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Question 8. If you'd like, please share any thinking related to your answers to the two
questions above (6. and 7.).

The 25% plan is preferable as it provides more activities for a larger variety of interests
amongst users. The Park's current emphasis on large grass fields is non-sustainable and
wasteful for our changing climate. Grass is unnatural and an environmentally unsound
practice in a Mediterranean or Desert climate. Additionally, trees and shrubs are
capable of decreasing heat by 6ºF.
Finally, a Park is different from an "Athletic Complex." Allowing one special interest
group (soccer) to dominate the park's acreage and most valuable hours of the day (when
kids are home from school and parents home from work), is discriminatory to everyone
else. It's time to return the sports fields into a park that is usable by all residents and
visitors with multiple areas of interest.
2. only open space in Coronado, keep it open

3. good balance of use

All those options put the fields in the South and I prefer the sports to stay together in
4. the North bordering the baseball diamond and between the fire station and tennis
courts. Then open space and walking could be in the South.
I want more shaded tree areas to sit under. There is no where to sit at the park that isn't
covered in dog pee
6. There should be more pickleball courts in all the plans. They are heavily used.
Too much soccer. My dog was hit by an ebike twice in 10 days by kid leaving soccer.
7. They have no rules, no discipline, no adult supervision. They need to go somewhere
else so the Coronado residents (owners) can enjoy our open space
8. Open space is the most flexible plan to provide enjoyment to the widest range of people
There don't seem to be many trees in any of the options provided. It's hard to see where
residents could stroll to enjoy nature rather than a competitive sport.
I think we should leave the park as-is. If we can’t, at least leave the basket ball and
tennis courts exactly as they are. Don’t move or expand them. Don’t connect the bike
path. No new trees or tennis court/pickle ball/basketball fences to block our views,
11. Seems like a good balance, down the middle--offering something for everyone.
Too much soccer space means more parked cars, risk of injury to pedestrians getting in
& out of vehicles on the main road. I've seen several near-misses already. PS, regarding
question 9, I don't know what these themes entail. They aren't mentioned on the above
map, so it is impossible to answer the questions.
Need a fenced or hedges in dog park. No expansion of tennis or pickle ball. Courts
seem fine where they are.
We do not need a pond that will attract bugs . We also don’t need sand volleyball there
are several courts that never get used over at the state park bayside.
The dog park gets heavily used by the entire community at all times of the day and
should be as big as possible . Currently people utilize more space than is “designated “
14. and it works nice to spread out the dogs during peak hours. People walk along the back
wall from one end to the other off leash which is nice . Very rarely do I see a dog run
into the soccer fields . Both my boys played youth sports so I completely understand
the importance of having a place to play and practice . It does seem like there could be
some space utilized up at Tidelands to spread it out .
15. Plan should add more pickle ball courts.
I am fine with the park still accomodating soccer- it brings life and excitement to the
Cays. I believe children need space to play, learn and grow and a soccer club is a big
part of that. I also have young children and love the idea of having park area that is
16. open for families, gatherings, and places to sit and ponder in such a beautiful space. I
also believe that we should be charging the soccer club some type of fee to use the park
when they do. Doesn't have to be a large sum, but something to contribute to keeping
the park up and continually improved.
I think that the soccer usage should be 25% but I like the tennis courts where they're
17. currently located (which is the 50% option). I would be concerned that moving the
tennis courts closer to the ocean would increase wind and hence quality of play.
Anything more than 25% for soccer detracts from a broader use, more public use and
enjoyment of more residents.
19. I'm not in favor of a set-aside for private soccer club use at all.

20. I also like Option 50.

It would be nice to have a "real" park like setting for everyone to enjoy besides catering
21. so much to the soccer people. I want the dog park enhanced for the dog people who
love this area for their pets to play.
I do not use the fields or lawn. My kids and I use the dog park, playground, sidewalk,
and the tennis courts.
I prefer the open green space of 100%, but think only half of that should be active use
for soccer.
24. Fix the irrigation system (if that is really an issue) and let the park simply be.
If you think of soccer players of a percentage of our young people, and a percentage of
all park users, I think dedicating 25% of the park for their sport is a generous
accommodation. We should develop a park that consider the interests of not only soccer
players, but also children who don’t play soccer, who don’t play other youth sports,
adults with and without pets, seniors, etc. There is so much more that could be done
with this park than make it a grid of soccer fields reserved for use only in the spring and

26. The pictures do not reveal the entire concept of the park.
Please stop the soccer dominance and disruption at the Cays Park. Accommodate
soccer at Tidelands where they were intended in the planning for Coronado .
28. I would like to see a bigger dog park
I believe the way you present the questions is misleading based upon knowledge that the
29. designers and city have asked for feedback meaning that the 4 options are simply ideas
and they really want feedback on the amenities.
I think there are elements of each that work and elements of each that do not work. I
don’t like any of the 4 options as they are presented.
One group/club should not ever have more use of a public park. I think 25% of the park
31. use for that group or any other group is very reasonable, as there’s others public parks
in Coronado, they can also be utilized.
I cannot choose any of those options because everyone of them as shown will cause me
to lose my ocean view
The green space that is designated for soccer is multipurpose for other venues, such as
33. concerts, outdoor theater and other community activities. All the plans also have
additional parking which helps with soccer activities. Love the dog park design as well.
No more soccer
The park should be for residents
35. Need to accommodate all residents and demographics in Coronado, not just soccer.

36. Do not want influx of outsiders in our community.

We own and live in the Cays and derive a lot of personal pleasure in using the dog park
with our friends with their dogs. A portion not smaller than the current dog park area is
desired. A privacy fence around the dog area is a bad idea in all respects. In nearly all
other dog parks, in other local area cities, dog parks that are fenced off or otherwise
"hidden" degrade in time. We have nearly zero issues in this regard currently. Our park
is beautiful, it allows a reasonable dog area, and the trees do not block the view of
home owners who currently enjoy a view of the ocean. The access street's 4 lanes
provides a large measure of safety for the bicyclists of all ages. I am ok with reasonable
concessions for city use, however the primary users are Cays residents. These home
owners and residents should not necessarily bear the burden of off island visitors due to
a pressurized need for equanimity. We bought into Coronado and the Cays for a certain
lifestyle that has existed for a long time. Again, we're not rejecting some sort of
concession for expanded public use, just a reasonable approach that keeps the local
stakeholders opinions closely held.
Need a concept/design that has an equivalent amount of un-programmed land as the
park has today
39. Soccer clubs should not have a say
The roundabout is not a good decision based upon the space and the flow of traffic. It’s
hard enough to get people to yield and merge into the one at the entrance of the cays.
41. Definitely do not want two lane roads keep 4
1) it moves the tennis and pickle ball courts back to the Strand road -away from the
houses. 2) provides a more pleasant view along the boulevard (like driving by spreckels
park) if plantings are done right. 3). Climate friendly. 4) allows good dog run area with
some shade.
43. I like watching the kids play soccer

44. Would love a water feature

Good use of non used space. Placement of Pickleball better for sound. Separation of kid
playground from dogs.
I like the idea that we can keep as much soccer and other organized sports play at about
the level we are currently experiencing. A few more trees/shade areas, and I'd love to see
46. a calisthenics circuit. I don't think we should touch Cays Blvd. for space and some of the
designs have what I would call overkill. We just don't need to go so bananas on the
1. Less Soccer
2. Enclose dog park
47. 3 . Update bathroom
Never walk over to look at the ocean view because dog owners busy chatting and don’t
see theirs dogs running up to jump on people.
Option 100 is the best of the set, but Cays Blvd. should ABSOLUTELY REMAIN 4
LANES for SAFETY and TRAFFIC reasons.
49. More park; much less (if any) soccer
We don't need to change the park. It is wonderful as it is. Open spaces are rare, and its
nice to have some grass to play.
51. Leave the park as is.
there is a disconnect between the design company and how the park is currently used
and who actually uses the park. nobody is driving here from the village or San Diego
unless they have a soccer game or they use the dog park. The village needs its own Off
Leash dog park
Option 25% seems to balance all the residents near by, which is what a public park
should be for. The public it serves. 25% walking trails, 25% water activities, 25%
sports and recreation, 25% community space for soccer or football or community
events. A balanced plan to serve residents.
54. We need more lighted pickleball courts.
I am a mother of two kids that love to go to the park and play soccer and walk with
dogs. I am a walker and although I would like some trees and bushes, I believe there is
55. a very important need to have a space for a sport that is so important for kids, not only
because of exercise but also to socialize and stay out of trouble and electronics. I really
hope we can keep 75% of the park for soccer.
56. Tennis area and green open spaces
They need to have a bigger parking lot. Soccer players park inside the villages and
sometimes it is impossible to park when we get home
58. There needs to be the question. do we really need to change anything?
Open space is delightful. Don’t take it away. Limit its use by private clubs. The park is
not meant to be a money maker for the city.
60. Most beautiful

61. Option 50 provides space for sports and also space for residents to walk along nature
I like option 75, just do not add too many parking spaces, we are fine as we are now,
please divide the park, create a small zone for small dogs to play separated from big
dogs, also we have many seniors that could favor from built in aparatus to excercise
near the kids playgrown like the ones you have at Tidelands park to excercise. And
some benches for them to rest when they are walking. Another batroom area in the area
where you will place the pickleball courts, and more drinking water dispensers.* Also
62. very important to request the city for permanent signs entering the Villages that state
*CAYS RESIDENTS PARKING ONLY. So players and visitors respect our small
spaces we have designated for our homes, as Cays residents, we have the streets and
parking spaces very limited in sizes, not for cars entering to cruise around in high
speeds looking in a hurry to park to see their games and we have seniors walking and
kids playing outside our homes and not happy that they drive in a hurry by our homes.
Thank you for asking us for our opinion.
63. Leave the park as it is now
Its a public park, not for private clubs. It would’turn out the park into a soccer place and
64. residents will not be able to enjoy it. We, residents maintain the parks with our fees and
My Family is really concerned that the designs we all see show moving some sort of
court in front of our home blocking our ocean view which is the REASON we bought
this home. It’s the reason the Mires bought this home originally and requested the
reverse floor plan. This is what caught our eye when we viewed it. Our home has a
reverse floor plan so our common spaces with family enjoy the view of the water. If
you guys push any courts any further right from where they are currently you will block
the main reason we bought this home.

Courts require lighting and typically high fences. The lights will be shining into our
backyard and house at night and surely the fences will block our field of view to the

Please please please. Less courts more green spaces and can we explore not pushing
new courts further right. Or not adding more lights and fences to them if you do build
The plans all take more green space and turn it into concrete "play" space, pushing
courts into the view paths closest to the ocean. This fundamentally is a terrible idea for
all homes that have a view point to the water. These courts require large scale bright
lighting in which will impede directly on all of our views in Bahama, especially ours at
24 Bahama. Our view is directly towards the water, this is the main reason we decided
to invest in this family home of ours. We have a reverse floor plan so that our views are
enjoyed in our common spaces & kitchen all day long. Our views will not only be taken
away of beautiful green space but of the dunes and the water with adding in courts,
lighting, high fences, and infrastructure. In CA we are limited in our green space and to
take this away with a huge additional footprint of courts is a negative impact on our
environment. We should be considering Dark Sky Compliant lighting for all homes and
any infrastructure in our community. Quiet, zen, gardens, water features, meditation
areas are what are needed at this ocean side community, not loud courts. Please
consider this approach. We are full time residents that need to be heard and understood.
Our investment in this home would be severely financially with taking away our ocean
We moved to the Cays because of this park. When I first looked at my home, listed
over July 4th weekend in 2015, there was a soccer tournament at the field as I was
viewing my future home in Trinidad. The field with so many children and pleasant
activities left an indelible impression on me. Every time there is a tournament or
children playing in the field, I feel blessed to live in the Cays. Why spend so much
money to ruin a beautiful thing? Also, I should add that I have children and neither of
them play soccer.

No I dont want to make this place like some cookie cutter orange county suburb. Please
leave it alone!!!
There is an ability to have a park and soccer too. But to have the entire park taken over
68. by soccer all weekend seems inconsiderate. Not to mention the over whelming parking
and trash soccer contributes to our beautiful community is unwelcomed.
69. reduce soccer fields. no pond. keep the road the same. plant trees. benches for sunset.
I do not want any change made to the park that would add trees or move the courts. We
love our home for the ocean view and all of the proposed plans would impact our view. I
also do not like the idea of creating a space that would invite a lot more activity in the
Cays. There is already a ton that goes on.
If we are going to make a basketball court, it would be great to have a built in indoor
soccer field built into the court. This would allow kids and adults can play soccer and
shoot on a goal without having to have one of the goals set up because the goal is
always there. A basketball/soccer multicourt.
72. The 25% looks like more fun!
Cays residents are denied use of the Cays Park on too many week days and weekends
73. due to soccer practice and tournaments. Traffic, parking, and noise on tournament
weekends are excessive. A small fraction of tournament attendees reside in Coronado.
The 25% option provides usability of the park for a much wider swatch of residents.
Currently there is too much soccer use. It keeps residents from using the park.
75. The 25% option looks best, but I think the arrangement could be improved.

76. No more soccer and keep the park for locals

77. Just fix sprinklers and leave as is.

Dog Park big enough for no fighting and Appreciating the beauty of the ocean MOST
important to me. PLEASE use TIDELANDS for soccer. I don't like that firefighters
need to sleep weird hours and tennis courts so close to firehouse. I despise use of water
features when we have MAGNIFICENT ocean. Keep the wall. Actually, I would
LOVE LOVE LOVE to see dog park divided - under 25 pounds and over now that
entire city will be using it and A LOT of pits and shepards whereas the Cays area a lot
of under 15 pound dogs. I'm an RN who lived full time in Cays 4 years and now
78. summers. Please use common sense, like a regular person- in real life, not just because
it makes sense in paper. Thank you. The ocean, the neighborhood streets, safety, these
are the important aspects of the wonders of the Cays. *** NO VAPING!!! OR
Penalty posted in many places for not picking up dog poop! Many people go to park for
solitude. Do not put benches near each other. The verbal FIGHTING , especially about
politics, is a nightmare! Easily rectified with no benches best to each other. All benches
in dog park to face in so people forced to watch their dog poop!
79. Balanced use of the park for open space sport, kids, relaxation. Goo walking paths
The renderings don’t show soccer fields at all. Also, I don’t believe the 100% is referring
to dedicated soccer space. I believe it’s referring to the continuation of space being
available for soccer compared to current use. If it was 100% dedicated to soccer there
80. would be no tennis courts, no dog park, etc. As I interpreted the plans, all renderings still
include other uses.

Those questions are misleading.

We should preserve OPEN space (whether it is for soccer or not). I don't want the
lighting poles in the soccer fields/open spaces.
82. Do not change the road. No round abouts.
I don’t think our park should be designed around a private soccer club. In addition, I am
dealing with the recent death of a family member AND a cancer diagnosis (including 2
surgeries) all at once and haven’t had the time or opportunity to better look at the
options. I wish I had time and this wasn’t so rushed.
My teenagers, my senior-aged mother, and I live in Bahama Village and have some
serious concerns that have not been acknowledged by Village residents with NIMBY
mindsets. The increase in traffic coupled with the lack of parking has already become
an issue in our neighborhood with the influx of private soccer clubs. I’m not in support
of anything more than the needed upgrades to the sprinkler system. Why we’re
designing a whole park around (or at least to accommodate) a soccer club is beyond
84. me. My kids and I love the basketball courts and pickleball courts as they are- and the
dog park is great. My son and his friends utilize the full court basketball at least 3-4x
per week. The baseball diamond was used every day during the summer and is often the
home of afternoon pick-up games after school. My mom is able to go for walks without
being too worried about traffic and strangers. We dont want to lose all of these things,
and that’s exactly what will happen if the City caves to the soccer club. This just seems
so unnecessary.
Traffic should be taken into account. There are no dog parks within walking distance. A
bigger fenced dog park should built.
It’s really rare to find so much green lawn area in any parks anymore. It’s very relaxing
and peaceful.
87. I do not recommend the round about not taking the lanes of traffic from 4 to 2

88. Open space no development is best

I don’t think this should be a private soccer club park but that’s not even one of the
options so I picked 25%
90. I feel that Option 100 makes the most sense of all the options presented.

91. I like the separation shown in the 75 option plan.

The soccer use should be limited. Parking and loss of the biggest park in the Cay is not
great for the case.
Keep culdesac, no changes to roads, add marked crossings and flashing lights at
Halfpenny and Bahama, do not encroach upon Firehouse with noisey pickleball courts,
do not lower the wall to previous levels nor design an opening from the bikepath, do not
block views from Bahama and Trinidad with trees. Remove hedges in the park that
hinder view of pedestrians and vehicles at Halfpenny Lane for safety reasons. Add
monkeybars to children’s play area and remove woodchips in favor of foam. Use rubber
in place of metal on swing connections to prevent squeaks. Expand existing bathroom
rather than add cost prohibitive new ones.
Would like a baseball field--why are we not focusing on baseball? It's just as popular a
sport as soccer. Would also like a "big enough" dog park as well as pickleball.
95. Would like a baseball field AND several pickleball courts
It is difficult to tell, but I hope there is a large, sun protected play equipment area for
97. I am against the concept of making all green areas like "islands". I want the dog park to
retain its shape but to extend it longer and make it wider. This shape allows for dogs of
all types to play on the whole in a friendly manner. Making a round or triangular
shaped dog park area will cause the dogs to congregate in the center giving the potential
of dog fights and not having the space to walk away far enough. There are lot of
retrieving dogs love to run and then you have the dog owner who is afraid of having
smallish size dogs next to a dobermann or german shepherd or rottweiler, etc. Don't
want the shape of the dog park to change.
I feel the dog run area is very important to those that do not have a space to run their
dogs. It is hard for me to see if these plans have left this area available for the dog park
section. In addition, i feel that a water feature is ridiculous. Hello mosquitoes and what
is it's purpose space wise? I am not a fan of cutting the street down to 2 lanes. The
parking that is being added does not seem to be significant enough for us residents to
lose roadway and bike riding space I fail to understand the importance of additional
98. trees. If I was a resident who's home now had the water views blocked I would be
furious. If you are looking for shade why not add a couple of canopies over park
The park needs it's irrigation fixed. The children's area and basketball court should be
improved. Trash bins should not abut picnic tables
Why not split soccer between Tidelands and Cays park and clean up what needs to be
99. Concerned about traffic, safety, people,noise, lighting, and views.

100. Soccer is what makes me want to go to the park

101. Leave the dog 🐶 area as it is

I prefer to update, bathrooms expanded, playgrounds,everything that is there now, and a
102. small expansion of the play ground(updated). Add some more benches, and picnic
I think that each one of the plans has something to offer the residents. All are enormous
improvements over the current pasture we call a park.
104. The above questions do not address additions or changes to the current park
Soccer is ok, but I don't think it should be a soccer park. I like the concept of curved
pathways and picnic areas. Also in favor of a bigger play area for little kids/grandkids.
106. Soccer supports families. So should we!

107. Public parks should never be used for competitive sports.

I think the trees would be a huge detriment to view corridors. Some shady areas would
be nice spread out. With the pickleball courts they could really be positioned in an
east/west position, as the wind is usually onshore or offshore. Single lane roads is a
disaster and more roundabouts too.
50% option allows tennis courts to be away from the noise created by Pickleball. Also
allows tennis courts to be oriented in the correct direction.
110. I like the shade trees associated with the walking areas in the 50% option

111. We need to protect the maximum amount of green space. Regardless of the soccer use.
Soccer fields for a private club that generates hundreds of thousands in tournament
revenue should be paid for by the club. This is park space for the general public in a
112. community where most homes have limited yard areas. The addition of 8 pickle ball
courts has created a parking shortage. The soccer tournaments and program will
increase that parking demand. The parking should be addressed.
113. All space should be public and private clubs should pay the city for usage.
Richard Willson

The current multi-use approach and facilities of the Coronado Cays park seem to
accommodate the needs of the City and Cays residents adequately and clearly that
should be the primary consideration.
The hurried approach to approval by some gives the impression of serving special
interests and not the general Coronado residents. This should never occur.

The revision of the park would likely provide additional costs for local residents. This
should obviously only occur if time was taken to make sure that any park changes
clearly represent the interests of the majority of local tax-paying residents.
This survey emphasizes the "private club" aspect of soccer usage. I find that somewhat
115. misleading as the large number of Coronado and other youth served by the park is
deemphasized here.
keeping the ancient design elements shown old blue and yellow nautical dates us - like
at the entrance - extremely disappointing. SO DATED
…seems like you’re trying to spend money to improve an area that is fine as is…except
for the OVERUSE by soccer teams…
118. I'm not a big fan of soccer
Maximum use of space, no water or sand elements, and kid’s play area makes the most
sense overall.
120. Retain the dog park size

121. Open fields is the best open. Less concrete is better.

Wide open spaces without obstruction of trees which block the views to the ocean
122. would be my preference. Soccer has overtaken the park and it doesn’t feel public during
the week for practice and weekends where games are all day.
Our neighbors and we prefer no trees (trees block ocean views from all angles) open
123. space, and moving soccer fields to Tidelands. Although our children participated in
soccer, unforOur Cays neighborhood is flooded with automobiles
I do not think any area should go to just one private club or sport. The park should have
multiple uses. The added strain on surrounding areas for parking is also a real problem.
125. The questioning is confusing the way it is laid out. So hopefully others understand.
If soccer is going to inevitably be happening, would cays be compensated for the extra
parking, people and field upkeep?
I think that to give precedence to a private soccer club is not in the best interest of the
Cays Park. This is a community park, and should be used by all. We should not have to
limit use to soccer's off times. We have owned our home here since 1987 and have
lived here for most of that time (my husband was Navy and we were gone from 1992
until 2004). The traffic, parking, and noise resulting from soccer has increased
I am NOT a fan of the game of soccer. That said, anything that gets people outside and
away from “screens” is a good thing.
Op 25% is eye pleasing but not sure it would be used as much as the soccer fields. Hard
to choose between 75% and 50% -depends on % of current popular use.
It is hard to understand the non-field use from these small drawings. ie: parking, tennis
courts and softball field
you'd like to share?

1. Let's get this show on the road!

A City Park needs to serve all age groups and offer both passive and active recreation
for multiple interests without one dominating the other. A true City Park contains: areas
of shade and sun; benches and tables in the shade; water fountains for people and pets;
playgrounds with shade to prevent burns from equipment; materials such as rubber
mulch or engineered wood fiber for playground foundation (but NOT artificial turf);
2. inclusive design, including walkways appropriate for wheelchairs, walkers, and
strollers; trash bins; par course or fitness area for older children and adults; and

Fitness areas for sports may include basketball, tennis/pickleball; softball; volleyball;
horseshoes, etc., but should be balanced with passive recreation.
3. I like the idea of Cays blvd as one lane, with a dedicated bike lane and roundabouts
I believe that Cays Park should be a community park. I would support modest
improvements. Schmidt Design did a wonderful job of providing possible elements.
But, we were instructed at the "reveal meeting" to think of the options as a menu to
choose from. Each option presented things I liked and did not like, so it is impossible to
choose. For example, in the 25% soccer fields, the tennis courts were moved and a
4. water feature added, neither of which I would like. And although the layout of the 75%
speaks more to me, it looks like the tennis courts have been moved and I do not see
much in the way of the sitting and walking areas. And, I strongly suggest keeping the
sports areas together in the Northern ends of the park. Open space combined with some
walking and natural landscaping could be in the South. Also, please do not change the
streets and do not add roundabouts. Thank you for soliciting my input.
5. more tree, less focus on dogs and soccer
I would discourage use by non Cays residents for security reasons AND because It can
be a nuisance with an overflow of non Cays residents .
The park currently is too lopsided to a private club. It needs to be a public park that
serves local Coronado property owners.
Please fix the irrigation issues and leave the park alone. If you do anything, please don’t
wreck the ocean views that we bought these houses for. Amenities all sound fantastic,
but all it will do is pull people who don’t live into the Cays into the neighborhood,
increasing congestion and causing far more headaches than the additional amenities
would be worth to those of us who live here. There are so many more places our tax
dollars could go that would be far more impactful than these plans.
I think a new park design would be great for the community so long as it’s not
singularly focused and takes the entire community into account .
Park should be designed for Coronado resident use, not controlled by private soccer
I am so excited for improvement. I feel like this piece of land is so beautiful and just
not capitalized enough for the residents that love this area.
The playground needs to be upgraded. It is small, falling apart, and not great for kids.
12. We have two small kids and want to walk to a park we can use, with a water fountain
that works, safe equipment, shade, etc. I am really excited to get the park updated!
As the park is significantly improved there must be a maintenance, repair and replace
13. budget that will assure the quality and aesthetic of the park. This must be sustained
going forward.
14. Thank you for this opportunity to express my opinion!
I would love to have different areas to walk to with my kids and dog, like rotate from a
garden and nature area to the existing playground to a view area to the dog park.
There is no need for some grand re-do of the park. Dont need to spend the money - it
16. currently serves its purpose and has significant flexible space. And "grant money" is till
public money that you are spending.
Soccer should not be the only sport consideration. I strongly believe that this park
should be for the residents not for outside clubs/sports or organizations.
Please consider residents concerns. We live with the soccer problems. Our enjoyment
of our home is diminished by thr overwhelming soccer presence. Thank you.
19. I could not see the plans to provide an answer for number 9
I don't believe a private citizen should be allowed to submit survey results. We do not
have quality control on results. I believe each village director should survey their areas
for "yes I like, no I don't like or indifferent" on each of the amenities to have accurate
20. representation of their villages to submit a letter on behalf of the CCHOA to the City of
Coronado. I also think that mixing Port land (Tidelands park) is not always a viable
option; plus the park here allows for many Cays kids to be able to get to activities vs.
having to be driven to Tidelands (on the opposite side of Coronado).
This survey comes across as extremely biased. It is obvious of the survey creator’s
opinion, which will lead to skewed results. Surveys extended to all residents should be
impartial and general if you truly want a complete picture of all residents’ responses. I
am a soccer and baseball mom. I do not own a dog so that part doesn’t really apply to
me. The short sighted solution of “move the soccer to Tidelands” neglects one area-
parking. Because of non-resident Tidelands gatherings, hospital employee parking, the
21. Marriott, and no parking areas such as 3rd Avenue, there are not options for additional
parking. I encourage you to try and find a parking space on a busy Saturday when there
is soccer, baseball, football, softball, team pictures, birthday parties, skate park, and
other events going on. Parents already circle for quite a while and many illegally park
and risk consequences. Adding three fields means adding upwards of 100 extra cars at a
time. There may be field space, but quite frankly there isn’t parking space. It’s not
feasible to have all families bike-some have younger kids, some come from farther
away, and most have gear. The option to move to Tidelands is clearly coming from
citizens that do not visit that park during the busy times, and do not have kids that play
sports there. Because I am a soccer parent, I visit the Cays frequently. What I DON’T
see is residents. I see dog owners. Baseball players. Soccer games. And kids playing. I
took pictures at noon this Sunday. It was a beautiful day. There was exactly one soccer
game, going on at the far field by the courts. I saw a few dog owners. A dad using the
baseball area with his kids. And zero residents using the grassy areas, the paths,
walking, or sitting on benches. Contrary to popular belief, the fields are not used by
soccer all day, every day. It’s a few hours each evening during the week and a few
hours on the weekends. There were no sports for the majority of Sunday there
yesterday. Plenty of time and space for residents to walk, relax, sit, watch the sunset,
etc. In addition, the Cays residents I know (I know quite a few) sit and relax on the
canals or use Grand Caribe. Will they use the new area if changed, that remains to be
seen. I feel these pushes are coming from a minority of residents that face the soccer
area, and is not a true reflection of the majority of Cays residents. At the very least I
disagree with a survey intended to gauge all resident opinions, while strongly leading
them towards a desired response.
In reference to the dog park area. We do need something like Boxwood hedges
outlining the dog area that would keep the dogs in and from running into other areas or
the street.
Also, placement of garbage cans, they should never be put next to picnic tables,
benches, etc…. No one wants to smell garbage or dog poop while they’re eating.
More shade is needed and water fountains accessible for two legged and four-legged

Also, about the item about lowering the wall height. Dogs in the past have jumped over
the existing wall along the dog park area ending up right next to the highway, which is
dangerous for everyone!!
The park is currently used by many residents every day. I am in the park twice a day
with my dog and consistently hear how nice the park is as it is. I don’t think we need to
make huge changes just small cosmetic repairs and changes that uplift the park but not
revamp it. I also believe that line of sight from homes in the Cays must be considered in
I believe the park is overdue for major updates and the designs are a great starting
25. Thanks for the survey.
Don't you dare try to change Cays Blvd to 2 lanes. Don't connect the bike path to the
The original Cays park field was designed as an open space, UN-programmed for lots
27. of activities and flexibility. All the options were way too programmed and need another
option with even less programmed area.
28. Soccer should not dictate what Cays residents need
Less is always more. Soccer is a good activity for the youth here and for the
29. community, and cleaning up playground, bathrooms, and enhancing the natural beauty
of the area without more stress on our natural resources. Good luck!
30. Change is good
I believe new bathrooms would be good. A couple more trees. I strongly disagree with
a separate entrance from the bike path as I believe it will lead to an increase in theft as
it will provide a quick un monitored exit from the Cays. A separate bike entrance is a
terrible idea and I am a cyclist.
32. Love the idea of improvement for the residents, not the outside soccer players
Non Contained Dogs off leash are becoming a huge liability for the city. Kids being
chased, elderly folks having trouble walking around them on the sidewalks. Both soccer
33. and baseball players have dogs interfering with play. The money spent to create a
barrier will save the city money needing to be spent on lawsuits due to uncontrolled
Everyone in favor of lowering the wall for better ocean view please know that means
louder traffic noise to residents and park goers.
Three Priorities: 1) Keep Cays Blvd 4 lanes; 2) The multi-use space should be large
35. enough so soccer and other users can rotate their orientations to mitigate high-use areas;
3) Adding lighting reduces use flexibility and is to be avoided.
The park is wonderful as it is. It's a great facility, and close proximity to the Coronado
36. FC access factored into why we purchased our house in the cays. Tidelands parking is a
disaster. More soccer fields would make parking even worse.
Please understand the Cays home owners should have the major say in this park, as
37. they live in the Cays not in the Village or across the bridge. We drive by it daily, and
endure the soccer parking in front of our homes.
I find it disturbing there is even a question on here about how to limit outside people
from using a “public” park. This is similar entitled point of view that gone us in trouble
38. with the Port District regarding the Cays Cottages. very elitist. Additionally, Tidelands
is owned by the Port so City of Coronado has no jurisdiction over that property and
how it is used without having to go thru the Port
Doing the right thing here is important and what seems right is a balanced approach. To
allow club league soccer to dominate the parks usage is an abuse and at the expense of
residents of the Cays. One easy way to come to that conclusion is to simply substitute
“Cays Park”with “Spreckels Park” in your proposal. Would we really want club soccer
dominating or monopolizing the use of Spreckels Park at the expense of Villagers?
39. Then why do it to residents in the Cays?
Aren’t we all family?

Cays Park should lean towards benefiting the closest residents, Cays residents. Luckily,
we have a sports area in Tidelands Park. Let’s make use of it for soccer, baseball,
football and other field sports.
40. More lighted pickleball courts

41. Can we leave it the way it is?

A single lane per direction on Cays Blvd. would IMPEDE traffic flow considerably as
cars often need to merge into second lane just to pass parked cars/people getting into
and out of cars, bicyclist, trash/landscape/delivery trucks.
Currently, beach goers and soccer club dominate our streets disproportionately in both
42. parking and use of park vs. Cays residents. During soccer, my family feels there is no
room for us to actually enjoy the park so we drive to Spreckles on the weekend instead
of walking from our house.
There is little shade to protect users from sun and the large open field is uninviting and
uninteresting ti those of us who aren’t playing ball of some sort.
Keep park simple, water drought in mind, easy landscape, shade, dog park separated
but lets keep sport areas alive! basketball, tennis, pickleball, soccer!!!! it is very
important to have active kids! Please dont lower the wall, The noice of strand will
affect us.
It is public in a RESIDENCIAL area we dont want too many people from outside
Is our park so bad that it needs to be redesigned for 2 million per acre plus the
maintenance? I think the park works well as it is.
46. You should make it clear that this is not the city’s official survey.

47. I think the park is fine the way it is. The only change necessary is more tennis courts

48. I would like this to park to improve their kids area and have more shade
No more parking spaces, we have enough parking all over the boulevard on both sides,
we need the boulevard wide as it is now with 2 lanes each side and its parking lane,
divide dog park for little and big dogs, create and area to excercise for seniors near the
kids playground, add another bathroom area, more drinking water stations, more
benches, not too many trees, basic low maintenance bushes and trees, add permanent
signs entering the Villages stating *Residents parking only, please. Thank you.
50. Would love to keep the green area.

51. Leave the park as it is

The cays park is fine as it is. Does not’need change, the proposed changes will bring
52. more non residents that do not care about park and may mean security issues. Leave it
as it is, it is fine. If its not broken, do not fix it!
Please do not build additional courts directly in front of the ocean view we bought this
home for. This would crush us.
Please do NOT build additional courts directly in front of our ocean view, this will
severely impact us daily and in the future financially.
Why is this being rushed? It seems that there is not a lot of time and opportunity to
raise awareness and opinion. I sense that there are many who object to aspects of
change and just as many who support certain aspects. We need to create a better
schedule so that Coronado Cays residents can have their opinions heard accordingly.
Unrelated, I feel the park is way too over watered! It turns into 'a marsh' and regardless
56. to how much standing water there is the grass gets mowed on Wednesday. There are
numerous mud pits throughout the entire park.
The dog area is extremely important to residents in the area
Having out of town people who don’t care about the community and the parks
cleanliness frustrates people. Soccer is great but their needs to be rules or changes for
the league and parking and dog park for them to play there all week. If they just had a
couple nights and Sat am and everyone new that’s the soccer times that would be better
Please do not take our ocean view away. This is devaluing our home. I also feel, all the
amenities that are being proposed will only attract people from outside Coronado. We
enjoy our quiet community and feel the amount of usage in the Cays now is fine, we do
not need to increase it.
It would be amazing to have a tunnel that goes from the south end of the dog part out to
the beach to allow for residents with dogs to more easily go to the beach with their dog,
and to allow for residents of who live in the southern part of the cays to be able to
access the beach easier without having to go out the main cays entrance.
Much of the time we are dodging outsiders looking for safe parking & sometimes
moving into our personal stree- side parking.
Cays residents are denied use of the Cays Park on too many week days and weekends
61. due to soccer practice and tournaments. Traffic, parking, and noise on tournament
weekends are excessive. A small fraction of tournament attendees reside in Coronado.
62. Thanks for your work on this. Great survey!

63. Soccer is not a benefit to Cays residents! No more soccer!

Thank you. My biggest concern is outsiders parking for beach and outsiders ruining the
park and homes.
Cays Blvd is working well - no lane reduction, do not changed median dividers to
This survey includes some inaccuracies about the current park use, proposed
renderings, and feels very biased against the Coronado competitive youth soccer
66. program. I support the continued use of the park for the soccer program and hope we
can find a solution that offers new additional uses for all Cays residents, Coronado
residents and non resident visitors.
No one Lane roads and no roundabouts, no pond, do not reduce the open field. Minimal
improvements should be made not a Disneyland concept. How much is the consulting
firm getting paid? This is the second consulting firm so far. The 4 plans proposed are
totally ridiculous.
68. I would vote for 0% if that were an option. I hate all 4 proposed plans.
The questions in this survey seem biased against soccer use and non residents. It is a
public park.
The children who play on the Coronado Soccer Club are from Coronado or go to school
70. in Coronado. Not sure where you have gotten your information from that the children
don’t live here.
Minimal additions and modifications will suffice and be well within a reasonable
budget which can include sprinkler and lawn upgrades.
72. baseball!

73. Would like a baseball field.

74. Thank you Kevin for your involvement.

As a homeowner in the Cays, local Real Estate agent..we feel blessed living here and
visiting Grand Caribe Beach often and dog park daily, I love love meeting people from
all areas of San Diego who come and enjoy what we are lucky to have in our backyard.
We all pay steeply to live in San Diego and I do not want to foster a feeling of
entitlement and exclusivity just because that person is not from Coronado. My friends
and family have commuted to Bird Rock to surf, OB to surf, etc. Carlsbad for hiking in
their parks and there are frequent situations where the locals of those areas don't like
others coming in and parking on their City streets. Thank God there are no restrictions
as most would be quarantined to their communities and not enjoy the area of SD
County wide. Coronado did a horrible job in how they came across as a community to
the Port Authority fighting The Cottages in the Cays..I was so disappointed with my
neighbors and friends for their outrageous statements of entitlement and exclusivity,
and it succeeded greatly by tipping the vote at the Port Authority by voting Pro for The
Cottages in the Cays. There was a vm from a Coronado resident who stated we don't
want trailer trash in our community and one of the Port Authority reps stated "I grew up
in a trailer park and I am thriving and doing well"...I was at that meeting for over 6
hours. So disappointed!!! Thank you for taking the time in building this survey.
Unfortunately, due to the amount of work people need to take to understand the 4
different designs..I am already disappointed how few of my neighbors have bothered to
respond. The fact is if they don't use the park..many will not bother weighing in.. How
can we be more effective in making sure the daily users of the park submit their
surveys? I have already heard the confusion from my friends about which survey
should they fill in and which petition to sign...I keep telling them to be sure to fill in the
survey from the HOA as I understand this is the only one being considered by the City.
Thank you Kevin for your efforts and work. My concerns as a whole is making sure we
have a lovely dog park area because it is used daily throughout the year in rain or
Kind Regards, Therese Pallares
PS: I would prefer the City to concentrate the significant amount of our funds in
battling this ocean tragedy from the sewage!
Most concerned about views and traffic safety. We do not have a lot of police present in
the cays
77. please leve at least 50%soccer fields

78. Keep 🐶 park the way it is !! Use the other portion for improvements. Let It Be !!
I am most concerned with the changing the lanes and medians on the street. It feels like
that was designed without taking into account that there is a neighborhood full of cars
79. and bikes that need to safely and efficiently drive out of the Cays. The designs that
change the lanes etc seems to be geared for the park users not the neighborhood. It
certainly doesn't take into account that there is a firehouse in the middle of the park.
Trees by the sidewalks or any trees that obstruct views should not be allowed. We need
80. to change the date of November 7th to a later date. We are being railroaded, and this is
not how it should work.
This survey with filled with leading questions and confusing . I did answer it to make
sure that some other the other side was represented. Short of the water issue, I see
virtually no reason to change the park with the exception of updating the restroom,
updating the children’s playground equipment (possibly fencing in) and fencing in the
dog park. The park, the pickleball courts, and the tennis courts are used regularly for a
few hours but never all day long. There is more than enough availability for all to
enjoy. Additionally there is no reason a question has to be answered when there is no
adequate response available
Sufficient space for soccer is important to our family, and to many families of
Coronado. The Coronado Football Club may be a “private” club, but that is because of
how the soccer federation in Southern California is organized. It cannot be formerly
affiliated with the city. However, the CFC is a huge part of the lives of many Coronado
families. It is easily the sport with the highest rate of participation among families
throughout the community. Tidelands is also already used every night of the week for
soccer, so it’s unclear to me how much Cays soccer could shift to Tidelands to balance
the field usage.
83. Statements about soccer use are biased and wrong. Not honest!!!
Public parks should never be used for competitive sporting events. Thanks for doing
I am ok with the way it is currently set up, except for the gathering areas, restrooms
85. (embarassing!) And lack of pickleball courts (4 more please) I use the park are
everyday and have for over 30 years.
86. None.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with the park as it is. All of these designs are
87. wasting money trying to fix something that is fine the way it is. There are better uses
for the city’s money than redesigning a beautiful park.
We should be spending our money on our streets, electrical wires above ground (put
under ground) and improving what is more of a priority than the park. The park works
well for most with exception of soccer who continue to dominate and take over "free"
space for us dog owners and just being out. I think this can wait and prioritize
something else that benefits more Coronado residents as the Cays park is not used by
all so find something that everyone can find satisfaction in and use our money to that
89. Separate dog park with fencing is necessary.

90. More shaded areas and views of the ocean would be amazing!
Richard Willson
The current multi-use approach and facilities of the Coronado Cays park seem to
accommodate the needs of the City and Cays residents adequately and clearly that
should be the primary consideration.

91. The hurried approach to approval by some gives the impression of serving special
interests and not the general Coronado residents. This should never occur.

The revision of the park would likely provide additional costs for local residents. This
should obviously only occur if time was taken to make sure that any park changes
clearly represent the interests of the majority of local tax-paying residents.
The issue of bike lane access to the park is a security issue. There is some oversight,
and therefore some crime deterrence, at the main Cays gate re people and vehicles
entering and exiting the Cays. I see no need to grant bicycles their own entrance to the
neighborhood as it is easy for them to travel a few feet further and enter through the
92. Main Gate.

I am generally happy with the park as it is currently configured. Priorities for me are 1)
to maintain the ability of Coronado and other youth to use the park and 2) to fence the
dog park while leaving it the current size.
Would want to make sure disruption/construction is done by big company to get it done
93. as fast as possible and not penny pinch - the entrance situation was so ridiculous. And
done in our prime months with windows open (noise) took way longer..etc
94. Good luck!
While the park is open to all citizens of San Diego and Coronado and Imperial Beach,
the truth of the matter is that it will be primarily utilized by Cays residents and people
utilizing it for sports and picnicing. There is too much dominance of soccer orientation
95. which gluts the park with people and parking and makes it very unenticing for Cays
residence. Too much sound and debris and the streets are lined with autos. Bottom line
is that it should be more of a nature park with some space for sports activities but other
space for dog walking, people's leisure and picnicing.
96. I appreciate your time and energy to ask these questions to the community.
Thank you for your efforts. For 20 years, we’ve regularly utilized the open-feel of the
park, including the full court basketball court. Years ago I was the one who convinced
the city to put in basketball court lights. Daily, I run/jog in the park. We regularly walk
our dog in the park. We prefer the city utilize Tidelands Park for soccer since there is
ample parking there and space to accommodate. We are being overwhelmed with
soccer, mostly people from outside of Coronado. Many people disregard no parking
signs within the Cays. We really enjoy the current wide open feel of the park. Thank
you for your consideration. Dr. Welch
Coronado Cays is a private residential area, it is not a place for people who do not want
to pay for state park parking. The park at the cays should be primarily for residents who
own homes here, and pay high HOA expenses as well as high taxes. It should remain a
98. peaceful place to live, and we should not have to worry about outsiders in our
neighborhood. It's bad enough in the summer and Hollidays that we can't even find
parking in front of our own homes. We should not allow a private club to take over any
part of a public park...and the public park should be for local residents.
Can the grassy area by the Montego Bay kids area be fenced in for dogs so that there
are two dog parks that can accommodate both sides of the Cays?
I am opposed to any changes to the park that will act as a “magnet” to non-residents of
the Coronado community.

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