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MEANING:- Condensation of data is necessary in statistical analysis. This is because a
large number of big figures are not only confusing but also difficult to analyze.
Therefore, in order to reduce the complexity of data and to make them comparable it is
necessary that various phenomena, which are being compared, are reduced to a single
figure. The first of such measures is averages or measure of central tendency. Measure
of central tendency is a typical value of the entire group or data. It describes the
characteristics of the entire group or data. It reduces the complexity of data and makes
them to compare.
“Average is a value which is typical or representative of a set data.”
Murry R. Speigal
“An average is a single number describing some features of a set of data.”

Willis and Roberts

1. To facilitate quick understanding of complex data.
2. To facilitate comparison
3. To known about the universe from a sample
4. To help in making decision making
5. To establish mathematical relationship

Types of Averages
Mathematical Geometric
Averages Mean

Averages Mean

Averages of
Arithmetic Mean
Arithmetic mean is defined as the sum of the observations divided by the number of
observations. i.e
Sum of all the observations
Mean 
Number of the observations
The mean may correspond to either a population or a sample from the population.
Population Mean:   NX
Sample Mean X

(a) Direct Method
1. Add up all the values of the variables X and find out  X .
2. Divide  X by their number of observation (n)
x1  x 2       xn  x
X 
n n
Example 3.1
The marks obtained by 9 students are given below
45, 32, 37, 46, 39, 36, 41, 48, 36, Calculate the arithmetic mean.
X 45 32 37 46 39 36 41 48 36 360
 x 360
X   40
n 9
(b) Short cut Method
This method reduces the amount of calculation. It involves the following steps.
1. Assume any one value as an assumed mean, which is also known as working
mean or arbitrary average (A = Assumed mean).
2. Find out the difference of each value from the assumed mean
(D = X – A)
3. Add all the deviations (differences)  D .

4. Apply the formula: X  A  D

Find the arithmetic mean from the following the data by short method.
87, 91, 89, 88, 89, 91, 87, 92, 90, 98
X 89 91 89 88 89 91 87 92 90 98 Total
D = X – 90 – 3 1 – 1 – 2 – 1 1 – 3 2 0 8 2
D 2
X  A  90   90.20
n 10

Mean For Grouped Data

 fX
Direct Method X

 fD
Short Method X  A
, D = X – A

Short Method /Coding Method

 fU
X  A  h, U  X  A
f h

Example 3.4
Calculate the mean weight of apples from the data given.
Weight 65 -84 85 – 104 105 - 124 125 – 144 145 – 164 165 – 184 185 – 204
f 9 10 17 10 5 4 5
Weight f X fX
65 -84 9 75.5 670.5
85 – 104 10 94.5 945
 fX 7350
105 - 124 17 114.5 1946.5 X   122.07
f 60
125 – 144 10 134.5 1345
145 – 164 5 154.5 772.5
165 – 184 4 174.5 698
185 – 204 5 194.5 972.5
Total 60 7350
Example 3.5
Given the following frequency distribution of weights, calculate the mean weight by
the short method.
Weight 65 -84 85 – 104 105 - 124 125 – 144 145 – 164 165 – 184 185 – 204
f 9 10 17 10 5 4 5
Weight f X X  134.5 fU
65 -84 9 75.5 –3 – 27  fU
X  A h
85 – 104 10 94.5 –2 – 20 f
105 - 124 17 114.5 –1 – 17  36
X  134.5   20  122.5
125 – 144 10 134.5 0 0 60
145 – 164 5 154.5 1 5
165 – 184 4 174.5 2 8
185 – 204 5 194.5 3 15
Total 60 – 36

Example 3.6
Given the following frequency distribution of weights, calculate the mean weight by
the short method.
Death Rate 3.5 – 4.4 4.5 – 5.4 5.5 - 5 6.4 6.5 – 7.4 7.5 – 8.4 8.5 – 9.4 9.5 – 10.4 10.5 – 11.4 11.5 – 12.4 12.5 – 13.4 13.5 – 14.4
f 1 4 5 13 12 19 13 10 6 4 1

Death Rate f X D = X – 8.95 fD
3.5 – 4.4 1 3.95 –5 –5
4.5 – 5.4 4 4.95 –4 – 16
5.5 – 6.4 5 5.95 –3 – 15
6.5 – 7.4 13 6.95 –2 – 26
 fD
7.5 – 8.4 12 7.95 –1 – 12 X  A
8.5 – 9.4 19 8.95 0 0
9.5 – 10.4 13 9.95 1 13 X  8.95   8.95  0.02  8.93
10.5 – 11.4 10 10.95 2 20 88
11.5 – 12.4 6 11.95 3 18
12.5 – 13.4 4 12.95 4 16
13.4 – 14.4 1 13.95 5 5
Total 88 – 2


When the values are not of equal importance, we assign them certain numerical values
to express their relative importance. These numerical values are called weights. If
X 1, X 2 ,    , X n have weights W1, W2 ,    , Wn , then weighted mean
denoted by YW is defined as
W1X 1  W2 X 2        Wn X n
XW 
W1  W2         Wk
 WX
XW 
Example 3.2
Calculate the weighted mean from the following data.
Items Expenditures Weights
Food 290 7.5
Rent 54 2
Clothing 98 1.5
Fuel and light 75 1.0
Other Items 75 0.5
Items X W WX
Food 290 7.5 2175
 WX 2542 .5
Rent 54 2 108 Xw    203.4
Clothing 98 1.5 147 W 12.5

Fuel and light 75 1.0 75

Other Items 75 0.5 37.5
Total 12.5 2542.5


(i) The sum of the deviations of values from their mean is equal to zero.
( x  x )  0  f (x  x )  0
(ii) The sum of squares of the deviations from mean is minimum, i.e. it is
less than sum of squared deviations from any other value.
( x  x ) 2  ( x  A ) 2
 f (x  x )2   f (x  A)2
(iii) The arithmetic mean is affected by change of origin and scale. If a constant is added
or subtracted to each values of a series, Mean will also be added or subtracted by the
same constant.
(iv) lf x1, x 2 ,    , xk are the means of n1, n2 ,    , nk ,then combined mean
for all values will be
n X  n2 X 2        nk Xk
Xc  X  1 1
n1  n2        nk
 nX
Xc 

The mean weights of four groups of students consisting of 15, 20, 10 and 18 students
were 162, 148, 153 and 140 ponds respectively. Find the mean weight of all the
n1 = 15 n2 = 20 n3 = 10 n 4 =18
X1 =162 X 2 = 148 X 3 = 153 X 4 =140
n X  n2 X 2  n3 X  n 4 X 4
Xc  1 1
n1  n2  n3  n 4
15(162 )  20(148)  10(153 )  18(140 ) 9440
=   149.84
15  20  10  18 63
Geometric mean is defined as the nth root of the product of ‘n’ values.
If a set of n observations ate denoted by X 1, X 2 ,    , X n then their
geometric mean, is given by
G.M = n X 1  X 2        X n
= X1  X 2        Xn  n

The geometric mean is most easily obtained by using logarithms,

 Log X
G.M = Antilog
For grouped data or frequency distribution, geometric mean is given by
 fLog X
G.M = Antilog
Geometric mean is useful when dealing with relative values such as to find the average
of percentage changes, independent ratios and index numbers.
Example 3.7
Find the geometric mean of 45, 32, 37, 46, 39, 36, 41, 48 and 36.
G.M  X1  X 2        X n 
1/ n

1/ 9
 45  32  37  46  39  36  41  48  36   39.68
X 45 32 37 46 39 36 41 48 36 Total
Log X 1.65321 1.50515 1.56820 1.66276 1.59106 1.55630 1.61278 1.68124 1.5563 14.3870

 Log X  14.3870 
G.M = Antilog = Antilog   = Antilog (1.59856) = 39.68
n  9 
Example 3.8
Given the following frequency distribution of weights, calculate the geometric mean.
Weight 65 -84 85 – 104 105 - 124 125 – 144 145 – 164 165 – 184 185 – 204
f 9 10 17 10 5 4 5
Weight f X Log X f Log X
 fLog X
65 -84 9 75.5 1.8722 16.8498 G.M = Antilog
85 – 104 10 94.5 1.9754 19.7540 f
105 - 124 17 114.5 2.0589 35.0013  124.2483 
= Antilog  
125 – 144 10 134.5 2.1287 21.2870  60 
145 – 164 5 154.5 2.1889 10.9445 = Antilog (2.0708) = 117.7
165 – 184 4 174.5 2.2418 8.9672
185 – 204 5 194.5 2.2889 11.4445
Total 60 124.2483

The harmonic of a set of n values X 1, X 2      , X n is the reciprocal of the
arithmetic mean of the reciprocals of the values. Thus,
H.M =
1 1 1
 
X1 X 2 Xn
H.M =
 1
 
For grouped data, Harmonic Mean is given by

H.M =
f  1 
Example 3.9
Given the following frequency distribution of weights, calculate the harmonic mean.
Weight 65 -84 85 – 104 105 - 124 125 – 144 145 – 164 165 – 184 185 – 204
f 9 10 17 10 5 4 5
Weight f X  1
f 
H.M =
f 
 113.11
f  1 
65 -84 9 75.5 0.12081 0.53044
85 – 104 10 94.5 0.10582
105 - 124 17 114.5 0.14847
125 – 144 10 134.5 0.07435
145 – 164 5 154.5 0.03236
165 – 184 4 174.5 0.02292
185 – 204 5 194.5 0.02571
Total 60 0.53044
Example 3.10
Compute the Geometric mean and Harmonic mean for the following distribution of
annual death rates:
X 3.95 4.95 5.95 6.95 7.95 8.95 9.95 10.95 11.95 12.95 13.95
f 1 4 5 13 12 19 13 10 6 4 1
X f Log X f log X 1  1
f 
X X
3.95 1 0.59660 0.59660 0.25316 9.25316
4.95 4 0.69461 2.77844 0.20202 0.80808
5.95 5
6.95 13
7.95 12
8.95 19
9.95 13
10.95 10
11.95 6
12.95 4
13.95 1
Total 88 82.50671 10.50672

 fLog X  82.50671 
G.M = Antilog = Antilog   = Antilog (0.93758) = 8.66
f  88 

H.M =
f  88  8.38
f  1  10.50672

Median is defined as the most central value of the arranged data Or
Median is that value which divides the arranged data into two equal parts.
If n is odd there is one term in the middle, which is median.
If n is even, the average of two middle values is called median.
For middle value we use the formula,
~  n  1
Median = X = value of   th observation
 2 
To find median for grouped data, we use the following formula
hn 
Median  L    C
f 2 
L = the lower class boundary of the median class
h = class interval of the median class
f = frequency of the median class
C = Cumulative frequency of the preceding median class
n n
is used to locate the median class i.e., where theth observation falls and this is
2 2
done by looking at the class corresponding to the cumulative frequency in which th
observation lies.
Following are the heights (cms) of 5 students measured at the time of registration. Find
median for the data given below:
88.03, 94.50, 94.90, 95.05, 84.60
Solution n=5
Arranging the data,
84.60, 88.03, 94.50, 94.90, 95.05
n 1
Median = value of   th observation
 2 
= value of   th observation
5 1
= value of 3rd observation = 94.50
Following are the heights (cms) of 5 students measured at the time of registration. Find
median for the data given below:
92, 87, 87, 89, 89, 90, 91, 91, 98, 88
Solution n=8
Arranging the data,
87, 87, 88, 89, 89, 90, 91, 91, 92, 98
 n  1
Median = value of   th observation
 2 
= value of   th observation
8 1
89  90
= value of 5.5 th observation =  89.5
Find the median for the following student weighted grouped data.
Weights f Weights f
110 – 119 1 170 – 179 13
120 – 129 4 180 – 189 6
130 – 139 17 190 – 199 5
140 – 149 28 200 – 209 2
150 – 159 25 210 – 219 1
160 – 169 18
Weights f C . f Class boundaries hn 
Median = L +   c
110 – 119 1 1 109.5 – 119.5 f 2 
120 – 129 4 5 119.5 – 129.5 n 120
  60 the 60th observation falls in
130 – 139 17 22 129.5 – 139.5 2 2
the class (149.5 – 159.5)
140 – 149 28 50 139.5 – 149.5
L = 149.5, h = 10, f = 25, C = 50
150 – 159 25 75 149.5 – 159.5
hn 
160 – 169 18 93 159.5 – 169.5 Median = L +   c
f 2 
170 – 179 13 106 169.5 – 179.5
180 – 189 6 112 179.5 – 189.5 = 149.5 + (60 – 50)
190 – 199 5 117 189.5 – 199.5 10
= 149.5 + (10) = 149.5 + 4
200 – 209 2 119 199.5 – 209.5 25
Median = 153.5
210 – 219 1 120 209.5 – 219.5

Discrete grouped data of 26 plants of cotton are taken and the number of bolls per plant
observed, the data is grouped as follows:
Number of balls 0 1 2 4 5 6 7
Number of plants 5 6 3 6 3 2 1
X f C.F  n  1
0 5 5 Median = value of   th observation
1 6 11
 2 
= value of   th observation
26 1
5 3 23 = value of 13.5 th observation
6 2. 25
7 1 26 The 13.5th observation falls in 14 c.f.
Total 26 So, Median = 2

Quartiles are the values, which divide the arranged data into four equal parts. We get
three dividing positions to be called quartiles. The first, second and third points are
known as first quartile Q 1, second quartile Q 2 and third quartile Q 3 .
For ungrouped data,
Q1 = value of   th term
 4 
Q 2 = value of 2  th term
 4 
n  1
Q 3 = value of 3  th term
 4 
For grouped data,
Q1 = L    c 
h n h  2n 
Q2 = L    c   Median
f 4  f 4 

Q 3 = L    c 
h 3n
f 4 

Deciles are the values, which divide the arranged data into ten equal parts. We get nine
dividing positions to be called deciles. There are nine deciles D1 , D 2 , D 3 , ............... D 9 .
For ungrouped data,
D1 = value of   th term
 10 
n  1
D 2 = value of 2  th term
 10 
--- ---- ----------------
n  1
D 9 = value of 9  th term
 10 
For grouped data,
Dm = L   
h m. n
 c m = 1, 2 , ------------ , 9
f  10 
D1 = L    c 
h n
f  10 

Percentiles are the values, which divided the arranged data into hundred equal parts.
We get ninety-nine dividing positions to be called percentiles. There are ninety-nine

percentiles P1 , P2 , P3 , ............... P99 .

For ungrouped data,
n  1
Pm = value of m  th term
 100 
For grouped data,
Pm = L   
h m. n
 c m = 1, 2, ------------ , 99
f  100 

P1 = L   
h n
 c
f  100 

Find quartiles, D 3 and P37 from the following data.
53, 74, 82, 42, 39, 28, 20, 81, 88, 58

Solution n = 10 Arranging the data,

20, 28, 39, 42, 53, 58, 74, 81, 82 , 88

Q1= value of   th item

10  1
= value of   th item = value of 2.75 th item
10  1

= value of 2nd item + 0. 75 (value of 3rd item – value of 2nd item)

= 28 + 0.75 (39 – 28) = 28 + 8.25 = 36.25

Q 2 = value of 2   th item
n 1

= value of 2   th item = value of 5.5 th item

10  1

= value of 5th term + 0. 5 (value of 6th item – value of 5th item)

= 53 + 0.5(58 – 53 ) = 55.5

Q 3 = value of 3  th item

n 1

= value of 3   th item = value of 8.25 th item

10  1

=value of 8th term +0.25[ value of 9th term – value of 8th term]
= 81 + 0.25 (82 – 81) = 81.25

D 3 = value of 3  n  1 th item

 10 

= value of 3   th item = value of 3.3 th item

10  1

= value of 3rd term + 0.3 ( value of 4th term – value of 3th term )
= 39 + 0.3 (42 – 39) = 42.9

P37 = value of 37  n  1 th term

 100 

= value of 37   th term = value of 4.07

10  1
th term

= value of 4th term + 0.07(value of 5th term – value of 4th term)

= 39 + 0.7 (42 – 39) = 39 + 0.7 (3) = 39.21

Find the median, lower and upper quartile, 8th decile and 56 percentile for the
following data.
Daily Wages 1 – 2.99 3 – 4.99 5 – 6.99 7 – 8.99 9 – 10.99 11 – 12.99 13 – 14.99 15 – 16.99
No of workers 6 53 85 56 21 16 4 4
Daily Wages f C.F. C.B.
1 - 2.99 6 6 0.995 - 2.995
3 - 4.99 53 59 2.995 - 4.995
5 - 6.99 85 144 4.995 - 6.995
I 7 - 8.99 56 200 6.995 - 8.995
9 - 10.99 21 221 8.995 - 10.995
11 - 12.99 16 237 10.995 - 12.995
13 - 14.99 4 241 12.995 - 14.995
15 – 16.99 4 245 14.995 - 16.995
hn 
Median = L +   c 
f 2 
n 245
  122.5 the 122.5th observation falls in the class (4.995 – 6.995 )
2 2
L = 4.995 h=2 f = 85 C = 59
hn  2
Median = L +   c  = 4.995 + (122.5 – 59) = 6.489
f 2  85

Q1= L +   c 
h n
f 4 
n 245
  61.25 the 61.25th observation falls in the class (4.995 – 6.995 )
4 4
L = 4.995 h=2 f = 85 C = 59

Q1 = L +   c  = 4.995 +
h n 2
(61.25 – 59) = 5.048
f 2  85

Q 3 = L +   c 
h 3n
f 4 
3n 3(245)
  183.75 the 183.75th observation falls in the class (6.995 – 8.995 )
4 4
L = 6.995 h=2 f = 56 C = 144

Q 3 = L +   c  = 6.995 +
h 3n 2
(183.75 – 144) = 8.145
f 4  56

D 8 = L +   c 
h 8n
f  10 
8n 8(245)
  196 the 196th observation falls in the class (6.995 – 8.995 )
10 10
L = 6.995 h=2 f = 56 C = 144

D 8 = L + h  8n c  = 6.995 + 2
(196 – 144) = 8.852
f  10  56

P56 = L + h  56n c 
f  100 
56n 56(245 )
  137.5 the 137th observation falls in the class (4.995 – 6.995 )
100 100
L = 4.995 h=2 f = 85 C = 59

P56 = L + h  56n c  = 4.995 + 2

(137.5 – 59) = 6.835
f  100  85
Mode is that value which occurs maximum number of times in the data, if such an
observations exits.
Method of calculation of mode
In case of ungrouped data, mode can be obtained just by inspection. By inspecting
given data, we pick out the value appearing maximum number of time and declare it as
In case of Groped data,
fm  f1
Mode = L + h
(fm  f1)  (fm  f2 )

Where, L = lower class boundary of the modal class

fm = maximum frequency of the modal class
f1 = frequency of the class preceding the modal class
f2 = frequency of the class following the modal class
h = Class interval of the modal class
MODAL CLASS = a class with maximum frequency

Calculate the mode from the following data.
(i) 12, 16, 19, 25, 58, 25, 30, 45
(ii) 14, 5, 6, 14, 5, 17, 20, 45, 5, 17
(iii) 14, 19, 16, 30, 20, 10, 5, 6
Solution (i) Mode = 25 (ii) Mode = 5, 17 (iii) There is no mode.

The table shows the distribution of the maximum loads is shot tons supported by
certain cables produced by a company. Determine its mode,
Maximum loads f C.B.
9.3 - 9.7 2 9.25 - 9.75
9.8 - 10.2 5 9.75 - 10.25
10.3 - 10.7 12 10.25 - 10.75
10.8 - 11.2 17 10.75 - 11.25
11.3 - 11.7 14 11.25 - 11.75
11.8 - 12.2 6 11.75 - 12.25
12.3 - 12.7 3 12.25 - 12.75
12.8 - 13.2 1 12.75 - 13.25

fm  f1
Mode = L + h
(fm  f1)  (fm  f2 )

Modal class is (10.75 – 11.25)

L = 10.75 h=5 fm = 17 f1= 12 f2 = 14
17  12
Mode  10.75   0.5
(17  12)  (17  14)

5 25
 10.75  0.5  10.75   11.06
53 8

Empirical Relationship between Mean, Median and

The empirical relationship depends upon the shape of the distribution of the data.
a) In a single peaked symmetrical distributions mean, median and mode are equal i.e.
Mean = Median = Mode
b) For moderately positively skewed distributions, the following empirical relation
holds. Mean > Median > Mode
c) For moderately negatively skewed distributions, the following empirical relation
holds. Mean < Median < Mode
d) For moderately skewed distributions median divides the distance between mean and
mode in the ratio 1:2 i.e.,
Mean  Median 1

Median  mod e 2

or Mode = 3 Median - 2 Mean

What are the characteristics of a good average? (OR)

What are the desirable qualities of a good average?
1. It should be rigidly defined.
2. It should be easy to understand.
3. It should be easy to compute.
4. It should be based on all items in the data.
5. It should not be unduly influenced by extreme items.
6. It should be capable of further algebraic treatment.
7. It should have sampling stability.
1. It is easy to understand and easy to calculate.
2. It is used in further calculation.
3. It is rigidly defined.
4. It is based on all the values in the data.
5. It provides a good basis for comparison.
1. It is greatly affected by the extreme values.
2. It can not be located by observation or the graphic method.
3. It is not a typical average in case of highly skewed distribution.
4. It can not be exactly calculated for open - end distributions.
1. It is based on all observations.
2. It is rigidly defined.
3. It is less affected by extreme values.
4. It is suitable for averaging ratios, rates and percentages.
5. It is not much affected by sampling fluctuations.
1. It is neither easy to calculate nor to understand.
2. It can not be computed if any value in the data is negative.
3. It vanishes if any value in the data is zero.
1. It is rigidly defined by a mathematical formula.
2. It is based on all the values.
3. It is suitable for further mathematical treatment.
4. It is not much affected by sampling fluctuations.
1. It is neither simple to calculate nor easy to understand.
2. It is greatly affected by extremely small values.
3. It can not be determined if any value in the data is zero.


1. It is easy to understand and easy to compute.
2. It may be calculated for open - end distribution.
3. It is not affected by extreme values.
4. It is a suitable average for highly skewed distribution.
1. It is not rigidly defined.
2. It is not based on all the values in the data.
3. It is not very useful in further analysis.
4. It is necessary to arrange the data, which is a labourious task.
1. It is very quick to find.
2. It is not affected by extreme values.
3. It can be located in open ended classes.
1. It is ill defined.
2. It is not capable of further mathematical treatment.
3. There may be more than one values of the mode in a data set.
4. It may not exist in many cases.
Q. 3.15
(b) If the arithmetic mean of n numbers x1,x 2 ,      , xn is M and A is any
arbitrary number, then show that
(x  A)2  (x  M)2  n(M  A)2
(x  A)2  (x  M  M  A)2  x  M  M  A 2

  x  M2  M  A 2  2(x  M)(M  A) 
 x  M2  nM  A 2  2(M  A) (x  M)
 (X  M)  0 , as the sum of the deviation of the values from there is always equal to
(x  A)2  (x  M)2  n(M  A)2

(c) A distribution consists of three components with frequencies 3, 4 and 5 having

means 2, 5.5 and 10. Find the mean of the combined distribution.
Solution n1 = 3 n2 = 4 n3 = 5
X1 =2 X 2 = 5.5 X 3 = 10
n X  n2 X 2  n3 X 3(2)  4(5.5)  5(10 )
Xc  1 1 =  6.5
n1  n2  n3 3 4 5

Q. 3.16
(b) Show that (x  a)2  (x  x )2  n( x  a)2 , in other words show that the sum
of squares about a  x is smallest.
(x  A)2  (x  x  x  a)2  x  x   x  a 2

  x  x 2  x  a 2  2(x  x )( x  a) 
 x  x 2  nx  a 2  2( x  A) (x  x )
 (X  x )  0 , as the sum of the deviation of the values from there is always equal to
(x  a)2  (x  x )2  n( x  a)2
Q. 3.24
Find the arithmetic mean and geometric mean of the series 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ------, 2n .
Find also the harmonic mean.
Arithmetic mean, Geometric mean and Harmonic mean of (n + 1) values 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, -
-----, 2n , which are in geometric progression.
The sum of the values in G.P. is obtained by the formula
a(r n  1)
S Where r > 1
r 1
a(1  r n )
S Where r < 1
1 r
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ------, 2n a=1 r=2
1(2n  1  1)
Sum of the values =  2n  1  1

Product of the values = 1 2  4  8  16      2n

= 20  21  22  23  2 4        2n
n(n  1)
0 1 2  3        n
 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sum of the reciprocals =      (a = 1, r = )
1 2 4 8 16 2n 2
n 1
  1
1 1    
 2   1 
   2 1  
1  2n  1 
 X 2n  1  1
X 
n n1
1 n
1  n(n  1)  n  1
n 1
G.M  Pr oduct of the values  2 2 
 
 
n n1
H.M  
 1  1 
  2 1  
X  2 1 

Q. 3.25
Find (i) arithmetic mean (ii) geometric mean (iii) harmonic mean of the series 1, 3, 9,
27, 81, -------, 3n .
Arithmetic mean, Geometric mean and Harmonic mean of (n + 1) values 1, 3, 9, 27, 81,
-------, 3n , which are in geometric progression.
The sum of the values in G.P. is obtained by the formula
a(r n  1)
S Where r > 1
r 1

a(1  r n )
S Where r < 1
1 r

1, 3, 9, 27, 81, -------, 3n here, a = 1 r=3

Sum of the values =

1(3n  1  1) 1 n  1
 3

1 
Product of the values = 1 3  9  27  81     3n
= 30  31  32  33  3 4        3n
n(n  1)
0 1 2  3        n
 3 3 3 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sum of the reciprocals =      (a = 1, r = )
1 3 9 27 81 3n 3
n 1
  1
1 1    
 3  3 1 
    1  
1 2 3 1 

X 2
1 n 1
3 
1 
X 
n n1
1 n
1  n(n  1)  n  1
n 1
G.M  Pr oduct of the values  3 2 
 
 
n n1
H.M  
 1 3 1 
   1  
X 2 n 1 
3 

Q. 3.27
A man gets a rise of 10% in salary at the end of his first year of service and further rise
of 20% and 25% at the end of the second and third years respectively. The rise in each
case being calculated on his salary at the beginning of the year. To what annual
percentage increase is this equivalent?
Let the Initial salary of the man = 100
Salary at the end of the first year =100 +10 =110
Salary at the end of the second year =100 + 20 =120
Salary at the end of the third year =100 + 25 = 125
G.M = (100 x l20 x l25) 3 =118.16
Annual percentage increase = 118.16 – 100 = 18.16%
Q. 3.28
(a) A man travels from A to B at the rate of 30 miles per hour and returns from B to A
along the same route at an average speed of 60 miles per hour. Find the average speed
of the entire joinery.
X 30 60 ∑(1/X)
𝟏 0.033 0.0167 0.0497
n 2
H .M    40.24
 1  0.0497
 

(b) Find out the average speed of person who rides the first mile at the rate of 8 miles
per an hour, the next mile at the rate of 7.5 miles per an hour and the third mile at the
rate of 5.5 miles an hour.
X 8 7.5 5.5 ∑(1/X)
𝟏 0.44015
n 3
H .M    6.8
 1  0.44015
 

Q. 3.29
(a) A bus traveling 200 miles has ten stages at equal intervals. The speed of the bus in
the various stages was observed to be 10, 15, 20, 75, 20, 30, 40, 50, 30, 40 miles per
hour. Find the average speed at which the bus has traveled.
X 10 15 20 75 20 30 40 50 30 40 Total
0.1000 0.0667 0.050 0.0133 0.05 0.0333 0.0250 0.0200 0.0333 0.0250 0.4166
n 10
H .M    24.004
 1  0.4166
 

(b) Find out (i) the average rate of motion in the case of a person who rides the first
mile at the rate of 10 miles per hour the next mile at the rate of 8 miles per hour and
the third at the rate of 6 miles per hour.
ii) Increase in population which in the first decade has increased 20% in the next 25%
and in the third 44%.
X 1
n 3
X H .M    7.65
10 0.10  1  0.392
 
8 0.125 X
60 0.167
Total 0.392
(ii) Let the Initial population = 100
Population at the end of the first decade =100 +20 =120
Population at the end of the second decade =100 + 25 =125
Population at the end of the third decade =100 + 44 = 144
G.M =(120 x l25 x l44) = 129.27 3

Annual percentage increase = 129.27 – 100 = 29.27%

Q. 3.30
Calculate the geometric mean and harmonic mean of the following frequency
Weekly income 35 – 39 40 – 44 45 – 49 50 – 54 55 – 59 60 – 64 65 – 69
No. of workers 15 13 17 29 11 10 5
Weekly income f X Log X f log X 1  1
f 
X X
35 – 39 15 37 1.5682 23.5230 0.02702 0.4054
40 – 44 13 42
45 – 49 17 47
50 – 54 29 52
55 – 59 11 57
60 – 64 10 62
65 – 69 5 67
Total 100 169.1837 2.0632
 fLog X
= Antilog 
169.1837 
G.M = Antilog  = Antilog (1.691837) = 49.18
f  100 

H.M =
f 
 48.47
f  1 
Q. 3.31
Calculate the geometric mean and harmonic mean of the following frequency
Variable 0 – 5 5 – 10 10 – 15 15 – 20 20 – 25 25 – 30 30 – 35 35 – 40
Frequency 2 5 7 13 21 6 8 3
Weekly income f X Log X f log X 1  1
f 
X X
0–5 2 2.5
5 – 10 5 7.5
10 – 15 7 12.5
15 – 20 13 17.5
20 -25 21 22.5
25 -30 6 27.5
30 -35 8 32.5
35 – 40 3 37.5
Total 75 97.2508 4.6101
 fLog X  97.2508 
G.M = Antilog = Antilog   = Antilog (1.2966)= 19.80
f  75 

H.M =
f 
 16.27
f  1 
Q. 3.32
Find the mean or median, whichever you think more suitable, in each of the following:
(i) Salaries of 5 men in an industrial concern
Rs.950, Rs.2100, Rs.1500, Rs.100, Rs.10000
(ii) Heights of 6 boys 64”, 65”, 65”, 66” , 66”, 67”
(iii) Handicaps of four golfers: 4, 18, 18, 20.
(i) The salaries varied greatly, so median is more suitable average.
Arranging the values:- 100, 950, 1500, 2100, 10000
Median = value of ( 2
)th term
= value of ( 2
)th term = value of 3rd term = 1500
(ii) The given heights do not differ greatly, so arithmetic mean is more suitable
Σ𝑋 64+65+65+66+67 393
𝑋̅ = = = = 65.5
𝑛 6 6
(iii) Arranging the values:- 4, 18 , 18, 20
Median = value of ( 2
)th term
4+1 18+18
= value of ( )th term = value of 2.5th term = = 18
2 2

Q. 3.33
The following data relate to sizes of shoes sold at a store during a given week. Find the
median of the shoes. Also calculate Q1 , Q3 , D7 and P64 from the following data.
Size of shoes 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1
5 6 7 8 9
2 2 2 2 2
Number of shoes 2 5 15 30 60 40 23 11 4 1
Size of shoes Number of shoes Cumulative frequency
5 2 2
1 5 7
6 15 22
1 30 52
7 60 112
1 40 152
8 23 175
1 11 186
9 4 190
1 1 191
Total  f  n  191

 n  1
Median = value of   th term
 2 
 191  1 
= value of   th term = value of 96th term
 2 
It lies in 112 C.f so, Median = 7
Mode = 8 because, it belongs to maximum frequency

 n  1
Q1 = value of   th term
 4 
191  1 
= value of   th term = value of 48th term
 4 

It lies in 52 C.f so, Q1 = 6

 n  1
Q3 = value of 3  th term
 4 
191  1 
= value of 3  th term = value of 144th term
 4 
It lies in 152 C.f so, Q3  7

 n  1
D 7 = value of 7  th term
 10 

191  1 
= value of 7  th term = value of 134.4th term
 10 
It lies in 152 C.f so, D2 = 7

 n  1
P64 = value of 64  th term
 100 

 191  1 
= value of 64  th term = value of 122.88th term
 100 
It lies in 152 C.f so, P 7
64 2

Q. 3.33
Calculate the mean, median and modal number of persons per house from the data.
No. of persons per house 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. of houses 26 113 120 95 60 42 21 14 5 4
X f fX C.f.
 fX 1888
1 26 26 26 X    3.78
2 113 226 139 f 500
3 120 360 259
4 95 380 354  n  1
5 60 300 414 Median = value of   th term
6 42 252 456  2 
7 21 147 477
8 14 112 491  500  1 
= value of   th term = value of 250.5th term
9 5 45 496  2 
10 4 40 500
Total 500 1888 --- It lies in 259 C.f so, Median = 3
Q. 3.36 Mode = 3 because, it belongs to maximum frequency
Age of head f C.f
Under 25 44 44
25 and under 30 79 123
30 and under 40 152 275
40 and under 50 122 397
50 and under 60 141 538
60 and under 65 100 638
65 and under 70 58 696
70 and under 75 32 728
75 and under 85 28 756
Total 756

hn 
Median = L +   c
f 2 
n 756
  the 378th observation falls in the group 40 and under50
2 2
L = 40 h = 10 f = 122 C = 275
hn  10
Median = L +   c  = 40 + (378 – 275) = 48.44
f 2  122

Q1= L +   c 
h n
f 4 
n 756
  189 the 189th observation falls in the group 30 and under40
4 4
L = 30 h = 10 f = 152 C = 123

Q1 = L +   c  = 30 +
h n 10
(189 – 123) = 34.34
f 2  152

Q 3 = L +   c 
h 3n
f 4 
3n 3(756)
  567 the 567th observation falls in the group 60 and under 65
4 4
L = 60 h=5 f = 100 C = 538

Q 3 = L +   c  = 60 +
h 3n 5
(567 – 538) = 61.45
f 4  100

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