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9. Complete the sentences.

Use the correct present tense of the verbs, Use contacted forms
where posible.

1. I’m living with my friend Ezra at the moment, but each of us has our own group of Friends
that we hang out with.

2. We’re not close friends – we’ve just been learning French at the same evening class for the
past year.

3. Lara and I went on trip to Peru ten years ago and we’ve been friends ever since.

4. Oh, do you know Tom too? He and I’ve known each other since primary school. We should
all meet up some time.

5. Jacob often hangs around when he’s bored, but he never comes round if he’s got something
better to do.

6. Kate is really dependable friend. She’s always stood by me when I’ve needed help.

7. Colin and I’ve been teaching at the same school for years. We are writing a book together at
the moment.

8. I get on very well with Marco, even though we’ve never seen each other socially. I think I’ve
been round to this house once.

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