cation and labeling of chemicals.

2002 Countries were encouraged to implement the new GHS as

soon as possible, with a goal of having a fully operational
system by 2008. In December 2002, the UN approved the
1st edition of the GHS standards.

2003 The 1st edition of the GHS was published and made
available for implementation.

2004 In December 2004, amendments to the GHS were

adopted at the 2nd session of the Subcommittee of
Experts. Amendments included revisions on classi cation
and labeling, new rules for aspiration hazards and
precautionary statements, pictograms, and preparation of
safety data sheets.

2005 OSHA Published an Advanced Notice of Proposed

Rulemaking and opened it to public comments. Later that
year the 1st revised edition of the GHS was adopted by the
Committee of Experts.

2007 The 2nd revised edition of the GHS was published

(included standardized precautionary measures). | 1-866-777-1360
2009 OSHA published a proposal to modify the Hazard
Communication Standard to conform with the GHS.

2011 OSHA released the nal ruling on the updated Hazard

Communication Standard.

2012 The Of ce of Management and Budget concluded its

review of OSHA’s revised Hazard Communication Standard,
incorporating GHS principles. OSHA passed its nal ruling
updating the Hazard Communication Standard to align with
the United Nations’ Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of
Classi cation and Labeling of Chemicals.

2015 E.U. current directives on classi cation, labeling, and

packaging will be repealed (May 31). Expected E.U. deadline
for mixture reclassi cation after entry into force (June 1).

2017 De nitions for different kinds of damages produced by

chemicals like “dermal irritation,” “eye irritation,” and
others are expanded to better describe risks associated
with certain substances. A precautionary statement was
added regarding the disposal/recycling of explosives.

2019 8th revised edition of the GHS published. Includes new

labeling examples for sets or kits, instructions on skin
corrosion/irritation classi cation based on in vitro/ex vivo
data, and change of classi cation criteria for aerosols. | 1-866-777-1360

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