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Chapter 5

Part I
Dia sedang menyikat lantai kamar mandi.

Saya sedang mengendarai mobil ke Bandung sekarang.

Dia sedang mempelajari bahasa Inggris agar menjadi pemandu wisata yang hebat.

Saya tinggal dengan saudara perempuan saya saat ini.

Saya sedang menghabiskan liburan di pantai Kuta akhir bulan depan.

Kamu tidak dapat menghubungi saya malam ini. Saya akan pergi ke pernikahan sahabat saya.

Bus-bus tersebut tiba dalam satu jam.

Saya pindah ke Jakarta Barat bulan ini.

Mengapa anjing liar itu selalu menggonggong pada saya?

Saya mulai muak dengan kamu yang selalu menanyakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sama.

Part II
Apakah anda ingin secangkir teh?

Saya ingin menjadi seorang Juru masak

Apakah anda menginginkan ini?

Maukah kamu datang ke pestaku hari minggu ini?

Maukah kamu menyanyi denganku?

Saya ingin kamu mendengarkan dengan serius

Maukah kamu belajar dengan ibuku?

Aku ingin mengundangmu ke rumah baruku di akhir pecan

Saya tidak ingin semua ini terjadi

Apakah kamu ingin membuat reservasi?

Chapter 7
Part I
Dialogue 1
Practice Dialogue: Direction to the Office
A: (Permisi, mohon maaf mengganggu waktu Anda. Bisakah Anda membantu saya?)
B: (Ya, ada yang bisa saya bantu?)
A: (Saya baru di sini. Saya sedang mencari kantor Ruang Raya. Saya sudah mengikuti google maps
tetapi saya masih tidak dapat menemukan jalan yang benar. Bisakah Anda mengarahkan saya ke
tempat itu?)
B: (Apakah maksud Anda kantor Ruang Raya yang merupakan startup pendidikan yang berlokasi di
Tebet, kan?)
A: (Ya, itu benar.)
B: (Tentu, kantornya sangat dekat dari sini. Karena menggunakan sepeda motor, Anda hanya perlu
lurus, ambil belokan ke kiri pertama saat masuk Jalan Saharjo. Setelah itu, ikuti jalan tersebut hingga
sampai di kantor polisi Kemang di sebelah kiri. Jalan sepanjang 300 meter, dan Anda akan
menemukan kantor Ruang Raya di kanan di antara kantor pos dan pom bensin.)
A: (Terima kasih telah menghabiskan waktumu bersamaku. Semoga harimu menyenangkan!)

Dialogue 2
Vera: Permisi, Bu.
Bu Tuti: Ya? Vera: Saya tersesat. Bisakah Anda menunjukkan cara untuk pergi ke Bono Café?
Bu Tuti: Oh tentu saja. Jalan lurus dan ikuti jalan ini. Jika ada pertigaan, kamu harus belok kanan.
Setelah itu, susuri jalannya sekitar 150 meter dan kamu akan menemukan kafe di sisi kirimu. Kafenya
ada di dekat toko buku.
Vera: Oh, begitu, Bu. Terima kasih banyak.
Bu Tuti: Tidak masalah.

Dialogue 3
Practice Dialogue: Taking Directions over the Telephone
Rama: (Halo Azka, selamat pagi. Maaf mengganggu kamu.)
Azka: (Hai Rama, ada apa?)
Rama: (Kamu bisa bantu aku? Aku tersesat!)
Azka: (OMG, di mana kamu sekarang? Kok bisa?)
Rama: (Kayaknya aku mengambil belokan yang salah. Aku di Ceria Mall sekarang. Aku nggak bisa
pakai google maps soalnya nggak ada kuota. Bisa kasih aku petunjuk ke Jalan Bugis?)
Azka: (Mall Ceria di Gambir? Tentu saja aku bisa.)
Rama: (Kamu benar. Oke, silakan Azka.)
Azka: (Oke, belok kiri ke jalan Sudirman dan berkendara ke pintu masuk Jalan Tol Jakarta. Ambil jalan
bebas hambatan menuju Manggarai.)
Rama: (Berapa jarak ke Jalan Bugis dari lokasi aku sekarang?)
Azka: (Sekitar 20 mil. Kamu ngerti nggak petunjuk yang aku kasih?)
Rama:(Bisakah kamu mengulanginya lagi? Maaf aku tidak bisa mendengar suaramu dengan jelas.)
Azka: (Tidak masalah. Aku ulangi ya. Belok kiri ke Jalan Tol Jakarta dan berkendara ke pintu masuk
jalan bebas hambatan. Ambil jalan bebas hambatan menuju Manggarai.)
Rama: (Oh, gampang ya.)
Azka: (Ya, sangat mudah untuk mencapainya.)
Rama: (Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk sampai ke sana?)
Azka: (Kalau tidak macet, sekitar 25 menit. Kalau lalu lintas padat, dibutuhkan sekitar 45 menit.)
Rama: (Aku mengerti. Terima kasih atas bantuanmu, Azka. Aku akan mencoba mengikuti
Azka: (Oke, hati-hati.)
Rama: (Terima kasih banyak, Azka. Dadah.)
Part II
North → ....?
West → ....?
South → ....?
East → ....?
North east → ....?
South east → ....?
North west → ....?
South west → ....?

Part III
Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. _____ some tall buildings around the city.
a. There is
b. There are
c. There isn’t
d. There aren’t
What a big car showroom. _____ a red car in the corner of that room.
a. There is
b. There are
c. There isn’t
d. There aren’t
_____ a new Smartphone in the bedroom for you.
a. There is
b. There are
c. There isn’t
d. There aren’t
_____ any students in the Campina Elementary School
a. There is
b. There are
c. There isn’t
d. There aren’t
______ some beans inside the can.
a. There is
b. There are
c. There isn’t
d. There aren’t
I bought some candies from that store. ______ three orange candy in my pocket.
a. There is
b. There are
c. There isn’t
d. There aren’t
_______ a bus from the station to the National Park.
a. There is
b. There are
c. There isn’t
d. There aren’t
______ a cat under my bed.
a. There is
b. There are
c. There isn’t
d. There aren’t
______ some pepper in this food.
a. There is
b. There are
c. There isn’t
d. There aren’t
______ three goals scoring in the football match last night.
a. There is
b. There are
c. There isn’t
d. There aren’t

_______ a man across the street

_______ some flowers on the corner of that yard.
I bought a carton of noodle. ______ six instant fried noodles for tonight.
Dani make a pan of soup. ______ some sugar on that receipt.
I came to the library yesterday. ______ any visitors in that room.
Andra bought some marbles from the toys store. ______ four blue marble in that sack.
_____ some coffee in the jar.
Kuta is a good city in Bali. ______ some souvenirs from that town.
I bought some shirt in Jogja. ______ a green color shirt that I like.
Yoyo take some apple from that tree. ______ any apple has green colour.

Chapter 8
Part I
Man (s) –> ....?
Woman (s) –> ....?
Foot (s) –> ....?
Tooth (s) –> ....?
Mouse (s) –> ....?
Child (s) –> ....?
Person (s) –> ....?
Sheep (s) –> ....?
Fish (s) –> ....?
Goose (s) –> ....?

song –> ....? video–> ....?

box–> ....? tornado –> ....?
baby –> ....? volcano –> ....?
body–> ....? zero–> ....?
ox –> ....?
echo –> ....?
hero–> ....?
potato –> ....?
tomato–> ....?
zoo –> ....?
kilo –> ....?
studio –> ....?
memo –> ....?
tatoo –> ....?
photo –> ....?
calf –> ....?
life –> ....?
thief –> ....?
half –> ....?
loaf –> ....?
wolf –> ....?
knife –> ....?
self –> ....?
leaf –> ....?
shelf –> ....?
scarf–> ....?
belief –> ....?
cliff–> ....?
chief –> ....?
roof–> ....?

one deer –> ....?

one series –> ....?
one fish –> ....?
one sheep –> ....?
one offspring –> ....?
one species –> ....?
one means –> ....?
one shrimp –> ....?

criterion –> ....?

phenomenon –> ....?
cactus –> ....?
stimulus –> ....?
fungus –> ....?
syllabus –> ....?
nucleus –> ....?
formula –> ....?
vertebra –> ....?
appendix –> ....?
index –> ....?
analysis –> ....?
oasis –> ....?
basis –> ....?
parenthesis –> ....?
crisis –> ....?
thesis –> ....?
hypothesis –> ....?
bacterium –> ....?
medium –> ....?
curriculum –> ....?
memorandum –> ....?
datum–> ....?

Part II
I … visited Bali.
A. Have
B. Has
C. Had

Budi … gone already.

A. Have
B. Has
C. Had
Deni … been working at the international hospital for fifteen years before he died.
A. Have
B. Has
C. Had

Budi … lived in Jogja since 2006.

A. Have
B. Has
C. Had

Mr. Jordan … been painting the ceiling of the house since 9.00 a.m.
A. Have
B. Has
C. Had

The mechanic will … checked the car before I drive it.

A. Have
B. Has
C. Had

I will … been sleeping for two hours before my wife gets home.
A. Have
B. Has
C. Had

The old women … bought many apples.

A. Have
B. Has
C. Had

The police … eaten.

A. Have
B. Has
C. Had
All ministers … arrived at the presidential palace before the president came.
A. Have
B. Has
C. Had

Chapter 9
Part I
I have been living ______ Bandung for five years.
A. In
B. On
C. At
D. From

Please come to my house _____ 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. Don’t be late!

A. In
B. On
C. At
D. To

Andy: Hey, bro! I think you are grounded. How can you come to this party?
Johnny: Yes, I am. Please don’t tell anyone that I come here _________ my sister.
Andy: Oh, right.
A. Using
B. With the help of
C. By
D. Without

Mother: Can you help me fix this chair?

Donny: Sure. I can do it in a few minutes _____ a screwdriver.
A. By
B. With
C. Like
D. Use
Dina: Where are you going? You look in a hurry.
Tina: I am going ____ Bali. I have to catch the bus.
Dina: Okay, have a nice trip.
A. Into
B. Around
C. Toward
D. To

Mother: Can you tell me where the key is?

Father: The key is _____ the table.
Mother: Oh, I see. Thank you.
A. On
B. At
C. In
D. Inside

Tourist: Good afternoon. Can you tell me where the library is?
Erica: Good afternoon. The library is located ______ the post office and book store.
A. Under
B. Below
C. Between
D. Outside

My little brother sings _____ a professional singer.

A. By
B. With
C. Without
D. Like

I was born ______ 2000. It means I am currently 20 years old.

A. At
B. On
C. In
D. For
Dora: How can you clean a stubborn stain?
Tony: I clean the stain ______ a vinegar solution.
Dora: That is a clever idea. Thank you.
Tony: You’re welcome.
A. By
B. Without
C. Like
D. With

Part II
(Complete the sentences using By, with, out, of, except, to, at, between, among, for, up, about, in, at)
Suzan was angry …… Merry when she found out that Merry had got rid …… the kitten which she was
very fond ……

They all agreed …… the plan …… Andrew who said he was not opposed …… it but pointed out that it
was not very practical.

His father was proud …… him for he had won the first prize …… an e-sport tournament organized ……
a National E-sport Club.

My friend is waiting for me …… the corner of the street …… the baker’s shop. We promised to meet
…… exactly 3 o’clock so that we can do some shopping and then go …… a coffee.

Which will you choose …… the two cakes?

What is Tom looking for …… the pile of books?

There is nothing she is interested in …… reading a book.

What are you talking ……?

My parents will have reached the city …… tomorrow afternoon.

I gave …… trying to make him understand it.

Part III
Did you ….. to Yoga’s wedding 2 days ago?
A. Gone
B. Go
C. Went
D. Going

I went to Korea ……
A. Last week
B. Tomorrow
C. Next month
D. Now

She ….. comic last night

A. Reads
B. Reading
C. Read
D. Readed

Santi and Mira ….. a singer

A. Are
B. Was
C. Were
D. Is

…… didn’t …… a bag 3 days ago

A. Catur; bought
B. Catur; buy
C. Last night; buy
D. Buy; Catur

They ….. about you last night

A. Talk
B. Talking
C. Are talk
D. Talked
…. you watch the new episode last night?
A. Do
B. Does
C. Did
D. Done

My friend and I …… hard 2 days ago

A. Study
B. Studied
C. Were study
D. Studying

Lily …. a representative student last year

A. Were
B. Was
C. Did
D. Are

Ten years ago, a holiday trip to Prambanan …. ….. Expensive

A. Was not
B. Did not
C. Were not
D. Is not

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