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Activity 1

Weber (2008) noted that 70% of a person’s total waking time is spent communicating in some
manner. If you were to divide your daily communication activities, how many percent would you
give to each of the following?


Write the percentage for each box and make sure your numbers would total to 70%. Refer to
the table below to interpret your communication activities.

Communication Activity Average Percentage YOUR PERCENTAGE

Talking 30 20
Listening 45 55
Writing 9 15
Reading 16 10
Total 70% 70%

Visit your digital learning platform to read updates when to go online and what tool
will be used for the synchronous discussion of this activity.

General Direction:
Visit our digital learning platform for the instructions
on the online tools to be used and the mode and
deadline of submission of your activities.

Activity 2
COMMUNICATION PROCESS: In each box, write the word that describes the communication
process based on your understanding of the topic and construct your own meaningful
definitions of communication.



____ ____
sender and Verbal or
receiver Non-Verbal


Your definitions of communication:

Communication happen you start a conversation with someone or even yourself, you share
information and receive information. A communication must have a sender and a receiver in other
words it have a speaker and a listener. Communication might be in verbal or non-verbal
communication. Verbal communication might be in many form like intrapersonal, interpersonal,
small group and public communication. Non-verbal communication are facial expression, gesture,
eye contact, body language and sign language and many more. Communication also happen in
online for example online chatting, sending GIF, texting, writing letters, etc..

Activity 3
Analyze the following communication situations with reference to the given elements.

1. The teacher discusses important matters to the parents of the graduating class in the
classroom while students pass by the corridor.
Sender The teacher
Message Important matters
Channel Auditory channel
Receiver The parents of the graduating class
Feedback None
Context Physical context
Noise or interference Students who pass by the corridor

2. The principal delivers his welcome address during the general assembly of parents and
teachers at the covered court.
Sender The principal
Message His welcome address
Channel Auditory channel
Receiver Parents and teachers
Feedback None
Context Physical context
Noise or interference None

3. The president of Korea delivers an inspirational speech how to combat Covid19 via live
Sender The president of Korea
Message An inspirational speech on how to combat COVID19
Channel Auditory channel/ via live stream
Receiver People who are watching the live stream
Feedback None
Context Psychological context
Noise or interference None
Activity 4 (Individual/ By Pair)

Write a script showing a combination of verbal and nonverbal communication.

There are two person in a room, George a British and Jimmy an American and they are both friends.

George: Sup mate what are you doing?

Jimmy: Just playing bro. You want to join?
George: Sure mate.
( He go to his friends and start playing with him. Few minutes later, Jimmy go to the kitchen)
Jimmy: Hey bro you want something from the kitchen? Like foods and drink?
George: I’m still full mate but I do need something to drink.
Jimmy: Sure bro, what do you want? We have here some red bull, beer, bottle of water, coca-cola, mountain
dew, take your pick bro.
George: I’ll just with A BO’OH’O’WA’ER
Jimmy: A what? Sorry bro I can’t understand that.
George: I said BO’OH’O’WA’ER ( He pointed the bottle of water using his finger)
Jimmy: Which one? (Jimmy touched the coca-cola) this one?
George: No mate, it’s not a BO’OH’O’WA’ER it’s coca-cola. I need BO’OH’O’WA’ER the one next to
the beer. ( Pointed his finger again to the bottle of water)
Jimmy: Ohhhhhh you mean BOTTLE OF WATER, you could have just said WATERRR not
BO’OH’O’WA’ER. Seriously bro you should use the American accent, work on it.
( And then Jimmy get the water and give it to his British friend George)
George: Thanks mate!
Jimmy: Anytime bro, but next time bro just WATER okay?
George: Yeah mate. Thanks for your understanding.
Jimmy: No problem bro, I’m your friend remember.
( After the short misunderstanding they continue to play)

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