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Food Chemistry 314 (2020) 126222

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Chemical hazards in grapes and wine, climate change and challenges to face T
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Cristina Ubeda , Ruth Hornedo-Ortega , Ana B. Cerezo , M. Carmen Garcia-Parrilla ,

Ana M. Troncosoa,
Departamento de Nutricion y Bromatología, Toxicología y Medicina Legal, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Sevilla, C/Profesor García Gonzalez 2, 41012 Sevilla,
MIB, Unité de Recherche Oenologie, EA 4577, USC 1366 INRA, ISVV, Université de Bordeaux, Villenave d Onron, France


Keywords: Climate change has an impact on the chemical risks associated to wine consumption related with grape de-
Climate change velopment and microbial contamination. We can classify chemical hazards in wine into two groups: those
Wine present in grapes due to agricultural practices, environmental contamination or fungal growth and those coming
Food safety from fermentation and the winemaking process. The first group includes mycotoxins, whilst the second en-
Biogenic amines
compasses ethyl carbamate, biogenic amines, sulfur dioxide and proteins used as technological ingredients such
Ochratoxin A
as fining material. Usually the effective control of chemical hazards is achieved by assuring that they either are
minimized or absent in the final product since their removal is somewhat difficult and sometimes it may affect
sensory properties, which is a major issue in wine. Interestingly, it is possible to give recommendations to avoid
excess of these compounds, but more research is needed to face future challenges related to climate change and
consumer demands.

1. Overview of chemical hazards in grape and wine product of microbiological activity of yeast and bacteria during fer-
mentation and iii) ingredients used as part of the winemaking process
Any food is considered safe if its consumption is not harmful to and that might present a risk to certain sensitive consumers, such as
human health in the short or long term and it is prepared and consumed sulfur dioxide and protein fining material (Marangon, Vincenzi, &
according to its intended use. For the concrete case of wine, moderate Curioni, 2019). At the same time climate change is behind new issues
consumption is required within intended use, since excessive ethanol related to the increase of alcohol content in wines and residual plant
consumption has serious deleterious effects on health (WHO, 2018). protection products on mature grapes that can affect fermentation and
From a food safety perspective, we have to consider chemical hazards, consumer’s health. Recently, it has been reported that environmental
different from microbiological hazards in a number of aspects, among contamination can lead to the presence of toxic compounds such as
them and most relevant, their inability to be removed by technological acrolein and furfural in grapes and in the respective wines (Ferreira
treatments. et al., 2018). Hence, there is an array of emerging chemical hazards that
Climate plays a substantial role in the selection of viticultural and should be controlled to minimize the risks associated with wine con-
enological practices to obtain wine of quality, typicity and safety sumption. This article aims to review the state of the art of classical and
standards. Wine is quite safe under the microbiological point of view emerging chemical hazards in wine including toxicological considera-
since it is free from pathological microorganisms due to the high con- tions and mitigation strategies.
tent in ethanol (ca. 9–14%) in which most pathogenic bacteria cannot
survive. Regarding chemical hazards, they are very dependent on en- 2. Climate change and impact in grape development and wine
vironmental conditions, such as climate change. They can be grouped production
according to their origin in three classes, as follows, i) those that are
incorporated into the grape as a result of agricultural practices, en- Climate change is a real current problem carrying dire consequences
vironmental conditions or fungal contamination and growth ie., heavy in multiple areas. A recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on
metals, pesticides or mycotoxins, ii) chemical hazards of micro- Climate Change (IPCC) shows that from the pre-industrial period
biological origin, ie ethyl carbamate and biogenic amines that are the (1850–1900) the surface mean temperature has risen continuously,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.M. Troncoso).
Received 5 December 2019; Received in revised form 10 January 2020; Accepted 13 January 2020
Available online 16 January 2020
0308-8146/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Ubeda, et al. Food Chemistry 314 (2020) 126222

Fig. 1. Land Surface Air Temperature from 1850 to 2018. (Data from:

reaching approximately 1 °C above the pre-industrial levels in 2017

(mean increase of 0.2 °C per decade) due to past and current emissions
derived from human activity (IPCC, 2018) (Fig. 1). Agricultural sector
has been one of the most affected by this temperature increase. It is
estimated that the world agricultural yield will be reduced a 6.9% in
2050 because of climate change (Wiebe et al., 2015). This situation has
been caused by an expanded frequency, intensity and duration of heat-
related events such as droughts, heat waves and changes in rainfalls
which are becoming more frequent and extreme (Meehl et al., 2007),
leading to both desertification and field flooding.
Wine production, dependent on the grape, has been substantially
affected by climate change since this fruit is one of the most sensitive
crops to little changes on climatic conditions. In fact, changes on cli-
mate patterns have greater impact on vine development and fruit
composition than the grapevine variety itself or even soil characteristics
(van Leeuwen et al., 2004). Noteworthy there are three variables
strongly related to the wine grape quality, namely, water status, solar
radiation and temperature (van Leeuwen & Darriet, 2016). Overall,
temperature increases lead to juices with a higher sugar content and pH
and lower acidity (Iland, Dry, Proffitt, & Tyerman, 2011) (Fig. 2).
The increase in temperatures has resulted in advanced harvests date
in most of the wine producing countries (De Orduña, 2010, Fig. 2).
Nevertheless, cold climates have taken advantage of this temperature
increases representing an opportunity to expand. Conversely, undesired
consequences would appear in warm wine producing regions, esti-
mating that the production of some current wine styles would be
challenging if not impracticable (Jones, White, Cooper, & Storchmann,
One of the main consequences of temperature increase is that it can
advance the veraison (Parker, García de Cortzar Atauri, van Leeuwen, &
Chuine, 2011), the onset of ripening, in which the change on berry’s
color as well as the beginning of sugars’ accumulation occurs. Over the
last years, aroma and polyphenolic maturity are also considered in
addition to the traditional measurement of technological variables
(sugar, acidity), leading to longer hang times (De Orduña, 2010). This
represents a huge challenge for the oenologist because sugar accumu-
lation and the formation of important quality minor compounds such as
phenolics and volatile compounds are decoupled (Pons et al., 2017;
Sadras & Moran, 2012) resulting in unbalanced grapes (Fig. 2).
Therefore, this quick berry development means that the oenologist has
to choose either late harvest, giving rise to high alcoholic degree and
bitter wines; or early harvest, resulting in wines with low color density
and poor aroma intensity and complexity, being both rejected by the
consumer. High alcohol degree represents a problem for the consumer Fig. 2. Evolution of primary and secondary metabolites through ripeness. a)
acceptability and for a good management of the fermentation, because Grape harvest at ideal berry maturity with ideal sugar to acid ratio and sec-
high alcohol concentrations are toxic to the yeast and could produce a ondary metabolites development. b) Decoupling of sugar and phenolic and
aromatic accumulation due to high temperatures.
fermentation stop. The above-mentioned negative consequences are
mainly related with the organoleptic and quality properties of wine.

C. Ubeda, et al. Food Chemistry 314 (2020) 126222

However, another major concern is the potential implication that this distension and bleeding, congestion and edema of pulmonary, hepatic
steady increase changes in alcohol degree of quality wines, observed and gastrointestinal blood vessels and tissues (Puel, Galtier, & Oswald,
during the last 20 years, could have on consumer s health. Harmful 2010). Fortunately, PAT is degraded to some extent during the fer-
consumption of alcohol has been highlighted by the World Health Or- mentation process and it has not been detected in wine (Li, Chen,
ganization (WHO) as having a significant impact on human health with Zhang, Zhang, & Peng, 2018).
a 5.9% of total world deaths and diseases (WHO, 2014). However, the AFB1 is an aflatoxin mainly produced by the fungus Aspergillus
reduction of alcohol in wine is difficult due to legal restrictions that flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Aflatoxins (AF) are the most important
only allow the addition of water for the preparations of enzymes and mycotoxins with AFB1 being the most potent carcinogenic (hepato-
yeast and not for the dilution of sugar content of the grape must (OIV, carcinogen) natural compound known (Paterson et al., 2018). There-
2019). Therefore, alternative techniques are being developed to achieve fore, the European Commission set the maximum level of AFB1 in foods
the reduction of the alcoholic content such osmosis, nano-filtration (mainly for groundnut, other oilseeds, tree nuts, dried fruit, rice and
techniques (Schmidtke, Blackman, & Agboola, 2012) or the selection of maize) between 2 and 12 µg/kg depending on the food, with the ex-
yeast that metabolize sugar in glycerol, pyruvic acid and other meta- ception of infant’s food where the maximum is 0.1 µg/kg (European
bolites in addition to alcohol (Ciani et al., 2016; López-Malo, Chiva, Commission, 2006). There is not a limit established for AF in wines,
Rozes, & Guillamon, 2013). being the studies on the content of AF in wines scarce. However, as can
Joined to the increase in alcohol concentration in wines, the in- be seen in Table 1, in the last decade surveys, Romanian wines exceed
crease of ambient temperature also increases pH. Noteworthy, malic pretty much the limits set in the above-mentioned Regulation. Although
acid content decrease with higher temperatures, and lower acidity is currently OTA remains the most prevalent mycotoxin in grapes, inter-
usually correlated with higher grape pH. This pH increase is proble- estingly some studies have recently pointed that in some European
matic since it may favor microbial growth in grapes, fungal con- areas, AFB1 may eventually replace OTA as the main problem due to
tamination and therefore the production of toxins such as ochratoxin A, climatic conditions, mainly higher temperatures, which directly affect
present in raw material and consequently in wine and, also, the pro- fungus development (Paterson & Lima, 2010).
liferation of spoilage non-pathogenic yeast strains such as Fumonisins are a group of mycotoxins that have been extensively
Brettanomyces. To avoid this situation, it is usual to increment the ad- studied since they present cancer-promoting activity. Aspergillus niger,
dition of antimicrobial treatment to the plant and preservatives to the which is involved in FB2 production and commonly found on grains,
wine. Finally, it is important to point that the amount of nitrogenous has been also described on grape skins. Concretely, Fumonisin B2 (FB2)
compounds increases during ripening (Garde-Cerdán et al., 2009); has been seldom isolated from grapes and also in wines (Logrieco,
therefore, these overripened grapes are expected to present high N Ferracane, Visconti, & Ritieni, 2010; Mogensen, Larsen, & Nielsen,
quantities. This could be a potential technological problem because it 2010).
would imply higher quantity of fining agent added against unstable OTA has been described in a number of food products, namely
proteins, as well as a health-related problem increasing potential to cereals, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, meats and, also, in grapes and
form biogenic amines (Ancín-Azpilicueta, Gonzalez-Marco, & Jimenez- wine. It is considered that more than 90 kinds of foodstuffs of both plant
Moreno, 2008). and animal origins, including milk, contribute to the OTA dietary ex-
As regards food safety issues, there are many pathways through posure. OTA is the most studied mycotoxin in grape products and pre-
which climate-related factors may impact, not only those related with sents the biggest concern since in a European assessment of the con-
changes in temperature and rain patterns, but also with changes in the tribution of each food commodity to its mean total dietary intake, wine
transport pathways of complex contaminants (Herrera, Anadón, Iqbal, was identified as the second major source of intake, contributing with a
Bailly, & Ariño, 2016). 10% (Miraglia & Brera, 2002). This toxin is produced by the secondary
In conclusion, climate change consequences open a new challenging metabolism of certain fungal species, mainly Aspergillus spp, and is ne-
research field trying to counteract these effects on grapes. phrotoxic, genotoxic, teratogenic and carcinogenic for both animals and
humans (Da Rocha, Freire, Maia, Guedes, & Rondina, 2014). Therefore,
3. Chemical hazards of microbiological origin it was classified as possible human carcinogen (Group 2B) by the In-
ternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, 1993), however, very
3.1. Grape origin recently OTA has been reclassified as probably carcinogenic to humans
(Group 2A) due to new information regarding genotoxicity of OTA
An overripened grape has some risks associated due to higher pH, (formation of OTA DNA adducts), its role in oxidative stress, and the
lower acidity and higher sugar concentration than expected, thus pro- identification of epigenetic factors. The European Union has established
moting the development of undesirable microbial growth. Moreover, it legal concentration limits in wine (2 µg/Kg) (European Commission,
must be taken into account that a late harvest date, in order to favor the 2006). As can be observed in Table 1, OTA content in wine surveys from
synthesis of secondary metabolites, increases the probability of occa- China, Italy, Argentina and Turkey exceed this concentration limit.
sional unexpected rains at the last ripening stages. Thus, the vineyard A major producer of OTA is Aspergillus section Nigri Aspergillus car-
humidity may favor fungal proliferation. This is a huge issue because bonarius. Several studies made in Spain, France, Italy or Portugal about
certain species of fungi produce secondary metabolites named myco- the occurrence of OTA, point out that the higher producer of this my-
toxins (Paterson & Lima, 2010), many of them of interest in human cotoxin is Aspergillus carbonarius but the most isolated is A. niger (Bellí
health due to their toxicity. The most important reported mycotoxins in et al., 2006). OTA was at first found in wines of different countries and
grape and/or wine are Patulin (PAT), Ochratoxin A (OTA)), Aflatoxin afterwards it was determined in grapes (Bellí et al., 2006). Climate
B1 (AFB1), Alternariol (AOH) and Fumonisin B2 (FB2). All of them change is acknowledged as determinant for the OTA occurrence in
have been found in wines, except for Patulin (Table 1), being Ochra- grapes (Paterson et al., 2018) together with location and plant health
toxin A, the most predominant mycotoxin in grapes. Once they are conditions. Weather, period of harvest, biotic factors, agricultural and
produced on grapes as a consequence of fungus development they are harvesting practices or the type of wine may also impact the final
transferred to wines, being in general very stable. Many works have concentration (Gil-Serna, Vázquez, González-Jaén, & Patiño, 2018).
addressed factors influencing OTA presence in wine, but few studies Noteworthy, winemaking practices such as maceration, can increase
have been developed on AF, PAT, AOH, and FB2 (Paterson, Venâncio, OTA content in the wines (Anli & Bayram, 2009) and consequently is
Lima, Guilloux-Bénatier, & Rousseaux, 2018). mostly found in red wines followed by rosé and white wines.
PAT is produced most notably by the fruit-rotting fungus, Penicillium There are control strategies that have been proved to be useful to
expansum and induces gastrointestinal disorders including ulceration, avoid the growth of OTA producers fungus on grapes. They can be

C. Ubeda, et al. Food Chemistry 314 (2020) 126222

Table 1
Last decade wine surveys of presence of mycotoxins in wines. Ochratoxin A (OTA), Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and B2 (AFB2), Alternariol (AOH), Fumonisin B2 (FB2). nd:
non detected.
Mycotoxin Wine n Location [Range] (µg/L) Reference

Red wine 20 Turkey 0.39–7.96 Altiokka, Can, Atkoşar, & Aboul-Enein, 2009
White wine 5 0.25–1.80
Red wine 47 Argentina 0.02–4.82 Ponsone et al., 2010
Red wine 1002 Italy 0.580–2.360 Spadaro, Lorè, Garibaldi, & Gullino, 2010
White wine 204 0.056–1.360
Jerez wine 40 Spain 0.039–0.642 Murillo-Arbizu, Amézqueta, González-Peñas, & López de
Cerain, 2010
Red wine 78 Greece 0.07–2.00 Labrinea, Natskoulis, Spiropoulos, Magan, & Tassou, 2011
Red wine 88 Brazil 0.80–0.84 Teixeira et al., 2011
Red wine 97 Spain 0.004–0.179 Quintela,Villarán, de Armentia, & Elejalde, 2011
Red wine 16 Brazil 0.03–0.62 Terra, Prado, Pereira, Ematné, & Batista, 2013
White wine 7 nd-0.03
Red wine 14 France 0.010–0.237 Quintela, Villarán, de Armentia, & Elejalde, 2012
8 Italy 0.050–0.353
6 Australia 0.033–0.072
2 Spain 0.064–0.138
Red wines 30 Portugal 0.41–0.45 Fernandes, Barros, & Câmara, 2013
Red wine 77 China 0.03–5.65 Zhang, Chen, Li, Zhu, & Ma, 2013
White wine 34 0.03–0.07
Red wine 18 Tunissia 0.09–0.94 Lasram, Oueslati, Chebil, Mliki, & Ghorbel, 2013
White wine 7 0.11–1.5
Red wine 183 China nd-0.20 Zhong et al., 2014
White wine 40 nd-0.36
Sweet wine 30 Italy 0.021–1.560 Di Stefano et al., 2015
Red wine 31 EEUU 0.3–2.1 De Jesús et al., 2018
White wine 10 0.6–8.6
Red wine 24 Spain 1.25–13.43 Pérez-Ortega, Gilbert-López, García-Reyes, Ramos-Martos, &
Molina-Díaz, 2012
Sweet wines 30 Italy 0.013–0.016 Di Stefano et al., 2015
Sweet wines/dessert 30 Italy 0.017–0.035 Di Stefano et al., 2015
Mixed 20 Romania 12.12–33.68 Nistor, Cotan, Cotea, & Niculaua, 2019
Red wine 6 – 1.2–4.9 Asam, Konitzer, & Rychlik, 2011
Red/white wines 14 Argentina 13–18 Broggi et al., 2013
Red Wine 5 Retail stores Netherlands 2–11 López et al., 2016
Red wine 14 German stores 1.68–7.65 Zwickel, Klaffke, Richards, & Rychlik, 2016
White wine 11 0.65–1.19
Red wine 45 Italy 0.5–2.4 Logrieco et al., 2010
Mixed 77 Countries mix (Portugal, Spain, China, Italy, 1–20 Mogensen et al., 2010
France, South Africa…)

applied during pre-harvest (field management, use of biological and observed a correlation between temperature and the occurrence of OTA
chemical materials), harvest and post-harvest (improving drying and in grapes and wines, concluding that wines from southern European
storage conditions) (Amézqueta, González-Peñas, Murillo-Arbizu, & de countries presented higher quantities of OTA than the wines of the
Cerain, 2009). Hence, at the vineyard the most applied are: efficient northern European countries.
branch aeration, avoid growing close to the soil, visual inspections of At the winery there is the possibility of decontamination by yeast-
grapes, storing grapes for less than 8 h, use of fungicides, and during binding, filtration, addition of fining agents (activated charcoal, ben-
winemaking: removal of moldy grapes or bunches. tonite, chitin, egg albumin, gelatine, oakwood pieces, caseinate) or
As mentioned above, OTA content in grapes and wines varies ac- bioremediation, all of them with limited results (Quintela, Villarán, de
cording to the harvest geographical area. European and African con- Armentia, & Elejalde, 2013).
tinents are the most affected, this fact reflected in a survey performed to Lastly, the development of analytical methodologies for the de-
asses OTA contamination in European wines (Italy, Spain, Greece, termination of the multi-mycotoxin occurrence in wines is so far lim-
Hungary, Croatia) in which it was found in 60–80% samples, although ited. Recently developed analytical methods make profit of the use of
the values were strongly variable (from 0.007 to 2.79 ng/mL) (Bellver liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for the identification
Soto, Fernández-Franzón, Ruiz, & Juan-García, 2014). Moreover, a re- and quantification of OTA and other mycotoxins in wine (Dias et al.,
cent study grouped several works determining OTA in wines employing 2019). However, a deeper insight on the actual presence of the cocktail
appropriate sampling and analytical methods and concluded that only of mycotoxins in wines from different geographical areas is needed.
the 1.2% of the samples analyzed were above legal limits set by the
European Union and some other countries (usually 2 µg/L) (Gil-Serna
3.2. Fermentation origin
et al., 2018). As regards climate change, the effects of high temperature
were associated with higher OTA content in wines from Italy and Spain
It is unusual to find pathogenic microorganism in wines, because
with levels above 2 μg/L in a 10% of the samples (De Jesús, Bartley,
this matrix contains components with antimicrobial properties which
Welch, & Berry, 2018). Previously, Soleas, Yan, and Goldberg (2001)
prevent the growth of pathogens. This is mainly the case of ethanol

C. Ubeda, et al. Food Chemistry 314 (2020) 126222

(7–24%), but also tartaric and malic acids, high polyphenol content, but with lower activity, however, the coexistence of these BA with
low redox potential and the addition of sulfites. As a result, wine is histamine enhances the toxicological effects of the last one, preventing
being recognized as a microbiologically low risk food. Therefore, risk detoxification of the system (Halász, Barath, Simon-Sarkadi, &
may come from nonpathogenic microorganisms whose metabolism re- Holzapfel, 1994). Another BA commonly found in fermented foods is
lease certain toxic products. tyramine, whose ingestion may trigger several symptoms such as mi-
Ethyl carbamate (EC), also named urethane, is a probable human graines, headaches and, contrary to the histamine poisoning symptoms,
carcinogen compound classified by the International Agency for increased blood pressure, since it favors the release of noradrenaline
Research on Cancer (IARC) as a possible human carcinogen (Group 2B) (Pegg, 2013). Putrescine can also potentiate the effects of histamine,
in 1974 and upgraded to a probable human carcinogen (Group 2A) in and by itself produces hypotension, bradycardia, lockjaw and paresis of
2007 (IARC, 2007). It is formed during alcoholic fermentation and the extremities, as well as acting as tumor promoter, being correlated
storage by a spontaneous chemical reaction of ethanol with carbamyl with cancer events (Spano et al., 2010). Apart from the toxicological
compounds, mostly urea, released by yeast metabolism, but also ci- effects of these BA, it is important to consider that there are individual
trulline, released by lactic acid bacteria, and carbamyl phosphate). Urea sensibilities and also some factors that alter their detoxification me-
and citrulline are in part derived from the yeast metabolism of arginine chanisms, taking into account that they are degraded in the intestinal
(De Orduña, Liu, Patchett, & Pilone, 2000), a major amino acid in lumen by amino oxidases (Russo et al., 2016). On the other hand,
grapes. Therefore, grape varieties with higher content in this amino human gut microbiota could have effects on the pathogenesis of his-
acid or submitted to extensive fertilization with nitrogen compounds tamine intolerance, explaining the different sensitivity among patients
are expected to have more potential to develop ethyl carbamate. As (Schink et al., 2018). Hence, patients treated with antidepressant drugs
mentioned in the second section of this review, climate change some- named inhibitors of mono and diamino oxidases (MAOI/DAOI) may
times forces the winemaker to harvest on an advanced date when flavor present adverse effects. For these people, the ingestion of a lower dose
development is not achieved; therefore, the addition of nitrogen-based of tyramine has much more effect than for a regular person and can get
fertilizers leads to a better volatile compounds formation in the grape poisoned with lower amounts of this BA. Also, the simultaneous in-
(Gutiérrez-Gamboa, Garde-Cerdán, Carrasco-Quiroz, Martínez-Gil, & gestion of BA with alcohol, or the ingestion in the case of im-
Moreno-Simunovic, 2018). But this fertilization increases amino acid munodeficient patients or with some gastrointestinal disorder may
content in the berry, specially arginine, leading to a high probability of enhance toxicity (Halász et al., 1994). It must be said that every person
ethyl carbamate formation in the resulting wines. EC content in wines is has different sensitivity to BA because of their different capacity for
usually controlled and limited but there are no homogenization max- detoxification, which makes the establishment of maximum limits in
imum levels worldwide. In Canada and Czech Republic, the limits range foods a difficult task (EFSA, 2011a). In any case, around 1% of the
from 30 μg/L for wines to 400 μg/L for fruit brandies and USA has population has histamine intolerance (Lefèvre, Astier, & Kanny, 2017).
voluntary targets for wines from 15 to 60 μg/L. In relation to the pre- Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has performed a
sence of ethyl carbamate in stone fruits spirits and marc spirits, the qualitative risk assessment on the presence of biogenic amines in fer-
European Union recommended to take mitigation measures reducing mented products, stating that histamine and tyramine are the most
the levels as much as possible to achieve the level of 1 mg/L. However, relevant and toxic, being fermented food of particular concern due to
it is unusual to exceed these quantities because strategies to degrade the potential BA formation (EFSA, 2011a). The panel found no adverse
and prevent the formation of ethyl carbamate are well known. These health effects after exposure to 50 mg histamine for healthy individuals,
include good pre-harvest management, the selection of ethyl carbamate but below detectable limits for those with histamine intolerance.
low producers yeast strains, and lactic acid bacteria, control of tem- However, different countries have established upper limits of histamine
perature increases during fermentation and during storage, addition of in wine: 2 mg/L in Germany, 5 mg/L in Finland, 10 mg/L in Australia
degrading enzymes such as urease, among others (Gowd, Su, Karlovsky, and Switzerland, 8 mg/L in France, 3.5 mg/L in Netherlands and 6 mg/
& Chen, 2018). It can be said that EC is not currently an issue within L in Belgium (Smit, Du Toit, & Du Toit, 2008). Consequently, it seems
wine safety, but emphasis should be made on potential EC formation reasonable to consider a critical limit of 2 mg/L for industries in order
over time if urea is present, especially in aged wines. Moreover, the to avoid rejections.
risks associated to lung cancer development and long-term exposure at BA are products from the decarboxylation of amino acids of lactic
low levels through alcoholic beverages should be considered in depth acid bacteria as a protective mechanism against unfavorable environ-
(Gowd et al., 2018). mental conditions, among them acidic media. This process may take
Currently, the main concerning chemicals hazards produced by place during the production of wine, beer, cheese, sausage, fermented
microorganisms during winemaking are biogenic amines (BA). BA are vegetables and vinegar. BA content in wines are reported in a range of
low molecular weight organic bases, formed in fermented food and concentrations from a few milligrams per liter up to about 50 mg L−1
beverages by some strains of lactic acid bacteria. They are then the depending on the type of wine (red > white) and the quality of the
product of microbial catabolism under stress conditions and their for- beverage (Table 2). Table 2 shows BA contents in commercial wines
mation involves decarboxylation of amino acids. Biogenic amines pre- reported in the literature during the last decade. As can be seen, pu-
sent biological activity and have many physiological functions such as trescine remains the main BA in wines and at the same time histamine
regulation of body temperature, stomach pH, and brain activity (Anli & values are in many cases above the proposed limits (from 2 to 10 mg/L),
Bayram, 2009), but when they are consumed in large quantities nega- especially for southern countries wines. Interestingly, if a limit of 2 mg/
tive effects may appear, especially in sensitive individuals. Fermented L is proposed at the EU level a significant portion of European wines
foods contain BA in different concentrations depending on several would be out of the legislation (Filipe-Ribeiro et al., 2019).
factors, among them the nature of the raw material, the microbial po- Only some lactic acid bacteria are able to produce biogenic amines,
pulation and the environmental conditions. In general, the main BA being Pediococcus, Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc and Oenococcus spp. the
found in wine are histamine, tyramine and putrescine, whose pre- main genera species implicated in their presence in wine. Oenococcus
cursors are the amino acids histidine, tyrosine and ornithine, respec- oeni, is considered the main responsible of MLF, and although it has the
tively (Anli & Bayram, 2009). They are mainly produced during mal- ability of generating histamine, it is not considered a major producer of
olactic fermentation (MLF) in wine (Landete, Ferrer, Polo, & Pardo, BA. The main BA producers are species that usually do not perform
2005). One of the most studied BA is histamine, which can cause poi- MLF, but instead spoil the wine and indicate poor winemaking and bad
soning at high levels, with symptoms such as low blood pressure, skin sanitization practices (Costantini, Vaudano, Pulcini, Carafa, & Garcia-
irritation, headaches, edemas, and rashes typical of allergic reactions. Moruno, 2019). The formation of biogenic amines depends on three
Other BA such as putrescine and cadaverine may also have toxic effects main factors: availability of free amino acids, presence of

C. Ubeda, et al. Food Chemistry 314 (2020) 126222

Table 2
Last decade surveys on the content of the main biogenic amines present in the wine: Histamine (HIS), Putrescine (PUT) and Tyramine (TYR) after malolactic
fermentation. nd: non detected.
Wine n Location [Range] (mg/L) Biogenic amine Reference

Red wine 7 Italy 0.54–1.82 PUT Del Prete, Costantini, Cecchini, Morassut, & Garcia-Moruno, 2009
0.97 TYR
Red wine 9 Spain 0.05–33 HIS Peña-Gallego, Hernández-Orte, Cacho, & Ferreira., 2009
4.96–35 PUT
0.25–2.53 TYR
Red wine 76 Australia nd-14.5 HIS Bartowsky & Stockley, 2011
1.73–43.37 PUT
nd-5.93 TYR
White wine 24 nd-4.31 HIS
0.83–12.25 PUT
nd-5.65 TYR
Red wine 73 Italy 0.22–7.62 HIS Galgano, Caruso, Perretti, & Favati, 2011
2.23–13.50 PUT
1.14–6.37 TYR
Red wine 100 Austria 0.52–27 HIS Konakovsky et al., 2011
2.93–122 PUT
1.07–10.7 TYR
Red wine 84 France 0.5–14.05 HIS Bach, Le Quere, Vuchot, Grinbaum, & Barnavon, 2012
3.71–48.72 PUT
0.1–12.35 TYR
Red wine 8 Italy 1.01–19.46 HIS Patrignani et al., 2012
1.39–13.38 PUT
2.89–14.27 TYR
Red wine 27 Chile 1.14–10.49 HIS Pineda, Carrasco, Peña-Farfal, Henríquez-Aedo, & Aranda, 2012
7.97–25.97 PUT
2.03–6.38 TYR
Red wine 6 France 1.3–9.4 HIS Romano et al., 2012
Red wine 17 EU Mix 2.2–16.2 HIS Comuzzo Rauhut, Werner, Lagazio, & Zironi, 2013
7.1–19.0 PUT
0.5–37.3 TYR
Red wine 36 Spain 0.06–6.2 HIS Martínez-Pinilla, Guadalupe, Hernández, & Ayestarán, 2013
2.4–25 PUT
0.10–1.4 TYR
Red wine 30 Italy nd-10.8 HIS Martuscelli, Arfelli, Manetta, & Suzzi, 2013
2.4–31.8 PUT
nd-18.8 TYR
White wine 19 0–3.4 HIS
0.8–12.8 PUT
0–6.8 TYR
Mixed 47 Poland 10.09–1639 HIS Papageorgiou, Lambropoulou, Morrison, Namieśnik, & Płotka-Wasylka, 2018
37–1148 PUT
10.21–432 TYR

decarboxylase-positive microorganisms and conditions that allow bac- et al., 2019). In wine, it has been proved that two strains of Lactobacillus
terial growth and decarboxylase synthesis and activity (Goñi & plantarum as well as some fungi isolated from the vineyard can degrade
Azpilicueta, 2001). Histamine, tyramine and putrescine are thermo- tyramine and putrescine (Cueva et al., 2012). Recently, the selection of
stable and are not inactivated by thermal treatments employed in the specific lactic acid bacteria starters lacking the pathways for BA accu-
food industry, therefore, preventing their presence in the foods is a key mulation have been proposed to carry out the MLF (Barbieri,
commitment. The final quantity of BA in wine is determined by dif- Montanari, Gardini, & Tabanelli, 2019).
ferent factors from the vineyard to the winery storage. Nitrogenous Concerning the BA content and the effects of climate change, the
fertilization, climatic conditions during growth, grape variety, geo- excessive fertilization that is applied today in the vineyard to achieve
graphic location or level of maturation are parameters that may cause the flavor development required is causing variations in the amino
changes in the amino acids and therefore in the subsequent amount of acids and increasing the BA concentration in musts (Smit et al., 2013).
BA (Herbert, Cabrita, Ratola, Laureano, & Alves, 2005). On the other Also, the delayed harvest give rise to musts from overripened grapes
hand, some factors referred to alcoholic and malolactic fermentations, with higher contents of nitrogenous compounds that could potentially
high pH, temperature of 22–24 °C, and low sulphur dioxide (SO2) increase the production of these compounds by lactic acid bacteria
concentration may also affect the concentration of biogenic amines (Ancín-Azpilicueta et al., 2008; Garde-Cerdán et al., 2009). Finally, the
(Landete et al., 2005). Additionally, some winemaking practices such as current tendency to produce lower sulfur wines is increasing the
clarification, crushing or duration of maceration process may increase quantities found of BA in them because lactic acid bacteria producing
the concentration of amino acids and therefore the BA production BA have more opportunity to grow.
(Herbert et al., 2005). Another critical point is ageing, because after this
period the concentrations of BA usually increase (Landete et al., 2005),
specially for histamine and putrescine (Smit, du Toit, Stander, & du 4. Chemical hazards derived from the winemaking process: Food
Toit, 2013). ingredients
Although the prevention of BA formation is a key point, micro-
biological strategies are currently being developed to prevent or elim- Along the winemaking process, a limited number of food ingredients
inate amines once they are already in the fermentation media (Berbegal such as certain additives and processing aids are employed depending
on many factors, among them the characteristics of the year harvest.

C. Ubeda, et al. Food Chemistry 314 (2020) 126222

The International Organisation of Vine and Wine collects all the ap- by means of SO2, which seems crucial in winemaking due to its good
proved oenological practices and treatments, including authorized food antimicrobial and antioxidant capacities. It inhibits bacterial growth,
ingredients (OIV, 2019). Among them, different proteins are very useful prevents yeast haze formation, undesirable secondary fermentation,
for a wide range of purposes since they have a huge variety of chemical Brettanomyces growth and the development of mycodermic yeasts and
and physical properties. They are employed mainly as clarifying/sta- acetic acid bacteria. Bacteria are the most sulfite sensitive micro-
bilizing/fining agents. The clarification of a wine is a very important organisms followed by non-Saccharomyces yeasts and Saccharomyces
stabilization step on winemaking, since the addition of fining agents to yeasts (Ribéreau-Gayon, Glories, Maujean, & Dubourdieu, 2006). At the
the must removes particles and molecules capable of haze formation same time, it exhibits a potent antioxidant activity preventing enzy-
and turbidity, usually not soluble proteins and polymeric phenols. The matic (polyphenol oxidase activity) and chemical browning (Santos,
most commonly employed fining agents are proteins of animal origin, Nunes, Saraiva, & Coimbra, 2012). Moreover, it helps to extract mi-
plant proteins, and inorganic compounds, being the most used egg and nerals, organic acids and phenols and it may enhance flavor and color
milk proteins: albumin and calcium caseinate, respectively (Peñas, Di as well (Guerrero & Cantos-Villar, 2015). Unfortunately, it has health
Lorenzo, Uberti, & Restani, 2015). However, the negative effects that disadvantages for sensitive individuals and its ingestion may provoke
these proteins can cause in a certain segment of the population due to dermatologic, respiratory, or gastrointestinal signs and symptoms or
allergic reactions in susceptible individuals is a real concern and their severe consequences in asthmatics such as bronchoconstriction. Around
use in winemaking is seldom questioned (Stockley & Johnson, 2015). 1% of the population are estimated to be “sulfite-sensitive” individuals
Quite a number of studies reveal that residual quantities of these pro- (Vally & Thompson, 2003). Therefore, sulfites addition is usually per-
teins remain in the wine (milk and egg white allergens) and may trigger mitted at levels from 150 to 400 mg/L of total SO2 depending on the
a reaction on allergic consumers (Tolin, Pasini, Simonato, Mainente, & type of wine and its content in reducing matter (Pozo-Bayón, Monagas,
Arrigoni, 2012; Weber, Steinhart, & Paschke, 2007), whilst few studies Bartolomé, & Moreno-Arribas, 2012). The European Union legislation
(Jaeckels et al., 2015; Vassilopoulou et al., 2011) attribute the allergic sets the limit of total SO2 concentration up to 150 mg/L in red wines
effects to intrinsic wine proteins. Nevertheless, the European Union and 200 mg/L in white and rosé wines containing a maximum of 5 g/L
implemented a regulation to protect the consumers, providing complete of reducing sugars (European Commission, 2009). Also, the European
and comprehensive information on the labeling of all fining treatments Commission established mandatory labeling in products containing
based on milk, milk-based or egg, and egg-based products used in grape sulfur dioxide and sulfites at concentrations higher than 10 mg kg−1 or
must and wine (European Commission, 2012). Regarding the doses 10 mg L–1 (European Commission, 2011), which is the threshold con-
employed, the OIV allows casein, casein blended with potassium car- centration able to provoke an adverse reaction in sensitive individuals
bonate or bicarbonate and potassium caseinate from 50 to 500 mg/L for (Stockley & Johnson, 2015). Sensitivity reactions, which are mostly
white wine and for red wine from 50 to 250 mg/L, plus egg derived intolerance reactions not immune-mediated, are observed when sulfites
products from 30 to 150 mg/L, respectively (OIV, 2014). are used as food additives, with wine remaining the main contributor to
Climatic change may also influence the employment of fining agents the exposure in adults and elderly (EFSA, 2016).
since, as mentioned above, the increase of the temperatures is delaying Sulfites have a complex equilibrium in wine and are usually added
the date of harvest to ensure the secondary metabolites. This situation in the form of sodium and potassium salts; the active form is molecular
gives rise to grapes with higher concentration in nitrogenous com- sulphur dioxide whose proportion increases at lower pH levels,
pounds (Garde-Cerdán et al., 2009). This higher concentration in the meaning that sulfites are more effective in controlling spoilage in acidic
overripened grapes makes necessary a higher addition of fining agents/ media (Zoecklein, Fugelsang, Gump, & Nury, 1995). As regards the
clarifiers in the must to ensure a proper stabilization. Because of health influence of climatic change on sulfite addition, an overripened grape
concerns, substantial efforts are being directed to the use of alternative has a higher pH and therefore the amount needed for ensuring wine
fining agents of plant origins with interesting results (Marangon et al., stability would be higher, with the corresponding negative effects on
2019). Thus, extracts from Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast, gluten from health. Moreover, a substantial portion of added sulfite remains
wheat and maize zeins showed good results as fining agents in wine by bounded to different compounds in wine, not being effective as anti-
themselves and better when combined with bentonite. However, these oxidant or antimicrobial but active as hazard for sensitive population.
alternatives are not commonly employed. Lastly, even though the number of sulfite sensitive individuals is
Lysozyme is a hen egg protein commonly added as antimicrobial small, risk perception is high among population and the tendency is to
additive since it is a potent inhibitor of Gram-positive bacteria, mainly lower its concentrations in wine. Due to the legal above-mentioned
lactic acid bacteria (Bartowsky, Costello, Villa, & Henschke, 2004). The restrictions and people awareness, the search of alternatives to sulfites
addition of lysozyme reduces the needed dose of sulfites, which are the in wine is a hot topic (Lisanti, Blaiotta, Nioi, & Moio, 2019). The search
most widely employed antimicrobial agents in winemaking, but with for valid alternatives is a real challenge since not only microbiological
demonstrated negative health effects as it will be discussed below. Since issues but also protection against oxidation and preserving organoleptic
it is an additive it remains in wine although certain fining agents such properties have to be taken into account. There are, so far, a number of
as bentonite and metatartaric acid can substantially reduce its con- useful chemical alternatives which aim the microbiological stabiliza-
centration (Peñas et al., 2015). However, it is acknowledged as an al- tion, being permitted by the European Union and OIV, such as dimethyl
lergenic egg protein and little is known about the effects of its presence decarbonate, lysozyme, and sorbic acid, and others with applications
in wine in allergic patients. Despite no specific allergic episodes after apart from microbiological stabilization, such as phenolic compounds,
the ingestion of wine containing lysozyme have been described, Weber chitosan and β-glucanases, that could replace sulfites, all of them not
et al. (2007) detected the presence of lysozyme in wine by means of free of limitations.
ELISA, warning that allergic reactions against treated wines could not Lysozyme, as previously mentioned, is an antimicrobial employed
be excluded. More recently, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for the control of lactic acid bacteria during fermentation. However, the
has released a scientific opinion concluding that wines treated with main drawback is that color and phenolic compounds in general may
lysozyme may trigger adverse allergic reactions in susceptible in- suffer a negative effect after its application (Bartowsky et al., 2004).
dividuals under the conditions of proposed use (EFSA, 2011b), and as a The maximum addition is limited by 500 mg/L in must, while in wine
consequence, its exemption from labeling is not recommended. the same dose must be intended as cumulative (also considering
To counteract the potential impact of climatic change, it is usual the treatment on must) (European Commission, 2009).
addition of bigger doses of fining agents and preservatives hence The maximum concentration of the antimicrobial agent dimethyl
avoiding unwanted microorganism proliferation and subsequent wine dicarbonate (DMDC) added to wines is 200 mg/L; once in solution it is
spoilage. The microbiological stability of wines is accomplished mainly quickly hydrolysed (into carbon dioxide and methanol) and may react

C. Ubeda, et al. Food Chemistry 314 (2020) 126222

with different constituents of wine (EFSA, 2015). No detectable re- framework for their continuous monitoring and evaluation (Russo
sidues can be found in wines placed on the market (European et al., 2016). Finally, biogenic amines production and sulfites addition
Commission, 2009). DMDC activity is mainly against yeast, being the should be minimized in order to protect sensitive consumers.
action against undesirable bacteria limited (Costa, Barata, Malfeito-
Ferreira, & Loureiro, 2008). It is important to point out that the action CRediT authorship contribution statement
of this compound in wine produces methanol, being necessary to con-
sider it in the final amount, since this alcohol has health implications, Cristina Ubeda: Conceptualization, Writing - original draft, Writing
and therefore, it has legal limits. The EFSA concluded that the exposure - review & editing. Ruth Hornedo-Ortega: Writing - original draft,
to methanol coming from DMDC at the permitted levels does not con- Writing - review & editing. Ana B. Cerezo: Writing - review & editing.
stitute a significant additional risk greater than the risk from the natural M. Carmen Garcia-Parrilla: Writing - review & editing. Ana M.
occurrence in foods, although more information should be generated on Troncoso: Conceptualization, Writing - original draft, Writing - review
the nature and quantity of the reaction products resulting from inter- & editing.
action of DMDC with the components of beverages (EFSA, 2015).
On the other hand, there are other strategies such as the addition of Declaration of Competing Interest
permitted substances such as phenolic compounds, chitosan and β-
glucanases that are widely employed as clarifiers during winemaking The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
and, also present antimicrobial activity (Silva et al., 2018). interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
The research on alternatives to substitute or more properly to de- ence the work reported in this paper.
crease sulfite addition in wines is quite intensive and includes chemical
and physical alternatives (Lisanti et al., 2019), although many of them Acknowledgments
are not authorized at the moment, since they have to be validated under
the point of view of efficacy, quality and safety. The chemical alter- Authors want to thank to the VI Plan Propio de Investigación y
natives include the use of Ag nanoparticles (Monge & Moreno-Arribas, Transferencia of the University of Seville for Dr Cristina Ubeda current
2016), chitosan (Chinnici, Natali, & Riponi, 2014), or bacteriocines contract (Contract number USE-18644-Z). This work has been funded
(Rojo-Bezares, Sáenz, Zarazaga, Torres, & Ruiz-Larrea, 2007). All of by the project 1263469-2018 FEDER-Junta de Andalucía-Universidad
them present advantages and drawbacks mainly related with limited de Sevilla.
efficacy in wine matrix and toxicity. Natural extracts as a feasible al-
ternative have also been tested such as oenological tannins (Sonni, References
Chinnici, Natali, & Riponi, 2011), eucalyptus and almond extracts
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