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Science Department

Year 5 worksheet in material properties

Name: ...................................... Date: ............................................

Q1: Water can exist in three different forms.

Water vapour

(a) Fill in the missing word in the box.

(b) What is the name of the process 1 shown in the diagram when ice turns into water?


0 °C
(c) what is the melting point of ice? ………………………………….

Q2: (a) Sort these materials into solids, liquids and gases.


(b) What is it called when a solid changes into a liquid when warmed?

Underline your answer.

Boiling Freezing Melting Solidifying

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Ms. Ruba Mustafa Subject: science
Q3: Shannon and Lark are looking at what happens to a beaker of water if it is left in a warm place.

They start their experiment at 09:00 hours on Monday. They measure the amount

of water in the beaker at the same time and record their results in a bar chart.

On the following Sunday, there is no water left in the beaker.

(a) What has happened to the water?

The water evaporated


(b) Give one reason for more water being lost on some days than others.

Some days are hotter than others meaning that water will get more heat energy so it will evaporate
(c) They do another experiment where they boil the water and then they measure its temperature
using a thermometer.

They keep heating the water even after it boils.

What happens to the temperature of the water?

it stays the same (100 ° C)


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Ms. Ruba Mustafa Subject: science
Q4: George now looks at different objects.

He then tests the objects if they are good Electrical conductors or insulators. Complete the following
table for his results.

Object Electrical conductor or insulator

Aluminium foil
Wooden spoon
Plastic cup

Copper wire
Iron nail

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Ms. Ruba Mustafa Subject: science
Q5: The diagram shows a metal and a plastic mug. Both are filled with a hot drink.

Choose one word from the list to complete each sentence. You can use the words

more than once.

Good Poor Quicker Slower

The plastic mug feels cooler than the metal mug if you touch it,

because the plastic is a…………………………….. conductor of heat. The hot drink in the metal mug
cools down………………………… than the drink in the plastic mug because the metal is a

………………………… insulator of heat.

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Ms. Ruba Mustafa Subject: science
Q6: (a) Tracey sets up a circuit as shown in the diagram.

She places each of the items shown between points A and B.

Which items will complete the circuit buzzer sound?

Metal paper clip and iron nail


(b) What name is given to a material that does not conduct electricity?


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Ms. Ruba Mustafa Subject: science

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