Have You Ever Wondered What Is The Meaning of Life

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Have you ever wondered what is the meaning of life?

What is your life purpose? Do you know what you are here on Earth for? Most

people don’t think about their life purpose. For many, they see life as doing what they

are told and living out a pre-defined existence. Life is about studying, working, starting a

family, having kids, going for a holiday once in a while, and then dying from sickness or

old age at some point. To them, the idea of having a purpose is dumb or even “hippy.”

They are more interested in following the latest fads, following what the media says,

shopping, and following the life path as defined by society and government. Questioning

things is just being silly. For the apathetic who are jaded about life, life is just… life. Eat,

sleep, wake up, get things done, rinse and repeat. They don’t see the point about

thinking deeper or creating a meaningful life. For the nihilistic who find no meaning in

life, they feel that it is pointless to find a life purpose. To them, life has no intrinsic

meaning or value. Why find a purpose if something has no meaning? But what if I were

to tell you that you have a specific purpose in life? One that’s different from what you

have been taught all this while? One that’s greater than anything you have ever

imagined? What if the meaning of your life is far greater than anything you’ve been told

about yourself and the world, but you just can’t see it yet because you have been

repressing your true and highest self?

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