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Description of a job
Reading: The following text is a description of a job. Fill in the blanks with the words in the
never finishes their services trade fairs the morning very
doesn’t mind very interesting job her manager presentations deal
with a lot of
can be different multinational company facing problems useful to observe stressful
design and prepare

Mary has a …………..……...………………, but it is also very ….………………….. She works in the
marketing department of a ……….................…………….……... She usually arrives at 8 a.m. and she
……………....…………… before 7 p.m. She is a …………..………………… person, which is very
important for her job because she has to …………………….......…………. people. When she arrives in
………......………………, the first thing she does is a meeting with …………...........……………….. Her job
is full of different tasks and each day …….......……………………... She loves preparing …….
……………………. for meetings. She usually works with the product managers to …………………............
…………… promotional materials for the products the company has. She also attends
………………………………. for the promotion of their products in different cities. She loves doing it
because she thinks that it is very interesting and …………………..............………… what other companies
do to promote ………………………………. and products.
She ………………………… working under pressure and she enjoys …...……………………. and looking
for the best solution.

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