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"An Advanced Research Facility for the Virology Science and Technology

Institute: Creating an Advanced Research Facility to Foster Scientific Excellence

and Pandemic Preparedness"

A Research Requirement presented to

Ar/Enp. Gerelson Ray R. Bernardino University of Batangas Lipa Campus Lipa City,

In partial fulfilment

of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Architecture


De Chavez, Michael Angelo C.

October 23,2023

In a world where emerging infectious diseases pose an ever-increasing threat

to global health, the need for cutting-edge research facilities dedicated to virology is
paramount. The Virology Science and Technology Institute (VSTI) of the Philippines,
recognizing the imperative of scientific excellence and pandemic preparedness,
embarks on a visionary journey to create an advanced research facility that not only
raises the bar for virology research but also fortifies the nation's capacity to respond
to the gravest of global health challenges.

This architectural thesis is a testament to our collective dedication to the

advancement of virology science, the cultivation of a new generation of researchers,
and the protection of global health. It represents a paradigm shift in our approach to
understanding and combating infectious diseases, with the central objective of
fostering scientific excellence and pandemic preparedness.

As the foundational cornerstone of this ambitious endeavor, the VSTI's

advanced research facility will be designed to meet a set of interrelated and far-
reaching objectives. These objectives have been meticulously crafted to address not
only the immediate needs of virology research but also the broader concerns of
global health security. In achieving these objectives, the facility aspires to serve as a
shining beacon of hope, a symbol of our unwavering commitment to the
advancement of science and the safeguarding of humanity.

Background of the Study

In recent years, the world has witnessed a dramatic increase in the emergence of
novel viruses and infectious diseases, resulting in significant impacts on public health,
the global economy, and daily life. The accelerated rate at which these threats arise
has prompted a reevaluation of our approach to virology research, pandemic
preparedness, and global health security. This background study seeks to
contextualize the urgency and significance of the proposed research facility at the
Virology Science and Technology Institute (VSTI) in the Philippines.

The 21st century has been marked by the rapid emergence of novel viruses, such
as Zika, Ebola, and, most prominently, the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19.
These pathogens have demonstrated the capacity to swiftly cross borders and wreak
havoc on global health systems. The increasing frequency of these outbreaks
highlights the vulnerability of the global population to infectious diseases and
underscores the need for proactive and robust response measures.

The COVID-19 pandemic, which emerged in late 2019, has been a harsh and
transformative lesson in the impact of infectious diseases on society. It revealed the
interconnectedness of the world, as the virus rapidly spread across continents,
disrupting economies, overwhelming healthcare systems, and causing an
unprecedented loss of life. The pandemic underscored the importance of a
coordinated, science-driven response and the need for preparedness to mitigate
future threats.

The economic ramifications of pandemics are profound. The COVID-19 pandemic

triggered worldwide recessions, loss of jobs, business closures, and unprecedented
government spending on relief efforts. The disruptions in supply chains, travel, and
international trade have shown the vulnerabilities of the global economy to health
crises, necessitating a reevaluation of economic preparedness in the face of

Beyond the economic consequences, pandemics also exact a toll on mental health
and social structures. Lockdowns, social distancing, and fear of infection have led to
isolation, anxiety, and depression for many individuals. These psychological impacts
highlight the need for a holistic approach to pandemic preparedness that takes into
account the broader social well-being.

The recurring pattern of emerging viruses necessitates a concerted effort to better

understand these pathogens, develop effective diagnostics, treatments, and vaccines,
and ensure that societies are well-prepared for future outbreaks. Scientific research
and advanced facilities play a pivotal role in achieving these goals.

The COVID-19 pandemic has reaffirmed the concept of global health security,
emphasizing the need for international collaboration and information sharing to
combat infectious diseases effectively. A robust research facility, as proposed by the
VSTI, can actively contribute to global health security by sharing data, research
findings, and resources with the international community.

In conclusion, the increasing numbers of new viruses and diseases, coupled with
the profound impacts of the recent pandemic, have illuminated the necessity of
advancing virology research, bolstered pandemic preparedness, and fortified global
health security. The proposed research facility at the VSTI in the Philippines is a
visionary response to these challenges, setting the stage for a new era of scientific
excellence and protection of global health.
Statement of the Problem

In the realm of architectural design, the challenge at hand lies in creating an

advanced research facility at the Virology Science and Technology Institute (VSTI)
that not only serves as a state-of-the-art center for virology research but also as a
dynamic environment for educating and inspiring future scientists. The problem
encompasses a multifaceted approach, focusing on architectural and functional
aspects within the context of virology, pandemic preparedness, and the cultivation of
problem-solving capabilities.

Architectural Innovation
The architectural challenge centers on designing a facility that not only
meets the highest standards of functionality but also embodies innovative design
principles. The research facility should serve as a symbol of scientific progress
and inspire awe, fostering creativity and problem-solving in the researchers who
work within its walls.

Functional Integration
The architecture must seamlessly integrate various functional components
required for virology research, from biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) and BSL-4
containment facilities to cutting-edge laboratories, shared workspaces, and
education areas. The facility's design should promote a productive and
collaborative environment for researchers and educators alike.

Educational Spaces
Within the architectural framework, it is essential to provide dedicated
spaces for education and mentorship programs. Lecture halls, teaching
laboratories, and areas for interdisciplinary collaboration should be strategically
incorporated, encouraging the development of the next generation of virologists
and problem solvers.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration
The architectural problem emphasizes the need for spaces that facilitate
cross-disciplinary collaboration. The facility should encourage virologists,
epidemiologists, molecular biologists, and experts from various fields to work
together, fostering the exchange of ideas and the cultivation of creative problem-
solving approaches.

Technological Integration
The architectural challenge extends to integrating advanced technology
within the facility's design. Cutting-edge equipment, such as sequencing
machines and electron microscopes, must be accommodated while considering
ergonomic and functional design principles to empower researchers in their
problem-solving efforts.

Environmental Sustainability
Sustainable architectural practices play a crucial role in addressing the
architectural problem. The design should incorporate energy-efficient solutions,
waste management, and environmentally responsible laboratory practices to
minimize the facility's environmental footprint and ensure its long-term

Aesthetic and Symbolic Elements

Beyond the functional aspects, the architectural problem also
encompasses the creation of an architectural symbol. The design should convey
the significance of virology research and pandemic preparedness, inspiring both
the researchers within and the broader community to appreciate the importance of
these endeavors.

Global Health Security

Architecturally, the facility should actively promote global health security by
encouraging international collaboration and partnerships. The design should
facilitate the sharing of data and research findings, reinforcing the Philippines' role
in the global efforts to combat infectious diseases and contribute to regional
In summary, the architectural problem revolves around the creation of an advanced
research facility at the VSTI that serves as a hub for scientific excellence, pandemic
preparedness, and the cultivation of problem-solving capabilities. The challenge is to
merge architectural innovation with functional integration, educational spaces,
interdisciplinary collaboration, technological advancements, sustainability, and a
powerful architectural symbol to address the complex issues of virology and global
health security within an architectural framework.
Review of Related Literature
Research Methodology

This section outlines the methodologies employed in conducting the research,

including data collection methods, participants, and data analysis techniques.
1. Research Design
 Exploratory Research: The study adopts an exploratory research design to
gain an in-depth understanding of the need for a naval training facility and
forward operating base in the South China Sea, with a specific focus on the
Philippines' perspective.
2. Data Collection Methods
a. Primary Data
 Surveys: Structured surveys will be conducted with key stakeholders,
including government officials, naval experts, and military personnel, to
gather their insights on the necessity and design aspects of the proposed
 Interviews: In-depth interviews will be conducted with high-ranking naval
officers and policymakers to delve into the strategic implications of the
naval facility.
 Focus Group Discussions: Focus group discussions will be organized with
naval architects and planners to assess the architectural and spatial
requirements for the naval facility.
b. Secondary Data
 Literature Review: Secondary data will be collected through an extensive
literature review covering existing knowledge and studies related to naval
facilities, maritime security, and territorial disputes in the South China Sea.
 Architectural and Engineering Documents: Relevant architectural and
engineering documents, including design standards and guidelines for
naval bases, will be reviewed to inform the architectural aspects of the
3. Participants
 The primary participants in this research include:
 Government officials from the Philippines, particularly those involved
in national defense and foreign affairs.
 High-ranking naval officers and military personnel with expertise in
maritime security and operations.
 Naval architects, planners, and architects with experience in
designing naval facilities.
 The total number of participants will be determined based on the feasibility
of data collection and the availability of key stakeholders.
4. Data Analysis Techniques
 Qualitative Data Analysis: Responses from interviews, focus group
discussions, and open-ended survey questions will be analyzed
thematically to extract key insights regarding the need for the naval facility,
its architectural design, and strategic implications.
 Quantitative Data Analysis: Survey data will be quantitatively analyzed
using statistical tools to identify patterns and correlations in the responses.
5. Ethical Considerations
 The research will adhere to ethical principles, including informed consent,
confidentiality, and anonymity of participants. All participants will be
provided with clear information about the research's purpose and their
6. Limitations
 The research may face limitations related to access to high-ranking military
officials and potential reluctance to share sensitive information.

This methodology outlines the systematic approach to collect and analyze data
from various sources to address the research questions and objectives. It combines
qualitative and quantitative methods to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
need for the proposed naval facility in the South China Sea, focusing on the Philippines'
Conceptual Framework

Thesis Problem Data information Analysis Architectural Design

Formulation The existing literature lacks a Guidelines for Naval
The Philippines' imperative comprehensive analysis of the Bases
is to establish a naval architectural and spatial
training facility, given prerequisites for establishing
recurring maritime a multifunctional naval Interdisciplinary Studies
conflicts, territorial training facility and forward
disputes, strategic operating base in the Architectural Design
significance, and Philippines, particularly Solution
inadequate naval concerning evolving naval
infrastructure. technology and sustainability.
Conclusion and
Gathering of necessary Defining Goals and
documents Recommendation of
the study
Analysis of related
Site Analysis
Site selection and site

Demographic Data


Table 1: Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework for this thesis revolves around addressing the critical
need for a naval training facility and forward operating base in the Philippines. This
imperative stems from recurrent maritime conflicts, ongoing territorial disputes, the
strategic significance of the South China Sea, and the limitations of existing naval
infrastructure. The research process begins with the collection of essential documents,
including reports and existing literature related to naval architecture, technology, and
international maritime conflicts. A comprehensive review of related studies and academic
literature follows, aiming to identify gaps in knowledge and elucidate the architectural
considerations and spatial requirements for naval facilities.
Next, the study proceeds to the selection of potential sites within the Philippines for
the proposed naval training facility, with site visits providing invaluable firsthand insights
into local context, environmental conditions, and spatial constraints. Data gathered from
these visits, coupled with information from relevant documents, undergoes thorough
analysis to better understand the specific needs and challenges associated with the
establishment of the naval facility.
The research then progresses to the definition of clear goals and objectives for the
naval training facility, factoring in security, sustainability, and readiness for future naval
technology. Site analysis, focusing on topography, environmental impact, and
infrastructure requirements, is conducted to ensure that the chosen location aligns with
the facility's architectural design guidelines for naval bases. Demographic data is also
scrutinized to take into account workforce considerations and local community
To address the multifaceted challenges of this project, interdisciplinary studies are
carried out, involving experts in architecture, naval technology, and geopolitical
analyses. With all the gathered insights and guidelines, the study culminates in the
development of an architectural design solution for the naval training facility and forward
operating base.
The research is concluded with a comprehensive assessment of the architectural
and spatial prerequisites for the naval facility, which includes recommendations for
implementation, potential challenges, and directions for future research. This conceptual
framework serves as a roadmap for the study, guiding a systematic and comprehensive
exploration of the intricate task of establishing a naval training facility and forward
operating base in the Philippines. It aims to make substantial contributions to national
security, regional stability, and sustainability, addressing both the architectural and
strategic dimensions of the endeavor.
Site Criteria

A site selection criteria table for an Acoustic Development Hub, Research

Center, and Commercial Complex. The table below clearly outlines the precise
considerations to make when deciding on a location for an acoustic development
hub, research facility, and commercial complex.

Criteria Description

Geopolitical The site should be strategically positioned in

Considerations proximity to contested maritime territories and
critical waterways, aligning with national
defense and security interests.
Accessibility and It must provide easy accessibility to open sea
Proximity and international waters while remaining in
close proximity to existing naval infrastructure
for efficient logistical support.
Environmental The chosen location should have minimal
Suitability environmental impact on local ecosystems
and marine life, coupled with resilience to
natural disasters and adverse weather

Infrastructure and Availability of essential utilities, including

Utilities water, electricity, and robust communication
networks, should be ensured, along with
accessibility to transportation networks for the
movement of personnel and materials.
Space and Adequate land area for the construction of
Topography naval facilities and training infrastructure is
essential, along with a favorable topography
that supports architectural development and
shiphandling operations.
Security and Safety Security and safety considerations demand a
low risk of potential threats or security
breaches, ideally in close proximity to local
law enforcement and military support.
Readiness for Adaptability to evolving naval technologies and
Technological infrastructure should be a priority, with facilities
designed to accommodate future
Advancements advancements in technology.
Sustainability and Integration of sustainability practices, such as
Environmental renewable energy sources and effective waste
Responsibility management, should be emphasized, along
with compliance with environmental
regulations and international standards.
Legal and Regulatory The chosen location must adhere to national
Compliance and international maritime laws and
regulations while being supported by local and
national government policies and incentives to
ensure legal and regulatory compliance.
Table 1. Site selection Criteria

Site A- Bagac, Bataan

This site's strategic importance is evident due to its proximity to the capital, Manila,
making it a vital hub for maritime defense and quick response to security threats. Its
access to the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean ensures efficient naval operations
and safeguarding of vital maritime routes. The bay provides sheltered waters, facilitating
safe anchorage and shiphandling training. Furthermore, the existing infrastructure and
transportation networks offer convenience for logistical support. In terms of
environmental considerations, conducting an impact assessment is crucial to maintain
the bay's ecological balance. Engaging with local communities and addressing security
requirements will be integral to the base's successful establishment. Access to
freshwater sources is a vital criterion for long-term sustainability. Overall, these
coordinates exhibit strong potential for a naval training facility and forward operating
base, subject to comprehensive assessments and consultations with stakeholders.

Site B- Balabac, Palawan

situated in the southwestern Philippines, the selected site holds promise for the
establishment of a naval training facility and forward operating base. It offers strategic
significance due to its proximity to the contested waters of the South China Sea. With its
location near Palawan, this site can serve as a critical point for safeguarding maritime
interests, patrolling territorial waters, and responding swiftly to potential security threats.
Access to the nearby Balabac Strait and the broader Sulu Sea enhances its value for
naval operations. The site criteria are met, as it features ample space for infrastructure
development and shiphandling training. Environmental considerations are vital, and
thorough impact assessments will be required to maintain ecological balance.
Collaboration with local communities is essential to address social and security
requirements while fostering positive relations. Availability of freshwater sources is a
critical factor for sustainability. Overall, the site exhibit strong potential for a naval facility,
pending comprehensive evaluations, and consultations with relevant stakeholders.
Site C- Lubang Occidental Mindoro

The proposed site for the naval training facility and forward operating base in the
Philippines meets essential site criteria. The location is characterized by its strategic
coastal position, offering direct access to the South China Sea, a region of
significant geopolitical importance. The area is well-suited for naval operations, with
ample space for ship handling activities, training facilities, and future technological
advancements in naval infrastructure. The proximity to maritime trade routes and
disputed territories allows for rapid response to security challenges and the
protection of territorial sovereignty. Moreover, the site's accessibility to urban
centers and logistical support enhances the feasibility of construction and
maintenance. Analyzing the vicinity reveals the presence of existing infrastructure,
potentially simplifying the development process. Airport proximity ensures efficient
transportation of personnel and resources. Overall, this location aligns with the
critical criteria necessary for establishing a multifunctional naval facility that
addresses the Philippines' security and territorial protection needs in the South
China Sea.
Point System Ranking: 10 highest – 1 lowest


/10 /10 /10

Natural Beauty

/10 /10 /10


/10 /10 /10

/10 /10 /10

/10 /10 /10

Proximity to
Industry /10 /10 /10
/10 /10 /10
Cultural and
Safety and /10 /10 /10
/10 /10 /10

Market Demand /10 /10 /10

/10 /10 7/0
Zoning and /10 /10 /10
/10 /10 /10
Natural Beauty

Total Points
Table 2. Site selection criteria ranking

Potential Site SWOT Analysis – Balabac, Palawan

Strengths of Potential Site:

1. Strategic Location: Balabac, Palawan, occupies a highly strategic geopolitical
position, providing proximity to disputed territories in the South China Sea and
enhancing the Philippines' defense posture.
2. Natural Sheltered Waters: The site benefits from natural sheltered waters,
facilitating safe and efficient naval operations, shiphandling, and maritime training.
3. Operational Advantages: Balabac's location offers operational advantages for
safeguarding national sovereignty and responding to maritime threats effectively.
Weaknesses of Potential Site:
1. Environmental Sensitivity: The site is ecologically sensitive, with a need for
responsible environmental management and conservation efforts to minimize
ecological impact.
2. Infrastructure Development: Developing the necessary naval facilities and
infrastructure may pose logistical and financial challenges, requiring significant
3. Security Concerns: Ongoing geopolitical tensions in the South China Sea could
pose security threats to the site, necessitating robust defense strategies.
Opportunities of Potential Site:
1. Economic Development: The establishment of a naval facility in Balabac could
stimulate economic growth through job creation, infrastructure development, and
increased economic activity.
2. Maritime Trade and Security: Balabac's strategic location could contribute to
enhancing maritime trade security, facilitating the movement of naval forces, and
promoting regional stability.
3. Technological Advancements: The site's adaptability to future technological
advancements ensures that the facility remains state-of-the-art in naval training
and operations.
Threats of Potential Site:
1. Environmental Risks: Failure to manage the site's environmental impact properly
could result in ecological damage and potential consequences for the region's
2. Infrastructure Challenges: The construction and maintenance of naval facilities
may face logistical, financial, and technical challenges.
3. Geopolitical Tensions: The site's proximity to disputed territories heightens the
risk of security threats due to ongoing geopolitical tensions in the South China

In summary, the potential naval base site in Balabac, Palawan, presents several
strengths, including its strategic location and operational advantages. However, it also
faces weaknesses related to environmental sensitivity, infrastructure development, and
security concerns. The site offers opportunities for economic development, improved
maritime trade and security, and readiness for future technological advancements.
Nonetheless, it is essential to address environmental risks, infrastructure challenges, and
geopolitical tensions as potential threats to its successful establishment and operation.

(Maritime Chessboard, 2023)





(Territorial Disputes, 2023)
(Benford, 2008; Serpe and De Benedetto, 2015) Naval Architecture for Non-Naval Architects.
(Territorial Disputes, 2023) Center for Preventive Action, Updated June 26, 2023
(Maritime Chessboard, 2023).
(Wilson and Lamb, 2012). Readiness for Future Development in Naval Technology
(Thomas H. Sawyer, JoAnn M. Eickhoff-Shemek, and George M. Gorman, 2018) Facility Planning and
Design for Health, Physical Activity, Recreation, and Sport.

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