03 Elms Activity 2 Great Books Midterm

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Using the title you picked from the story book of the Grimm Brothers, write a short essay

about what
you think the story is about. Create questions you wanted to know about the story.

 Background of the authors/date of publishing

"The Fisherman and His Wife" is a timeless and thought-provoking story originally written by the
Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm. This German fairy tale, first published in the early 19th
century, represents one of their many contributions to the world of folklore and literature. The
Brothers Grimm's collection of stories has consistently captivated readers, both young and old,
for generations, and "The Fisherman and His Wife" is certainly no exception.

 Characters

In this enchanting tale, the central characters are the impoverished fisherman and his wife. They
live in a humble cottage near the sea, where the fisherman spends his days casting his net into
the waters, hoping to catch enough fish to feed his hungry wife. His wife, on the other hand, is a
relentless and insatiable character who is never content with their modest life.

 Plot

The plot begins with the fisherman casting his net into the sea, hoping for a small catch to feed
his hungry wife. To his surprise, he pulls up an enchanted fish, which begins a sequence of
events that will forever change their lives. The fish speaks to the fisherman and pleads for its life,
promising to grant him any wish in exchange for its release. The fisherman, a kind-hearted and
modest man, initially refuses to make a wish. However, his wife, driven by her insatiable desire
for wealth and power, insists that he ask the fish for a small cottage.

 Sequence

As the story unfolds, the fisherman complies and goes back to the sea, making a wish for a small
cottage. To his wife's delight, their wish is granted. However, her ambition and greed are
limitless. She repeatedly sends the fisherman back to the fish, demanding grander and grander
wishes. She advances from a cottage to a mansion, from a mansion to a castle, and even
demands to be made a queen. Her unending desires lead to a series of increasingly extravagant
and absurd wishes.

 Conflict

A conflict arises when the fisherman finds himself torn between his loyalty to his wife and his
growing concerns regarding the consequences of their wishes. His wife’s insatiable greed not
only strains their relationship but also results in dire consequences for their newfound wealth.
As the fish becomes weary of the wife's endless desires, it ultimately revokes all the granted
wishes, returning the couple to their original humble abode.

 Theme

The theme of "The Fisherman and His Wife" is a stark warning about the dangers of unchecked
ambition and the insatiable desire for material wealth and power. The story serves as a
cautionary tale, highlighting the destructive consequences of uncontrolled greed and the
importance of contentment with what one has.

 Application in real life and to self

This story holds deep meaning for both individuals and society in real life. In a world that often
emphasizes wealth, success, and power, it serves as a reminder that true happiness and
contentment do not necessarily come from material possessions or positions of authority. The
fisherman, with his modesty and humility, embodies the importance of simple and honest living.
On the other hand, the wife's insatiable ambition and greed illustrate the dangers of prioritizing
material gain above all else.

In our own lives, we can learn valuable lessons from the characters in this story. It encourages us
to strike a balance between ambition and contentment, to appreciate what we already have, and
to avoid becoming consumed by insatiable desires. It serves as a stark reminder that the
relentless pursuit of wealth and power, when left unchecked, can ultimately lead to our own

 What is the central conflict in "The Fisherman and His Wife," and how does it drive the
 How do the characters of the fisherman and his wife differ in terms of personality and
desires in the story?
 What is the primary theme or moral lesson conveyed in this fairy tale by the Brothers
 What is the fisherman's role in the story, and how does he react to his wife's unrelenting

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