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ANAHAWAN. Republic of the Philippines Province of Southern Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF ANAHAWAN MUNICIPAL PEACE AND ORDER COUNCIL March 26, 2021 NOTICE OF MEETING TO: ALL MPOC MEMBERS, MUNICIPAL ELCAC TASK FORCE SUBJECT: REGULAR MEETING ————— ee Please be informed that the council will be holding its regular quarterly meeting for the first quarter 2021 on March 30,2021 which will be a joint meeting with the Municipal Anti-Drug Abuse Council (MADAC) with the following agenda; MPOC Audit for 2021 MADAC Audit for 2021 Anti-Drug program updates ELCAC updates Yawn 8 attengar{te of every member Is expected, i | ’ Nass ZL NISC. [PADOLINA ~ MLGOO Approved: ROBERTO A. LOQUINTE- MPOC CHAIRPERSON MAYOR LGU Peace and Order situation for the period January-March 2021 Recored by fon Alejandra fin. bed m, thy Pare Me Im. Tore A Lepuinte De Preln Uae Y Liew 8 Lequinte spy Bt, Seonribeth Prod wr lef Campade Dr MS. kash 7. MMe Meaney Jey tedeb ©) Republic of the Philippines Province of Southein Municipality of ANAHAWAN MUNICIPAL PEACE AND ORDER COUNCIL MEETING (MPOC) ATTENDANCE SHEET ~ Horch 20, 202) No] NAME Position SIGNATURE 1 ROBERTO A. LOQUINTE Lce _| Wis 2 s aw a DP ae IAN. CHeriE hes ht 241, al AUD AN ORA T HAV Any PR me s|Nicasrs B+ Ochabilov, £2 aes 6 MY ir 6 ody te Mp We 7] Wo Tow L Tarale ety: Gee becky al Lar Soon wad A 9] Citokito, neg ma a chiet to) JOSE _A- LOQuiNTe LIGA- PR = < FLT DEwvEr & GABITAd OAC MA andy ral. na] RAL Reva Pe: + _ a3] Ameuita L. Wu 0. f 14] Zmuonn_c. PIA Ma), talon SB: ae] JUIKE C. CARD SD EO fea 21 22] 23 24 25 25] 2 28 28 20 a MPOC MEETING MINUTES MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD AT DILG OFFICE ANAHAWAN ON MARCH 30, 2021 AT 2:30 P.M. Hon. Roberto A. Loquinte was the Presiding Officer. Asuncion Singco led the prayer. Majority of the MPOC members were present, so the Presiding Officer declared the meeting in quorum At the outset, the Municipal Mayor Hon. Roberto A. Loquinte started the meeting by greeting and defivering his preliminary speech to the MPOC members. The Local Chief Executive read the following agenda; 1. LGU Peace and Order situation for the period January ~ March 2021 2, MPOC Audit for 2021 3. MADAC Audit for 2021 4, Anti-Drug program updates 5. ELCAC updates Hon. Riza L. Reytas punong barangay of Mahalo moved the following resoluions. * RESOLUTION COMMENDING THE ENTIRE ANAHAWAN MUNICIPAL POLICE STATION OFFICERS AND PERSONNEL FOR THEIR OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT, w uN uM M us w ” 8 ” 40 a a * RESOLUTION COMMENDING PEE, DENVER 6, QARETAR COP FOF HIS DUTSTANDINO EEARDE RSH AND PERFORMANGE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT FOR THE PERIOD QGTORER DECEMBER 2020, JANUARY — MARCH2024 # RESOLUTION APFIRMING THE APPROVAL OF THE ANAHAWAN POPS PLAN FOR THE YEARS 2020 = 2022, Hon. Nicasio Ochabillo duly seconded the moved resolutions, Attorwards, PLT, Denver Gabitan delivered the PNP reports as por LGU Poaco and Order situation for the period January = March 2021, He appeated to the MPOG members to encourage thoi family sonce of CPP-NPA member and other people to report any sightings of the pr members PLT, Gabitan cited that concemed citizens are rosponsible to solely report and tho actions are apt to the PNP, PLT, Gabitan tells the story of how the CPP-NPA has enhaced its power but there are people (in silence) who aro against tho movement of extremist groups PLT Gabitan discusses the following points of his report + Indox chimes — none! zero cases reported + Nonsindox crime ~ five (5) administrative cases reported. + January ~ one (1) illegal logging case reported. © Cockfighting = nine (9) cases reported, but some are unidentified + Rape cases ~ noneszero case reported 4g 50 st 82 53 54 35 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 65 The MPOC and MADAC Audit for 2021 was discussed by MLGOO Dennis C. Padolina ssing how far CESE. The MADAC Audit is in its 4th year implementation, it's about as the Anti-Drug Abuse Campaign have gone. From 2018 ~ 2019 the performance of the LGU in ADAC reports was evaluated as relatively low. He stated that during the assessments no documents were compiled. The new DILG-MC mandates the LGU should have budget allocation for the Anti-Drug Abuse Campaign. The MLGOO requested the head offices to provide the relevant documents as early as they can with (complete package) Dennis Padolina tackled the MPOC Audit for 2021 emphasizing the policies and issuances. The best measures in performing ADAC were tackled. The MLGOO believes the Municipality of Anahawan is equally performing with other municipalities however, it failed to secure and present documents. The relevant documents should be kept properly he mentioned. Meetings were conducted properly in June and September, five (5) meetings were held on 2020. Local ADAC meetings shall regularly conduct quarterly as often as needed. From 2017 = 2018 — According to Hanney Joy Ochabillo, the RHU handled the CBRP. Municipal ADAG supports the barangay ADAC. Pertinent forms will be provided for CADAC and MADAC. Adjectival Rating of Functionality (Municipality of Anahawan) was (51-84) - Moderate Functional (last time) Hon. Roberto Loquinte hopes for the ideal score-rating of functionality in regards to ADAC, 66 or 6B. i) 70 n n a "4 75. 76 7 78 79 a1 82 Sit Padolina prosontod the tcicalive Tlineline (ake Gatton and planting Phase should be done on Api Hon. Roberto Loquinte is hargottiny for the: ezernplary ecstnplishinisnt tiers aires hay ever Mr. Padolina prosonted the Awarding Criteria, 2019 and 2020 should bo gaining » favorable high ratinglscore wecordings N Me MLGOO Mr, Padolina is hopoful that despite the problams encauntared In 2019, there yas no problem in utilizing the funds. Mc. Padolina quoted that CSAR documonts aro hard to ba found but the wall find I for sure. Any related documents supporting tho ADAG should bo attached In packaging document of the project. In CFLGA Audit tho cooperation of Punong Barangays is highly needed ‘The Municipal Mayor was expocting that in 2019-2020 the performance rating val iso ‘The MLGOO reminded the council that CFLGA and MADAC will be on MAY 2021 The Presiding officer opened the table for other mattors, 89 on 92 93 94 95, 96 7 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 Hon, Roberto Loquinte recalled the years whon the Municipalily of Anahawan had boon awarded as ‘National Child-Friondly Municpality’, He hopes that the awa will be achioved again, for the welfare of the children of Anahawan, The Presiding Officer asked the members if there are other concorms that need to be discussed, No one responded. The Presiding Officer highly adjourned the meeting, | HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoing minutes. Prepared by: DENNIS F. Secretiriat Support Staff MUNICIPALITY OF ANAHAWAN MUNICIPAL PEACE AND ORDER COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 1 Series of 2021 “A RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE APPROVAL OF THE ANAHAWAN PEACE AND ROER AND PUBLIC SAFETY PLAN (POPS) FOR THE YEARS 2020-2022" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT, the Arahawan Municcal Peace and Order Councl hereby affirms fs apo0\ Pian for the years 2020-2022: RESOLVED FURTHER THAT, a copy of this Resolution be provi 2nd 10 annex the same to the POPS Pian accordingly APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Adopted this dayef___ 202 APPROVED BY: HON. ROBERTO'A. LOQUINTE Charperson, Minicpal Peace and Order Council J} / / J _/ . Pa hae arrestg0 6! ! DENNIS C. PADOLINA, CESE POC Secretanat Head / HON. VICE-MAYOR NESTOR B. VESTAL MPOC Vice-Chairperson HON. SB MEMBER JUMAR C. ‘ORaiio MPOC Member \ SS a HON. SB MEMBER JOSE A, LOQUINTE (EX-OFFICIO LnB) MPOC Member JEANNIBETH L. AMQD, DEPED DS MPOC Member Y JEANNIBETH L. AMOD, DEPED DS MPOC Member PLT. DENVER C. GABITAN MPOC Member DR. AMELITA L. LUIB cso MPOC Member ONL at MS. ASUNCION SINCO cso MPOC Member , cso MPOC Member Kf leek HON Arzd L. REYTAS , PUNONG BARANGAY-MAHALO HON, REINARIO S. BEHARE , PUNONG BARANGAY-TAGUP-ON HON. NICAS) (BILLO —_, PUNONG BARANGAY- POBLACION lc of the Philippine Province of Southern Leyte MUNICIPALITY OF ANAHAWAN MUNICIPAL PEACE AND ORDER COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2 Sorios of 2024 “A RESOLUTION COMMENDING THE ANAHAWAN MUNCIPAL POLICE STATION OFFICERS AND PERSONNEL FOR THEIR OUTSTANDING SERVICE AND PERFORMANCE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT FOR THE 4™ QUARTER 2020 AND QUARTER 2021" 457 tion officers and personnel has WHEREAS, The Anahawan Municipal Police Stat law enforcement for the 4" quarter demonstrated outstanding service and performance in 2020 and in the 1% quarter of 2021; WHEREAS, during the abovementioned period, the municipal police station were very \isible, active and dedicated in the performance of their duties and responsibilities which has in return resulted in higher trust with the police force and multiple arrest of persons who have committed both index and non-index crimes; WHEREAS, the council, deemed it proper to at the very least commend the efforts of the Anahawan police force for their exemplary efforts; ‘THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT, the ‘an Municipal Peace and Order Council pass this resolution commending the performance of the Anahawan Municipal Police Station; Now, Anahawe outstanding service and RESOLVED FURTHER THAT, Southern Leyte Provincial police APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. a copy of this Resolution be provided to the PNP Office for their information and appropriate action. ‘Adopted this _ day of 2021 APPROVED BY:~7 AEA | Nee) Ww | OERNIND BADOUINA, CRE HN "i Sov haha Moat MON VIO AAV ag MN View VOR VERT AL Whale BON SE AE AMER IUIMAR COR ARO MN Meng ‘ \ BON SEUMEARIER JOST A LOQUINTE (ECOFFICIO Lah) MPYE Member \ JEANNINE TEL AMOD, DEED D8 MAYE Mandar SIE ANNIRE TEL, AMOD, DEPED D8 MPOE Monitor PLT DENVER C. GANITAN, APOE Meniber DR. AMELITA L.LUID C80 MPOC Member d Rave sat, MS, ASUNCION SINCO CSO MPOC Member cso MPOC Member BN ek NON, RIZAL, REYTAS , PUNONG BARANGAY-MAHALO 0 MON, REINARIO S, BENARE , PUNONG BARANGAY-TAGUP-ON c HON. ALEJANDRA, NAVARRO, PUNONG BARANGAY- LEWING HON, wrcaet sR sa LO, PUNONG DARANGAY- POBLACION Republic of the Philippine Province of Southern Legte MUNICIPALITY OF ANAHAWAN MUNICIPAL PEACE AND ORDER COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 3 Serion of 2021 “A RESOLUTION COMMENDING POLICE LIEUTENANT DENVER C. GABITAN, ANAHAWAN MUNICIPAL POLICE STATION OIC CHIEF OF POLICE FOR HIS OUTSTANDING SERVICE AND PERFORMANCE IN LAW/ ENFORCEMENT FOR THE 4” QUARTER 2020 AND 1°' QUARTER 2021” WHEREAS, The Anahawan Municipal Police Staton demonstrated outstanding service and performanc in lire er!= 2020 and in the 1¥ quarter of 2021 WHEREAS, during the abovementioned penod active and dedicated in tho performance of thew dus feturn resuited in higher trust wath the potice force anc has a of persons who have committed both index and non WHEREAS, the counct unanimously agrees that 1815 «9 due 9 dedication and leadership af Police Lieutenant Denver © Gabtan fnonths in office hax already piled up notable accom shments. th proper to recognize his accomplishments thry a resolution commending N's BE IT RESOLVED AS IT 1S HEREBY RESOLVED THAT, the ths resclution commending the sat Denver © Gabitan 9 in his first so NOW, THEREFORE, ‘Anahawan Municipal Peace and Order Counc! pass outstanding service and performance of Police Lreutena RESOLVED FURTHER THAT, a copy of this Resolution be proviged to the PNP Southern Leyte Provincial police Oifice for thei nformaton and appropnate action APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. Adopted this _ day of __. 2021 APPROVED BY: _ # HON. MAYOR ROBERTO A. LOQUINTE Chaipersen, Muniogal Peace and Order Council f } Case ENNIS C. HADOLINA 1. C) MPOC Socrbtatiat Head ESE / i] HON. VICE.Mayoy c R NESTOR B. VI MPOC Vice-Chairperson ams HON. SB MEMBER JUMAl N RC. ORANO MPOC Member = ( N HON. SB MEMBER JOSE A. LOQUINTE (EX-OFFICIO LnB) MPOC Member JEANNIBETH L. AMOD, DEPED DS MPOC Member - JEANNIBETH L. AMOD, DEPED 0S MPOC Member PLT. DENVER C. GABITAN MPOC Membor DR. AMELITA L. LUIB ,cSO MPOC Member (Riker Ms, ASUNCION'S MPOC Member NCO CSO ,cSO MPOC Member HON. RIZA L. REYTAS , PUNONG BARANGAY-MAHALO HON. neananre BEHARE , PUNONG BARANGAY-TAGUP-ON q HON, au - TOANDRA)L. NAVARRO, PUNONG HARANGAY- LEWING \ Vine thle ) No: i 7 NNICASION OCHANILLO —, PUNONG HARANGAY- POBLACION

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