Understanding Culture Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan in Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics

I. Objectives:

At the end of the session, learners are expected to:

a. Demonstrate curiosity and an openness to explore the origins and dynamics of culture,
society and political identities. - UCSP11/12SPUIa-2

b. .Observe social, political, and cultural behavior and phenomena.

c. Accept social, cultural, and political change.


A. Topic: Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics: Some Key Observations

B. Learning Competency: Demostrate curiosity and an openness to explore

the origins and dynamics of culture and society, and political identities.


A. References

1. Curriculum Guide-Core Subject

2. Understanding Culture, Society and Politics 2016 by Phoenix Publishing

House, Inc. pp. 7-10

B. Materials

1. Projector

2. Laptop

3. Regular teaching tools

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities

Good morning my dear students! (Good morning teacher) How are you today? (Were
fine, teacher) Now! I want all of you to sit properly and listen attentively. (The students
follow what the teacher says)
1.) Drill

Now, let us have a short activity. I am going to ask questions then if you know the
answer just raise your hand. The students that will participate in our activity will receive
additional points? Is that clear? (Yes teacher)

1. Is it important to study our culture?

2. What have you observe in our social, political, and cultural behavior nowadays?

3. Does our social, political, and cultural behavior change?

4. What are the changes that you’ve observed in our society?

5. Are you going to accept the changes? Why? Why not?

2.) Motivation

Okay class, who among you here are fond of eating? May I know what your favorite
food is? (Adobo teacher) What else? (Ice cream and chocolate teacher) How about
kakanin, what is your favorite kakanin? (Suman teacher) How about the others?
(Bibingka and puto teacher)


Class! I have here an image.

Image of muslim food

Do you know what’s on the image class? (A muslim food teacher) Have you tasted
it? (Varied answers) Okay! To those who tasted it, do you like the taste? (Yes teacher)
How about those who doesn’t taste it, are you curious taste it? (Yes teacher) Okay
class, today
our lesson is a continuation of the previous lesson but it focuses more on the origins and
dynamics of culture, society and political identities.


Foods like kakanin class are part of our culture and we cannot deny the fact that even
our preferences when it comes to foods today are changing because of social influence
or experience. Class, to understand man’s social experience, it is necessary to make a
wider analysis of man’s relationship to his natural environment. However, we need to
identify the significance of culture, society, and politics in order to appreciate the
difference components that are essential to the total development of a human person.
Now, is it important to study the culture of other people? (Yes teacher) Why? (For us to
be aware in their culture teacher) Very good! Are you curious to learn about the culture
of other people? (Yes teacher) Why? (Because we want to learn about their culture for us
to be able to connect with them) Excellent! Are culture and political identities of a person
related to each other? (Yes teacher) Why? (Because the political identities of a person in
a certain society teacher are based upon their cultural belief and point of view) Brilliant!

Guided Practice

This time class, we will have a group activity. Get one whole sheet of paper.

Directions: Identify the cultural elements of the Subanen and Muslim people then select
a partner and share your answers with each other.




Musical Instrument



Holiday and ceremony





Okay! What have you learned from our discussion today? (We learned to demonstrate
curiosity and an openness to explore the origins and dynamics of culture, society and
political identities) What else? (We learned to observe social, political, and cultural
behavior and phenomena and accept social, cultural, and political change) That’s great


Go to your respective group for we will have a group activity. You will be graded
individually and by group. So, please cooperate.

Directions: Write the causes and consequences of social change with special focus on
the premise of political and cultural scenario.


IV –


Since you did a great job earlier, I think you are all ready for a quiz. Now get ½
crosswise and answer this.

Directions: Answer the following questions. (10 pts each)

1. In what way you can demonstrate curiosity and an openness to explore the origins and
dynamics of culture, society and political identities?

2. Is it necessary for us to accept social, cultural, and political change? Why or why not?

V – Assignment

Directions: Complete the table by writing the significant contributions of the

specified administrations to the different sectors of the country.

Sector Estrada Arroyo Aquino

Administratio Administratio Administratio
n n n




Science &


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