Industrialization Urbanization Activity Slides

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Industrialization &

The process & consequences of
a great movement.
Welcome industrialists!
Our objective is to answer:
● How did industrialization and urbanization happen?
● How did industrialization/urbanization impact the people
& the environment during the Industrial Revolution?
In order to accomplish this goal, please:
● LISTEN carefully!
● Follow ALL instructions exactly!
● Draw ONLY what I say to draw on your paper!
● Use PEN and/or something that CANNOT erase!
Day 1: Beginning to Industrialize
Before Industrialization & Urbanization:
the Year 1700
Welcome to a time before the industrialism…the year 1700!
Prepare for our activity by:
● Drawing…
○ a RIVER across your area
○ a main HIGHWAY that crosses the river
○ 15 houses, 1 school, 1 cemetery
○ 1 pub, 1 store, 1 coal mine
Round 1: Invest in Canals
Listen up!

● Draw 1 canal near the coal mine
● Draw 1 “special” house- your home!
Round 2: the Year 1760
● Listen up!
● Now, draw:
○ 15 houses
○ 1 church
○ 1 store
○ 1 pub
Round 3: Ag Revo & Enclosure

● Listen up!
Round 4: 1773, the Factory is Born
● Listen up!
● Draw a factory (remember where it
should go!)
● Draw Mr. Arkwright’s house…don’t
forget to make it *especially* nice!
Round 5: the Workers
● Listen up!
● Now, add:
○ 10 houses, 2 tenements, 1 church, 1
pub, & 1 store
● You may add extra bridges or roads if
you need them!
Round 6: 1775, Capitalism
● Listen
● Now…add 5 factories!
Round 7: 1780, Housing
● Listen up!
● *Quickly* draw 30 houses & 15 tenements!
● A tenement is like a small, poorly
constructed apartment.
Round 8: 1780, Continued Growth
● Listen up!
● Add: 3 stores to sell food & goods
● Add: 1 church, 1 cemetery, & 1 pub
Round 9: Birth of Local Pubs
● Listen up!
● Now…add 2 more pubs
Round 10: the Rich Profit
● Listen up!
● Draw 2 new SPECIAL homes
● Make them *extra* nice!
Round 11: 1785, the Steam Engine
● Listen up!
● Add 10 more factories
By the End of Day One:
Your town should include…
● 70 Houses
● 17 Tenements
● 16 Factories
● 6 Pubs
● 6 Stores
● 3 Churches
● 2 Cemeteries
● 1 Coal Mine, Canal, School
● Your House & Arkwright’s House
● 2 Special Houses
Day 2: Continued Industrialization
Round 12: 1800, Puddling Process
● Listen up!
● Now, add: 2 coal mines, 10 factories, & 5
new tenements
Round 13: 1820s, the Railroad
● Listen up!
● Now, add 1 railroad
Round 14: 1834
● Listen up!
Round 15: Crime
● Listen up!
● Now… add 2 pubs & 1 jail
Round 16: Working Conditions
● Listen up!
● Now…add: 1 cemetery & 1 hospital
Round 17: 1840
● Listen up!
● Add 1 more railroad line!
Round 18: Urban Growth
● Listen up!
● Add: 30 houses, 15 tenements, 3 stores, 1
church, 1 pub, & 1 jail
Round 19: Culture & Social Classes

● Listen up!
● Add 1 theater
Round 20: 1850, the Urban Life

● Listen up!
● Finally…add: 1 hospital, 1 cemetery, 1 jail
By the End of Day Two:
Your city should include…
● 100 Houses ● 2 railroads
● 37 Tenements ● Your House and
● 26 Factories Arkwright’s House
● 9 Pubs, 9 stores ● 2 Special Houses
● 4 Churches, 4 ● 2 hospitals, 3 jails
cemeteries ● 1 theater
● 3 Coal Mines, Canal,
Hard Times by Charles Dickens
“It was a town of red brick, or of brick that would have
been red if the smoke and ashes had allowed it…It had a
black canal in it, and a river that ran purple with
ill-smelling dye, and vast piles of buildings full of windows
where there was rattling and trembling all day long…it
contained several large streets all very much like one
another…inhabited by people equally like one another,
who all went in and out at the same hours with the same
sounds upon the same payments to do the same work
and to whom every day was the same as yesterday and
tomorrow, and every year the counterpart of the last
and the next.”
In Summary:
Major Industrial/Urban Developments
● 1773: First Factory
● 1774: First Tenement
● 1780: First Population Boom
○ 30 houses & 15 tenements
● 1785: Steam engine invented
● 1820: First Railroad
● 2022: Urbanization Continues

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